Read SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle Online

Authors: S.M. Butler,Zoe York,Cora Seton,Delilah Devlin,Lynn Raye Harris,Sharon Hamilton,Kimberley Troutte,Anne Marsh,Jennifer Lowery,Elle Kennedy,Elle James

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Bundle, #Anthology

SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle (100 page)

BOOK: SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle
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However, when they walked into his living room a minute later, her chivalrous door-opening knight transformed into someone entirely different.

“Take off your clothes before I rip them off you.” His voice was deep and growly.

“What, you’re not going to offer me a drink first?”

“Sure, I’ll offer you a drink—
you take your clothes off.”

He flashed a cocky, filthy grin, and Jill’s body promptly broke out in shivers. God, he had the sexiest smile on the planet. And his camo pants and tight green T-shirt gave him a badass military vibe that made her heart pound. All that was missing was the dog tags. And oh boy, what an image
made. Shane Heron, wearing nothing but dog tags.

“How about this?” she countered. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

She wiggled her eyebrows, which earned her a chuckle, low and raspy and sexy as fuck.

“Deal,” he agreed.

“Good. You fir—”

His hands tugged on the collar of his shirt before she’d even finished talking.

When his chest was revealed, it was like someone had shoved a wad of cotton balls into Jill’s mouth. She couldn’t swallow. Couldn’t breathe. Sheer masculine perfection assaulted her vision. Defined pecs, tight abs, muscles honed not in a gym, but from pure, grade-A ass-kicking. His chest had a dusting of dark hair that narrowed into a treasure trail, and now her mouth filled with saliva, her tongue itching to lick that line of hair all the way down to where it disappeared into his waistband.

“Your turn,” Shane said mockingly.

She snapped out of her ogle fest, her fingers trembling with impatience as she peeled her sweater over her head. That left her in a nude-colored bra, the material so thin that her puckered nipples were practically poking through.

Shane’s blue eyes smoldered as he admired her cleavage. She knew she was kind of chesty for her slender frame, and since she’d had too many lovers question her proportions, she offered a preemptive wink and said, “They’re real.”

“Hmmm. Yeah?” He slanted his head. “I think I’ll have to judge for myself. Can’t take anyone’s word these days, you know.”

He followed through with the wicked threat, approaching her with predatory strides. Her breath got stuck in her throat when he cupped her over her bra. His hands were big, warm, completely in control as they squeezed her aching breasts.

“Definitely real.” He nodded in approval, the corners of his mouth curving.

Another gentle squeeze, and a bolt of pleasure zipped right to her core, followed by a flurry of shivers that broke out on her skin when he teased her nipples through her bra.

“This is getting in my way,” he grumbled, then deftly unsnapped the bra’s front clasp. His expression damn near incinerated the room when her breasts were exposed. “Jesus. You’re fucking incredible.”

His thumbs swept over the swells of her breasts, stroking, teasing. His mouth didn’t join in, and his fingers didn’t touch her nipples again, and Jill moaned in frustration as those callused fingertips caressed her feverish flesh, avoiding all the areas that were aching for his touch. Her nipples were hard as icicles and tingling as wildly as her clit, but the infuriating man continued to avoid them, now exploring the undersides of her breasts.

“More,” she blurted out.

“Aww, you want me to suck on these pretty tits, sweetheart?”

The graphic words made her shudder.

“How bad do you want it?”

Oh, sweet mother of God. She hadn’t known what to expect from this man. He was so serious most of the time that she’d assumed he’d clam up in the bedroom, too. Maybe grunt a lot. But no, he was a talker. He was a wonderful, filthy talker. And she fucking loved it.

His fingertips tickled the sides of her breasts, and she fought another moan. “Bad enough that if you don’t give me what I want, I’ll kick you in the balls.”

“Hey, hey,” he chided. “Don’t go bringing my balls into this. Now ask me nicely.”

When he dragged a finger down the valley between her breasts, she lost the ability to think. “Ask you what?”

“To put my mouth on your breasts.”

Rough fingertips traced her areola, inducing another brain failure. “Ah…um…” She struggled to formulate words. “Shane…please…” She squeaked when he suddenly pinched both nipples. “Oh God, please. Put your mouth on my breasts.”

“Okay.” The acquiescence was swift, unexpected, and then he dipped his head and captured one nipple between his lips.

Jill’s knees buckled, and she grabbed the back of his head to steady herself, a motion that also achieved bringing his mouth closer. He sucked hard on the distended bud, and stars filled her field of vision. The moan she’d been holding slipped out, echoed by a husky one from Shane that vibrated in her breast and spiraled to her core.

With his hot mouth still latched on her nipple, he slid a hand down her belly to undo her jeans. A wave of urgency swelled inside her, and she hurriedly helped him, kicking her legs out of her jeans, shimmying out of her panties as he continued to tongue her nipple like he had all the time in the world. She, on the other hand, had turned into a ball of impatience. He still had his pants on, damn it. Why wasn’t he

Her hands clawed at his belt, causing Shane to lift his head. “Don’t worry, baby, you’ll get my cock soon.” Then he unzipped his pants and yanked them down his hips.

Commando. Holy hell, he wasn’t wearing a thing under those pants. Somehow that didn’t surprise her. Neither did the thick erection that sprang up between them, long and thick and oozing with precome.

Jill didn’t waste a second. She wrapped her hand around that tantalizing shaft and gave an exploratory pump.

“Oh fuck.” Shane’s eyes rolled to the top of his head. “Fuck. Keep doing that. Stroke it just like that, sweetheart.”

She let go of him. “No.”

A strangled sound tore out of his mouth. “Why the hell not?”

“Because I’d rather suck it.” She slid to her knees in front of him and took him in her hand again as she peered up at him. “I’ve wanted to do this since the second I met you.”

Lust darkened his eyes, which went from dark blue to smoky cobalt. “You wanted to suck me off? Right there in Carson and Holly’s kitchen?”

“Yes. And I would have done it, too, if you hadn’t been so difficult.” She shot him an accusatory look, then opened her mouth and suckled the tip of his cock.

He jerked as if he’d been shot. “Fuck.

There was nothing more satisfying than watching a big, strong man lose control. The sleek muscles of Shane’s thighs quivered beneath her palm, and she could feel his entire body straining as she skimmed her tongue along his impressive length. Once he was nice and slick, she used her hand again, pumping him slowly as she tightened the suction around his engorged head.

His low moans echoed all around them, and she suddenly registered that they were in the middle of his living room. The lights were off, but the curtains were open, which meant that anyone who happened to be walking down the street would get a naughty eyeful. Shards of moonlight trickled into the room, casting shadows over Shane’s rugged features, which were stretched tight with pleasure.

She liked seeing his face like this. Liked the feel of him in her mouth, the masculine flavor infusing her taste buds. When he tried to thrust deeper, she eased back and voiced a sheepish confession.

“I’m not a deep-throater.”

Shane gave a wheezy laugh.

“Seriously,” she told him. “My gag reflex is like a hair trigger. If you poke the back of my throat with that monster cock, I’ll throw up all over you.”

That got her more laughter, even more strangled now. “You sure know how to set the mood, baby.”

“Oh hush. We both know you
what I’m doing. Besides, if you want to fuck something deep, you’ll get your chance pretty damn soon.”

He groaned. “Keep saying stuff like that and I’ll come before we even reach that point.”

“What’s the matter, old man? Won’t be able to get it up again?” She smiled impishly, then lowered her head and refocused on the very enjoyable task of blowing his mind. She might not have the deep-throating abilities, but she had lips and a tongue and two very eager hands, and she used all of them to summon moan after moan from Shane.

The carpet beneath her knees was soft, the cock in her mouth hot and hard. She knew he was getting close, felt it in the restless rocking of his hips, the way he tangled one hand in her hair and urged her on.

“Suck harder,” he rasped. “Use your teeth if you want. I like it rough.”

A thrill shot up her spine. Of course he liked it rough. Everything about this man was rough and raw and unbelievably masculine. She grazed her teeth along the underside of his cock, and was rewarded with a hoarse curse laced with pleasure. She clutched him harder than she’d dared to do in the past, her hand and mouth creating a fast, hard rhythm that rapidly brought him to the edge.

“Gonna come,” he choked out. “Where do you want it, sweetheart?”

Her lips tightened around him, telling him exactly where she wanted it, and a moment later he went still, the tip of his cock resting on her tongue as the salty flavor of his climax exploded in her mouth. She swallowed every last drop, fondling his balls as he shuddered with release, a stream of curses hissing out of his throat. It was the hottest thing she’d ever experienced, and her heart pounded as she proceeded to lick him clean, until finally he made a desperate sound and yanked his cock out of her mouth.

“Jesus,” he mumbled. “No more. You’re gonna kill me.”

“Pussy,” she teased.

Shane glared at her. “Did you really just call me a pussy?”


“I see.” His expression glimmered with mischief. “Well. Speaking of pussies…”

In the blink of an eye, he was on the carpet beside her, and Jill found herself being flipped onto her back. She yelped in surprise, then moaned when he planted both hands on her thighs and eased her legs open.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he muttered, his blue eyes burning as he admired her pussy. “So goddamn beautiful.” He moved one finger down her slit and toyed with her opening. “So goddamn wet.”

He dipped into her moisture then brought his finger to his lips. He licked it clean, releasing a sound of sheer satisfaction. “And sweet. So fucking sweet.” He pushed the finger back inside, so deep she cried out in delight.

Shane’s lips parted sensually as he tracked the movement of his finger before looking up at her face. “I want to eat you up, baby. I want to feel you coming all over my face.”

She shivered in anticipation. God. She’d never wanted anyone this badly before. Her whole body ached for him, and her vocal cords had ceased to exist. All she could do was stare into his hypnotic blue eyes and spread her legs wider, offer herself to him like a sexual sacrifice.

He slid lower, his tongue finding her clit and giving it a long, slow lick that made her gasp. She wasn’t going to last long. She was too primed, the knot of excitement in her belly too close to detonating.

Shane seemed to sense it, because he lifted his head with a slight smile. “You’re going to come the second I suck on your clit, aren’t you?”

She managed to form one shaky word. “Probably.”

“Guess I’ll just have to improvise then.”

Evil. The man was pure evil. Jill whimpered in frustration as he licked her again—an inch away from her clit. And then an inch lower. And lower. For the next few minutes, his tongue explored her pussy, everywhere but where she wanted it most. He sucked on her pussy lips, gentle, sweet, then kissed his way down her slit, withdrew his finger, and speared into her with his tongue.

,” she moaned.

He kept tormenting her, fucking her with his tongue and fingers, licking her inner thighs, kissing the delicate spot right beneath her clit. She squirmed on the carpet and thrust her hands in his hair, trying to forcibly guide him to that hot bundle of nerves that was swelling with need.

When he finally gave her what she wanted, she came so hard her vision became a sea of pulsing black dots. Pleasure incinerated her nerve endings and curled her toes, making her hips rock and her body convulse. She heard herself cry out his name, but she had no idea how long the orgasmic trance lasted. All she knew was that sometime later, she was being flipped over again, her hands and knees gripping the carpet as Shane came up behind her.

A warm male chest pressed against her back, warmer lips tickling her ear. “You look so sexy when you come,” he murmured.

And then he was inside her, plunging in from behind in one smooth thrust. She sagged forward but he caught her with one arm, his hand clasping around her breasts as he moved inside her, fast, hard, relentless. The position allowed for a delicious angle that had his cock hitting her sweet spot each time he filled her.

“You gonna come for me again?” His voice heated the side of her neck, rippling with urgency.

“Yes,” she burst out, because she could already feel the tension gathering inside her again. The telltale tingling of her clit only grew more insistent when Shane slid his hand between her legs and rubbed the little bud in soft, skillful circles.

Jill rose up on her knees and rocked her ass into him, losing herself in his touch, his deep thrusts, his lemony scent and ragged breathing. They came within seconds of each other, her back pressed to his slick chest as he cupped her pussy and ground his lower body into hers.

“Christ,” he said hoarsely, holding her tight to him as his chin fell onto her shoulder. “So fucking good.”

She wholeheartedly seconded that. Dirty doggy-style sex on the living-room floor? God, if she died right this second, she’d go to the grave a happy woman.

Shane withdrew from her core and left the room to dispose of the condom she hadn’t even seen him put on. But thank God he had, because she’d been too damn distracted by his sexual prowess to remember protection. Jeez, the man really
hypnotized her.

She’d never felt more sated as she collapsed on the carpet. Shane returned a moment later and joined her. They lay on their backs, thighs touching, his hand splayed over her belly as they recovered from the sexual hurricane that had swept through the room.

BOOK: SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle
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