Second Time Around (12 page)

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Authors: Katherine Allred

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Second Time Around
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“I won’t,” she whispered, the lump in her throat nearly choking her. “I promise.”

* * * * *

Wearily, Quinn closed his eyes and rubbed the scar on his temple, wishing he were any place but sitting on the back porch steps. If he could have left without letting them know he’d been there, he would have. But any movement on his part would have drawn their attention instantly.

6He’d tried not to listen, not to watch. Unfortunately, sounds carried well on the night air, and the light from the barn had outlined them clearly. And now he felt like crap. He hoped Lanie would head back into the barn, but as soon as Jared’s truck vanished down the drive he heard her steps moving toward the house. They stopped abruptly and he opened his eyes to see her peering uncertainly into the darkness of the porch.


“Yeah, it’s me.”

She moved closer and propped a foot on the bottom step. “How long have you been here?”

“Too long.” He smiled wryly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”

“You heard everything?”


Climbing the last few steps, she sank down beside him, remaining silent while she rubbed her eyes. “I had to call him, Quinn. He’s the only vet in this area. And I owed him the truth.”

“I know.” Gingerly he put his arm around her, surprised when she leaned into his body. “I’m not blaming you. It’s just not easy seeing you together.” He let his thumb caress the skin on her arm. “You were wrong about one thing you told him, Lanie.”


“Me leaving. I’m not going anywhere.”

“That’s what you said last time.”

“Last time I was an idiot. I won’t make the same mistake again.”

“What about Edward?”

Quinn’s expression turned fierce. “He’s my father, and part of me will always love him. But the rest of me hates him for what he’s done. He made a big mistake when he broke us apart and kept my son from me. One he’s going to regret. You have to believe me, Lanie. A second chance to be with you and Zack, for us to be a family, means more to me than anything Edward has to offer.”

He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face to his. “Jared isn’t the only one who loves you, Lanie. So do I. There was a time I fooled myself into thinking I didn’t, but the minute you walked into that fund-raiser, I knew I’d been wrong. If anything, I love you more now than I did before. That’s why I’m doing all this, why I want us to have another shot at making things right.”

She lowered her head, rested it against his shoulder. “What about McAllister Pharmaceuticals? It’s as much a part of your heritage as this ranch. I can’t see you giving it up easily.”

Involuntarily, his jaw clenched. “Let me worry about the company. I promise you, it won’t interfere in our life.”

6A prodigious yawn stretched her features. “What were you doing out here?”

He lifted to gaze to sweep the ranch. There was a full moon tonight, its blue light creating familiar shadows. “Thinking. Soaking the place in. I used to do it a lot.”

“I remember,” she murmured. “I’d wake up and discover you weren’t in bed. I’d always find you sitting out here.”

“You never said anything.”

“No. You seemed…I don’t know, sort of untouchable. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“You should have. It’s a lot nicer with you here.” He rested his chin on top of her head and put his other arm around her.

“I guess we both should have done some things differently.” She paused for a moment. “Did Zack give you problems over his bath tonight?”


She grinned. “Don’t tell me he talked you out of it?”

“He never even mentioned it. Sorry. I’m still new at this father thing.”

“It’s okay. He can take one in the morning instead. You’ll learn.” She shifted, then straightened. “I need to go check Kadia one more time before bed.”

“How is she?”

“Fine, now. The foal is a filly.”

“Mind if I go with you?”

“No, I don’t mind.” She went down the steps, waiting for him at the bottom.

He’d forgotten about his leg. Stifling a groan, he rose awkwardly, well aware of Lanie’s curious stare. He forced a smile. “Been sitting in one position too long.” When he joined her, he took her hand. “I had a look at Gator earlier. That’s about the ugliest bull I’ve ever seen.”

“Now you know where he got his name.”

“Why are you keeping him in the corral?”

“We moved him there about two weeks ago after he tried to gore Kenny. Luckily, he didn’t get the job done, but I can’t risk the same thing happening with one of our riding groups. Kenny knows what to do, these people don’t.” She glanced toward the corral that stretched between the brood mare barn and the stable. “I suppose I’m going to have to sell him. He’s gotten too dangerous.”

“Do you have a replacement?”

“A couple of his sons. They’re still a little young, but I think they’ll do.”

“That’s good. Oh, and I talked to the contractor. He’ll start the new bunkhouse as soon as you show him where you want it.”

She glanced up at him. “You don’t have to do that, Quinn.”

“I know, but I want to.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to him in the morning.”

7They admired the new filly for a while before heading back to the house. She was on her feet now, energetically nursing from her tired mother.

The spicy aroma of baking still filled the kitchen when Quinn opened the back door for her. “Want a cookie? Don’t tell Martha I said so, but they aren’t as good as yours.”

She shook her head, smiling. “Thanks, but I’m bushed. All I want to do is take a fast shower then crawl into bed.”

“It has been a long day.”

He followed her up the stairs, pausing outside her room. “Lanie?”

With her hand on the doorknob, she turned.

“I know we’ve still got a lot of problems to work out. Things happened that neither of us will get over easily. But God, I’ve missed you. I want you so much I ache with it.”


He put his fingers over her lips and smiled. “You don’t have to say anything. I realize you’re still confused and upset. I won’t push you, but I wanted you to know I’m here if you ever decide you need me.”

Slowly, he leaned over and replaced his fingers with his lips, kissing her gently.

“Goodnight, Lanie.”

He was halfway down the hall when her whisper reached him.

“Quinn? I’ve missed you too.”

Heart leaping, he gazed back at her. “That’s a start, Angel.”

She nodded. “Goodnight.”

Before he could say more, she stepped into her room and closed the door.

7Chapter Ten

I’ve missed you, too.

The words continued to ring in his head the next morning as he sat in front of the computer Duncan had installed in the office. Through the window he watched Lanie talk to the contractor, gesturing occasionally to make a point.

Today, her T-shirt was white, tucked neatly into her jeans. The sun glinted on her hair, setting off deep auburn highlights in the darker brown strands. To his eyes, she looked no different than she had at eighteen, the summer she’d knocked him flat on his butt.

Until that year, she’d been his buddy, someone to take care of. She’d even been his pen pal, writing him newsy letters about everything that was going on in Watson during the winter months while he was in college. When he’d found out how much she loved horses, he’d convinced Jonesy to hire her each summer, paying her wages out of his own pocket.

But that particular summer…


Quinn hoisted his duffel bag with one hand to keep it from snagging on seats as he made his way off the airplane. He hoped Jonesy hadn’t forgotten he was arriving today.

An hour-long wait in the small terminal wasn’t something he relished. He’d been in such a hurry to get home he hadn’t even gone by Edward’s, instead leaving straight from college.

A small crowd waited at the gate as he disembarked and he scanned the faces rapidly, looking for Jonesy. There was no sign of the older man, and he sighed. He should have called from the airport in Chicago and reminded his foreman that he was on his way.

“Hey, cowboy. What’s your hurry?”

The voice was low and sexy, and he almost kept going. But there was something vaguely familiar about it. Abruptly, he stopped, turning to look at the crowd again.

She was standing in front of him, grinning from ear to ear. Her dark hair was pulled back in a thick braid, and she was wearing a skirt and blouse. A blouse that molded itself to her upper body, defining a shape that was about as far from childish as you could get. The skirt was full, some gauzy material that nipped in at her small waist and showed off legs a mile long below the hem.

7“Lanie?” Stunned, he could do nothing but stare at her.

“It’s about time.”

Reflexively he dropped his bag as she launched herself at him, his arms closing around her.

“Welcome home,” she murmured in his ear. “God, I’ve missed you.”

He was still grappling with the fact that this woman was “his” Lanie when she kissed him. Not just a peck on the cheek, a real lip-lock. Combined with the feel of her curves pressed against him, her scent washing over him, his body reacted with a need that shocked him. This was Lanie. His best friend. He wasn’t supposed to be feeling this way about her.

With a scowl, he pulled her arms away from his neck and glowered down at her.

“Who taught you to kiss like that?”

Her grin turned saucy. “Who taught you? And don’t try to tell me you didn’t like it.

I know better.”

“We’re in public, for gosh sakes.”

She tilted her head. “Want to go somewhere private and try again?”


Laughter erupted from her throat. “Okay, okay. I was just teasing. But you should see your face.” She reached into a pocket on her skirt and pulled out a set of keys, tossing them at him. “I brought your truck. I thought you might like to drive it home.”

“Thanks. Is it still in one piece?” He couldn’t stop looking at her and that scared him. This wasn’t one of the women he took to bed without a second thought. Lanie trusted him, cared about him.

“Of course it’s in one piece. I had a great driving instructor.”

“Who still has gray hair from the experience.”

“I wasn’t that bad.”

“Oh? What about the time you took the curve outside Watson on two wheels and nearly hit the ditch?”

“I was dodging a cat.”

“Uh-huh. One I never saw.”

“It’s not my fault my eyes are better than yours.”

They had reached the truck by then, and Quinn slung his bag into the back before opening it and pulling out a wrapped box. As soon as they were inside, he handed it to her.

“What’s this?” She examined the colorful paper curiously.

“A graduation present. Open it.”

He started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot, keeping an eye on her as she tore the paper off and opened the gift.

7“Oh, Quinn. It’s beautiful.” She held the heart-shaped necklace by its chain, sunlight sparkling off the diamond in the center. “Thank you.” She slid across the seat and kissed him, this time on the cheek.

To his horror, he realized he was disappointed that she hadn’t really kissed him again. He cleared his throat. “So, going off to college now?”

She shook her head. “I’m not cut out for college. Jonesy gave me a full-time job at the ranch.” There was a brief hesitation. “I moved into that cabin on the south part of the range. Jonesy let me have it as part of my salary.”

“What about your grandparents?” He arched a brow in question.

“They threw me out,” she said quietly. “You know how grandpa is. After the drunk driver who killed my parents got off with a fine and a suspended sentence, he thinks anyone with money is evil. My working at your ranch during the summers was bad enough. When I told him I’d been hired permanently he lost it.” She shrugged. “I guess it’s for the best. I never really felt welcome there anyway.”

“I’m sorry, Lanie.”

“It’s not your fault.” She smiled at him. “I love having the cabin to myself. It’s so peaceful there.”

“So, got a hot date lined up Friday night?”

“No. I haven’t been dating much lately.”

Relief washed over him. “Good. How about going to the drive-in with me?” The words popped out before he knew he was going to say them and his breath caught in his chest. He’d lost his mind. There was no other explanation. Carefully, he glanced at Lanie. She was staring at him intently.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she said quietly.


Quinn smiled now as he watched her bend over a set of plans with the contractor, making a mark here and there on the paper. He’d managed not to let things go too far that summer, but just barely. It had been pure hell and sweet heaven working with her every day, spending every minute off together. By the time he’d gone back to college, he’d known he was in love.

The tone of their letters had changed his first year of graduate school. Neither had openly declared their love, but it was obvious. Never had a school year seemed so long.

And he’d known deep down inside that the next summer he wouldn’t be able to stop.

He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any woman before.

The phone beside him rang, interrupting his chain of memories. He snagged it before Martha could answer.


7“Franklin. How’s it going?”

“Thank God I caught you. Edward is driving me nuts. He wants me to stall the trust fund. I think he still believes you’ll see the light and come back.”

“Let Edward think whatever he wants. He’ll find out the truth soon enough.”

Quinn picked up the sheaf of papers lying on the desk in front of him. “I got the papers you faxed. I’ve been looking them over. There are a few changes I want you to make before I sign them.”

“What changes?”

“I’m going to be adding some stock to the fund.” Quinn leaned back in the chair.

“Well, that shouldn’t take long.”

“Yeah, but I haven’t finished buying yet. It could be a couple more weeks. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”

He depressed the receiver and dialed the number for Tom Delaney, his stockbroker.

The secretary put him right through.

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