Seduce (26 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Business, #Adult

BOOK: Seduce
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“Oh, Michael,” she whispered.

“I know love.”

I rolled us on
to our sides and stayed connected to her as I pulled her into my arms and held her. A few minutes later, she was asleep.  I slipped out of her and carried on holding her, wondering what the future would bring.

All I knew
was that Lily was my future.  There was no way I would ever be able to let her go.  If she left me, it would kill me.

I stroked the hair down her back as I held her close for what felt like an hour, but was probably only five minutes.

There was movement downstairs, so I reluctantly slipped out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt. I quickly threw them on and, with one quick glance at Lily I headed down the stairs, only to find George sitting in the lounge with a beer.

I walked straight over to him and removed the beer before he noticed I was actually in the same room as him.

“Not you as well,” he grumbled.

’s orders, as you well know.”

I sat down across from him and drank his beer
, which caused him to scowl.

I grinned.

“That nurse is driving me crazy.  I can’t have burger and fries.  I can’t have a beer.  If I smoked, then she’d probably tell me I couldn’t have a cigarette.  She also told me I couldn’t have sex.”

I just looked at him.  “Have you asked her if you can have sex?”  I hooted with laughter when I saw the
startled look on his face.  He wouldn’t meet my eyes.  I lowered the beer.  “Please tell me you didn’t hit on your nurse?”  I sat up and rested my elbows on my knees.  “George?”

“Maybe a little bit.”  He squirmed.

“How much is a little bit?”

“Okay, I asked her if I could have sex and she threw my salad at me.  A perfectly good lunch
, I tell you.  Why would she do that?  It wasn’t as though I was asking her to have sex with me. I just wanted to rattle her cage a little.  It worked a bit too well.”

“I woul
d say so.”  I thought better of taking another drink. With how this conversation was shaping up, I’d probably spit it everywhere.

I couldn’t imagine not being allowed to have sex with Lily.  My love for her wouldn’t change, but it would be hell.

“How would you feel if you couldn’t have sex with Lily?”

I snickered.  “I was just thinking about that.”

“Thinking about what?” Lily asked as she walked in the room wearing her jazz pants and a t-shirt with her wet hair in a ponytail clipped on the top of her head.

She gave George a kiss on his cheek then walked over to me and climbed onto my lap.

“I missed you,” she whispered, kissing me before looking back to George.  “So what where you talking about when I walked in?”

“Sex,” George replied and tried to
hide his grin behind a cough.

“Excuse me?”

“Love, George is causing trouble with his nurse.”

She gasped and brought h
er hand to the front of her mouth.  “Oh my god, you have not propositioned your nurse.”

I couldn’t hold my laughter in any longer and really laughed at him.

“You didn’t?” Lily still couldn’t get over the fact that he kind of had.

“Now Lily, you have Michael to use for your urges.”  I slammed the bottle down and Lily chuckled.

“Hang on a minute.”  I wasn’t happy.

“Don’t get your shorts in a twist
Michael. I was just pointing out….”

“Let’s not, and
you’re not to drink beer and you need to get yourself back to your place to apologize and explain exactly what you meant.”

He stood up in a huff.  “Well
, I thought you would at least support me.”

“George, I do support you and so does Lily, but you can’t go around saying the word ‘sex’ to your nurse,” I told him while I held Lily against my chest as she laughed.

“Okay, I’m going.  I guess I better apologize the minute I enter, before she slugs me with the skillet.”

He walked out and I burst out laughing with Lily.  “Unbelievable.”

“He’s so funny.” Lily said while kissing my neck.

I pulled away from her slightly.  “If you carry on doing
that, I can guarantee that we’re going to be having sex.”  I smiled at her.  “I want to spend the rest of the evening with you in my arms on this sofa watching a movie.  Then I’m going to take you to our bed and make slow love to you before I hold you all night in my arms, until I wake you up in the morning with kisses and make slow love to you again.”

“Michael,” she whispered as she took my face into her hands and kissed me.  When she moved away
, I pulled her back into me and she snuggled down.

I retrieved the remote for the television and we started to watch Titanic, Lily’s favorite movie.

Chapter 55


Michael and
I had been together for twenty-five days and I couldn’t be any happier.  I loved him and although we hadn’t exchanged those words, I felt that he loved me.  Sometimes I’d catch him looking at me with so much love on his face, but when he caught me looking he would grin and say something wicked.

Most mornings I’
d wake up in his arms.  On the mornings he wasn’t there, I’d wake up to the smell of coffee as he walked back through the door.  I told Michael on numerous occasions that he didn’t have to make me coffee in bed every morning, but he insisted that I was his woman to take care of.

d yet to wake before him so I could return the favor, although more than once I showed him my appreciation when we showered, which was hot.  He had a fabulous body that I couldn’t keep my hands off.  He insisted his toned abs were because he liked to play rugby with his brothers.

had gotten over his jealousy of seeing me socialize with Lucien.  I think he realized that Lucien really did treat me like a little sister, which was good, because Lucien had fast become my best friend, apart from Michael, that was.

. Redmond?”

I jumped up.  “
Yes.”  I’d forgotten for a few minutes that I was sitting in the doctor’s office.  I’d told Michael I was going shopping for his mother’s birthday present while he was in a meeting across town.  What I didn’t want him to know yet, was that I was five days late for my menstrual cycle.  I’d never once in my life been late.  Always four weeks to the day.

“Please ta
ke a seat, Ms Redmond. I’m Doctor Julia Forrester.  How can I help you today?”

I took a deep breath.  “I think I might be pregnant,” I blurted out.

She smiled.  “I see.  Well, we better do a pregnancy test.”  She stood up and passed me a white stick.  “Do you know what to do with this?”

“I pee on the stick.”

“Yes.  The bathroom is just out of my door and to your right.  Once you’ve finished just pop the lid back on and come back in here”


On wobbly legs I walked to the bathroom and then got down to business.  A large part of me was excited about the fact that I might be carrying Michael’s child, but a small part of me was terrified that if I was, Michael wouldn’t be happy. I couldn’t imagine that, but since we hadn’t talked about children, I honestly had no idea how he would feel about being a father.

When I was with David
, the thought of children never crossed my mind because I knew David couldn’t have any. But now the possibility that I might be able to have a child to start building the family that I always secretly craved, filled me with joy.

I looked down at the stick. 
Oh boy
.  I must have been sitting in the bathroom for longer than five minutes, because the nurse knocked on the door to see if I was all right.

With my clothes straighten
ed, I nervously made my way back to the doctor’s office.

doctor took one look at me, removed the stick from my hand and ushered me to the bed on the opposite side of the room.

“Lie down
, Lily. Is it okay to call you Lily?”

I just nod
ded my head.

“Can you lift your top and open your trouser
s.”  I did as she asked and lay there while the doctor fussed around me.  Then I felt something cold on my stomach.  I turned my head and the doctor pointed out a blob on the screen.

“That’s your baby
Lily.”  I started to cry.  “Would you like me to print a picture out so you can show the father?”  I just nodded my head again, I couldn’t find my voice.  I was going to have Michael’s baby.  I couldn’t wait to tell him.  He loved me.  I knew he did.  Perhaps if I told him first he would find the courage to tell me.  Is that what the problem was, he was frightened to tell me?  I hoped that’s all it was.

I left the d
octor’s office with a prescription for prenatal vitamins and a smile on my lips.  Was I happy that I was pregnant?  Yes.  I was bursting with happiness.  Was I terrified of telling Michael that I was pregnant with his child?  Yes.  We’d never discussed children.  Not once when we made love did we use anything.  I’d never thought about going back on the pill and Michael didn’t once use a condom.

The office wasn’t too far so I decided to walk
, then I could stop in a boutique to actually buy his mother a birthday present.  I thought about how happy Pippa would be to finally have a grandchild, which she had confided in me she really wanted, although a shadow had crossed her face when she’d admitted that.  She’d had enough of her sons being ‘man whores’, her words.  I laughed when she’d said that and commented that they couldn’t be that bad.  It was then her turn to laugh and said they were worse.

hadn’t really known what to say to that, so I’d changed the subject.

I was pregnant.  I was pregnant.  Perhaps if I said it enough times it would feel real.  I couldn’t wait to have a huge stomach with our child inside.  To go shopping with Michael for everything the baby would need.

I stood outside the boutique and pushed my way through the door. I started to browse through the display of jewelry, to select something for Pippa.

Chapter 5


I sat
in the large chair in the lounge with a whiskey in hand for courage and watched the clouds through the window start to break up then move away.

I was glad that
today was nearly over with. I had a huge surprise for Lily, providing I didn’t back out at the last minute. I was nervous as hell.

his morning I’d told Lily that I had a last minute meeting with a company across town and wouldn’t be in for a couple of hours. She’d been distracted and asked me if I would mind if she took an hour or two to go birthday shopping for my mother.  I’d kissed her and told her it was fine and that I would see her later.

Every time I
thought about Lily my heart would quiver. She was my whole world and I planned to find the courage to tell her just how much she meant to me.

My business meeting this morning had actually been a trip to the jewelers where I purchased a stunning platinum engagement ring.  The diamond wasn’t too big
, Lily wasn’t the flashy type, but the cluster of small diamonds around the slightly larger one really made the ring stand out.  All I had left to do was to find the courage to ask her to be my wife and to tell her how much I loved her.  I was nervous to all hell.

“Michael, are you
all right?” she asked me as she walked into the room.

I held my hand out to her.  She w
alked straight over to me, slid her fingers through mine and sat on my lap.  I wrapped her close and nuzzled her neck.  She always smelled delicious and of my woman.

She lifted her face up to mine and placed light kisses around my lips before sealing her mouth to mine.  She turned and straddled my thighs while fusing our tongues together.  I put my drink down abruptly onto the table to the side of the chair and placed my hands to the back of Lily’s head to
deepen the kiss.

Lily started to wriggle around on top of my cock
, which had started to harden the minute our mouths met.  I moved my hands down to her hips and thighs then slid them up inside her dress to her ass. 
she had no panties on.  I was done for.

She smiled against my mouth.  “Surprise.”  She moved her hips slightly and undid my zipper then reached inside for my very happy cock. 
, she brought me to the brink of orgasm every time she put her hands on me.  She used her thumb to rub around the head, then lifted up from me and impaled herself on my over-excited shaft.

I was balls deep inside her and nothing had ever felt as good.  She wriggled closer still and my eyes rolled in pleasure.  I could come inside Lily without even moving, that’s how excite
d I was when surrounded by her heated sex.

’d changed into a sundress as soon as we’d come home, so she slid the straps down her arms as I pulled the dress down to her waist.  Her breasts were magnificent.  Large and perfect.  I bent her back slightly over my arm while I put my mouth to one of her breasts.  Her nipples were rock hard as I licked and sucked them while I used my hand to roll the other one through my fingers.

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