Seduce Me (4 page)

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Authors: Miranda Forbes

BOOK: Seduce Me
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‘Like mine?' asked Atia idly, her eyes closing as Quintus moved his lips to encircle her other nipple. She started as he laughed.

‘Good gods, no!' Quintus said. ‘Your buttocks are anything but pert, Atia,' he said with a mischievous grin. Outraged at the blunt insult, Atia tore herself from his grasp and headed towards the door. Yet Quintus was too quick for her and, grabbing her from behind, he forced her forwards so that she was bent over Cornelius's writing desk. Atia squirmed in protest, but Quintus's grip was unyielding. She thought about crying for help, but an unexpected excitement growing deep within her made her bite her tongue.

‘You misunderstand me,' said Quintus, raising the hem of Atia's skirt and exposing her buttocks to the night breeze. ‘Melania's arse is firm and tight from all the work she does, but yours,' he gave a low, deep chuckle, ‘your arse is soft and voluptuous, perfectly crafted by luxury and idleness. Your arse is designed for nothing but pleasure, dear Atia, and tonight,' Quintus paused to caress the smooth skin of her buttocks, ‘tonight it is for my pleasure.'

Feeling his rough palms against her smooth skin sent a tingle of anticipation racing through Atia's body and she could feel her sex begin to moisten in arousal. She had invited men into her bed before, and some of them had been rough, but none of them had ever dominated her this way. Atia was uncertain whether, if she ordered Quintus to release her, he would obey. The thought that he wouldn't let her up until he had taken his pleasure from her sent a decidedly delicious shiver down her spine.

‘I can see that, despite your indignation, you don't find my attentions entirely disagreeable,' murmured Quintus. Atia felt his fingers brush down her arse and begin to stroke at her exposed sex, coaxing out more of her juices until her intimate curls were slick and shining with them. Glancing over her shoulder, Atia could see an expression of intense concentration on Quintus's face.

‘Push deep inside me,' Atia murmured, ‘like you did earlier.' She felt Quintus's hand suddenly lie still against her skin and she turned to look at him in confusion. His eyes glinted with wicked delight.

‘Why Atia,' he said in a tone of low reprimand, ‘tonight of all nights you cannot order me to do anything. You may ask or beg, but any demands you make will be met with swift punishment.'

‘Punishment?' asked Atia tremulously. ‘What kind of – '

Before she could finish, Quintus raised his hand and brought it down behind her. Atia's buttocks exploded in a blaze of pain as Quintus administered a hard smack. She cried out in protest, but the blows continued unabated. Heat flared over her body, pain mixing with shame. Atia could only imagine what she looked like, bent over before him as he swatted her again, and again. The blows became harder and through the overwhelming outrage of it Atia found herself tipping her hips back, to take the slaps of his broad palm more fully across her buttocks. When Quintus finally stopped, Atia was breathless.

‘This is intolerable,' Atia said, her whole body shaking with rage. She could hear the smile in Quintus's voice as he replied.

‘No, my pet, this is Saturnalia. It is a time when social morals are turned on their heads, where a slave can be master for a day. And for a long time, I have wanted to be your master, my sweet Atia.' Quintus bent low, tracing a path of kisses along the nape of her neck.

‘Of course, if you'd rather I stop, all you have to is whisper, “please, please stop Quintus” and I shall leave you to your books without a word.' His voice was but a whisper now, his breath warm on Atia's skin where the evening air had chilled it. Yet the stinging pain in her arse had eased, to be replaced by a glowing warmth which spread down her legs and through her loins. Atia wriggled at the sensation, her pouting sex beginning to burn with desire.

‘But I think you're enjoying yourself, Atia,' Quintus murmured, amusement rich in his voice. She shook her head in denial even as she felt herself grow slicker, warmer, more ready to be taken.

‘Quintus, please …' she began, her voice a soft moan. She jumped when she felt his hands on her arse again, now moving in gentle and soothing caresses.

‘Yes?' he asked expectantly.

‘Please …' she repeated but her words were lost in a guttural exclamation of pleasure as Quintus's fingers stroked swiftly down her arse and buried themselves in her sex. He thrust them into her once, deeply, then withdrew.

‘Turn over,' he commanded and Atia rolled on her back without question. She glanced down her body to see Quintus standing before her, his hand beneath his tunic stroking his erect penis. He looked at her with undisguised hunger. ‘I'm glad to see you're getting better at obeying,' he murmured, his voice thick with lust. ‘A little reward is in order.'

Quintus knelt down before her and buried his face in her groin, his tongue thrusting into her just as his fingers had done. Atia spasmed in ecstasy, thrusting her hips down so that his lips and chin were pressed against her. Quintus moved up to her clitoris, sucking on it and flicking it with his tongue.

Atia writhed with delight yet she felt as if there was an emptiness within her, with fulfilment lying just beyond the reach of Quintus's tongue. Bending forward, she pulled Quintus's face away from her curls, and he looked at her with glazed, puzzled eyes. She pushed him to the floor, surprised at the strength with which desire had imbued her.

‘What do you think you're doing?' asked Quintus, his own voice husky with desire. Atia felt she was near to bursting with frustration, unable to think clearly beyond the need to be satisfied.

‘I need … more of you,' she stammered, her breath coming in short gasps. Quintus's eyes flashed with delight.

‘Very well,' he said, ‘but it's still my rules we're playing by.' In a flurry of movement, he had stood up, grabbed Atia by the waist and pinned her up against the wall. He hoisted her up bodily so that their eyes met. Atia was amazed at the strength in his arms and upper body which supported her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer until she could feel his penis pressed close against her sex. She began to lower her hips to sink down onto his shaft, but Quintus grabbed her buttocks and held her still. She looked in his face and saw that same wicked smile which had barely left his lips all night. She held her breath in anticipation.

‘My rules,' he whispered, planting a tender kiss on the tip of her nose, ‘and we'll begin when I'm ready.' Atia nodded helplessly, almost shaking with frustration. She had never been so completely at a man's whim before and it thrilled her.

Slowly, excruciating slowly, Quintus lowered Atia's hips so that she sank down onto his shaft. Completely supported by him, Atia wrapped him in her arms and buried her face in his neck. She couldn't help digging her nails into the skin of his back as Quintus withdrew then re-entered her with deliberate slowness.

The stone of the villa behind her was cold against her hot skin and Atia licked her lips as her breath came in short gasps. Quintus's thrusts were becoming faster, more vigorous and Atia realised she had no control over the moment. Her heart began to beat faster as she felt herself on the crest of an orgasm and she squeezed her legs tighter around Quintus's waist. She closed her eyes as the feeling intensified and Quintus drove deeper and deeper into her. Her mind was filled with light, every muscle in her body tensed in anticipation. Atia cried out as the orgasm began to wash through her body, and she felt Quintus spasm within her as he matched her timing. She felt her fingers rake grooves in his back but she could not stop herself, she was completely lost in the moment. As she crested the peak of her orgasm, the room seemed to dance with light and colour. It slowly resolved back into darkness as her pleasure receded to leave her with a languorous inner glow.

Quintus eased her gently back down to the floor and smoothed away some stray strands of hair which had fallen over her face. Atia suddenly felt very self-conscious.

‘We didn't even get undressed,' she said as she smoothed out the creases in her robe. Quintus reached out and tilted her head back to look into her eyes.

‘Well then, that's a pleasure we can save for tomorrow night,' he said tenderly. He left her with a gentle kiss on her cheek, hastily adjusting his own clothes before disappearing out of the door. Atia picked up her abandoned book and, after a suitable delay, stepped outside the study herself. As she made her way to bed, her mind was already racing at the thought of the next night's adventures. 

The Pleasure Fixer
by Candy Bagham

Abi loved her job. She remembered and relished every twist and turn of fate that had brought her to a career any twenty-three year old would die for.

To have some of the world's richest and most famous celebs relying on her, to ensure they could relax and unwind, was a very heady experience but, doubly gifted with charm and insight, it had only taken a couple of small triumphs to instil her with the confidence to take on the world.

She'd lived with Aunt Jessie since Mum had died, and Dad had fucked off to Australia with that slapper from the Royal Oak. Aunt Jessie was a gem; she endured constant pain from a gymnastics accident in her late teens but, despite it, took Abi everywhere she'd wanted to go. With her imagination perpetually stimulated by an endless appetite for the playgrounds of the rich, Abi knew she must have been a nightmare. Her butterfly mind had taken them to see to see fashion shows, weird art exhibitions, all the latest films and by the time Abi was fourteen Jessie had been to more gigs than the average rock journalist.

The part-time job at the hairdressers, run by Jessie's best mate Karen, had helped to pay for her obsessions, but they were still heavily subsidised by wonderful Aunt Jessie, and Abi was going to pay her back bigtime! In fact it was Karen who had added the final ingredient to Abi's encyclopaedic knowledge of all things celeb. Totally addicted to the gossip mags, she regurgitated every detail as she cut and coloured. No pop star could get engaged, or footballer get caught shagging his girlfriend's sister, without Karen knowing every tiny snippet. She knew how many times they'd been in rehab and whether they smoked or ate after sex.

At sixteen any idea of tertiary education was shot to pieces by the bizarre combination of ‘A' grades in Maths and Art, along with ‘Failed' in all other subjects. This recipe offered no obvious job opportunities, and she certainly wasn't going back to school for retakes. She'd hated it! The bores, the bullies, the fashion victims and the nerds – and teachers who symbolised failure with their lack of fervour or ambition, collectively they offered all the inspiration of a house brick. No! She wanted to go and meet the world head on, whether it be sink or swim, but instinctively she knew she was a strong swimmer.

Sure enough it wasn't long before opportunity tapped her on the shoulder. The job at the events company had been an amazing stroke of luck. By schmoozing one of the road crew, she'd managed to blag her way into the after-show party at the ‘Crawling Ants' gig and ended up talking to one of the girls who did catering for bands. After a couple of JD & Cokes, and an offer of some ‘E', Abi realised she was being chatted up. It gave her a real rush, like waiting on a ledge to do a bungee jump. ‘Why not? she thought. ‘Go with the flow, girl. Live a little!' The lights were wild and the pounding beat of non-stop music fired her up, so when Gina dragged her off into a corner, and pressed her mouth over Abi's, she found herself loved-up and responding willingly. Gina grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the door, she held back for a moment but as soon as she saw the look of eagerness on her new friend's face, she knew she'd be going.

The cabbie nearly drove off the road trying to watch them snogging passionately in his mirror, and the appreciative groan that had escaped her throat, as her seducer's wandering hands found a nipple, didn't help his concentration either! Gina directed him to a street in Tooting with terraced houses on one side and a railway line running along the other.

“Whada we owe you mister?”

“Thirty-one fifty, darlin'.”

“What!” the girls chorused.

“After twelve innit!”

Gina rummaged in her bag for a moment “Sorry mate, seem to have come out without any money. Take an IOU?”

“Very funny. No dough then I'm calling the law. I've had enough rip-offs.”

“No need to get nasty. How about we work it off?” she winked at Abi “How about a blowjob – from both of us. Bet you've never had that before. Here look at this.”

She wrenched Abi's T-shirt up to her neck, cupping one breast and stroking it invitingly. A mixture of shock and excitement flew through Abi's mind and body. She leant into Gina smiling at the cabbie who had revolved in his seat.

“You serious?”

“It'll be the best night you've ever had in this old banger. Come back here, there's more room.”

He scrambled into the rear and slid down into the seat as Gina pushed him back. Committed to her fate, Abi began undoing his belt as Gina slid down the zip and rummaged in his pants, coming up with quite a respectable erection.

“Ooh, what a big boy!” she crooned “Think he needs a bit more air around him, up with your bum!”

He raised himself, allowing her to slide trousers and pants past his knees.

She winked at Abi again, who was fiddling with shirt buttons, trying to avoid being captured in a clinch. “Think we ought to rubber him up, darling, don't you?” Abi nodded weakly. “Give us a hand then.” Her hands dived into her bag and, as soon as Abi had leant away from the rampant cabbie, she produced her mobile.

“Smile please!”

She shot two quick snaps.

“Oy, what you doin'?”

“Think the law'd like to see these, you wanker? Come on.” she said, grabbing Abi's hand once more.

They ran to a footbridge over the railway cracking up with laughter and stumbled to the other side.

“He'll never get round here before we're gone. Did you see the look on his face! What a toss-pot!”

Gina was a wonderful lover, and totally over the moon when she discovered she was initiating Abi into sapphic pleasures. She delighted in her ability to arouse. Greedy and giving at the same time, her fingers and tongue explored every centimetre of skin, every follicle and every orifice. She quickly extracted two mind-blowing orgasms from her apprentice. Now it was her turn! Clasping Abi to her breasts, she implored her to bite gently while she took two of Abi's fingers and inserted them deeply into her sopping cunt, writhing until she came with deep moans of intense pleasure. Abi kissed her passionately, her tongue probing, snaking round that of her lover. Then Gina held her face, looking deep into her eyes, before pushing her gently south.

“Now eat me. Taste what you've done. Use your fingers and your tongue, I want to come again.”

The seductress slumped back on the bed, sensuously stretching her sinuous dusky limbs to the four corners. A little shiver of rebellion shot through Abi, inspiring her to take her time and savour this new experience. Taking charge, she slipped a pillow under Gina's bum, presenting her mons for the final sacrifice, then slithered to the foot of the bed. Nestling against a foot, her lips unhurriedly slid over the nearest big toe – a shudder of pleasure went through the other girl, and her fists balled as she grabbed two handfuls of sheet. Abi let her tongue find its way between each toe, running scratchy nails down the sole of her victims foot, while her other hand gently massaged up the calf, finally tickling softly behind the knee. At precisely the right moment she stopped, reaching out to take an ankle in each hand, she forced the long legs a little wider apart – just to state her dominance.

Her interest turned to the other foot where she began repeating the little tortures of ecstasy. Now she began to lick her way lazily upwards, from ankle to thigh, first outside then inside, until her face hovered close to Gina's pussy. It gaped a little because of being thrust aloft by the pillow and Abi could see droplets of come sparkling in the fine hairs around the lips – without touching it she returned to her task. The subtle team of tongue and nails trailed inexorably upwards, lingering on a flattened breast, eventually finding a dark nipple to tease. Groans of suppressed excitement escaped Gina's clenched teeth as the teasing flickers arrived in her armpit. A kiss brushed her lips, and her eyelids were licked softly, before Abi shifted her weight and began a downward journey on the other side. Gina whimpered, stretching out impatiently for her lover, only to find her arms pressed back into their submissive posture, pointing to the corners of the bed.

“Don't move.” whispered Abi commandingly and, finding her discarded T-shirt, twisted it into a blindfold. Collecting the stranger's flimsy knickers which lay by the pillow, she wiped them between the lips of her still soaking cunt, then did the same to Gina before pushing them slowly into her mouth.

“You were very noisy before – we can't have you disturbing the neighbours now can we! You can enjoy our tastes while I enjoy yours.”

Enough talk! She nibbled her way to the proffered breast, her nails stroking downwards until her fingers could mingle inquisitively among Gina's sparse pubes. Sucking hard on the pert rubbery nipple, she finished with a sharp little awakener before moving to kneel once more between her victims thighs. Here she revelled in the beauty spread-eagled in front of her, marvelling at everything that had happened that night. She relived her own orgasms, and remembered the way Gina's cunt had squeezed her fingers before soaking them, these memories heightened the awareness of what she was about to do as her mouth slowly approached her first pussy.

Resting on her elbows, a few inches from her target, she ran the tip of a finger down the lips, instantly feeling the heat. With both hands she gently peeled back the labia, savouring the rich scent escaping from within as she examined the pink entrance. Her thumbs slid upwards, pressing out as they went, until she could see the exposed tip of the shy clitoris, peeking out vulnerably from underneath its hood. Somehow she knew exactly what to do! She sunk onto the nest of nerve endings and flicked rapidly – a muffled squeal of delight came from above.

Rejoicing in a wonderful sensation of power, Abi released the lips with her thumbs and ran her tongue up and down, parting them once more as the cunning muscle probed. She eased a finger gradually inside before drawing it back and rubbing gently around the oily ridges of Gina's g-spot, her insatiable tongue returned to rasp all over the rock hard clitoris. Approaching climax, Gina's hands flew to her sides, clenching and unclenching as she thrust up her hips to grind against Abi's mouth.

Abi stopped everything. “Put your arms back where they were.” came the firm command.

A groan of frustration rose from behind the soaking knickers as Gina was denied the completion she craved – but she complied immediately. This reaction fuelled the sense of control growing so deliciously inside Abi, and she cruelly determined to take the desperately submissive girl right to the edge – at least twice more – before allowing her to spill over the top!

In the morning, no longer a virgin, Abi found herself gently stroking her still sleeping lover, taking in her willowy form and the perfection of her classically beautiful Indian features.

“Mmmn! How're you feeling?” murmured Gina, eyes still closed.

“Still excited at meeting my first lesbian.”

Gina chuckled impishly “Sorry to disappoint, but I'm no lesbian. I like a bit of cock as much as the next girl – but you were irresistible!” She opened her eyes and kissed Abi gently.

“It's Sunday!” she announced with a grin “We've got all day to play.”

“You taste and smell different from me, sort of musky, it's sensational!”

“That's cos I'm black. Didn't you know.”

“No but I'm glad I do now!” laughed Abi “Anyway you're Indian. I wish I was like you.”

“What, black?”

“No. Your body. It's fantastic! I'm fed up with being fat and there's nothing I can do about it.”

“You're not fat, for God's sake, girl. Biggish yes, but you look amazing! Pretty face and wonderful big, firm tits and bum. Look at your waist for fuck's sake – no one could call you fat!”

Abi gave a wry laugh “They did at school, believe me!”

“School! Well fuck 'em ! Fuck 'em all! Look at you now! Who could resist you!” and with that she bent down and sucked a nipple hard into her mouth.

This time they took their time with their lovemaking and when Gina had got Abi's juices flowing liberally, she leant over to a drawer and produced a pink vibrator circled with white beads under a transparent latex covering and a little extension near the base. Gina moved down to lie between Abi's legs, making her pull her knees up for total exposure. She rubbed the head of the dildo against the folds of skin before easing it forward. It slipped in effortlessly, and the whole thing was soon buried to the hilt.

“You got one of these?”

“No.” came the slightly shy reply.

“Oh good!” laughed Gina “Then you've got some nice surprises to come.”

Abi heard the sound of an electric motor and suddenly the prick began to gyrate inside her. “Oooo!” was all she could offer. The tone changed and she became aware of the beads along the side of the shaft moving – Gina made sure they pressed firmly against her g-spot before carefully positioning the flexible tip of the rubbery extension against her prominent clit, and suddenly brought that to life too.

Each sensation on its own would have been enough to bring her to orgasm, but Gina's skilful variations meant that, as soon as one part of her pussy was ready to come, then she moved elsewhere. It went on and on and, just as Abi thought there was nothing more to come, she felt the moistened tip of her lover's finger scratching gently at the outside of her anus. It built up lubrication as juices dripped from her cunt, and soon slipped further inside. At last Gina pushed the dildo home, the shaft writhed, the beads revolved and the vibrating tip lay perfectly against her clit. The most enormous orgasm explode throughout her body. She screwed her eyes tight shut, as flashes of colour went off inside her head and her ears rang with the blood pumping through her brain. She was conscious of the delicious sensation of Gina's finger worming its way steadily in and out of her arsehole as the seemingly endless intensity overwhelmed her.

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