Read Second Chance Boyfriend Online

Authors: Monica Murphy

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #Contemporary Women

Second Chance Boyfriend (16 page)

BOOK: Second Chance Boyfriend
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And I can’t believe I’m his.

“I’m not very hungry,” I admit.

His frown deepens. “You’re the one who wanted to come here.”

I shrug, feeling silly, my gaze locked on his hands. They are so big. Long fingers, wide palms, a little rough, a little smooth. I love how they touch me, sometimes gentle, sometimes with force. I like it best when he wraps my hair around his fingers and tugs. Oh God, I really love it when he does that…

I want those hands on me. Now. “I guess I’m not as hungry as I thought.” My stomach is fluttering with nerves. I don’t want to eat. I want Drew. I feel sort of crazed with it. Like I need to have him as much as possible before he slips through my fingers and I lose him forever.

But I’m not going to lose him. We’re in this together. I need to remember that—and believe it.

“You’re being weird.” Worry fills his eyes. “Are you mad? Did I do something?”

He’s breathing—that does it for me. “I’m not mad. I’m, um…” I let my voice trail off, feeling like an idiot.

“You’re what?”

“I’m looking at your hands,” I admit with a little sigh. Can I admit out loud I’m horny? That would sound ridiculous.

Those dark brows shoot up practically to his hairline. “Why?”

My cheeks are hot. I squirm in my seat again. “I’m…remembering what they did to me earlier.”

The frown is gone, replaced with a wicked smile that sends my body temperature skyrocketing. He leans across the table, his voice so low it vibrates through my body and settles between my legs. “Maybe we should go back to my place so I can do that to you all over again.”

Oh my God, that sounds like the best idea ever. “Maybe we should.”

The smile never leaves his face. In fact, it grows bigger. My quiet, hesitant Drew has morphed into some sort of cocky sex god. “You don’t want to order anything?”

I slowly shake my head. “Can’t we just get pizza again? Later?” We had it last night too. “From somewhere different this time. You know, just to mix it up. Or maybe Chinese? I love Chinese.”

He laughs, the sound husky. “You said you wanted to get out of the house for a while because you worried we were becoming addicted to each other.”

“Is that what I said?” I honestly can’t remember. What’s wrong with being addicted to each other? Aren’t we still in this pretend mode where we’re normal people who like to have sex without hang-ups or issues? I wonder if Drew has ever had sex like this. Carefree and so…normal.

“Yep.” He nods.

“Maybe I like being addicted to you,” I admit softly. We haven’t said we loved each other yet. I can’t work up the nerve. Maybe he can’t either. Silly considering how consumed with love I am for him. He is just…amazing. Sweet. Attentive. Funny. Smart. Sexy.

I understand him. He understands me. We’re perfect for each other.

Maybe we’re too perfect together. Too perfect doesn’t really exist. This could all be a façade. Just like our week together over the Thanksgiving break.

That week
fake, though. Surreal. There were real, grounding moments, but for the most part, we were caught up in an act. Maybe we’re pretending right now too, but I’m trying to be as real as I can with him. Without the baggage and the heartache and the trouble hanging over us. For at least a little while.

It’ll all come crashing down upon us soon. That’s a reality I don’t want to face quite yet.

He reaches across the table for my hands and takes them in his. “I really like being addicted to you.”

The smile I send his way is so big it hurts my cheeks. We are so in this addiction together.

For once, I know I’m not alone.

“Let’s go home and play true confessions,” I suggest because I’m feeling silly. “Nothing heavy, though. We can keep it light and easy.”

“True confessions? I’m intrigued.”

“You should be,” I say coyly. “It’s going to be a sexual true confessions.”

He stiffens the slightest bit and I squeeze his hands in my grip. We need to be open with each other and while the sexual connection we have is amazing, I know sometimes he holds himself back. I understand why. Sort of.

That’s where we’re complete opposites. I was the type who gave it away just so I could feel something, anything for a little while. He’d rather box himself up and feel absolutely nothing.

“Fable…” His voice trails off and his smile fades. “I don’t know if I’m up to that yet.”

“It won’t be anything crazy, I promise.” I lean over our linked hands and bring them to my mouth, pressing a lingering kiss to his knuckles. “No pressure. Just fun.”

“Just fun?” He brushes his thumb over the top of my hand and my entire body reacts.

“Always fun,” I whisper.




I’m curious where Fable thinks she’s taking this true confessions game she mentions. Curious enough to agree to leave the restaurant without ordering, earning a strange look from the waitress when we leave.

Feeling a little nervous too, since I’m not the most comfortable when it comes to talking about sex. Fable is the first girl I’ve ever really wanted. I’ve been forever damaged by what happened with Adele. I’ve had sex since then but it was always quick. Meaningless. Never with the same girl twice.

After a while, it became too complicated. So I avoided girls. It was easier that way.

Our agreement to pretend to be normal has given me some freedom. I’m able to let go—at least temporarily—some of the issues that constantly plague me and enjoy my time with her. We hardly leave my bed. We’ve remained naked pretty much the entire time.

It’s also been pretty fucking incredible.

“Let’s play strip true confessions,” she suggests as we enter my apartment. The chipper sound of her voice makes me burst out laughing.

“Strip true confessions?” I scratch my head as I shut and lock the door.

She turns to face me, her bright smile stealing my breath. “We confess, then we take off a piece of clothing.”

“Didn’t we already plan on taking off our clothes?”

“Of course, but this makes it much more interesting.” Grabbing my hand, Fable leads me back to my bedroom. She tugs me down with her so we both sit on the edge of the bed and she turns to face me, her expression solemn, those pretty green eyes beguiling. “Now, I’ll go first. We must confess something sexual that we’ve never done. Or something we’ve always wanted to do. And then we take off one piece of clothing when we’re finished. Are you game?”

I have no idea where she’s going with this but I’m curious to hear what she has to say. “I’m game.”

“Perfect. Okay.” She blows out a harsh breath and drops her gaze. “This is more nerve-racking than I thought.”

If she’s nervous, I’m in huge trouble. She’s much more open sexually than I am. Though the more time I spend with her, the more I’m coming around.

“It’s just me,” I remind her and when she glances up, I offer her a reassuring smile. “Like I’m going to judge you.”

“I know,” she says softly. “All right, I’m going for it. I’ve never been taken from behind before.”

I mock frown. “Taken?”

She rolls her eyes. “You know…I’ve never done it doggy-style. God, that sounds gross, phrasing it like that.”

It sounds arousing as hell but I school my expression, going for serious. “I’m sure that could be arranged. Me taking you from behind, doggy-style.”

Her cheeks color a pretty shade of pink and she shrugs out of her zip-up sweatshirt, tossing it on the floor. She’s only wearing a white tank top with a black bra beneath it. Jesus, she’s hot. “I’m sure it could. Okay, your turn.”

“Uh…” There are a lot of things I could confess.

“Don’t be shy.” She smiles, all pure, sweet seduction. “Come on. Out with it. Pick an easy one.”

“I’ve never slept all night with a girl. Until you.” I yank my sweatshirt off and throw it on top of hers on the floor.

“Aw.” She leans in and gives me a quick kiss. “I love that I’m your first,” she murmurs against my lips before she moves away from me.

She’s a lot of firsts for me. It’s embarrassing to admit just how many.

“I’ve never had sex outside.” A wistful look crosses her face. “I think that would be incredibly romantic. Under the stars, a cool breeze over hot skin. Maybe on the beach, by the ocean…”

“Sand getting in our asses,” I add because I can’t help it, that’s my first thought when I hear sex on the beach.

Fable smacks me on the arm. “You’re such a guy. Way to kill the romantic mood.”

“You know it would happen.” I rub my arm, watching as she takes off one sock. “Only one?”

“An article of clothing a confession, right?” She shrugs, looking smug.

I’ll remember this. But then again, do I want to confess that much?

“I’ve never had phone sex.” I take off a sock just like she did.

“Me either.” She takes off her other sock and giggles. “This is silly.”

“It was your idea,” I point out.

“Yeah, yeah.” Fable nibbles her lower lip. “This one’s crazy. I’m afraid you’ll freak out when I say it.”

“No going back now. You have to tell me,” I urge. Hell, it’s supposed to be my turn but I’m letting her skip right on by me.

“Fine, you asked for it.” She takes a deep breath. “Lately I’ve been thinking about getting my nipples pierced.”

I’m stunned. “Are you serious?”

She nods and bends her head, letting her hair fall in front of her face. “Is that crazy?”

Sort of. She’s full of surprises. I like it. Hell, I like her. A lot. “Don’t you think it’ll hurt?”

“Yeah, but I can deal with a little pain.” She keeps her head bent. “I’ve heard it feels good to have them tugged on during…you know.”

Okay, my girl is trying to drive me crazy. I’ve never thought of nipple rings as particularly sexy before, but the thought of me tugging on a tiny silver hoop with my lips and tongue and hearing her moan…

I get hard just thinking about it.

“Would you ever get your nipples pierced?” she asks, lifting her head so her eyes meet mine.

“Uh, I doubt it,” I croak, then clear my throat.

“It’s just a thought. I doubt I’ll go through with it either.” She slowly lifts the hem of her tank and takes it off, revealing her slender stomach, her pretty black satin bra. I want to grab her and kiss her. Screw these true confessions. “Your turn,” she whispers.

Studying her cleavage, I start to sweat. “I’ve uh…never done the dirty-talk thing before.”

“Isn’t that the same theory as phone sex?” She frowns.

“Not really.”

“Hmm.” She taps her smirking lips with her index finger. “So you’re saying you’d like it if I leaned over and whispered in your ear that I want to suck your cock?”

I swallow hard. “Hell, Fable.”

Her smile grows. “You would definitely like that, wouldn’t you?” She gets on her hands and knees and crawls toward me, nuzzling my cheek with her nose, her mouth close to my ear. “Drew,” she whispers. “Do you know how wet I get just looking at you?”

I swallow hard, slip my arm around her waist so I can bring her closer to me. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“Maybe.” She laughs, the sound sexy as hell, and I tackle her, pin her beneath me so she can’t get away. I thrust my hips against hers and her eyes darken. “Ooh, I can tell I am totally getting to you.”

“All this true confession talk. A man can only take so much.” Lifting up, I take off my shirt, pleased when I catch her drinking me in with her greedy gaze. She has no problem letting me know how much I turn her on and I love it. “I’m thinking I need to see just how wet you really are.”

A little sound of pleasure escapes her and she clamps her lips shut. “Why don’t you do some investigating and find out?”



Chapter Twelve



Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
– Aristotle




After playing our silly, sexy game of true confessions, we tease each other like crazy, taking off each other’s clothes between lingering kisses and possessive caresses meant to ignite. I love this playful side of Drew. He’s funny, he’s sweet and he’s sexy as hell. When he said he wanted to see just how wet I really was, everything inside me went loose and hot. And when he proceeded to yank off my sweatpants and slip his fingers beneath my panties, I nearly came right then and there.

Being with Drew, naked and open like this, I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’ve never felt closer to another human being ever in my life, not as close as I feel to Drew Callahan at this very moment.

I’m pinned beneath him, trapped, but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. His soft hair brushes against my chest as he makes his descent down my body, sending a scattering of gooseflesh across my skin. His hot mouth is everywhere, searching me, and I feel like I’m floating on a cloud, completely lost, too caught up…

“Look at me, baby.” I open my eyes, startled by the endearment. He rarely calls me anything but my name. “Watch me,” he whispers.

I do as he asks, breathless as he drops tender kisses in the valley between my breasts, across my belly, all the while his gaze never leaves mine. Reaching out, I thread my fingers through his hair, stroking his head, and he covers my breasts with his mouth, drawing one nipple between his lips with a slight tug. I close my eyes, too overwhelmed with the delicious sensation of his mouth so intimately on my flesh, and I hold him close. Spreading my legs, I accommodate his big body more fully pressed against mine.

This is exactly what I’ve been wanting between us. No walls, no barriers. He finally seems as open to me as I am with him and I love it.

I love him.

He lifts up so he’s bracing his upper body above me, his hands pressed into the mattress on either side of my head. I meet his gaze, my heart fluttering as if it could take flight when I notice the expression on his face. As if he’s at war with himself and what he should do next. “What’s wrong?” I ask, scared he’s going to say or do something that will break this magical moment between us.

“I have a confession to make.” He hangs his head, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “I’ve never done this before.”

BOOK: Second Chance Boyfriend
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