Second Chances (6 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Second Chances
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She settled on a denim skirt that was old and worn, but fit her well. Stacy grabbed a hot pink jersey tee and finished the outfit with a pair of hot pink flip-flops.

Stacy quickly showered. When she was done, she slathered herself in her favorite lotion that held the scent of milk and honey. She opted for only some lip gloss and let her hair air dry so it fell into soft waves. She grabbed her bag, locked up, and headed out to her truck.




Dustin had everything already prepared so when Stacy got there they could actual sit and talk for a bit before he had to start grilling. He hadn’t seen Stacy since the night at the studio, but he talked to her every evening. She seemed to be in good spirits, and when she was happy, he was, too.

He didn’t have to worry about Megan because he broke things off with her that past Monday right before he went to the studio. She’d been very sweet about it and told him she didn’t think they fit, either. Megan had also mentioned that she’d met someone that she kind of wanted to see sometime so she was going to break things off with him anyway.

With that not weighing on his mind it made things easier for him to put the “woo Stacy” plan into motion. He knew he’d have to take his time with her, but he was hoping to show her what they could have together.

Sure he wasn’t entirely sure what that was, but he wanted to find out with her. He went all out for her tonight. Dustin got her favorite frozen drink, making his burgers she loved and rented her favorite movie,
Say Anything
, to watch with her.

Dustin grabbed a beer from the fridge and stepped out back to check on the grill. He talked to his brother earlier and Dylan seemed to be relaxing. He sounded different; not a bad different, but a good one. Maybe his brother met someone. Dylan had been worn down physically and mentally when he got back from his final tour.

Dustin had been shocked when his brother told him he had no plans to re-enlist for another four years. He’d said that he wanted to help Dustin and Luke at their construction/restoration company. Their dad and Luke’s were both talking about retiring early, so they’d be passing the business to them.

Their mom and dad talked Dylan into taking a vacation before he started working. They thought it’d be good for Dylan to center himself and relax. Hopefully he’d be coming back in much better spirits.

Once Dustin made sure the coals were ready he went back in the house to wait for Stacy, and sure enough, as soon as he thought it, she was walking in his front door.

“Dustin?” she called out to him.

“I’m in the kitchen,” he answered and then started getting her drink ready. Dustin heard her flip-flops hit his kitchen floor. When he turned to greet her, he froze in place.

Stacy was wearing his favorite piece of clothing: a jean skirt that looked old and worn, but the way it fit around her hips and ass caused his dick to stir. The t-shirt she wore hugged her beautifully natural breasts.

“You look good, sugar.” Dustin loved that she blushed whenever he complimented her.

“Thanks,” she said as she walked towards him with a sweet smile on her face. It surprised him for a second when Stacy wrapped her arms around his waist. Dustin wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight.

Neither one of them made any attempt to let go of the other. Finally he knew he had to, so he kissed her forehead and then stepped back. Hopefully she didn’t notice is erection. Dustin handed Stacy her drink.

“So what’d you do today?” Dustin asked as he led her to the deck. They settled into chairs right next to each other.

“I delivered some wedding prints to a couple and booked another shoot. My website will hopefully be done soon, too.” She turned to him and he could see the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her photography.

“That’s great, Stace, I can’t wait to see it.” He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You sit tight, I’m gonna grab the burgers and get them on.”

Dustin watched her nod as she took a drink and felt his groin tighten when she licked a drop of the red drink from her bottom lip.

He had to walk away before he kissed her. “Slow down, ass,” Dustin muttered to himself when he walked into his kitchen to grab the burgers. They hung out lots of times by themselves and he never had this hard of a time controlling himself. It was like he was fourteen again and just discovered how awesome girls were.

With the burgers on the grill, Stacy offered to go inside and get stuff ready. He heard the door open and shut as she came out to set the table and then she disappeared inside again to get all of the sides ready.

Dustin pulled the burgers off the grill and sat them on the table as Stacy started carrying the sides out. They sat and dug in, enjoying the food and company.




Stacy finished the last of her burger and leaned back in her chair with sigh. She shook her head as she watched Dustin finish off a second burger. It was no fair that guys could eat like that and still remain fit. Granted, she knew he did a lot of physical labor and worked out, but still; guys had it easy.

“Did you get enough to eat?” she asked, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Stacy smiled as Dustin started to laugh. “Yeah, I’m a growing boy, you know.”

“You are so full of shit, Dustin,” she said as she got up and started clearing the dishes.

“Wait, I’ll help you,” Dustin said with his hand on her forearm.

“Nope, you cooked and I’ll clean up. Do you want another beer?”

“Sure, thanks.”

Stacy grabbed the plates and utensils, carrying them into the house. She returned to the deck to grab the condiments and took those inside as well. On her way back out she grabbed another beer for Dustin and another frozen drink for herself.

She settled herself back into the seat next to Dustin. They both settled back in their chairs watching the birds fly around his backyard in a companionable silence. Stacy kicked off her flip-flops and tucked her legs under her bottom.

It felt natural when she leaned into Dustin, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Thanks for dinner,” she said, sighing.

She felt him kiss the top of her head. “It was my pleasure. I’ve got a movie for us to watch, too. Just let me know when you’re ready to go inside.”

Stacy and Dustin sat outside sipping their drinks until the sun started to set. They grabbed their empty glass and bottle and brought them inside.

After everything was cleaned up, Dustin sent Stacy to go wait in the living room. She sank down into his overstuffed couch. Stacy could hear him tinkering around in the kitchen and came out a minute later with two bowls of ice cream.

It made Stacy’s heart swell that he was doing all of this for her. She knew that she loved him, but she’d never tell him that. Was it wrong for her that she dated someone for three months even though she was in love with another? Maybe it was, but she knew that Dustin didn’t do the long term thing and Stacy didn’t think she could take it if he ever broke her heart.

None of it made sense to her. She was with Brian for a couple of years, but she never felt for him what she did for Dustin. Maybe it was because he treated her so well. He made her feel special, even though they were just friends.

Stacy wished that she wouldn’t have been so scared that he’d end up hurting her that she didn’t even give him a chance to prove he wouldn’t.

“Earth to Stacy.” She shook her head as Stacy snapped out of her thoughts. Dustin was leaning towards her with a goofy grin on his face.

“Sorry,” Stacy said with a sheepish grin.

“That’s okay. What’s on your mind?” Dustin picked up her hand, kissing her knuckles.

How was she supposed to think when he did that? “I was just thinking how nice tonight’s been. You spoil me, you know that?”

“It’s my pleasure. You ready to watch a movie?” He stood and picked up a DVD case off of his entertainment center.

“It depends. Are you going to make me watch some movie that’s gonna scare the crap out of me? You know I hate those movies.” Stacy didn’t mind the Freddy, Jason or Michael movies because they were slightly comical, but she couldn’t do any of those paranormal movies or zombies.

Last time he got her to watch one she didn’t sleep for a couple of days, and when she did, she left all of her lights on.

“I promise it’s not anything like that. I’m going to suffer through your favorite movie,” Dustin said with a wink and then popped it in the DVD player.

Stacy couldn’t contain the squeal that left her mouth. “Aww. You got me
Say Anything

She’d told him once that it was one of her all-time favorite movies. Granted she was only two when it originally came out, but her first year in college she happened to be flipping through channels and found it. Stacy immediately fell in love with the story of an underachiever falling for an overachiever.

In Your Eyes
by Peter Gabriel
was her favorite song.

Dustin grabbed her bowl of ice cream and handed it to her. Stacy took a bite of the Dutch chocolate and let the savory flavor explode on her tongue.

If Stacy didn’t know better, she’d have thought Dustin was trying to impress her. She immediately dismissed that crazy idea. Although sometimes the thought of being with him entered her mind, Stacy knew that he was just trying to be her friend.

He shut off the lights and joined Stacy on the couch, grabbing his bowl as he settled in. Not even thinking, Stacy snuggled up next to him as the movie started to play.




Dustin knew Stacy had fallen asleep because her head slipped from his shoulder to rest against his chest. She didn’t even make it an hour before she started snoring softly against him.

Truth be told, he didn’t really care for the movie, but he knew how much Stacy loved it. While she slept, he turned the movie off and checked his movie channels. Dustin found a good ol’ action flick to watch.

With his arm around her shoulders, Dustin gently stroked her upper arm. It was a light feather touch, but he watched the goose bumps rise on her arm. The scent of her shampoo drifted into his nose. It took all of his will power not to bury his nose in her hair for a whiff.

That was all he needed for her to wake up to him sniffing her hair. He reached up and with the slightest touch, rubbed his hand over her hair. It was silky smooth against his fingers.

Last summer when she had come home her hair was really short. He liked her unique cut, but not as much as he liked her hair now. It was down to her chin, he wondered what it would feel like against his bare chest as she kissed down his chest straight to his cock.

When they’d been sleeping together, she’d tease him by kissing, licking and nipping every inch of his chest all of the way down.

“Shit,” he muttered. His cock was hard and aching beneath his shorts. He felt himself get hot all over. Images of Stacy’s naked body writhing under him flashed through his mind. He couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his lips. Dustin willed himself to stop. If Stacy woke up, she’d see his straining erection in his shorts—she’d probably freak out and leave.

Closing his eyes, Dustin started counting back from 100. By the time he was to 60 he felt in better in control of himself. He’d always had a high sex drive, and the fact that he hadn’t been with anyone in a long time was clouding his brain.

Before, he would’ve gone out, found someone who knew the score, and fucked all night long. He didn’t want anyone else except Stacy, and she was as sexual as he was. Sex had been amazing between the two of them. She was as crazy as he was.

Dustin shook his head. If he didn’t quit thinking about her like that his hard-on would never go away.

He felt her shift against him, nuzzling his chest and making an mmmm sound.

“You always smell so good, Dustin,” he heard her say. Sleep heavy in her voice.

“Thanks, sugar,” Dustin whispered. Stacy immediately fell silent again.




Someone gently rubbing his cheek caused Dustin to wake slowly. He inhaled and knew that it was Stacy. Dustin didn’t want to open his eyes just yet—he was afraid if he did she’d pull her hand away.

“Come on, sleepy head,” she called to him in a singsong voice. “Wakey wakey.”

He let his eyes open slowly and smiled at the sight of her. She was on her knees next to him on the couch, eating another helping of ice cream.

Stacy gave him a grin that made him want to steal a kiss from her. He watched her as she leaned forward, sitting her bowl on the coffee table, eyeing the strip of skin that showed when her shirt rode up.

Dustin’s hand itched to touch her, but she sat back before he could give in.

“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you,” she said, facing him on the couch.

“It’s okay. It’s obvious I fell asleep, too.”

“Dustin, can I ask you something?”

Dustin nodded his head, wondering what she wanted.

“My family is coming in to town this weekend and we’re having a big party Saturday night. Uh, I was wondering if you’d go with me. Bell, Luke, and your parents are all coming and I’d love it if you were my date.”

Dustin watched her worry her bottom lip with her teeth. He didn’t know why it made her nervous to ask.

“Yeah, I’d like that. What time are we going?”

“That I don’t know for sure yet. I know they rented that little hall down on Fifth Street. My dad, uncles and cousins are gonna be there rehearsing early in the afternoon. I only need to be there to practice the couple of songs I’m singing—”

“You’re singing, Stace?” Dustin knew she sang a little bit, but he didn’t know she performed with a band.

“Yeah, I only do it every now and again. I used to sing with them a lot more when I was younger. I even tagged along when Dad travelled with my uncles during the summer. This is the first time they’ll play together since Dad’s heart attack last year.”

Dustin could still see the worry in her eyes every time she talked about her dad’s heart attack. Gary always seemed like a fairly healthy man to him, but Stacy had told him that her grandpa had died from a massive heart attack when he was around Gary’s age.

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