Secret Submission (30 page)

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Authors: Diana Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #erotic

BOOK: Secret Submission
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Sarah blushed as she understood the woman’s meaning. “I did not mean to keep him from you,” she stammered.

The Lady’s laugh softened into a smile. “Perhaps you did not mean it, but I see it was well worth the time spent.” The mirth faded from her eyes and she held Sarah in her gaze. “You will make him a fine slave, Sarah. He does not love easily. In all the years I’ve known him, and that has been many, he has never given his heart. Not once. Not until tonight. You treat him well.”

There was a warning implicit in the Lady’s words and Sarah nodded, her heart suddenly in her throat. The men’s return saved her from having to respond.

“Well, you take care of your Master, slave,” Will told her with a wink to let her know he approved of her. “The man needs someone to keep him honest!”

“We’ll get together some time this week, just us slaves,” Jill told her. “I know you’re going to have loads of questions in a day or two when what happened here tonight sinks in. Master Phillip has my number.”

Hugs and pecks were distributed around and the foursome took their leave. The house suddenly grew quiet in their absence. Sarah helped Phillip extinguish all the candles but one. Picking it up, he came to her and again held out his hand. A small thrill ran through him when she placed her leash in his. Silently he led them to the bedroom where he set the candle on the nightstand.

“Come here, my slave,” he said softly and Sarah glided into his arms. She breathed deeply, filling her lungs with his scent as he held her close. He nestled his nose into her hair, never wanting to let go. They stood entwined in their own world for many heartbeats before Sarah broke the spell by yawning.

They both laughed, the tired laugh one has after a long, successful evening. He undid the clasp on her bra and removed it. She started to take off the stockings, but he put his hand on hers. “Let me,” he murmured. “Let me service my slave tonight.”

She sat on the edge of the bed as he rolled down her stockings, caressing her legs and rubbing her sore feet. The heels of her shoes weren’t very high, but after being in them all night long, her toes were tired.

Her garter belt, too, he slipped off, then took her legs and gently raised them to the bed. She watched as he undressed, blew out the candle, and came to join her.

“Phillip…” she began.

.” He put a finger to her lips. “Not tonight. Tomorrow will be time enough to question. Tonight there is only our love.” He kissed her then, his mouth covering hers in the darkness. His arm wrapped around her and she melted into him, letting him carry her down, wrapping her leg over his as the kiss deepened.

He would take her with tenderness tonight, the animal had gone to sleep. Slowly his hands drifted over her body, relishing her softness, her curves. Every part of her belonged to him and he wanted to touch each part, own it again, and give thanks for it. She held his head and her fingers entwined in his hair as he bent to kiss her breasts, leaving a wonderful trail of warmth behind his movements.

His hand parted her legs and she rolled onto her back, letting his fingers caress the folds hidden there. Her sex was potent from the night’s activities, but he breathed it in deeply and her heart soared. It was the final goodbye to her deceased husband, who never liked her aroused odor. For a moment, she thought she saw him standing in the doorway, but she blinked and he was gone. Completely gone, she realized. Instead, she belonged to Phillip.

The realization heightened her desire—she belonged to him now. Before those had been just words, but now they were reality. She arched her back as he entered her, spreading her legs wider to take all of him inside.

Inside where it was warm and comfortable. Inside her body as he was inside her heart. Phillip bent down and kissed her as she came, much as he had the first night they made love. Her arms wrapped around him and he held her in his own, never wanting to let go. Together they rode the gentle waves of their orgasms, their bodies locked in love’s embrace.

* * * * *

Several hours later Phillip awoke, chilled in the night air. He had fallen asleep on top of her, his cock still buried deep inside. But now goose bumps crawled over his arms and he shifted, reaching down to find the blankets and cover them. She barely stirred and he realized her exhaustion had been just as much mental as it had been physical. He stretched out beside her and smiled as she snuggled in next to him, not even awake enough to realize she had done so. He wrapped his arm protectively around her and went back to sleep.

Chapter Eleven



Sarah was having the most delicious dream. Warmth spread from her belly all the way up her body to tingle in her fingers. Rolling over in the bed, she dreamt of a warm tongue licking along the outer lips between her legs and in her dream, she spread her legs wide for the faceless stranger. A moan escaped her lips and it was that moan that woke her up.

It was no dream. She lay on her back and Phillip’s head rose to greet her, a dimple in his cheeks and the devil in his eyes.

“Good morning,” he said cheerfully. “Ready to get up? Or shall I continue?”

“Oh, by all means, continue!” She stretched, raising her arms over her head and yawning in her barely awake state.

.” He propped himself up on one arm and stared along her length. “Methinks you have forgotten your manners, slave.”

She cocked an eye in his direction as his fingers toyed with her lips—pinching them and pushing them aside, but not taking her, not touching her clit. She was becoming more and more awake the more aroused he made her. “Please, Sir—please continue?” Her voice tightened as his fingers entered her, stretching her wide.

“Do you like this, my little slave? And did you like being on display last night?” His fingers began moving in and out of her, his thumb coming up to circle her clit. “Did you like being treated like a piece of property?” His fingers pressed deeply into her. “My property?”

She gasped and cried out. “Yes, oh yes, Master—I liked it. Oh, please, Sir…please let me come.”

His hand withdrew and he brought his fingers to his mouth. As she watched, he licked them clean. “Yes, slave—I will make you come.” His face disappeared and his tongue licked her from the depth of her slit, into her pussy and up to her clit where it made slow circles over and around her, driving her mad with desire. She arched her back, her hands clawing at the bed sheets. “Oh, Sir!! Please!”

She felt his finger dip into her pussy, then trail down between the cheeks of her rear, trailing nature’s lubricant all the way down. His finger pressed on the hole, then pushed inside. She was so wet, he had no trouble entering and he began fucking her ass with his hand as his tongue now impaled her pussy.

With a cry, the tension inside burst forth and she convulsed as the orgasm wracked her body. He did not let up, but kept the pressure on her as wave after wave made her body dance for him.

Her cries quieted into whimpers and her body settled as he brought her down. She wasn’t even aware of when he left her; but when her senses returned, she was covered and he was in the shower.

Phillip’s first sight upon reentering the bedroom was of his slave, wantonly lying with her legs still spread under the covers, smiling at him—a smile of total and complete bliss. He could not help himself. Flinging off the thin blanket, he stretched beside her, cupping her breast in one hand and possessing her mouth with his tongue.

He had showered, but not yet brushed his teeth and she could taste herself on his lips. The taste started the fires burning again and she could not remember a time when she had felt so alive. The air was crisper, the sun shone brighter and she felt herself to be a sexual being for the first time in her life.

Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him tightly, her love for him bursting from every pore of her being. Phillip pushed himself up to look at her, his eyes shining as he smiled; was ever a man as lucky as he? He loved her more deeply than he had ever loved before—and the most wonderful thing of all was that she loved him back.

“I love you, Sarah-my-slave.”

“I love you, Phillip-my-master.”

She giggled as he attacked her neck, his breath tickling. That gave him ideas and he ran his fingers over her side finding her most ticklish spots. She squealed and let her fingers do some searching of their own. Laughing and giggling, the two of them rolled around on the bed until they collapsed in each other’s arms.

“Truce!” Phillip declared and Sarah’s hands immediately changed to a caress. Brushing the hair from her face, he leaned in to kiss her tenderly.

“Oh, Master,” she breathed when he withdrew. “Tell me why I like this so much. Tell me why I like for you to tie me up and why I want you to whip my body pink. Tell me why I liked being mostly naked and on display for strangers last night. Tell me what power you have over me that I want to give you such control of me. I am in love with you, Sir—and I no longer have any limits.”

He smiled as he smoothed her hair. Propped up on one arm, he leaned his head on one hand as his fingers drifted down to play with her breast while he explained.

“I have no power at all, Sarah. You have it all, haven’t you realized that yet?”

“You mean, I have power because I can walk out any time I wish. If I didn’t want to participate last night, I could have told you that before you put the bit in. Even though I didn’t know the specifics of what was coming, you certainly did give me enough opportunity to flee.”

“And yet you didn’t.” His finger idly circled her nipple. “Why?”

Her cheeks colored and she rolled over to face him, trying to understand. “I didn’t run because it never occurred to me. I was scared, especially when you left me in the bedroom to bring everyone in and get them settled, and again once you turned off all the lights except for the ones on my cage. That really unnerved me.” Her eyes dropped. “I’m sorry I wasn’t better behaved then.”

“You don’t need to apologize.” His hand touched her chin, lifting her eyes to his. “All your life you’ve been conditioned to think one particular way. Over the past several weeks, you’ve been exploring another alternative. The two parts of you are bound, if you’ll pardon the pun, to fight on occasion.” He grinned. “And I can see which side won.”

“Yes, you have unleashed the wanton side of me…” Her eyes flashed as she reached down to cup his soft cock in her hand. “I want to be very naughty with you. I want to be your sex slave.”

She tried not to, but giggled anyway. It sounded so absurd when said out loud—and yet it was what she wanted, more than anything in the world.

He grinned, and let her play with his cock. In the early morning light, she looked so like a child eager to please, wanting to learn. So open and innocent about her own needs and desires.

“You said you don’t know why you like to be tied up when I take you. Do you really not know?”

“Well, I know a psychologist would tell me it has to do with the fact that I’m feeling guilty about all this—and that being tied up allows me to believe my actions are no longer in my control. I have to admit, being tied, I do feel freer to express myself than when I’m not tied.

“But there’s more to it than that, I think. There is just something wonderful about having given up control. There’s something about giving you permission to bind me—about trusting you so completely—that really arouses me. And that, I think, is the real reason I like it so much.”

Phillip nodded. “It’s the reason I like it so much as well. For me, the arousal comes when you submit. When I push you past where you are comfortable and you submit anyway and go along with me? That is the biggest thrill of all.”

“I can tell. Just thinking about it, has made you hard.” Sarah’s hand continued to caress his cock, now grown to almost full size. She looked at him, a pleading in her eyes. “Please, Sir. Let me do this. Let me please you and show you how much I love you?” She climbed out of the bed and knelt at the side, her nipples standing straight up in the morning air.

He didn’t even need to think about it. She wanted to service him—she wanted to show her love by sucking him off. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and leaned back on his hands. “Then make me come, slave.” His voice was gruffer than he meant it to be, his heart was too much in his throat.

She understood. Smiling, she leaned forward, taking his length in her mouth and drawing up, licked the underside of his shaft; leaving a thin, wet line behind. The air hit the wet spot and he grew harder as the warmth of her mouth contrasted with the coolness of the air.

Circling the tip, she drew lazy circles around it with her tongue, looking up at him with smoldering eyes.

“Slave, what are you doing to me?” he whispered.

“Teasing you, my dear master,” she replied innocently. “Would you like me to stop?”

He groaned as her mouth encircled just the tip and her tongue flicked inside the slit at the end, licking the pre-come that had already formed there. He could not answer and realized she knew it.

She grinned as she withdrew, leaving her hand to rub his skin, knowing exactly what she was doing to him. For the moment, he had given his control to her and she intended to make full use of it. Pushing his cock up, she leaned down to lick his balls, sucking in first one, and then the other, rolling the stones around in her mouth. She was rewarded by another moan.

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