Secrets Dispatched (13 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Secrets Dispatched
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Their audience sat outside the circle of light that enclosed them. As Ross worked, tying his ropes around her, talking to her softly and giving her all the encouragement she wanted, Shane forgot the watchers. All that existed was Ross, and how he affected her.

With each turn of the rope she sank further into their own world. The only sounds she heard was Ross’ voice, the rustle of rope on rope and their breathing.

“I’m lifting you now, kitten. Color?”

“Green, Sir.” Her world tilted as Ross hauled her upwards and gently set her spinning. Shane let her mind float and her senses take over. This was her world and she loved it, and the man who held her future in his hands—or ropes.

Shane Donoghue was where she wanted to be at last. Now she had to make sure Ross understood she was one hundred percent honestly happy and ready to do more. The swing—rig—she wasn’t sure what to call it, and in her endorphin-induced state she wasn’t inclined to try and fathom it out, moved gently under her weight.

“Green,” she said again and grinned as Ross narrowed his eyes then nodded.

“Can you fly for me, kitten? Literally and mentally. Purr and show everyone how good this is.” He leaned forward and held the ropes steady whilst he pressed several nipping kisses along her neck. “Shall I give you a helping tap, I wonder?”

Shane held her breath. It wasn’t a question. Ross tugged her hair so she looked him in the eyes. At that moment he was all out a Dom. A man in control of himself and her, and he wore his authority easily.

“Shall I offer the opportunity to another Dom?”

In her state of heightened awareness, Shane couldn’t identify the emotion that flooded her. It wasn’t fear, but neither was it pleasure. She’d never wanted to be shared and hadn’t thought Ross wanted it either, but he’d have a reason for what he said, surely?

“Answer me, kitten.”

Her stomach was full of butterflies as he set her in gentle motion again and she swallowed and cleared her throat before she could answer. “It’s up to you, Sir.”

“It is, isn’t it.”

The pat on her bum as he spun her in a lazy circle did no more than sting a little, but it concentrated her mind on him, instead of her reaction to his words.

“So.” Ross spoke slowly. “Then I don’t share. Never. You’re all mine.”

“Yes, Sir.” The relief was disproportionate to what he’d allegedly considered. A few swats to her arse wasn’t really sharing, but she was glad the idea was a no starter, anyway.

The next pat as she swung past Ross was harder and the next, harder still. Shane moaned in pleasure as the stings flowed through her body. Tied and swinging around her Sir as he concentrated only on her, she began to ignore everything except how he made her feel.

“Shane, I need you. I need more.” He stopped the rig spinning and held her in one place with his hands clamped firmly on her arse and her clit at the height of his mouth. Now she understood the way his Shibari creation circled her breasts and separated her legs.

Somehow she knew what he meant by more. She ached to experience his touch everywhere. His lips on her clit were a welcome balm to her heightened state of arousal. When his tongue probed her channel she moaned and when he suckled on her clit, she sighed in ecstasy. Did he know what he did to her?

Stupid question, of course he did.

The first tiny nip was enough to send every sense on high alert. The harder bite made her tense her muscles and the subsequent laving of her mound and perineum, sent goosebumps dancing over her skin.

Shane’s senses were spinning just like the rigging, as Ross continued his ministrations. Her body was on fire, and her climax so close she began to shake. He lifted his head and blew on her clit.

“You’re not going to come, kitten. Not yet. You see, I’m going to lower you, and then I’m going to fuck you senseless. I need to feel your warm cunt around me, to listen to your little mewls and purrs as you hold me inside you. And you’ll come for me again and again and again when I say so and not before. Am I right?”

“Y…yes, Sir.” Even though a few moments earlier she had considered herself totally sated, now, merely listening to his voice made her wetter and aching for him.

As he lowered her, Ross never took his eyes off her. Ripples of excitement danced over her skin as she realized he wasn’t going to untie her. She might not be able to move, but every part of her was still easily available to his touch.

He stripped and stood looking down at her with eyes that were cloudy with desire.

Shane’s mouth went dry and she swallowed several times. “You are magnificent, Sir.” To her amusement, Ross skin suffused with color.

“Hell, kitten, I could come by just looking at you, and you say something like that. I feel humbled.”

“I’d rather you felt me, Sir.”

Ross laughed. “Oh, my pleasure.” He slid over her and into her in one long smooth movement and she moaned.


He smiled and began to move. With each stroke he withdrew his cock to the tip, and then thrust deep inside her. Shane loved the sensations of being stretched—of her Master over her, inside her, and taking her deeper into ecstasy. Her pussy was soaked, her legs damp and she floated in that special space where he sent her.

“Let go.”

She did and forgot everything and everyone, except his voice and her release.

How long she hovered in subspace she didn’t know, but gradually Shane became aware of the fact she was no longer tied or in the air, but sitting on his knees with his arms around her, her head on his naked chest, and snuggled in a warm fuzzy blanket. His chest hair ticked her cheek and his even breath stirred her hair. Somehow she knew the room was empty, apart from themselves. What they had just experienced was much too personal and precious to share.

Ross’ voice surrounded her, as he told her just what his feelings were.

“I love you. You know that, don’t you kitten? You’re all I’ll ever want. You are mine. My partner, my kitten, and soon I hope, my wife.”

“Oh…yes…” Somehow she managed to formulate and speak the words.

“Then, my kitten.” Ross held her chin in one hand. “Please look at me.”

Shane opened her eyes and gazed into his. The knowledge that the love that shone out of them was all for her was very special.

“Yes, Sir.”

“So, may I collar you?”

Ross held out a fine silver chain with a heart-shaped lock. Shane nodded, and he frowned. His command to her all that time ago filled her.


“Yes. Oh yes, Sir.”

Very carefully he fastened the collar around her neck and kissed her.

Shane sighed with happiness. She was cherished, in a bubble, cocooned by his love and tenderness.




Coming Soon from Totally Bound Publishing:


Hong Kong Heat

Raven McAllan




Chapter One



And hey, Hong Kong is as great as I remember. I can’t wait to get out and explore. This hotel lives up to everything it boasts about. My suite is amazing and the bed is big enough for an orgy.


Debra considered the last sentence then deleted it. It might be a bit too much for her children to read.


Everyone is so helpful and friendly. And wow, you should have seen the hot bod guy in the foyer. Pity he’d disappeared once I’d checked in. (Only kidding, I don’t cradle snatch, but my eyes are still 20/20.) Ah well, lots to do and see. Speak soon, love Mum x


Debra checked that she’d copied the email to both of her adult children and pressed send. No doubt Lena would roll her eyes and mutter things about safe sex and growing old gracefully, then giggle and high five her mum. Kevan would worry and ask if she had a rape alarm, before issuing dire warnings about insurances and idiot old people who wandered all over the world. Such different attitudes.

Debra wasn’t
old—merely past the mid-life crisis age. Not that her children agreed with that description. To them it was a mid-life crisis that had gone on a bit too long.


Deb knew why she’d resolved to do her gap year at the ripe old age of forty-four. Her beloved husband Don had died five years earlier and she’d wallowed. Then floundered.

Until she’d read an article about gap year oldies and understood immediately that she needed to be one.

So here she was in Hong Kong, in an exclusive Channing Hotel and wondering just who the man she’d spotted was.

Too young for me is what he was. Ah well.
Debra checked that she’d got everything she might need in her bag, picked up her room key and sunglasses and plotted her route in her mind.

Hong Kong.

Somewhere she hadn’t been for years and one of her favorite cities in the world. It had been a conscious choice to leave it until she was on her way home. A final glorious ending to a year of wandering the world, before she headed back to Scotland. She had almost two weeks to relearn her way around and decide where on the islands was her favorite spot, and she wasn’t going to waste a second.

First, she was going to check out the rooftop terrace and swimming pool. It had been one of the things that had influenced her choice of hotels. That and the reputation of Channing Hotels.

The lift was speedy and within seconds it seemed that she was smiling at the pool attendant and wandering around a well-tended garden in the sky.

Debra walked amongst shrubs and flowers and admired the views. In one direction was the park she wanted to visit. Its trees looked like toys made out of Plasticine and the people walking through it like ants. In the other she could see the harbor with one of the famous green Star Ferries crossing to TST, a junk picking up litter and a cruise liner in dock. She took in a deep breath. She loved it.

Considering that Hong Kong was a skyscraper paradise, this area was remarkably empty of multi-storyed buildings. The hotel was the tallest around even though it merely had twenty or so floors. That meant that the gardens, pool and a well thought out walking track were not overlooked. It was peaceful and private and, at that moment, unused. Debra made a note to use it all as soon as she could.

But not now. Now the streets and park beckoned. She made her way downstairs.

The foyer was empty except for two doormen, one who held the door open, and the other who bowed.

“Taxi, ma’am?”

Debra shook her head, “No thanks. I’m off for a wander around the park.”

The doorman smiled. “Enjoy your walk, ma’am. Best time of day for it, I reckon.”

“I think so. Thank you.” The exchange reminded her how pleasant most people were. She stood at the door and debated which way to go. It was still warm, very warm, although luckily without the humidity that would hit the city in a few weeks’ time.

The streets were busy. Businessmen and women, teens in school uniforms, toddlers and their carers. Some rushed, others sauntered or stood chatting.

It was time for the commuting nightmare that occurred every weekday at that time. People of all shapes and sizes were about. Nowhere could she see one specific tall-haired man in a sharp suit and crisp white shirt. Debra was surprised at the stab of annoyance and disappointment that hit her. After all, she’d merely glimpsed the guy as she’d followed the concierge and her luggage to reception. Why would he be in this crowded street?

But that glimpse made me want more. Grief, I’m getting old if one tiny sighting makes me go weak at the knees. Snap out of it.

Pleased with her self-lecture, Debra put on her sunglasses, thankful that she’d slathered herself in sun cream before she’d left her suite and headed for Victoria Park. The last time she’d been there you couldn’t see the grass for the hundreds of au pairs, Amahs, Ayis and immigrant workers who spent their day off sitting in the park and chatting. The noise level would have won out over any pop concert. Today it was quieter, with a few children playing ball, a group of elderly ladies talking as they enjoyed the late afternoon sunshine and several people using the jogging track that circled part of the park.

She found an area of grass in the sunshine and settled down on it to read about her latest sex on legs hero and how he managed to convince his lady that he wanted her. Within minutes, Debra was engrossed. As a child she’d often been chastised for being oblivious to everything other than her book when she was reading.

Today was no exception. It wasn’t until the sun moved behind the trees and she was sitting in the shade that Debra realized how much time had passed.

The occupants of the park had changed. To one side, a tai chi lesson was in process and the jogging track was much busier. Debra checked her watch and groaned. She’d been oblivious for well over an hour and undoubtedly ought to move and think about getting ready for dinner.

Getting up wasn’t as easy as she’d hoped. Sitting in one position for so long had given her pins and needles and she winced at the pain.

I don’t mind nice stings and tingles, well I didn’t, but hey, it’s been so long, who knows? But this is bloody agony.
She rubbed her legs and wriggled her toes to get the circulation back to normal.

Debra collected her belongings and made her way across the grass towards the entrance to the park. To get there she had to cross the jogging track and dodge the joggers. Their numbers had increased considerably now and Debra waited to let a steady stream of people of all shapes and sizes go by. One guy, tall, fit and blond hair, caught her eye and her heart did a weird double pitter pat.

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