Screw the Fags (3 page)

Read Screw the Fags Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Screw the Fags
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“Yeah, I know.” Cosmo held Alasdair’s gaze for as long as he was able. Those grey eyes seemed to see right into the heart of him and seek out all his secrets. “Okay, maybe that’s all right, then. But I don’t want you telling anyone else I’m your bitch.”

“I’m not going to tell anyone anything. And you are most definitely not my
. Although sometimes you’re my brat.” Alasdair had sidled in even closer, until their chests bumped together.

“Ow! These clamps are fucking killing me, boss.”

Alasdair’s eyes flicked over to the clock on the wall and a look of horror passed over him. “God! Why didn’t you say something sooner? I meant to take those off hours ago. I’m so sorry.”

So, Alasdair couldn’t handle being the perfect boss and the perfect Top all at once. The thought was strangely comforting, as perhaps it meant he’d be lenient when the nicotine withdrawal meant Cosmo was a less than perfect sub. Not that he’d ever been all that perfect in the first place, come to think of it.

“Lean back,” Alasdair commanded, before pulling Cosmo’s shirt up. His groan when he caught sight of Cosmo’s abused nips was a deep rumble. “Oh God, I know it’s wrong when you’re hurting, but that looks so fucking sexy.”

Cosmo raised his head to peer at his nipples. Round where the clamps were pinching the skin it looked deathly white, but the tips were a dark purple. It reminded him of the bruises Alasdair so often left on his arse, and the thought had him shifting on the desk, trying to get his dick to go back down again. Stupid thing wouldn’t listen.

“How bad does it hurt?” Alasdair was still staring at his nipples, now circling round one of them gently with his fingertips.

“Pretty sore, but it’s better now you’re doing that. Exciting. Takes the edge off it.” That look in Alasdair’s eyes. That was the one he got when he was about to ravish Cosmo. Oh yeah. Cosmo spread his legs wider and smirked. There were definitely some perks to Alasdair having this large, private office. Bring it on.

Then Alasdair only went and picked up the phone. Cosmo’s frustrated growl was quickly stifled by a large hand over his mouth.

“Denise, can you make sure I’m not disturbed for the next ten minutes? I’ve got some important work to finish before lunch... Thanks.”

Alasdair put the phone back down again and pierced Cosmo with a look like a pin through a butterfly.

“I’m going to be really careful, but try not to scream. Don’t want Denise rushing in, do we?”

Cosmo shook his head, his mouth dry. He clenched his jaw shut, then remembered what Alasdair had taught him about turning pain into pleasure. He deliberately relaxed his jaw muscles and deepened his breathing. Yes, that was better already. Closing his eyes was even better, as it meant he couldn’t tense before Alasdair loosened one of th—

“Fucking hell!”

“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s off now. You’ll be all right.” Alasdair dropped the tiny clamp onto his desk and Cosmo braced himself for the other one’s removal, all those lessons about relaxation temporarily forgotten. His poor right nipple throbbed with the returning blood. But when Alasdair dropped his head he kept on going, and before Cosmo realised what was happening, his nipple was enveloped in soft wetness.

“Mmmph!” Cosmo pushed himself forward, trying to get as far into Alasdair’s mouth as possible. Alasdair chuckled deep in his throat, and then there was a sucking sensation that turned the residual pain into spine-melting pleasure.

His other nipple still felt like someone was sticking knives into him, though. Much as he hated the idea of this impromptu spit bath coming to an end, Cosmo had to ask. “Please, boss. The other one.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry.”

Cosmo lay back and thought of England. Well, a bit of it, anyway. That little bit where he and Alasdair lived, and would be going back to later. Shame it was too cold for a dip in the pool as swimming would be a great way of taking his mind off the ciggies. He’d have to start dropping hints about getting it covered and heated. Maybe he should have asked for that for his birth—


There was a tiny chink as the second clamp fell to the desk top, and then the incendiary pleasure of Alasdair’s mouth. Cosmo couldn’t stop himself groaning and grinding his hips upwards. Okay, he hadn’t been given permission to get hard, but since Alasdair had screwed up with the clamps, surely Cosmo was allowed a little leeway?

It seemed he was, because when Alasdair’s hand grabbed hold of Cosmo’s cock, it wasn’t to pinch but to stroke. Oh yeah. Cosmo thrust shamelessly into that grip, wishing the layer of denim between them was well and truly out of the way.

Maybe there was a little bit of the mind-reader in Alasdair after all, because the next thing Cosmo knew, his fly was being undone and his jeans yanked down to his ankles. “Fuck, yeah.” The desk was chilly on his bare bum, but he didn’t care. Was Alasdair going to fuck him here? Did he keep lube in his office? There had been some fancy hand cream in the toilet, but he didn’t want Alasdair to leave him for long enough to fetch it.

Alasdair gave one final nipple-loving suck before pulling off and staring Cosmo straight in the eyes. “You’re thinking. Stop it. Your job is simply to feel.”

“Make me, boss.”

Perhaps it was dangerous to challenge a Top in his working territory, because Cosmo had barely finished speaking when he was slammed back against the desk by a growling sex beast. It was bloody uncomfortable with his head hanging off the other side and a pen or something stuck underneath him, but that all ceased to register when Alasdair swallowed his cock.

Sweet fucking heaven, that was amazing. Cosmo tried to lift his hips and push himself deeper, but Alasdair was holding him tight against the desk. Then the bastard only went and pulled off altogether.

Cosmo gabbled a protest and tried to shove his hips back towards Alasdair’s mouth.

“No way. I’m in control here. No coming until I say, either.”

“No change there, then.”

“Nope.” Alasdair gave a feral grin before swallowing Cosmo down again. Cosmo let his head drop back and lost himself in the sensations. Hot wet suction around his dick, Alasdair’s tongue working the underside as he slid up and down. Blood throbbing in his nipples with just the right amount of pain. Cosmo moved one hand, hoping Alasdair wouldn’t stop him, and gently pressed down on a nipple.

Bloody hell! Exquisite pain shot from his nips to his nuts, bringing them straight to boiling point. Stupid mistake. He was going to lose it now, and God knew what fiendish punishment Alasdair would devise.

“Please, boss. Please. I need to come. Right now.”

Alasdair’s chuckle was muffled on account of his mouth being stuffed full of dick, but he did at least give Cosmo’s cock a tight squeeze at the base. Oh yeah, that eased the pressure a notch. Only then Alasdair’s hand moved down to Cosmo’s balls and tugged.

“Arrgh!” Fuck, that was loud. The thought of Denise overhearing them should have been a cold shower, but instead it just had Cosmo even more worked up. “Please!”

Alasdair slurped off him noisily, then grabbed his prick hard, jerking his hand up and down without mercy.

“Can’t stop. Please.”

“You can come.”

Pleasure flashed through every nerve in his body, lighting him up brighter than the sun. Cosmo’s orgasm rushed out of his balls and spurted across his chest, again and again. He panted through it, groaning with the sheer joy Alasdair could wring out of him.

When the spasms subsided, Alasdair pulled him up to sitting. Spunk slid down his chest, cooling rapidly.

“Dirty boy,” Alasdair said approvingly, before scooping up a handful of it and offering it to Cosmo.

Cosmo licked and sucked greedily. Oh, he loved being fed his own juices from Alasdair’s hand. It was almost as good as tasting Alasdair’s come. Thinking of which... “Do you want me to suck you off too?” he mumbled around Alasdair’s fingers.

Alasdair shook his head. “I’m fine.”

“You sure?” There was definitely something tenting Alasdair’s trousers. As Cosmo watched, Alasdair adjusted his erection.

“Quite sure. I’m saving this till we get home. Some of us aren’t as young as we used to be.”

“You’ve only just turned forty-one. You don’t need a prescription for Viagra yet, surely?”

“Nope, but if it ever comes to that to keep you satisfied, I’ll be off for a prescription like a shot.”

Alasdair leaned in to kiss him then, and Cosmo could taste the truth of his words.

Alasdair might look like the one in charge, but all his efforts revolved around giving Cosmo what he needed.

Even if that involved a smoking ban. Cosmo sighed into Alasdair’s mouth and tried to let the post-shag nicotine craving subside. It was only a mental thing, surely. Just let those endorphins rise. He sucked on Alasdair’s tongue like it was his very last ciggie ever, and not the one pinned up in the kitchen either.

It sort of helped.


The rest of Cosmo’s first day in work with Alasdair passed relatively smoothly, and Alasdair was feeling proud of the lad as they drove home. Okay, so he could see Cosmo’s leg jittering up and down, but that wasn’t so very different to usual.

What was different was that Cosmo wasn’t wearing the usual butt plug and cock ring he’d normally have put on to greet Alasdair, and he had far more clothing on than was necessary. Although perhaps in the car it was necessary. However, the situation clearly needed to be remedied as soon as possible when they got in.

Alasdair parked in his driveway outside the double door garage. There was a twenty yard stretch of gravel between the passenger side door and the front door of his house. Hmmm... ideas.

“Strip,” he said, watching Cosmo’s face closely for his reaction. Oh yes, stupefied disbelief. That was always a fun one.

“You what?”

“You heard me.”

“Here? Can’t it wait until we’re inside?”

“We are inside.”

“Yeah, inside a
. Oh fuck. You really mean it, don’t you?”

Alasdair just smiled.

Cosmo muttered to himself as he struggled with his boots and jeans in the confined space. However, when he was finally sitting there naked, there was a distinct flush of arousal on his cheeks and across his chest.

“Good boy. Now you’re going to go and open the front door for me, then assume your usual position inside. Come on. Don’t make me wait.” He dangled his house keys out in front of Cosmo, who glared at them.

“Someone might see me.”

“Yep, that’d be me. And a very nice view I’ll have, too.”

“I mean the neighbours.” Cosmo pointed down the driveway to the house opposite. The tall hedges around the perimeter of Alasdair’s property effectively screened them from everyone else.

“You’re not bothered about skinny dipping in the garden.”

“That’s round the back of the house.”

“Cosmo, the chances of anyone even being in, let alone staring out of their front window at the exact right time to catch sight of you in your birthday suit, are pretty fucking slim.”

“Yeah, I know...”

Alasdair jangled the keys.

“You’re such a sadistic bastard sometimes.”

“Yep. A sadistic bastard who wants to watch your naked arse streaking that very short distance from door to door. Come on. Don’t keep me waiting.”

“Yes, boss.” But as he took the keys, Cosmo smirked. “Actually, this is kinda exciting. But don’t go getting any ideas about getting me naked in public on a regular basis.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Much.

“Okay, here goes.” Cosmo made as if to run when he opened the door, then slowed his pace dramatically and walked with an exaggerated swagger. Alasdair followed, his gaze glued to those rolling buttocks.

Oh yes. They were definitely doing this again.


Cosmo opened the door, his heart hammering in his chest. He was about to go through, then had second thoughts. He stepped back. “After you, boss.”

“Well, aren’t you behaving yourself beautifully today?” Alasdair gave him a kiss on the way past.

Cosmo took one last look at the blank windows of the house opposite, then blew a kiss in that general direction before closing the door and dropping to his knees.

That had been fun. Maybe they could do it again, next time Alasdair gave him a lift home. Of course, if he got his birthday wish, that wouldn’t be nearly so often in the future. Cosmo frowned. Damn. He’d just have to find excuses for Alasdair to drive him around sometimes. Or maybe when the weather improved they could go for naked walks in the woods. Well, he’d be naked, anyway. He always loved being starkers when Alasdair was still dressed.

Made him feel... naughty.

“You’re thinking again. Is it really that tough, giving up the ciggies?”

“Huh? Oh, I wasn’t thinking about them.” But now he was. Bugger. Cosmo’s fingers twitched. Was he going to have to take up knitting just to give his hands something to do? Or origami, maybe. Ever so slightly more masculine a pursuit, so long as you didn’t make itty bitty little paper flowers.

Alasdair pulled up Cosmo’s chin so he was looking up into those kind eyes. “You need to stop thinking about anything but pleasing me, you got that?”

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