Seduce Me (13 page)

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Authors: Miranda Forbes

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I love you, I love you, I love you.
I had to bite my tongue to stop the words escaping, but the feelings spilt out anyway, tears falling down my face as he made love to me. He let go of me and pulled me onto his lap, so that I was sitting on him, his arms around my waist. All I wanted was to hide in his chest, but he made me sit up straight and look at him. He stared right at me, watching my tits as I moved slowly on top of him.

‘You're beautiful, you've got great tits.' I held on tight to these words that he had never said before. I knew it would be all too easy to think later that I had imagined them. He hooked his fingers around the base of my back, pulling me up, down, forward, back, until black spots started to appear in front of my eyes and it was all I could do to follow his rhythm. I felt as though I were dissolving, as if the edges of my body and his had blurred, leaving only the interface where we were touching and burning, melting and dissolving together. I couldn't believe, at that moment, that he didn't love me too; maybe not in the way I loved him, but somehow, in his own way. It just didn't seem possible that something could feel so much like love, if really it was nothing at all.

Afterwards I fell onto his chest and he put his arms around me and stroked my hair and I felt so
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I think I knew then that it was over, but I didn't want to listen to the voice of reason in my head. Instead, I said to myself, here is the man for me, I have finally met my match. This is the man I would renounce my country for, my family. As if saying it in my head would somehow make it all come true.

Alley Kat 
by Alcamia

My name is Katrina and I always look impeccable in my starched white blouse and sensible shoes. However, I am far from little miss purity. I have a very dirty secret. Whenever I step into an alley, I shed my innocent Katrina skin and I become filthy alley Kat.

Dirty Tom cat, has been following the essence of my pussy for weeks. He has teased and sniffed around the fringes of my sexuality until I am simmering with lust. Now, tonight, like any predator stalking his prey, he has entered attack mode and I am sharpening my kitty claws ready for his advances. Tonight is my initiation. You see, to be fucked up Alley Zero, is like a right of passage, through which I have to pass to awaken my new found sexual liberation. I have been trapped in a dry wasteland of ‘no sex' for far too long. In fact I have been in a state of alley virginity for as long as I can remember, because it is not easy to find a dirty Tom who can fulfil your filthiest fantasy

Tom cat is following me out of the club. He is stalking the essence of my tantalising pussy musk. I draw into the shadows, licking my lips at the prospect of the meal to come and my amber eyes dilate in anticipation.

I am liquescent. So turned on I am breathless. He really lit my fuse when he danced with me earlier. Smothering my mouth, grinding his hips into my quim. From that moment, he marked his territory on me and I had no desire to escape his claws. I simply began to purr.

I sniff and lick at the feral scent of alley Tom cat on my hands, and its filthy key note explodes within my neural synapses, sending a surge of excitement though my body.

Where are you, Tom cat? I know you are somewhere in the shadows, toying with me like a cat toys with a mouse. My body stiffens with sex impulse. My cunt is sopping wet. The moist sex juice, is like rainfall on a dry desert. It makes my pussy seed germinate, erupt and blossom, and I quiver with orgasmic ripples.

I exude sex appeal. It oozes out of my feline pores. Men pursue me because they smell alley Kat all over my hot body and they just love that wild pussy odour. They sniff at the dirty undertones and instantly they are spellbound by my alley cat vibe. They adore my slinky sexuality, purring vibrato voice, long claws and savage, wild cat eyes. Most of all they love the smell of alley Kat sex honey, oozing from my cunt. Naturally, I fight them all off. Only one kind of mate appeals to this kitty, and that is one as down and dirty as me. Mr Tom cat.

I feel the familiar glow of expectant sex and my internal sexual barometer begins to rise, as he steps out of the shadows. He is just the kind of cat I adore. Rough and territorial with emerald, deep set eyes and a dangerous twist to sardonic lips. The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he had grown out of the filth and graffiti. He was a true urban child of the alley.

A jolt of electricity stiffens my nipples. Tom cat creeps up on me and holds me captive. His voracious tongue probing my mouth. He can feel the fire rising through my skin, as he presses against my writhing body and my pulse escalates, giving birth to the flowing juices which stain my thighs. Tom cat makes me flow like a geyser and the pussy cat cream just keeps coming and coming.

He continues to kiss me with rapier stabbing motions of his darting tongue. This is not the gentle kiss of a lover, but the hungry desire of a copulation seeking animal. Insistently the tongue keeps working the inside of my mouth, igniting my circuit of eroticism. Sending arousing stimuli through my sexual network. It triggers nipple and clit, and soft welcoming pussy. He presses me up against the damp bricks of the alley and his hips grind me into the viscous, semen-painted walls. Then, lips and tongue chase the blue vein, down my bare arm, as if he is pursuing the essence of pussy cat through my blood. I sink my nails into his skin and my purr intensifies. I fire again and again, in rapid convulsions, his hands kneading my buttocks, first one then the other. Sliding my skirt up to caress my thighs, he probes between my legs, rubbing my liquid crease through my flimsy panties. I run my tongue over my lips in further invitation.

‘I have this obsession with getting fucked up an alley. Actually, it's the only place I can fuck.' I moan, low and vibrato.

‘I'm going to eat and then fuck you.' He says huskily. ‘I'm going to lap at that kitty cat milk, and I'm going to suck the cream.'

Excitement sends shots of adrenaline through my system and my plump white breasts swell and recede beneath my tight corset. I grip the hard bulge in his pants with my strong fist and I knead him with my paws, pulling him closer as I slide my arms around his tight butt. Tom cat's lean hips will feel so good, pumping my drought-dry pussy. I can hardly contain myself. My addiction has not been fed for months, and like any addict, I desire my fix.

I don't know what made me like this. Perhaps it is in my genes, or maybe it is because the first thing I ever laid eyes on was the alley, and they say you have a definitive tie to your birthplace. You see, my mother gave birth to me in an alleyway. She rarely talked about it, after all that was her dirty secret. But as a result I think I am a little tainted by the down and dirty vibe, of the pussy cat hunting ground.

When the pain took her, my mother was surprised as she had not made much of an effort to ascertain her due date and I literally dropped into her life like a bombshell. I was born in the alley as she could not walk any further and she had needed to crawl into secrecy to have me. She birthed me like a kitten, quickly and in the dark shadow of a fire escape. Apparently, I was easy in my arrival but I squealed like a banshee. Later, as a child I sought out the darkness of passageways. The memory of filthy dark places was instilled in me and appealed to my sense of urban mystery. My mother was a whore and men came and went at all hours of the day and night from our Islington flat. My mother's behaviour got up my nose to such an extent, I walked the streets like an orphan, detesting the return to the flat which always reeked of cheap booze, stale perfume and sex. Or I would sit surrounded by mewling cats in the alley, my true home. Of course, my mother threatened me with punitive measures if I kept returning there, but I didn't take any notice. It was my happy hunting ground, and what did she care anyway. All my mother was concerned about was her next bottle of gin or new pair of shoes.

I was always slightly strange Katrina, but I can remember the day I changed my name to alley Kat and discovered the licentious depths to which I had evidently sunk. I was staying with Marvine in New York before I started university.

Marvine and I had been to a burger joint to see her boyfriend, Jerome. I could tell instantly that he had a thing about me. I had met him several times by then, and his eyes always probed lasciviously beneath my clothes, seeking the bud of firm nipple and the contours of juicy sex. I possessed the feral stink of alley cat, and he was drawn to me, and saw something in me which was kinky and arousing. The three of us walked out from the burger joint together, straight into a noisy parade, there always seemed to be one in New York. I became separated from Marvine and I panicked a little.

Darting inside an opening, I found myself in the mouth of an alley. Marvine had underlined that I was not to take short cuts. But in the daylight it seemed harmless enough and, I deduced from my calculations, it must exit somewhere near Marvine's apartment. Jerome was behind me and that gave me a curious sexual thrill. I felt no sense of alarm, simply the familiar moistening of kitty milk, between my legs. I knew he wanted to fuck me, but until now, he could not find a way to get me alone. The anonymity of the dark alleyway fuelled my desire and I flexed my claws. I was thrumming with lust as pressing against me, he began to fondle my breasts and taking my hand he placed it on his monster cock. I tugged at his zipper, having great difficultly getting it to move over his mammoth erection. Jerome hitched up my skirt and, ripping down my thong, he began to fuck me with the ferocious abandon of a feral alley cat.

When I returned to England, I became a student in that most poetic of cities: Cambridge. I would walk within the university alleyways, absorbing the ancient bodies and ancient sex. On occasion, a student would accost me and I would allow him to. No one was immune to my kitty magic. Sometimes the accosting was of a mild nature. A sharing of hand and tongue. At other times it was ferocious, primal copulation.

As I developed in alley sexuality, I found they brought out my most indecent behaviour. Within them, I became a performer stepping onto a stage, and I metamorphosed out of my clean Katrina skin, and into dirty Kat. Here, I could act out my darkest desires and be whoever I wanted to be. I never tried to analyse it. I just accepted the fact I was born of the alley.

There is no getting away from it, sex happens in alleys and alleys have a certain sex appeal which makes my juices flow. I hide in the shadows to witness men unzipping their trousers and masturbating. Sex starved teenagers, thirsty lesbians unable to wait. The best performance of all was the sex of a well dressed couple coming home from the theatre, the woman exquisite in her low cut designer gown. Obscene in their grunting and coupling, it was the mating dance par excellence of two octopuses. They were all arms and legs, tangling and rippling. He spread her on the wall, lifted her taffeta froth of skirt and, like a battering ram, he took her. I was so turned on, I simply couldn't help rubbing furiously at my clit and I came with such an explosion I gave a small cry and the couple froze. That was certainly a close call. From that day on, the salacious alley was an unquenchable magnet and I returned as often as I could to investigate its activities.

I acquired a working knowledge of every alley in my neighbourhood. I made it my mission to be the foremost authority. I'd study the minutiae of their physiology like a scientist examining a particularly interesting microbe under a microscope. Like a human organism they possessed body, breath and heart and certain idiosyncrasies all of their own. I sorted through trash cans and I found items to both titillate and amuse. Sexual life stories were thrown away in the trash. Once my finger rested on a spot of milky semen and that really fired me up. This sex was new, perhaps only minutes old. Ancient semen and daring thoughts only served to arouse me more, and I would sink down onto my haunches and slide my fingers into my lubricious fanny, orgasming almost instantaneously.

Which leads me on to the source of my most prolific finds. Alley Zero. The alley, par excellence! It is my alley cat hunting ground and the place I choose for my latest initiation. Entering Alley Zero from the club is like finding the back of the wardrobe in the ‘Narnia Chronicles'. It permits entry for the select few into alley heaven. Alley Zero hums with a filthy energy all of its own and it is such a fertile hunting ground, there is no alley quite like it in the whole of my city. In Alley Zero I discovered condoms so large they must have fitted monster cocks; Discarded knickers and thongs; dirty books, pornographic pictures, a mistress's whip and Oh yes; electrical items with and without the batteries. My most erotic find was an artificial vagina lurking in the bottom of a dustbin. The moist, gaping pussy, really attracted my attention and I plunged my fingers into it, working them around to get a feel for the artificial maw, and how it might seem to a man's cock. It now takes up pride of place on my mantelpiece amongst my other alley trophies. You could call me a collector par excellence of alley memorabilia.

I think some hooker lives in an apartment overlooking Alley Zero. After all, no ordinary person would possess so many gadgets. Now, my primary objective is to be fucked there. Fucked in the most thorough way. While under the watchful eye of the invisible hooker.

‘I know what you want, Kat.' He whispers in my ear. ‘And not just anyone will do, will they? I wonder what turns you on the most? Would you like to be taken on your hands and knees like a common alley cat? Is that what would make the pussy cat roar like a lion?'

I love a man for a hard fuck. I particularly love a man who reeks of bad Tom cat. My body is clamouring. I am giddy with the stealthy sex narcotic, as it races through my bloodstream. I can smell the headiness of sex scent and hot snatch, rising into my nostrils, and I melt around his hips, a sigh of pleasure escaping my dripping, painted lips.

‘Lift me onto it.' I whisper. ‘Lift me onto your cock, and press me against the wall.'

I flex my wrists and lock them behind his head as he pinions me to the brickwork, my breasts pushing against his mouth. He tugs open my corset and pushing it aside, he releases first one breast and then the other. He squeezes them savagely, pressing his lips all over them. Igniting me with nips of sharp teeth.

‘Is that nice, Kat?' His one hand wriggles my skirt up over my hips so he can cup my buttocks, and then with the other, he sinks his nails into my feverish flesh. It is so delicious I think I might swoon. He takes his time to linger on my nipples, stimulating them to rock-hard points. ‘Only creatures come down alleys. Is that what you are, Kat? An alley Kat whore? Because you sure behave like one?'

‘I love it when you talk filthy alley talk. Fuck me.' I plead. ‘I want to be fucked hard up against the wall, like a dirty hooker.'

He keeps rubbing and pinching my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, and I explode in shuddering orgasmic frenzy.

Tom cat is smiling at me, a sardonic twist to his lips. ‘Reach up for me, darling, and hold the fire escape.' He grasps my hips and hitches me up, so that my legs are now wrapped around his neck. My muscles scream as I stretch my arms higher, then higher still, until eventually my fingers are gripping the rusty metal.

Separating my thighs, his fingers dance over the tiny silk thong, which barely conceals my now engorged quim. He leans closer, inspecting my kitty cunt, sniffing it just like a Tom cat, his tongue poking at the silk. I squeal in delight, thrashing and moaning. I want his mouth. His fingers. His cock. Tom cat's tongue darts out and captures the sex juice on my thigh. ‘Baby.' He says. ‘That's some sweet pussy milk.'

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