Read Sea Panther (Crimson Storm) Online

Authors: Dawn Marie Hamilton

Sea Panther (Crimson Storm) (20 page)

BOOK: Sea Panther (Crimson Storm)
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obert stepped
behind the desk and took a deep breath. The realization of what he’d almost
done had instantaneously deflated his desire.

. When Kimberly’s scent altered from fear to
arousal, he lost control. Once again, she’d turned the situation around on him.
Her irrational plea had been nearly impossible to resist. What the bloody hell
had she been thinking to invite a vampire to feed? He almost performed the
unforgivable deed and taken her blood for the third time.

The consequences of such a foolish act would leave her life
in ruin.

He couldn’t live with being the cause of her pain. He needed
to learn more about the damn curse and Dr. Knight’s crazy theories for a cure.
The report had to be there somewhere. Robert shuffled through the paperwork on
Patrice’s desk.

“How dare you walk out on me?”

He glanced up. Kimberly stood in the doorway, hands on hips.
The peppery scent of anger mixed with feminine zest drifted into the office.
Robert kept his lips closed tight to keep from uttering the curse burning in
his throat.

She marched into the room, stopped in front of the desk, and
leaned forward, pressing palms against the polished cherry. “Who the hell do
you think you are?”

The wooden barrier between them prevented him from pulling
her into his arms, which would be disastrous for them both. Robert dropped onto
the chair and slid his lower body under the desk to hide his renewed interest.

Maybe Kimberly’s position, standing above him, would keep
fear from overpowering her nerve when he explained everything. He placed his
hands in plain sight on the surface of the desk in another attempt to lessen
the chances of frightening her. “Hear me out.”

“All right. But it better be good.”

Robert cleared his throat, stalling. He steepled his hands
in front of him and looked into her furious eyes. Instead of keeping the
advantage of height, she sat in one of the guest chairs across the desk from

“As you are aware, I am a reviled vampire.”

“Hardly reviled.” A smile pulled at her mouth. She fought it
and gripped her upper lip with her teeth instead.

He glanced away to gather scattered wits. “I will leave the
adjective in place for now,” he said, returning attention to Kimberly. “You
ken, ’twas my fault the insane young man stalked you.”

“Colin told me you almost killed the guy’s sister.”

“Aye. I did.”

“But you didn’t. You made sure she received medical
treatment and emotional counseling.”

He flipped a hand through the thick air, dismissing the
import of the comment. “Dinnae you understand what I am trying to tell you? I
hunt to feed. I cannot always control the bloodlust.”

“You’ve been drinking clinical bags of blood.”

He couldn’t help the grimace that twisted his lips. “’Tis
not verra appetizing. But aye, I have other methods of feeding besides drinking
blood from humans.”

“There. You see? I have nothing to fear from you.”

“I am a monster.” He shouted the words.

Kimberly cocked her chin. “Not to me.”

He shook his head. How could she be so foolish? “Have you
forgotten that I am also a shape shifter?”

“Your panther form is magnificent.” She scorched him with a
direct gaze. “But that doesn’t give you the right to abuse me the way you did
in the treatment room. Especially after I risked my heart admitting I still
love you.”

He held his breath. Could she mean those words? “There is
nae future with me.”

“Of course there is. You’re immortal.”

He shook his head.

“Robert, listen to me. I. Love. You.”

“Dinnae you understand?” He dragged a hand over his face. “I
have endangered you.”

Kimberly pursed her lips.

“I am not a nice man. Bloody hell, I am not a man.” He
glanced at the ceiling. “Satan curse me, I am a beast, not a man.” He banged a
fist on the desk.

“But, Robert—”

“Dinnae you understand? Are you nae listening to me?” He
hung his head, spent.

When he glanced up, Kimberly smiled.

“What?” He rubbed his chest, trying to ease the discomfort
burning there.

“You’ve told me your opinion. Would you like to hear mine?”

He nodded. What else could he do, facing her sincerity?

“Here’s what I know.” She pegged him with a look that stole
his breath. “You are a good man, a gentle man, a loving man. The beasts within
you are like a disease. All we need do is find a way to heal you.”

“You dinnae understand of what you speak.”

“Oh, I do. I’ve had many long discussions with Dr. Nolen. He
believes the solution to your problem is buried somewhere in Dr. Knight’s
research notes. It’s a matter of finding the correct notations. He’s in his
office, reviewing the files right now.”

“Where is Patrice?”

Kimberly’s eyebrows rose in a feminine arch. “Patrice is

“You told me you knew the truth.”

“So you did hear and understand me.”

“Aye. Where is Dr. Knight?”

Kimberly shrugged. “Disappeared.” Her smile glowed, and
although it shouldn’t, the sight warmed the chill within the deep shadows.
“Shall we go see Kurt?”

“Kurt is it?” A possessive blast shot through Robert’s
veins. The panther awakened, demanding to surface and enforce his ownership.
Robert held the animal back, wanting to make his own demands.

“Dr. Nolen and I have become good friends.”

Robert growled then stalked around the desk to tower over
Kimberly. “You will become non-friends.”

He pulled her up and into an embrace, renewing his claim.
She wrapped warm arms around his neck, leaning into him, sweet lips pressed
against his cheek. The panther quieted.

“I love you with all my heart.” Robert kissed her once,
fiercely, to remind her that he was the one she loved. Then he released her.
“Shall we visit Dr. Nolen?”

Her thoroughly kissed, dazed expression made his black heart
pound a joyous rhythm.

“Come.” He grasped her hand.

She laced her fingers through his, sending a gentle thrill
through him. When she touched him like that, he almost believed everything
could be resolved between them. Robert tugged on their joined hands, and they
left the office together.

Being a sunny February Sunday, minimal staff worked at the
compound. Robert steered Kimberly through the quiet corridor toward Kurt’s
office. They walked side-by-side, hands clasped, a single unit.

He squeezed her fingers gently, unsure whether he meant the
gesture to reassure her or himself. Though her acceptance gave him hope.

The door to Kurt’s office hung ajar, and they entered
without knocking. Kurt uncharacteristically slumped, bent over one of many file
boxes cluttering the corner of the office. He spun around with a hand held to
his chest when realizing they stood behind him. “Damn. You startled me.”

“Sorry, old boy. Kimberly said you have Patrice’s notes and
you think a solution to my, er…” He glanced at Kimberly, and she smiled
reassuringly. “…problem might be noted within.” Robert shifted his gaze to the
abundance of cardboard file boxes. “What is all this stuff?”

“Patrice’s research.” Kurt ran a hand through unkempt
graying hair. “Books on vampires, shape shifters, the Celts, Voodoo, Hoodoo,
cults, the Bermuda Triangle.” He waved an arm over the cardboard boxes.
“Journals and interview notes. And…well, a lot of reading material.”

“Can we help?” Kimberly asked.

“Sure.” Kurt straightened, relief vivid in his hazel eyes.

Robert grabbed one of the notebooks. “Tell us how you wish
us to proceed.”

“Just read. I think you’ll recognize anything important.”

Kurt dragged a box full of books across the floor to the
sofa for Kimberly. Robert tossed the notebook back into the box, picked the
thing up, and followed Kurt.

Kimberly sank onto the cushions and selected a thick book
from Kurt’s box. “Oh, yay, Dracula.”

“I don’t think we need to read the fictional novels.” Kurt
selected a nonfiction book and held it out. “Here, read this one on Voodoo.”

“Cool.” Kimberly’s lips curled into one of those
quick-then-it’s-gone smiles. Then she discarded the Bram Stoker classic and
accepted the other book from Kurt. “I always wanted to learn how to put a curse
on someone.”

Hours later, Robert rubbed tired eyes. The words on the page
had blurred.

“What the hell?” Kurt raised his gaze from the journal he
was reading. “Patrice wanted you to convert Kimberly into a vampire?”

Kimberly’s gaze shot to Robert.

He returned the stare. “I told Patrice it was never going to

“Why would she want you to convert me? Oh yes, I get it, she
wanted you for herself.”

“According to the notes in this journal.” Kurt shook the
offensive bound document. “She believed if Robert took your blood three times,
the third time being at the exact location and time of the curse, you would
become a vampire shifter and Robert would be cured.”

“That’s insane.”

“Aye, ’tis.” Robert grabbed her hand and cradled it to his

“You’d also have to take his blood in between each of his
feedings,” Kurt added.

“Ick. I don’t think I could ever do that.” She wrinkled her
nose then squeezed Robert’s hand. “I’m teasing. I know you would never hurt

“That is not exactly true. I have already hurt you.”

“No you haven’t.” She shook her head adamantly.

He twisted to face her fully. “Aye, I have. Do you remember
the day my, er…pet raven scratched your finger?”


“Ach, well. When I licked the wound, I ingested some of your

“Does your saliva have special properties? Is that why the
scratch healed so quickly?”

“Aye. But to get back to my taking your blood…” He glanced
at Kurt and felt his face flush.

“Do you want me to leave?” Kurt asked.

“Nae. You already ken most of the sordid details.”

“Sordid?” Kimberly tugged on her hand.

“I dinnae mean the lovemaking, sweetling. I am referring to
the despicable things my vampire-self did to you when I lost control.”

“Despicable things?” she asked, looking confused. “What did
you do?”

He held her gaze. “When we made love the first time, I
pierced your flesh to feed as we climaxed. That was the second time I ingested
your blood.”

“Oh.” A scarlet blush colored her throat and cheeks.

“I fear if I lose control again. Feed from you again… Ach,
well, I am not sure what will happen.”

“Patrice believed three exchanges of blood would produce a
vampire shifter,” Kurt interjected.

“But how would that cure Robert?” Kimberly looked to the older
man for answers.

“We believe your blood contains special properties. That
your blood has altered his quintessential vampire traits. That’s why, all of a
sudden after he fed from you, he could tolerate the sun. Anyway, Patrice
believed your blood would convert Robert back into a mortal man and you would
become a vampire shifter to replace him.”

Robert moved uncomfortably on the sofa. “Kimberly…”

“It’s okay, Robert, I know you won’t harm me. I wondered
about your ability to withstand the sun.” Kimberly took a deep breath. “After I
licked his injured finger, Kurt, I didn’t feel anything strange. I didn’t feel

“We don’t understand everything about what is happening with
your blood or Robert’s.”

“Kimberly, I never meant for any of this to happen,” Robert
said, his regret nearly strangling him.

She squeezed his fingers hard before dropping his hand. “I

“Kurt, we haven’t had a chance to talk since I was shot.
Before I went under hypnosis, Patrice presented a theory about what would cure

“Well, what was it? That is, besides exchanging blood with

“Patrice seemed to believe if we traveled back in time to
the date of the actual curse and I took Kimberly’s blood there and forced her
to feed from me, I’d be cured.”

“Wow!” Kimberly’s eyes rounded.

“Aye. Wow is right. I told the woman to forget it. I will
not endanger you.” He flicked his gaze to Kurt. “But what if I could travel
back in time? What if I could travel back in time and change the events leading
up to the moment Zola performed the curse?”

A knock sounded at the door. After a brief moment, Colin
stuck his head in. “Raven left a message on the answering machine.”

“What is it?”

“She’s off to Scotland.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Great. He didn’t have the luxury
of time to deal with his evil twin.

“She also said she’s taken care of two of your problems. The
rest is up to you.”

“I can only imagine what she means.” He shook his head.
Could his life get more complicated? “I appreciate you coming to bring the

“No problem. I thought you would want to know right away.”

“Aye. Thank you.”

Colin left and closed the door.

“What do you think the message means?” Kimberly asked.

Robert shrugged. He didn’t want to guess. His sister was
certainly up to no good. Scotland? He hoped she wasn’t foolish enough to search
out Séaghdha. According to Patrice’s notes, he had a lair somewhere in the
western islands.

He should go after his sister, but he and Kimberly’s
situation had to come first.

“There is something else you need to know.” Robert placed an
arm on the back of the sofa and leaned into Kimberly. “Raven and Marion are one
in the same. Raven is my twin, but she is also my pet bird, Marion. Her real
name is Marion MacLachlan. She followed me those hundreds of years ago when I
left my home in Scotland to sail for Jamaica.”

“How did she become a vampire?” Kimberly asked.

“Men kidnapped her, and because they thought her a lad, they
pressed her into service on one of His Majesty’s ships. She refused to tell me
how she was turned. Just that she was bitten by a vampire. After reading
Patrice’s notes, I suspect it was Séaghdha, a verra ancient vampire of legend.
He must have converted her into a vampire capable of shifting between the forms
of a raven and a beautiful woman.”

BOOK: Sea Panther (Crimson Storm)
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