Read Seasons of Sorrow Online

Authors: C. C. Wood

Tags: #Contemporary Women, #Motherhood, #loss, #Fiction

Seasons of Sorrow (28 page)

BOOK: Seasons of Sorrow
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“Touch me, Greg,” she said. “Please.” Then, she pressed her lips lightly against his.

That was all it took.

Suddenly, both Greg’s arms circled her and yanked her tight against him. His mouth opened over hers and he sucked her tongue into his mouth. Charlotte moaned as he took her mouth roughly and thoroughly.

His hands move over her back until one rested on her ass and the other moved to the front of her body to cup her breast through the teddy. Greg used his thumb and forefinger to lightly pinch her nipple and it was Charlotte’s turn to suck in a sharp breath. She felt the contact of his fingers on her nipple all the way to her clitoris.

Greg’s mouth moved from hers, down to her chest. His lips and tongue were warm on the inner curves of her breasts before his mouth closed over one of her nipples. Her hands went from the back of the couch to grip his hair.

Charlotte held him against her breasts as he kissed and sucked her nipples, even using his teeth, over the lace that covered them. When they were hard and aching, Greg pulled the material away, leaving them bare.

The sensation of his lips and tongue on her bare skin was almost unbearable. Her nipples were so sensitive from his ministrations that the pleasure was almost painful.

“Greg,” she whispered.

Suddenly, he turned them so that their positions were reversed. Charlotte was sitting on the soft micro suede of the couch and he was kneeling on the floor between her spread thighs. Gently, he pushed her back against the cushions and moved his hands and mouth down her abdomen.

Charlotte felt all the muscles in her stomach tighten as his lips skated over the lace that rested over her belly button. He lifted his head and stared down at the juncture of her thighs. She wanted to clamp them together, but his large body was in the way.

Slowly, he used one finger to caress the flesh beneath the teddy, and Charlotte jumped. Greg hooked that finger in the gusset off the teddy and popped open the first of the three snaps that held the teddy together between her thighs.

“I like these,” he said softly, his voice deep and hoarse.

Charlotte panted as he slowly undid each of the three snaps until the lacy material that stretched between her thighs came apart. When he saw her bare for the first time, Greg groaned. She squirmed against the couch, both titillated and shocked at how she felt about his eyes one her most private areas.

His head dipped. Charlotte felt the first lick of his tongue all the way to her toes. They curled inside the sexy pumps she wore. He kissed her between her thighs the way he kissed her mouth; as if he wanted to devour her.

Charlotte thrust her hands into his hair and held on for dear life. Greg hummed against her clitoris, and her hips bucked in response. One of his long fingers slid inside her as he latched his mouth onto her clitoris and sucked softly. Then he began to use his tongue, and even his teeth, to take her higher and higher until Charlotte’s body felt as taut as piano wire.

As she hung on the precipice, Charlotte shifted and moaned beneath him. “Please, Greg,” she begged.

His lips closed around her clit again, but this time he suckled her much harder, using his tongue in unison.

It was the last little push that she needed. With a loud gasp, Charlotte threw her head back and came hard. She vaguely heard the breathy moans that escaped her lips. He continued to lick her gently as she came down from her climax.

When Charlotte finally went limp, Greg stared at her for a moment, then stood and bent down to lift her up. Without a word he carried her upstairs and placed her on the bed.

Charlotte watched as he stripped off his black henley and dark jeans. His dark red boxer briefs were the last to go and she got her first sighting of his erection. As soon as she saw it, Charlotte wanted him inside her immediately. The throb that had dissipated after her orgasm returned in full force, sharpening to an ache, an emptiness that had to be filled.

Greg climbed on the bed so that he was crouched above her and he stripped her out of the rose teddy, throwing it onto the floor among his own clothing. He still hadn’t spoken a word.

When he stretched out on top of her, Charlotte wrapped her legs around his hips and met his mouth with a ferocity that surprised even her. She’d never felt need this deep and strong before. And she

Her nails dug into his shoulders as he kissed her. When he lifted his head, Charlotte moved her mouth to his upper chest and collarbones. Her lips trailed up his neck to his ear and she nipped the lobe.

Greg’s hips thrust against her when she did it, so she did it one more time and then soothed the sting with her mouth.

Greg pulled away slightly and reached over the side of the bed for his pants. She was so lost in the moment she didn’t know what he was doing at first, until she saw the condom in his hand. She watched as he tore the packet open with his teeth and moved back until he was kneeling between her thighs. As he rolled the condom on, she couldn’t take her eyes away.

“Please hurry,” she said softly.

His eyes lifted to lock on hers and she realized it was the first time she’d spoken since she’d kissed him. His beautiful grey eyes were bright as polished silver and they turned her inside out.

“Please,” she repeated.

Greg levered himself over her with one arm, using the other hand to guide himself until the tip of his dick was pressed against her. Charlotte reached down between them and wrapped her own hand around him. As he pushed inside of her slowly, she kept her thumb and forefinger around him, feeling him. Finally, as he worked his entire length into her, taking his time so he wouldn’t hurt her, Charlotte moved her hand.

He stopped moving as soon as he was fully seated. Greg rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. Then he withdrew slowly before thrusting again, fast and hard.

Charlotte’s back arched and she cried out. He repeated the movement, taking his time pulling out of her heat before pounding his way inside of her.

“Faster,” she begged. “I need more.” Somehow, in the heat of the moment, her shyness had evaporated and she had no problem asking for what she wanted.

Greg complied, taking her harder and faster with each stroke. She felt the muscles that sheathed him tightening, preparing for an even more intense orgasm than the one he’d given her with his mouth.

Suddenly, the climax burst within her, pouring into her limbs and she lost complete control over her body. Greg moved even harder and faster, drawing the orgasm out until Charlotte was gasping for breath.

As he stiffened with his own release, he spoke for the first time since they kissed.

“I love you,” he said against her lips. “I love you, Charlotte.”

His words, combined with the intensity of her response to him, were too much. Charlotte burst into tears.

Chapter Twenty-Four

harlotte’s outburst shocked Greg. He held her as she clung to his neck, sobbing as though her heart were breaking.

In a way, it was. Charlotte knew Greg loved her, even before he spoke the words. And, while she loved him, she was still unsure of the depth of her feelings. She knew that there was a huge difference between
someone and
being in love
with them.

Every fiber of her being screamed that she was in love Gregory Swift, but her damaged heart refused to acknowledge the truth.

As the tears slowed, Greg withdrew from her body and turned them so that they were lying on their sides, facing each other. He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.

“What’s this about?” he asked as she calmed.

Charlotte hiccupped. “I’m not sure I can explain it,” she answered. Before he could say anything else, she continued, “Everything was just so much more intense that I imagined.”

Greg’s face softened at her words. He didn’t seem to care that she hadn’t said his words back to him, that she hadn’t professed her love.

“It was exactly how I imagined it,” he admitted softly.

Charlotte smiled tremulously. “You must have an excellent imagination.”

He chuckled. “You know I do.” He stared at her for a long moment. “Are you sure something else isn’t bothering you?” he asked.

Charlotte wanted to tell him yes, that he terrified her by telling her he loved her, but, instead, she shook her head slightly.

Greg’s gaze was too aware and intelligent and Charlotte knew that he understood exactly why she was turned inside out.

Instead of granting her reprieve from what would surely be an awkward conversation, made even more awkward by their nudity and position, Greg sighed and ran his fingers through the hair at the nape of her neck. Charlotte shivered and he smiled.

“I don’t expect you to say it back if you don’t feel it, Charlie,” he said.

She stared at him, not sure if she believed him.

Again, he sensed her doubt. “Charlotte, I’ve loved you for ten years. I knew that almost immediately. You do not have to say them back to me unless you feel them. That’s not why I said it.”

“Why did you say it?” she asked.

Greg pressed his lips to her forehead. “I said it because I feel it, Charlotte. Anything I say to you will always be the truth.”

With that, he rolled over and got out of the bed. She reached down and pulled the sheet up over her nudity. Then she watched as he walked naked into the bathroom. Charlotte couldn’t see what he was doing, but heard a cabinet door open and shut and the water running. She assumed he was cleaning up.

When he came back out of the bathroom without the condom and with a wash cloth in his hand, she knew she had assumed correctly. Greg’s jaw tightened slightly when he saw that she had pulled the sheet over her. He didn’t say anything, merely pulled the sheet away. Gently he cleaned between her legs. Surprised at his ministrations, Charlotte let him take care of her.

When he left the room again, Charlotte pulled the sheet back over her body. She could tell by his reaction that he didn’t like that she covered up before, but she just couldn’t lounge around nude while he was there. Despite all their years of friendship, the dynamic between them was now changed irrevocably, and being naked in his presence was not something she was completely comfortable with yet.

Greg came out of the bathroom again and slid under the sheet next to her. He pulled her close, so that her head rested on his shoulder. Charlotte threw an arm over his waist and snuggled closer.

They did all of this in silence. Charlotte wasn’t sure what she would say anyway. Making love with Greg had been so much more than she imagined. Emotions roiled inside her until she had no idea how she truly felt.

She turned her face so that she could kiss his pectoral. Greg ran a hand up and down the side of her top arm in a gentle, repetitive caress.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

Charlotte closed her eyes and nestled in closer. “I’m good.”

“Look at me,” he said.

She tilted her head back to do as he asked. Greg cupped the back of her head, his beautiful grey eyes searching.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

She smiled. “I’m very,
good,” she insisted.

He smiled back for a moment, then his face grew serious. “I just don’t want you to ever regret anything that happens between us.”

Charlotte wondered why he seemed so concerned about her emotional state.

Rolling up on her elbow so she could get a better look at his expression, Charlotte asked, “What’s going on, Greg? Why are you so concerned that I might be upset?”

His face closed off a little and Charlotte felt her body tense up.

“Your life is in a state of chaos right now, Charlie. I know that it’s overwhelming. It’s also selfish of me to expect your time and attention when you have so much upheaval, but I’ve wanted you for so long, I couldn’t stay away.”

Charlotte blinked at his admission. Greg seemed so confident all the time. It was difficult for her to comprehend that he had insecurities too.

“Greg,” she said, putting her fingers to the side of his face, “you have helped keep me sane the last few months. I needed you then, just like I need you now.”

BOOK: Seasons of Sorrow
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