Second Chance (6 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #magic, #paranormal

BOOK: Second Chance
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It wasn’t just the beautiful landscape that was laid out before her, but the intensity of color was so powerful, it almost hurt her eyes.  Oh how she missed the rolling hills carpeted with the softest green grass that always seemed to shimmer with dew drops.  The trees were massive and sprawling.  There were some of the same trees that existed in The First Dimension.  Oaks, Maples, Pines.  But how could she ever have forgotten something as stunning as a Leedle Tree.  There was one five feet from where she appeared and she drank in the sight. Its trunk was very light and smooth, almost the color of bleached bone.  It had bright blue leaves the color of sapphires and a sweet yellow fruit that was always in season.  Beside the Leedle Tree was a Chappelle, Ava’s personal favorite.  It was close in features to the Willow tree, except the leaves were a shimmery amethyst color.  Only at night when the moon was at its peak, the Chappelle would sprout white flowers that perfumed the air with a light sweetness and could also be used in a number of magical concoctions.

The sky was multi-colored with a blend of light blues, peaches and creams.  Ava could tell it was mid-day by the position of the sun that hung over Vyronas.  It was nothing like the sun of The First Dimension but instead was a pale pink.  It gave a pearly shimmer to everything the rays touched and caused the clouds to glow.  You could stare directly at it and never hurt your eyes, yet it managed to light their world to perfection. 

Ava couldn’t wait for the evening as the night moon was of the same pale pink shade.  It didn’t cast the same brightness as the sun but always gave off enough light that one could walk outside at night and never need additional light to see the way.  The moon was always full and heavy as it hung low over Vyronas every night. 

Ava took a deep breath.  Vyronas even had its own scent.  It was fresh, light and sweet.  The air was cleaner, almost crisp, and it was a smell she hoped never to forget again. 
Wait a minute, girlie.  Don’t forget about Wyoming.  You are going back there one day.

Ava closed her eyes and relished the smell just a little bit longer.

“Come,” Carrick said as he headed off toward what she felt was due north.  “We have a bit of walking to do before we reach camp.”

“Camp?” Ava asked as she started walking behind him.  She gave a quick look to find Bing, who was running back and forth, sniffing everything he could put his nose on.

“The Clairmont Conclave has set up a stronghold about two miles north of here.  Our army is dispersed in various locations surrounding Kestevayne.  Every one of our strongholds is cloaked by magic, but we cannot hide the entire army all in one place under a cloaking spell.  It would sap too much of our magic to do so.”

“Makes sense.  What can I expect when we get there?”

“I’ll get you settled in your quarters, and then I’m sure the Conclave will want to meet with you, to bring you up to speed on everything that has been happening.”

“Why don’t you make use of the time we have while we are walking and you bring me up to speed on what has been happening.  I mean, I have the gist of what happened up to the point you banished me from Vyronas.”  She knew that last remark sounded snotty and petulant but she couldn’t stop herself.

Carrick looked back at her, like he was going to give her a sharp retort but instead sighed.  “You know your parents were murdered the night we made our escape.  You were aware that we thought it to be the work of the neighboring region of Stansworth.”

“I remember,” Ava acknowledged. 

“What you don’t know, and what we have since come to find out, is that Ralina Haramish, is the person who was leading those forces and orchestrated your parents’ murders.”

“Ralina Haramish?  As in, your ex-girlfriend Ralina Haramish?” Ava asked, astounded.

Carrick gave a curt nod, to which Ava snorted.  “Puh-leeze.  That woman couldn’t lead an army of ants to an abandoned picnic basket.”

Carrick stopped walking and spun toward Ava.  His eyes were hard and frosty.  “Whatever you do, do not underestimate her.  Much has changed since you have been gone.  I will tell you now, she has learned how to use the blackest of magicks to control her army, and her heart is pure evil. She is extremely powerful and we have yet to find a way to bring her down.”

Ava didn’t know what to say to that.  She felt she should have a thousand follow-up questions but nothing came to mind. Carrick had just named her parents’ killer and she still couldn’t think of a thing to say.  

Carrick resumed walking and Ava followed.  Kieran brought up the rear, leading King along. Bing was running zigzag patterns across their path, sniffing up everything that was Vyronas.

Ava let her mind drift to Ralina Haramish.  The same Ralina who’d stood next to Barney when she was eight years old and bullied her.  Ralina was of the Maiorn caste and her father owned and ruled the city of Stansworth.  Stansworth was a good friend and ally to Kestevayne, so it was very much a surprise that it was their forces which led the attack. 

But how had Ralina managed to control that army?  Her father would never have let her do something like that.  Ava knew Ralina fairly well.  Turned out, Ralina had quite the crush on Carrick as they were growing up and was the same age as Carrick.  Ralina hated the friendship that Ava and Carrick had and always managed to demean Ava when she could get away with it.  That usually meant when they were both out of Carrick’s sight and hearing as Carrick would never put up with that type of treatment.  It about killed Ava when Carrick and Ralina started dating each other.  Ava always suspected Carrick went out with her because Ralina would have sex with him.  The rumor was that Ralina would have sex with anyone.  Still, Ava kept her childhood crush to herself and never told Carrick of Ralina’s meanness toward her or of the nasty rumors that everyone said about Ralina.  She figured Carrick was a smart enough guy he could see her for what she was.

Ava looked at Carrick while musing over his relationship with Ralina.  It had ended so long ago, she wondered what he thought of her now.  Which made Ava’s mind kick into gear with more questions.

“Why is she doing this?  Why did she kill my parents?”

Carrick didn’t say anything but she knew he heard her.

“Answer me Carrick.”

“I’ll leave it up to the Conclave to fill you in on all of the details.  That is their role, not mine.”

“Well, then, what exactly is your role in all of this?” Ava asked, clearly frustrated she was not getting the information she wanted.

“I am Commandant of the Kestevayne Army and I lead all the forces, which now includes thousands of Kestevayne citizens and other royal families who have joined our cause to reclaim your throne.”

“You are Commandant?  But, that can’t be.  Your father is Commandant of the Army.”

Carrick stopped walking but didn’t turn to face Ava.  His head hung low.  “You’re smart, Ava.  Put two and two together and you’ll figure it out.” 

Carrick took off walking again, but at a much faster pace.  Ava just stood and watched as he walked away.  Kieran eventually came up beside Ava.  She reached out and ran her hand up King’s neck.

“How long ago?” Ava asked.

“Two years.  He was killed leading an attack against Ralina’s forces.”

Ava felt tears welling up in her eyes.  “I’m sorry Kieran.  Your father was a great man.”

Kieran put his hand on Ava’s shoulder and gave a light squeeze.  “Yes, he was.”  He started walking.  “So is Carrick for that matter.” 

Ava followed, her heart heavy.





As the group approached the Conclave’s stronghold, Ava knew it couldn’t be seen with the naked eye due to the magical cloak that covered it.  The magical cloak prevented anyone not invited under its protection from even being able to get within a few miles of its location. Anyone who got near the cloak would simply be compelled to follow another route around the spelled area.   

Ava was very familiar with cloaking spells and could perform a decent one herself, although not of this size.  A few moments before arriving, Carrick chanted an invitation spell while holding her hands, giving her the authority and power to see the encampment and enter.

As they approached, Ava saw the expected shimmery film wave before her eyes and knew she was at the edge of the cloak.  All she had to do was open up her magic, which she did, and the encampment appeared out of thin air. 

Astonishment wouldn’t even begin to describe Ava’s first impression.  She wasn’t quite sure what she expected, but in front of her laid a fully functioning town, bustling with people.  There were permanent buildings lining several streets.  The roads were made of dirt but were well maintained and packed hard for easy travel.  Sidewalks of stone bordered the streets. 

As they stood on what appeared to be the main street, she noticed several businesses on either side.  She saw a butcher, a grocer, an apothecary and a clothing store while they strode along.  At the end of the main street, stood a building larger than all of the others.  Carrick noticed her gaze and said, “That’s the Conclave meeting hall.  We’ll go there later.”

Ava looked back and forth as they made their way through the settlement, taking it all in.  The streets were bustling with people.  Some looked at Ava oddly and she realized it was because of how she was dressed.  Pants on women were not unheard of, but most Vyronasian women liked to wear feminine dresses.  Modesty was never a concern.  Women’s fashions in Vyronas often revealed a lot of skin with plunging necklines and short hemlines. 

The men always dressed in some sort of pants and shirt, although it could vary depending on their station.  Working class men tended to wear sturdy twill while the business-men tended to wear more expensive and softer cuts of cloth.  Those in the warrior cast usually wore a heavy denim-like material for their pants, often covered in leather.  Sometimes they wore shirts, but mostly they wore breast plates and arm guards.  

Her eyes moving from the people to the actual buildings, Ava smiled at the typical Vyronasian crafted style.  She saw one story structures with thatched roofs and slate stone walls.  Windows were constructed of wood and left open, as the Vyronasian weather was constantly temperate and never reached above 75 degrees in the day or fell below 65 degrees during the night. 

The seasons in Vyronas were not marked by changes in weather but by changes in production of fruits and vegetables that could be harvested throughout the year.  Having just come from Wyoming where it could get very hot in the summer, and then be buried under five feet of snow in the winter, she supposed having the same weather all the time could be boring.  But as she glanced around, she knew in her heart that Vyronas was the most perfect place in all of the dimensions that existed.

Carrick led Ava down a side street. There were more houses built on the streets they were walking and Ava was amazed how beautiful this little town was.  She had thought of it as an encampment before and figured it would be filled with tents, yet the houses were lovely with varying hues of slate, and picture-perfect gardens in the front. No, this was definitely a town.  Of course, knowing the power of magic, Ava knew it would not have been hard to construct this town within the past four years.  However, it was a very pleasant surprise to her.

“I can see you’re shocked,” Kieran observed.

Boy was that an understatement. 
“I just never imagined there would an entire functioning town here.”

Carrick led the way to a lovely cottage and walked up to the front door.  Ava noticed Kieran led King around the back, and assumed there was a stable or some other structure where he could be housed.  Carrick didn’t knock but walked right in and Bing followed.  Ava brought up the rear and as she entered the cottage, she looked around. 

It appeared at first glance to have two main rooms.  Ava briefly glanced at the kitchen which was to the left.  It was typical of what she would expect.  A sink with running water, a stove and a kitchen table with four chairs.  She looked to the right and saw a large living area but it was sparsely furnished with just one rocking chair and a small table.

Carrick walked into the living area and motioned for Ava to follow.  That is when she noticed another door and Carrick walked through it.  This was the bedroom.  It had an extremely large bed with wooden tables on either side.  It was covered with a fluffy quilt and multiple pillows.  Two plush chairs flanked one corner of the room with a table in between them.  In another corner of the room was a dresser for clothes.  Spartan but cozy.

She noticed another door that was closed.  She assumed it was a closet but Carrick pointed at it and said, “That is the bathroom.  It has a bathing tub if you want to use it.” 

Ava was surprised there was a tub.  While living in the First Dimension, Ava took for granted the technology that was so abundant.  But coming back to Vyronas, she realized that she still had many of the same comforts that she had there, except things such as running water, light and toilets operated by magic rather than technology.

Magic here was simply an energy source usually made up from a combination of earth, water, fire and air.  In Vyronas, she could make any number of gadgets operate with her magic.  The reason Ava was surprised about the tub was because Vyronasian magic actually surpassed the technology of running water to bathe in.  Here, cleanliness occurred through a simple incantation spell that took mere seconds to complete.  Bathing facilities were not needed as long as one had the proper magical strength, but she didn’t question the tub.

“So is this to be my house until the war is won?” Ava asked.

“No. This is my house.  You will be my guest here until the war is won.”

“I don’t think so,” Ava said emphatically.  “I am not living under the same roof as you.”

“You will and there will be no argument.  I don’t like these arrangements any better than you but it has been decided that you will be safest under my direct watch.  Once word gets out that you have returned, there will be attempts made on your life.”

Ava crossed her arms and stomped her foot. 
Maybe that was a bit childish but oh well. 
“Forget it Carrick.  I’m not doing it.  I did my duty and returned.  I will help the war effort and I will reclaim the throne.  But I’ll be damned if I am going to be subjected to your presence day and night.  This is unacceptable.”

“I’m not going to argue with you.  The decision is made.” 

Ava took a deep breath to continue her argument, but Carrick cut her off. “Come, the Conclave is waiting to meet you and I believe you said you have a lot of questions that you want answered, right?”

“Fine.  We will go meet the Conclave but you better start thinking about alternative living arrangements because I will not agree to this.”

Carrick just nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

As they walked out the door, Ava told Bing to stay inside. 

“Is King all right?” she asked. 

“Yes. Kieran has stabled him a few streets over where our horses are kept.”

Carrick walked back through town, toward the large Conclave building.  Ava let her thoughts turn toward everything she could remember about the Conclave.  If her memory served her right, thirteen members sat on the Conclave, comprised of men and women.  They were all of the same magical line, known as the Scrinia. 

The Scrinia were magical historians as well as teachers.  They spent their time studying magic, recording their studies, and teaching the royal family how to use their line of magic.  They were not, however, good at sorcery themselves, which was a little ironic.  They could do basic spells but the power was in their knowledge.  Their most important duty was to act as advisors to the sitting King or Queen.  While they had no ruling power, because of their lineage and knowledge, their advice was rarely questioned or refused.

Ava assumed that after her parents were assassinated, and in her own absence, the effort to reclaim her throne was being managed by the Conclave.  As such, they were probably the ruling faction for all Kestevaynes loyal to the Clairmont family.

Lost as she was in her thoughts, Ava realized they had arrived at the Conclave building.  Like the other buildings in town, it was constructed of wood and slate stone, with a thatched roof.  But it was easily four times as large as any other building she had seen. 

When she and Carrick entered, she first noticed a raised dais at the far end of the room.  Upon it sat a massive wooden table with seven chairs on each side, and a chair on each end.  She did a quick head count and noted thirteen members sitting at the table.

The rest of the large room looked like a church.  Row after row of pews filled the remainder of the room, with an aisle down the middle.  Ava assumed this was where citizens could gather and discuss items of concern with the Conclave. 

“Carrick, who lives here in this town?” Ava asked as they walked down the long aisle.  She had been surprised by the number of people she saw moving about.

“This town is comprised mainly of the Conclave and the remainder of the line of Scrinia, as well as their extended families.  There is also a contingent of soldiers here to help protect the area.”  They had almost reached the dais but Carrick said as an afterthought, “Oh, and this town has a name.”

“What is it?”

“We named it Clairmont.  After your family.”

Ava didn’t have time to respond as Carrick was announcing their arrival.  He walked up two steps to the dais, while Ava waited below, suddenly very nervous.

“Conclave members, I present to you Princess Ava Clairmont, recently returned from the First Dimension.”

All members rose from their seats in welcome.  Some Ava recognized, others she did not.  She assumed the ones she didn’t recognize were members appointed to fill spots left by those that had been killed when Ralina attacked.  The ones she did recognize, she did not know them well at all.  She had seen them milling about the palace but she had never had any real contact with them. 

They all wore smiles on their faces, and some looked very relieved to see her.  A woman, who looked to be in her late fifties approached.  She had chin length hair that was steel gray and gray eyes to match.  She held out her hand to Ava. “Come child.  Come join us so that we may become reacquainted with one another.”

Ava did not take the proffered hand but walked up the two steps to stand beside Carrick on the dais.  The woman put her hand to her side but still smiled with warmth at Ava. 

“Princess Ava, I am Laina Mercea of the House of Scrinia.  I am the Chief of the Conclave and I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we are so very glad to have you back with us.”

Never forgetting once that these were the same people who had sent her away from Vyronas, Ava responded, “I’m surprised to receive such welcome when you are the very people that had me banished from my homeland.”

Ava heard a few gasps and embarrassed coughs. 
Good for them.
  She didn’t intend to make this easy.

“Yes, well, I am sure you were not happy with our decision, but it was done with your best interests at heart.  Surely you must see that?”

“No, I don’t see that.  If my best interests were at heart, then my interests should have been taken into account.  And I am not just unhappy with your decision, I am really pissed off at this Conclave right now.” 

The room became deathly silent and Ava was sure she could hear a pin drop.  “However, know that I am here now with the sole intention of working with the Conclave to help win Kestevayne back for its people.”

Her last words seem to cut some of the tension but Laina responded nervously, “Well, let’s all take a seat shall we and we will bring you up to date on our progress.”

The Conclave members all took chairs on the long sides of the table.  Ava took one of the chairs on the end, hoping that she would establish some authority.  She expected Carrick to also take a chair on one of the long sides, but she gritted her teeth when she saw him sit at the other end of the table. 

To help solidify the notation that she could be in charge, she began by saying, “Why don’t you, Laina, start by filling me in on everything that has occurred since I left.”

“Of course, Your Highness.  I’m pleased to let you know—", Laina began but was cut off by Ava.

“First, I think everyone recognizes that I am from the Royal House of Clairmont and I fully understand that it is everyone’s good intention to put me back on the throne in Kestevayne.  With that being said, let’s dispense with formalities, and please just call me Ava.”

“Of course, Your… I mean... Ava…,” Laina stumbled.

Ava risked a glance down at Carrick to see what he thought of her actions so far, but he watched her with a bland expression. 
Damn, he would be a good poker player.

“Ava, much has happened since you left.  We have found that Ralina Haramish is the person behind the plot to remove the House of Clairmont from Kestevayne.  The news we get about Ralina is frightening at best.”

“Carrick tells me she leads an army bolstered by dark magicks.”

“Unfortunately, the darkest of magicks,” Laina lamented.  “The likes of which we have never seen.  It is assumed she has made some sort of dark pact or blood sacrifice to harness the type of power she has.”

“What is it, exactly, that she can do?” Ava questioned, more curious than afraid.

“We have learned that she has mastered the power of mind control.  Most of her forces do her bidding not of their own volition, but through a dark compulsion she is able to spread through their minds.”

Another Conclave member spoke up, “Your Highness… I mean Ava… she has strong energy magicks.  She has been witnessed to incinerate a group of beggars outside the palace because their smell offended her nose.”

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