Secretly Seduced: The Interview Series Book One (8 page)

BOOK: Secretly Seduced: The Interview Series Book One
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     “You really are a dumb cunt. 
I’m going to piss in your mouth and you’re going to swallow every drop,” said

     “I don’t think I can do that,” said
a horrified and disgusted Stacy.

     “You have a choice.  You can
wrap your lips around my cock and swallow every drop of piss or I can go to
work on your other tit with these,” said Mike taking the pliers out of the door
pocket.  “Either way, you’ll wind up with a tummy full of Cabreeze’s
energy drink.”

     “I might get sick,” said Stacy.

     “If you should happen to puke on me
or even spill a drop on my slacks, I will take you over to the rail yard and
tie you to a post with your mouth propped open.  I’ll make the winos piss
in your mouth until the sun comes up.  I did that once to a girl who was
giving me shit.  When they finished, she looked like she was eight months
pregnant.  She had a belly full of the foulest pee on the planet. 
Now get busy, I need to take a leak.”

     “Move the seat back,” said Stacy
terrified that Mike’s threats were real.  She could not bear having her
other breast in the teeth of Mike’s pliers and the possibility of vagrants
peeing in her mouth was too horrible to contemplate.

      “Just to show you what a nice
guy I am, I’ll start with a slight tinkle,” said Mike.

      Stacy summoned all her will
and discipline to the task as she unzipped Mike’s trousers and fished his cock
out the slit of his boxers.

     “I’ve been told the trick is to keep
swallowing, don’t allow your mouth to get full because there is always more
coming,” said Mike as Stacy formed her lips around his cock head.

     “Ready,” asked Mike.

     Stacy looked up and nodded

     “Almost immediately, she felt her
mouth fill with warm liquid.  She swallowed then immediately repeated the
act all the while ignoring the stench that filled her nostrils.

     “I’ve been told by piss drinking
whores that the smell is worse than the taste,” said Mike concentrating on
controlling his flow so as to not overwhelm Stacy.  In reality, he had
invested a considerable amount of time and effort in bringing her under
control.  It was psychologically important she succeed.

     I can do this thought Stacy. 
It may be the most disgusting act I will ever perform as long as I live but
somehow I will get through it.  Stacy had developed a rhythm, gulping down
the contents of her mouth when it was half full.

     To Stacy it seemed like it would
never end.  Her belly began to feel warm and full.  Finally, just
when it was becoming difficult, Stacy’s mouth was empty.

     “All gone,” said Mike.

     Stacy looked up at Mike and was
surprised to see him smiling at her.

     “Repeat after me, I’m Mike
Cabreeze’s piss drinking bitch and I’ll do anything he wants,” said Mike.

     Stacy dutifully repeated the
sentence.  She was surprised she had succeeded at the task.  Mike was
proving adept at using fear to motivate her.

     “Give me a kiss, piss mouth,” said

     Stacy rose up and brought her lips
to Mike’s and kissed him passionately while realizing to her dismay, the
horrible disgusting act had turned her on.

     “Now, let’s add a few squirts of
jism to my piss to make a slut cocktail,” said Mike pushing her head back
toward his crotch.

Chapter 10 Proving Commitment



     Stacy ignored the throbbing pain in
her breast and what felt like a gallon of pee sloshing in her belly as she kept
her lips tightly formed around Mike’s cock and moved slowly down the
shaft.  His was the third cock she’d ever sucked and the first two didn’t

     The hard part is over thought Stacy
surprised she had summoned the will to drink Mike’s urine.  He’ll let me
go as soon as he climaxes.

     There wasn’t much room between her
head and the steering wheel limiting her range of motion.  She slipped her
tongue underneath the shaft and windshield wiped her tongue across the thin
ridge of skin.

     “I see you haven’t forgotten
everything I taught you,” said Mike tilting his seat back.     

     I can do this thought Stacy. 
I sucked him off before and I can do it again.

     “Don’t neglect my balls,” said Mike
as he titled the seat back.  “Remember how to work my nuts.”

     Stacy took one of the large
testicles in her mouth and held it with her lips as her tongue roamed over the
hairy surface.  She pressed the side of her hand underneath his balls
drawing a sigh of pleasure from the object of her oral ministrations.

     “Good, sucking cock is like riding
a bicycle.  Now tell me how much you love sucking my balls,” said Mike.

     “I love having your hairy balls in
my mouth, Mike,” said Stacy inhaling his male odor seeking to kick-start her
lust.  Somewhere in her mind was the thought that inciting her own desire
would make sex with Mike easier.  There was also the realization that the
aromatic mixture of urine and male ball sweat had turned her on.  She
fought the urge to slip her hand down her jeans to her pussy, afraid it would
piss Mike off and her other areola would wind up in the jaws of his pliers.

     “Today, you’re lying, bitch. 
But before we’re through, you’ll learn to love it,” said Mike placing his hand
on the back of Stacy’s head jamming his cock in her throat forcing Stacy to
breathe through her nose as she fought to control her gag reflex.  “True
love is swallowing your man’s dick and not choking.”

     Portia was right realized Stacy. I
was a fool to react the way I did.  I have to learn to cooperate and
please him.  He came close to ripping my nipple off.  My boob’s killing
me.  Mike is a psychopath and he’s become my stalker.

     “That’s right, push my cock head
inside your throat then squeeze it.  Latina whores can do that from the
time they’re ten,” said Mike.

       I’ll do it decided
Stacy forcing an inch of Mike’s cock head into her throat opening then
swallowing to press the walls of her throat around it.  To her surprise,
she found she could compress the spongy head.

     “That’s right, cunt.  You’re a
fast learner,” said Mike between moans.  “I bet your Mom and Aunt know how
to suck a cock.  Big tits weren’t the only thing you inherited.”

     No more mouthing off reasoned
Stacy.  He’s liable to kill me if I make him mad enough.  Drinking
his pee and sucking his cock is better than winding up in the Charles River
with a bullet in my brain or spending the rest of my life in prison.  He’s
a policeman.  He can do anything he wants to me and get away with it.

    He seems to know so much about me and my
family.  He may know more than I do about certain things.

    “Work my piss hole with the tip of your
tongue.  If nothing else, I’ll teach you to be one hell of a cock sucker,”
said Mike his hand resting on the back of Stacy’s head.

     Just as Stacy’s lust was building
and her head was getting into sucking Mike’s penis, there was a loud tapping on
the tinted window of the car.

    Startled, Stacy started to rise up but
Mike’s hand held her in place.

    “Keep sucking, Stacy.  I got it,”
said Mike

    “Lt. Cabreeze, what brings you on
campus,” said a male voice from outside the car.

     “Hello Sergeant Ebbers, I just
stopped by to sample the oral skills of one of your coeds,” said Mike.

     “And, how is the student
performing,” asked Sergeant Roger Ebbers of the Harvard Campus Police? 
Harvard’s location in the urban center of Cambridge required a large force of
campus security.  Stacy’s dorm was located right off a busy city

     “What she lacks in experience, she
makes up for in raw talent and enthusiasm.  I had to reason with her
before she decided to cooperate,” said Mike holding up the pliers as he used
Stacy’s hair to raise her head to face the campus policeman.

     “I can see she needed persuading,”
said Roger observing Stacy’s split lip and bruised face.

     “Not to worry, she’s into the rough
stuff.  It takes a few smacks to get her excited,” said Mike.

     “From the smell, you must have been
doing a little piss training,” said the Sergeant.

     “Yes, Stacy tell the Sergeant how
much you loved draining my tank,” said Mike.

     Fearful of displeasing Mike, Stacy
looked up and at the campus cop and smiled.  “It was delicious.  I
love swallowing Mike’s hot piss.”

     “She’s well trained.  I’ve
seen her around.  She’s a real fox,” said Roger.

     “I’m willing to share with a brother
officer of the law.  Get in,” said Mike.

     “This is a wonderful example of
cross jurisdictional cooperation.  I’ve watched her swish her tail around
campus in tight low-slung jeans with those big boobs leading the way. She
looked like she was begging for it,” said Roger getting in on the passenger
side.  His hand reached forward to slip under Stacy’s shirt capturing her
uninjured breast.  His fingers squeezed and twisted her nipple as he
conversed with Mike.  “I’ve been dying to check these out.  They’re
fucking huge.”

     My God he’s going to fuck me too
realized Stacy horrified at the casual way Mike had offered her to the

    “Always willing to help out a fellow
crime fighter,” said Mike.  “Stacy, have you met Sergeant Ebbers?”

    “No, but I’ve seen him on campus,” said
Stacy between swiping her tongue across Mike’s cock.

    “Show respect to an officer of the
law.  Turn around and greet the Sergeant properly,” said Mike taking hold
of Stacy’s hair to lift her off his manhood.

    Stacy pushed herself upright then turned
to face the young campus policeman she’d often seen standing in the entranceway
to her dorm.    No words were spoken as he put his arms around
her and they kissed. His tongue entered her mouth as his hand continued to work
her nipple.  Helpless and afraid to do anything other than to cooperate
Stacy returned his kiss slipping her tongue into the Sergeant’s mouth.

     “There’s nothing warmer than a
slut’s mouth after sucking a brother officer’s dick,” said the Sergeant once
the kiss ended.  “Even if it is a little homo.”

     “Seeing at how it was my cock she’d
been sucking, I’d say you may have gender preference issues, Sergeant,” said

     “Shit, I like it all,” said the
Sergeant before he kissed Stacy again.  “There are some fine looking young
boys on campus who are queer for a man in uniform.  They practically beg
me to let them suck my cock.  There’s a real cutie over in Bascomb Hall
who pays me two hundred dollars ever time I fuck him in the ass.  He’s
from Caracas.  His daddy is an oil billionaire,” said the Sergeant.

      “Police base pay is never
enough.  Without special detail income, none of us would get by,” said

     “He’s been begging me to set up a
threesome.  If you ever feel the inclination to walk the dark side of the
street, give me a call and I’ll set something up.”

     “I just might do that
sometime.  Stacy’s bi.  She and her roommate have been eating each
other’s cunt all afternoon.   Stacy loves pussy and cock. 
Right, Stacy?” said Mike.

     ”Yes, Mike, I love both,” said
Stacy continuing to masturbate Mike as the Sergeant fondled her breast.

     Roger placed his hands on both
Stacy’s breast and pinched her nipples.  It took all of her self control
not to scream when his fingers punished the injured one.

     “Let me formally introduce you
two.  Stacy Todd, meet Sergeant Roger Ebbers.  He keeps you safe in
your bed while bad guys prowl the campus looking to rape and murder.”

     “Hello, Sergeant, please to meet
you,” said Stacy forcing a smile.

     “You got a great pair, Stacy. 
I was hoping to get my hands on them before the semester ended,” said Roger as
he pulled Stacy’s nipples with a circular motion that she found stimulating.

     “Thank you, enjoy them,” said Stacy
before pressing her lips against Roger’s for another deep tongue kiss.

     I’ll become a survivor repeated
Stacy to herself as she embraced Roger.  I have to be patient until there
is a way out of this.  If I cooperate and do what Mike says, he won’t have
a reason to hurt me.

     “Get naked, Stacy.  Show Roger
the complete package,” said Mike.

     In the crowded front seat, it was
difficult to undress. Roger grabbed the bottom of Stacy’s tee shirt and pulled
it over her head.

     “Nasty bruise,” said Roger
referring to the purple splotch covering the tip of Stacy’s breast.

     “We had a slight
disagreement.  It was necessary to bring Stacy around to my way of
thinking,” said Mike brandishing his pliers.

      “Common household pliers are
a cheap and effective tool to encourage good behavior among the student
population,” said Roger.   “They’re equally effective on both
sexes.   Male students inclined by alcohol or drugs to misbehave
become quite respectful after you demonstrate that even after imbibing a case
of beer, they can still feel the effect of having a testicle crushed.” 

      “Over the years I’ve used
them to teach potential felons the errors of their ways.  Stacy here
almost lost one of her gorgeous nipples,” said Mike. 

      “That would be a terrible
waste.  How big,” asked Roger his hand hefting Stacy’s breast?

      “What,” asked Stacy?

      “Bra size,” said Roger.

      “34D,” said Stacy.

      “Real,” asked Roger?

      “Of course they’re
real.  Don’t you know how to tell a real tit from a fake?” said Mike
fondling the other breast.  “Those babies are genuine grown from the
cradle tits.”

      “Half the coeds at Harvard
got fake boobs.  34D is pretty damn big for real knockers,” said Roger.

      “Her Mom, Doreen, has a big
rack. She’s a double D.  Doesn’t she, Stacy?” said Mike.

      “Mom’s huge and so is her
sister. I take after them,” said Stacy unsnapping her jeans surprised Mike knew
about her mother’s boobs and first name.

      “Nature versus nurture,” said

     “Huh, what does that mean,” asked
Roger unzipping his uniform trousers and taking his cock out.  He casually
began stroking it as he watched Stacy struggle to remove her jeans in the
cramped space.

     “Surprised a Harvard man is not
familiar with the nature versus nurture controversy.  For decades, there
has been debate over what is more important in making us what we ultimately
become.  Is it nature?  For example, Stacy’s genes, inherited from
her Mom’s family, have given her big tits while other less genetically favored
girls have nurtured their boobs by having implants.  Get it?” said Mike.

      “I prefer nature,” said Roger
running his tongue over Stacy’s boob.  “They feel more natural.”

      “Of course, the way the girls
today shave their cunt looks unnatural,” said Mike placing his hand on Stacy’s
hairless mound.  Its wetness surprised and pleased him.

      “That’s an improvement over
nature.  Eating bald pussy is better than munching a full bush,” said
Roger adding his hand to the space between Stacy’s legs.  “Don’t like hair
in my teeth.  Half the male students are shaving their cock.  I’ve
been thinking about shaving mine.  What do you think, Stacy?  Do you
prefer shaved cocks?”

      “Honestly, I’ve never thought
about it,” said Stacy recalling that the two men in her video both had shaved

     “Maybe, I’ll let Stacy shave my
cock and balls the next time we fuck,” said Mike reaching between her
legs.  “Feel how tight her pussy is, Sergeant.”

      I’m just a piece of meat to
them thought Stacy moaning as two sets of fingers explored her sex.

      “She’s tight and wet,” said
Roger, his forefinger pressing deep into her vagina.  “You fucked her

     “Yes, once, she’s an animal when
she let’s loose, a born slut with hunger for dick you have to experience to
believe,” said Mike.  “Stacy, loves cock, don’t you, Stacy?”

     “Yes, Mike, I love cock.  I
love it a lot and I can never get enough of it,” said an anxious to please
Stacy reaching for both cocks to begin a slow

      “Scoot over, Roger. 
Let’s see if Stacy’s inherited the gene for sucking two cocks at once,” said
Mike.  “I bet Mother Doreen can take two dicks in her mouth.”

      Moments later, Stacy was
crouched on the floor of the Crown Vic.  Mike and Roger were seated
side-by-side smoking a joint Roger had provided.  Occasionally, they
offered Stacy a toke she gladly took if for no other reason to remain
calm.  One hand stroked the cock she didn’t have in her mouth. On their
command, she frequently moved her mouth from cock to cock.  The two
policeman talked shop as Stacy did her best to satisfy them.

     “You must get a lot of young fresh
pussy in your job,” asked Mike?

     “Not as much as you would
think.  Most of these Harvard bitches think they’re too good to speak to,
let alone fuck campus security.  Stacy here has passed me a dozen times
without speaking,” said Roger.

     “Well she knows you exist now. At
least her mouth does,” said Mike.

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