Seal of the King (55 page)

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Authors: Ralph Smith

BOOK: Seal of the King
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“What’s it like in the other world
?” Tom asked.

“It’s like going back in time hundreds of years. The only metalworking I saw was for weapons or cooking.” David said

“How dangerous do you think this is going to be?” Michael asked

David said, then paused a moment and looked at his dad “more dangerous than last time. Although we won’t have Him to contend with, which is an enormous plus.” They all stood silently then David added, “This time I’m going to be better prepared. A few attention getters might go a long way in preventing some of the fighting. These people aren’t particularly sophisticated, so loud noises and bright flashes could prove extremely helpful.”

"I like it,"
Gabe said.

"Almost makes me want to come with you,"
Tom said.

“Maybe you
and my dad can find something to blow up while I’m gone. Someone has to keep him out of trouble.”

“Hey now,” Gabe said
, “These days I have to worry more about getting into trouble with your mom than anything else.”

"That's too dangerous for me,"
Tom said with a laugh.

“I think Michael’s in the most danger of us all” David said
, and they all laughed.

When the men walked back inside they found the women huddled together on the couch. They immediately stopped talking as they entered the room
, and Addie and Molly were both a little red in the face.

“What are you four up to?” Gabe asked suspiciously.

"Never mind Gabe," Ruth said.

“I think Michael is in more trouble than we thought” Gabe said
, and they all laughed as Michael and Molly shone bright red in the face.

"Gabriel, you watch out,"
Molly said half amused.

Aurora stood up
, and walked to David “I told Aunt Molly not to wait for us to get back for the wedding. I hope that’s all right with you.”

“Definitely. Aunt Molly, we have no idea how long we’re going to be
, and you two shouldn’t wait to start your lives together.”

Molly looked around at everyone
, and seeing no objection finally said, “Ok.”

Gabe said mischievously “If you wait too long Michael may change his mind.”

"Gabriel I warned you,"
Molly said with a little laugh, and stood as if she were going to hit him.

Michael stepped in
, and taking Molly in his arms said, “Don’t give it a thought. I’m not changing my mind.”

She smiled at him
, and reached around and pinched her brother. “Ouch!” Gabe exclaimed.

Everyone laughed
, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m going to call it a night before I get dragged into this.” David said.

"Smart boy,"
Tom said.

"Smarter than his father,"
Ruth said.

"Hey now, brothers and sisters are supposed to give each other a hard time,"
Gabe said.

"Good night everyone,"
David said as he and Aurora moved towards the hallway. He bent down and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. Addie was sitting next to her on the couch, and he said, “Be careful Addie, once they get started …”

“I will. They aren’t getting me in the middle” Addie said.

"Goodnight everyone," Aurora said and gave Ruth a hug. Ruth looked up at her, and gently placed a hand on Aurora’s cheek smiling.

Once inside the room they began changing for bed. David said
, “My dad and I are going to sort through our gear in the morning, and then go to Bob’s to pick up a few things. Would you like to come with us?”

“If you don’t need me, I might just stay here with your mom.” Aurora said.

“That’s fine. I’m so happy you two get along so well.” David said.

Yes, I truly like her. I know this isn’t actually our home, but I feel so at home here.” Aurora said.

“Of course it’s our home. This is where our family is.” David said

They climbed in under the covers, the room was c
hilly, and the sheets felt icy against their skin. David was lying on his back, and Aurora pressed up close against him her arm and leg draped over him as much for warmth as comfort. She was holding him tightly, and he could sense the slight melancholy in her mood. His arm wrapped around her, he pulled her close to him.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. As happy as I am, I would love to have had my parents here to meet you.”

“I would’ve l
iked that.”

“I wish we didn’t have to leave. It would be
wonderful to stay here with our family longer, and be normal for a change.”

“It sure would
, but I have to tell you, you aren’t normal.”

In an uncertain voice
Aurora asked, “What do you mean?”

“You are exceptional
, and if we never get to live ‘normal lives’ it’s a small price to pay to be together.” David said then kissed her on the top of her head.

She squeezed him tightly
, and said, “That it is.” He could feel her smiling against his chest.

They sat quietly for a little while then David realized she had drifted off to sleep. He closed his eyes
and joined her.

The next morning they woke with the sun
, and found the kitchen buzzing with activity. His parents, Tom, Michael, and Molly were all busy getting breakfast ready and talking. David and Aurora joined them, and a little while later Addie appeared. David assumed with her nighttime schedule working at the restaurant she wasn’t used to getting up so early.

They had an enjoyable breakfast
filled with lively conversations. With the exception of Aurora and Addie everyone had known each other a long time, so there was plenty to talk about. As soon as breakfast was done Aurora and Addie volunteered to help clean up while Tom went with Gabe and David to begin reviewing all of their gear, and help them round out what they needed for the trip. The three of them were all expert woodsmen, and by the time they finished they felt they had everything covered. A couple of hours later, and a trip to Bob’s, they all felt David and Aurora would be ready for anything.

When they returned
, David was happy to find the girls and Michael all engaged in conversation. Michael had opted to stay with his bride-to-be since he wasn’t much of a woodsman anyway. Aurora, seeing David enter the room, rushed over to give him a quick hug and kiss. Then she hurried back to where his mother was teaching her how to make a pie. They put it in the oven just before lunch, and the smell of it baking made them all anxious for it to finish.

They decided to leave right after breakfast in the morning. Gabe
and Ruth were going to drive them up to the clearing so they could bring the car back. They didn’t want any signs indicating where they had gone. During the afternoon plans for the sanctuary were discussed. Years ago, they had begun building a small village in a remote part of the property that David was surprised to find out about. It was one of the few places he hadn’t explored; primarily because once he was managing the farm by himself he just didn’t have the time.

No one had been there in years
, but seals protected it, and they were hopeful that they could get it into shape without too much trouble. The good news was that they had many hands with all the council members and their families. Once they had finished a long dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and enjoyed the pie Ruth and Aurora made, David was ready for some fresh air. He and Aurora decided to sit outside for a while before calling it a night.

Sitting on the same bench, where David had saved her from an assassin’s arrow, all was calm tonight. “I think it’s a good thing we’re going to be on foot for a couple of days. I need to work off all the food we ate today.” David said

Aurora ran her hand around his middle
, and said, “you still feel good to me.”

“I think you’re delirious from too much food too. It was
great spending the day with everyone. I’m glad you suggested it.”

"I'm not delirious,"
she said, “and I had a really good day too.”

The fresh air felt
refreshing, but it was cold with a slight breeze. They pressed close against each other for warmth. “I suppose we shouldn’t stay up too late so we can get an early start tomorrow.”

“And this may be the last night we get to sleep in
a bed for a while.”

“Hmm maybe we should take advantage of the bed then?”

Aurora giggled a little, and said, “then what are we doing out here?”

They got up
, and went inside, said their goodnights to everyone, and made their way back to their room. The minute the door was shut David kissed her, his gentle sensual lingering lips sent waves of sensation rippling through her whole body. His strong hands on her waist pulling her close to him made her feel weak in the knees. She cooed her approval as her hands began roaming over his strong frame. His heart was pounding, and feeling her body pressed against him was intoxicating.

Hours later they laid there breathless
, wrapped around each other, lost in the closeness they felt. Neither one of them spoke not wanting to disturb their peaceful contentment. At that moment nothing else existed for them, they didn’t have a mission. There was no journey ahead of them. It was just the two of them, lost in each other. Lying there, holding onto the moment as long as possible, they both drifted off to sleep.

, the morning sunlight drifting into their room woke them. They looked at each other and smiled, as if they had just lain down. "Hi," Aurora said.


"I guess we have to get up

“I guess we do

Reluctantly they got up showered, dressed
, and straightened up the room. They weren’t going to be back here for a while. They put all the things away they weren’t going to take with them, then turned and looked one last time on their way out the door. As they made their way to the kitchen, they could smell the enticing aroma of breakfast.

The morning’s co
nversation was upbeat, but subdued. They all felt the weight of David and Aurora’s impending departure. They weren’t just leaving; their voyage marked the beginning of what was to come. Their lives were all going to change and no one had any idea of what to expect. After they had eaten Michael, Molly, Tom, and Addie insisted they would clean up, and that Gabe and Ruth should take David and Aurora so they could have some time to themselves to say goodbye.

David assured them all that they would be back. He quietly asked Michael
and Tom to look after his parents for him while he was gone, and of course they agreed. Even though they had regained a lot of their strength, they both still had a way to go after their long ordeals. Then the four of them set out for the clearing where they expected to make their way back to Aurora’s world. It was a short drive to the wooded path, and once out of the car they donned their backpacks. Aurora looked at the sword on one side of David’s pack, and a weapon she hadn’t seen before on the other. She wasn’t sure what it was, but thought they had plenty of time for her to ask later. He also had extra arrows for her bow, adding to the large supply she had on her pack.

and Ruth walked with them through the woods to the edge of the clearing. Gabe turned to David, and said, “Son be careful, I’m going to miss you terribly, and want you back here in one piece.”

David hugged his dad
, and said, “I will Dad. You be careful too. I expect you and Mom to be safe when I return. Don’t take any unnecessary risks while I’m gone.”

“I’ll have my hands full with your mom
, and the wedding, remember?” Gabe said, “So don’t you worry about us.”

David saw Aurora
and his mother hugging and smiled. Then he walked over and gave his mom a hug too. “Hurry back, Son” Ruth said.

"We'll do our best Mom,"
David said as he wiped a tear from her cheek “try not to worry, I promise we’ll be back.”

and Aurora took each other’s hands and headed into the field. Gabe and Ruth stood and watched as the air began to crackle. Then with an explosion of light they were gone. The two of them stood staring at the spot they last were; Gabe put his arm around Ruth who began to sob quietly into his chest. He didn’t say anything. He had to be strong for her, and the lump in his throat told him his voice would betray him. In silence, they turned and headed back.


Coming soon. David and Aurora continue their journey in “Seal of the King into the Heart of Darkness”.

and Aurora, head back to her homeland to rally the people. They have to prevail in the final battle against the Dark One’s army before they can continue their quest. Outnumbered and facing monstrous demons, it will require all of their skills and faith to survive.

If they succeed
, they face a far greater challenge. They must travel to the temple, and into the heart of darkness to discover the Dark One’s secret. To make matters worse, every day they are gone His influence on our world will grow.




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