Second Chances (22 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Second Chances
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Stacy felt the first splash against her tongue and moaned around him as he kept spilling into her mouth. She swallowed every last drop until his cock started to soften in her mouth. Dustin pulled her to her feet and kissed Stacy so tenderly. “That was amazing,” Dustin whispered against her lips.

The sound of something crashing and glass breaking broke the spell that they were both under. “What was that?” Stacy jumped at the sound.

Dustin grabbed and pulled up his underwear and jeans. Stacy tied up her robe, looking panicked. The sound came from the backyard. What if someone saw them? They had fucked against the wall in between the living room and the kitchen and if someone had been in the back, they would’ve had a front row seat to the show.

“Stay here. I’m going to check it out,” Dustin said as he walked into the kitchen.

“Dustin, don’t—” Stacy pleaded. They didn’t know what it was.

“Honey, it was probably just an animal that wondered into your backyard. Just stay here, okay?”

“Okay. Please be careful.” Stacy watched him walk to the back door and then step out into the night.










Chapter 16



Dustin stepped out into Stacy’s backyard and found what broke and he felt his blood turn cold. The vase that contained the roses that Mark had sent her lay in a shattered mess under the window that if you looked through it, someone might’ve seen them having sex. He really didn’t want to tell her what it was. Stacy would panic and he didn’t want to cause her any more stress. It was obvious that things were escalating because what other reason could there be.

What freaked him out even more was that they were thrown out over a week ago, so Mark must’ve dug them out of her trash and held on to them. It was becoming quite clear that she really shouldn’t be staying alone anymore. Dustin shuddered to think what could happen if Mark showed up and Stacy was alone. He cleaned up as much of the mess as he could without drawing attention to himself. Dustin looked in the window and saw Stacy inside, pacing back and forth. He needed her to find out if Mark received the temporary restraining order, because if he did, Mark was violating the hell out of it.

Dustin made his way inside and Stacy rushed towards him. “What was it?” He hated hearing the panic in her voice.

“I saw a cat scramble out of your yard when I got outside. You had a glass sitting out there and they must’ve knocked it over.” God he hated lying to her.

“Oh, well, thank goodness that’s all it was. I was starting to freak out.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the slight-dimple in his chin. “My big strong man scaring off a kitty-cat.”

It took all of his power not to stiffen at her words. Then Dustin did what he did best. He distracted her with a deep kiss.




Dustin lay there in the warmth and comfort of Stacy’s bed. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw her. She was sprawled across his chest. One of Stacy’s legs was hiked up over both of his. Dustin buried his nose in her hair, the scent of milk and honey surrounding him. He rubbed a hand down her back. Her skin was soft and warm to the touch. Dustin wanted to stay snuggled up to her, but he had to be in the office today.

Last night he’d been so freaked out by the fact that Mark had probably watched them that he felt like he took it out on Stacy’s body. He’d been rough and demanding with her, but she took it and had come so hard for him that she almost squeezed his dick off.

She was going to have to stay with him for the time being. Dustin didn’t know if he could handle it if something happened to her. He’d fill his brother in later and to make sure Dylan had no problem with Stacy staying there with them. How Dustin would convince her of that he didn’t know, but he was sure he could be very convincing if necessary.

Dustin grabbed his cellphone from the nightstand and saw it was only five in the morning. He didn’t need to be up until seven, so he closed his eyes and felt himself drift off to sleep.




He came awake slowly, the feel of wet lips kissing down his stomach. Dustin looked down and watched as Stacy kissed and licked her way down to his hardening cock. “Yes, baby,” he groaned as she engulfed him in her hot mouth.

Stacy worked his length with her lips and tongue. He watched as she raised her eyes to his. She smiled as she swallowed Dustin down until he hit the back of her throat. Jesus, he was about to come already. Stacy worked the base with her fist until he cried out as he felt the tingles shoot down his spine straight up to his cock. She slowed as she swallowed every bit of his seed. Stacy let go of him with a pop and crawled back up to snuggle up next to him.

“Good morning,” she giggled. Dustin couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Stacy looked gorgeous. Her lips were red and swollen, her naked body on display for him and her hair wild around her shoulders.

“Good morning, sugar. If that’s how you’re going to wake me up every morning I may never let you go.” Dustin reached out and rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. He didn’t want to let her go, ever. After Emily he never thought he’d want forever with anyone, but Stacy was different in so many ways. He knew the difference between her and Emily was huge and what he felt for Emily was just teenaged love. What Dustin felt for Stacy was as real as it got.

“So what’s on the agenda for you today?” He had to watch how he approached the whole “getting her to stay with him” plan.

“Well, I thought I’d invite my mom to lunch. Then I’ve got to take some pictures of a couple’s newborn baby. They’re having me do it at their home, which makes things easier, but it just pushes me more to get the money for my studio that much quicker.”

He watched as she got out of bed and went to her dresser. Stacy pulled out some sort of silk nightgown and covered that delicious body of hers. Dustin grabbed his cell phone and saw that it was a quarter to seven. He was going to have to leave so he could get home to shower and change. Getting out of the bed, Dustin grabbed his boxer briefs and jeans off of the floor. He slipped them on and followed Stacy out into her living room. He wished he didn’t have to leave her. Dylan was coming in for his first day with Dustin, so he couldn’t just bail on him.

Stacy stood at the coffeemaker, getting it ready to make a pot. She turned and flashed him a smile. “It’ll only take a few minutes and I’ve got a travel mug you can use. Do you want something to eat?”

Dustin walked up and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her behind her ear. “You don’t have to go to the trouble, baby, I can just drive through somewhere.”

“Use my shower. I’ll whip up something fast and then all you’ll need to do is go home and change.” She turned and kissed his lips. “Go.”

He smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”




Stacy watched him walk out of the kitchen and smiled. She heard the bathroom door shut and the shower turn on. Stacy grabbed eggs, cheese and sausage out of the refrigerator. She quickly made him a breakfast sandwich that he could take with him.

Ten minutes later Dustin came back into the kitchen looking refreshed. Stacy grabbed the travel mug full of coffee and the brown bag. “I made you a breakfast sandwich and threw a banana in there, too.”

The smile he gave her made Stacy’s heart melt. She walked him to the door, opened it, and accepted the kiss he gave her. “You’re too good to me, sugar. Thanks for the breakfast.”

“It was my pleasure.” Stacy was getting ready to close the door when he stopped her.

“Come over tonight, please.” Dustin gave her puppy dog eyes and how could she say no to that?

“Okay, but won’t that bother your brother?” She didn’t want to become a burden or make Dylan feel like a third wheel.

“Not at all, babe. Dylan loves you. How about I call you later and let you know what time we’ll be home?” He leaned down and kissed her good and deep.

“Sounds good. Have a good day at work.” She watched him turn and walk to his truck. Stacy decided right then and there that she wasn’t going to be scared anymore to tell him how she felt. “Dustin!” she hollered. Stacy’s palms started to sweat but she ignored them. He turned to her. “I-I love you.”

Stacy watched him pause at his truck. When he put his coffee and breakfast bag in the truck she was afraid that he was ignoring her or he didn’t hear her. Before she could even blink, he was back in front of her and had his arms around her. “Can you repeat that for me, sugar?”

“I said that I love you, Dustin.” It felt good to say it. Stacy couldn’t spend the rest of her life being scared of relationships because she had bad luck in the past. It was time to put on her big girl panties and embrace something that felt so right-right in front of her.

“Oh, baby…those are the sweetest words I’ve ever heard.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with everything she had. Stacy didn’t care if the whole neighborhood saw them. It was a freeing feeling to let the fear of the unknown go. Her tongue tangled with his as Dustin pulled her tighter against his body.

Stacy pulled back. “You better go, I don’t want you being late.”

“Okay, I’ll call you later.” Dustin started walking back to his truck when he turned. “I love you, Stacy.”

She couldn’t contain the giggle that escaped. “I love you too, Dustin.”

He finally got in his truck and left. She closed the front door, locking it behind her. Stacy flipped on her radio and started dancing around her living room. If anyone saw her they’d think she’d lost it, but it didn’t matter because she loved Dustin and he loved her. It was going to be a great day.




Stacy decided on a pair of white linen shorts that were a little shorter than she usually wore, but they were so cute and flattering that she couldn’t resist. She decided on a black peasant top over just a plain white camisole. Stacy wore her hair in a low ponytail that hung down her back in loose waves. It was still hard getting used to the long locks, but they gave her more options for her hair.

She made her way out to the living room to scoop up her purse and her camera. Stacy took one last look around before she closed and locked the door. She was meeting her mom for lunch at a little coffee shop down by the river called The Drip. Stacy’s mom had been ecstatic when she had called her, inviting her to lunch. She already warned her mom that she didn’t want to talk about Mark or her uncle. Stacy wanted to talk about Chloe, but she knew it would cause herself more pain.

When Stacy pulled into the parking lot she could already see her mom’s car. She found her sitting under an umbrella with a book in her hand. Stacy startled her when she snuck up behind her and kissed her cheek.

“Oh, you brat, you almost gave me a heart attack,” she said as she stood to hug Stacy.

“Sorry, Mom. Have you been waiting long?” Stacy took the seat across from her.

“Yes, but I wanted to come and just sit outside and relax. That’s why I brought a book. Oh, I spoke to your grandmother this morning. She says you better call your
or else.”

“I’ll call them tomorrow. How is everyone?”

“They’re all doing well, but you know your grandma will want to tell you all of the latest herself. She loves practicing her English with you.” She picked up her menu and looked up at Stacy. “I’m glad you invited me to lunch today, baby.”

Stacy reached out and grabbed her mom’s hand. “Me too. Now, what are you getting?”

They ordered their lunches and kept the conversation light. Stacy showed her mom some of the pictures of Bellamy and Luke’s little girl that she had on her phone. They talked about her mom’s upcoming school year and how excited she was to get back to her kids.

Lunch passed by too quickly and it was time to leave in order for her to make it to her client’s home in time. Much to her mom’s displeasure, Stacy paid for lunch. She’d invited her mom, so it was only right that she paid.

Stacy walked her mom to her car, hugging her and kissing her cheek before saying goodbye. “I love you, Mom. Tell Daddy I love him, too.”

“I will, baby. I love you. I want you and Dustin over for dinner soon.”

“Okay, Mom, I’ll check with him and get back to you. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Stacy started to walk away until her mom called her back. She came back where her mom’s window was rolled down. She reached out, grabbing Stacy’s hand.

“I just wanted to say that I’m so happy for you, baby. You look so happy and so in love. That makes your momma very happy, my beautiful girl. He’s lucky to have you in his life.” Stacy felt her eyes get teary and reached in to hug her mom through the open window.

“Thank you, Mom. I am in love.” Stacy kissed her one more time and then walked away. It felt good to say it out loud to someone. She couldn’t help the extra bounce in her step as she went and got into her truck.

All the way to the Morgan’s house her mind drifted to Dustin. Stacy let a small smile pass her lips and began to softly sing along with the radio.

Ten minutes later she was pulling up in front Tim and Sarah Morgan to take pictures of their newborn son Asher. Stacy and Sarah had gone to school together and had been friendly to one another, but were never really friends. Sarah was one of the few that never judged her for the stuff Stacy did in high school. She grabbed her stuff and made her way up to the door to help the new parent’s make some wonderful memories.










Chapter 17



By noon Dustin had accomplished a lot. He’d gotten his brother up to speed on several of the projects they had going, he’d driven out to the apartment complex to have the owner approve the final plans for the renovations they were going to be doing, and met with the foreman of a crew they were going to be having help with some of the extra jobs they got.

He was just ready to head to lunch when Luke popped his head in his office. “Your brother and I are going back to my house for lunch, wanna come?”

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