Seduced by Power (12 page)

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Authors: Alex Lux

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Seduced by Power
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Our Fears Do Make Us






When our actions do not,

Our fears do make us traitors.

— William Shakespeare, Macbeth



move, to check on the others, to make sure Bankun's enthrall had been destroyed when he was banished back to the demon dimension, but I didn't want to let go of Derek. He was himself again. No taint of demon, no stench of blood lust, just the love of my life in the flesh. My broken arm rested across his stomach, the warmth of his body comforting despite the pain radiating through my bones.

He kissed the top of my head that lay against his chest. "I'm so sorry, Rose, for what I did to you."

I shifted, angry ribbons of agony tearing through my body, and faced him. "It wasn't you. And I'm the one who started this mess to begin with. I'm the one who owes you an apology."

My breasts pressed against him, his large hands on my hips and back. I had enough pain already that my power didn't interfere with the unexpected—and totally inappropriate—pleasure I felt at the contact.

Our kiss melted me, tongues dancing, bodies pressing closer together, my leg draped over his, wrapping around him. I lost myself in our touching and moved my arm to embrace him. "Ouch!"

I couldn't stop from screaming out. My arm didn't want to move.

Derek braced it and helped me sit up. "Let me help you get dressed and make a splint. Then we should find everyone else."

My eyes wandered the room and landed on Blake, still unconscious against the wall. "Oh God, I forgot about Blake."

Derek glanced over. "I'm not exactly Team Blake, but he tried to save your life, so I owe him one. I'll help him after we take care of you, okay?"

I nodded, biting my lip to keep from screaming out again as he helped me to stand. Bankun had done a number on me, and there wasn't an inch on my body that didn't ache. So much of my skin had turned blue from bruises that I was starting to look like a Smurf.

It took both of us a lot of sweat and tears to get my pants on and find a shirt of Derek's I could wear. We settled on a button up flannel that did nothing for my figure, but resulted in the least amount of cussing on my part. Once dressed, he dug through his closet and pulled out an arm sling.

"Me and my brother did a lot of wrestling when we were young. These came in handy."

He secured it around my neck and placed my arm in it. The support helped.

A minute of rummaging through the bathroom drawers and he returned with a glass of water and two pills. "For the pain."

While I welcomed anything that would help me control my powers, even I had limits.

Derek bent down to the floor and rubbed his fingers against the carpet.

I cocked my head. "What are you doing?"

"The rose oil spilled. I don't know how you had this, but even a little could help." He held his finger to my mouth, and I sucked the oil off his finger, taking it deeper into my mouth than was absolutely necessary.

The bulge in his pants told me I'd succeeded in distracting him.

Without a full dose, the effects were subtle at best, but more immediate than ibuprofen. I hoped it would help me heal faster, otherwise, given the severity of my injuries, it would take months to recover.

Looking at Blake, I knelt to rub a finger in the carpet as well.

Derek helped me back up. "What are you doing?"

Yeah, he so wasn't going to like my answer. His jealousy hadn't been lost on me, not that I blamed him. I gestured to Blake's prone figure. "He needs some, too. We're going to need him to defeat Mother."

Derek's lips tightened into a line, and his face hardened, though not in the same way it had when Bankun had possessed him. "Do
have to be the one to give it to him?"

"No. If you want to stick your finger in his mouth, you can do it."

"I can do it," said a voice.

We both turned to see Jasmine standing in the hall outside the room.

I limped to her, using my one good arm to hug her. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, her dark hair bobbing. "Yes. The Druids who guarded us for Bankun set us free. Everyone's meeting downstairs to figure out what to do. I told them I'd find you guys."

Derek hugged Jasmine. "I'm glad you're okay. And we'd love your help. There's some rose oil on the floor. Can you give it to Blake?"

We left her to tend to Blake while we joined the family in the living room. Derek had to help me navigate the stairs, as each step I took made my body shake.

Lauren and David held hands and stood by the fireplace, whispering to each other. David had bruises on his face that I imagined came from Bankun. Poor Derek, having to witness the beating of his family while he could do nothing.

Ocean rushed toward me, long hair disheveled and face full of violent worry. "If you haven't killed his ass yet, can I?"

I laughed and despite the stabbing in my ribs, it felt good. "Bankun is back in his prison. Now we just have Mother to deal with."

"That's what we were talking about." She looked up at Derek. "You look like hell. No one blames you, you know. It wasn't your fault."

Ocean knew how to read people.

Derek's shoulders relaxed a fraction. "I still feel guilty."

The room was full of O'Conners. I'd met them all at various pack gatherings, but still couldn't remember everyone's name.

Lauren and David came to hug Derek and talk to him. I slipped away as Jasmine and Blake walked downstairs.

Blake had recovered better than I had with that bit of oil. Had he licked the floor or something?

"Thank you for your help, Blake." I searched his eyes for any emotion, knowing how hard it must be for him to team up with us against his own self-interests.

He ran a finger over my cheek. "I wish I could have done more."

I found multiple meanings in his words, but didn't question them. We could never be, so there was no point in opening those wounds.

Jasmine grabbed my hand. "Rose, can we talk outside for a few minutes? I need to ask you something."

My sister hadn't come to me for anything in so long that unexpected emotion swelled in my chest. "Sure. Fresh air might be nice." We slipped out quietly, not wanting to interrupt the family reunion, and walked aimlessly through the property. "What's up?"

She didn't reply, and we sat on the cold grass. My sister had an edge to her, a silence on the brink of breaking.

"Jas, are you sure you're okay?"

A tear slid down her face. "When we were little, we were friends, right?"

"Of course. We're friends now, Jas."

Her tears only got worse. "I thought this would be easier. I used to hate you, you know?"

"You thought what would be easier?" A prickling of apprehension sent goosebumps up my arms.

"I'm sorry, but you know Mother can't be disobeyed." She reached into her pocket and cupped something in her hand.

"What are you talking about? Let's go back in the house. I'm sure everyone is waiting on us to figure out the next move."

I tried to stand, but she grabbed my hand. "This is the next move." She thrust something sharp into my arm, and the world swam around me.





The Devil Speak True






What, can the devil speak true?

— William Shakespeare, Macbeth



blood magic had revived the shifters' powers to a small degree, and that effect hadn't disappeared when Rose and I vanquished Bankun.

My family, with more energy than they'd had recently, debated the pros and cons of hunting Rainbow, and proposed different ideas for retrieving the rose bush.

I kept my eye on the door, waiting for Rose to return with Jasmine.

As the seconds turned to minutes, I paced the room.

Dean joined me. "What's up, bro? You're like a cornered cat."

I rolled my eyes. "Cat? Really?"

His laugh erased the weariness on his face. "Meow, meow. But, seriously, what gives? Where's Rose?"

"I saw her leave with Jasmine, but I thought she'd be back by now."

Blake whispered into Ocean's ear then stalked over to us.

I repressed my instinct to beat him, knowing I might have been overreacting a tad.

"Rose isn't back yet?" Blake frowned in worry.

He didn't have the right to worry about her—didn't have the right to love her—but if he could help me keep her alive through this, I'd let him live.


"We need to find her," said Blake.
Bastard stole my line.
"What if…"

"You seem awfully worried. Is there something you're not telling us?"

Blake shifted on his feet. "Just a suspicion, nothing concrete."

I balled my fists. "Spill it, Blake."

"Jasmine has a good heart, but she's lived under her mother's thumb for so long, I was surprised when she rebelled and left Rainbow to come here. Really surprised. And Rainbow blustered about it, calling her a traitor, but it might have been an act."

A lump wedged in my throat. "Are you saying Jasmine betrayed Rose and not Rainbow?" I ran out the door, Dean and Blake on my heels. "Rose? Rose!"

I shifted to wolf form, my bones crunching and bending and healing much slower than usual, and sniffed out her scent. The trail led to the garage, and one of our cars was missing.

Shifting back to human form, I growled. "Blake! Where the hell did Jasmine take her?"

Dean pulled me back before I could hit him.

Blake clenched his jaw. "I don't know, but I might be able to track her magically."

"Just tell me where to go. You're not coming." I had to find her, and I didn't trust him.

"I can't tell you anymore than you can tell me where a scent leads. I have to be there to follow it. Face it, if you want to save Rose, you need my help." He turned to me, not backing down as I'd hoped. "You may not like it, but I love her, too. I'm going to look for her. You can come, or not. It's up to you."

Damn him. Damn his whole demon race and damn Rainbow and damn every single person who ever hurt her or used her for their own power greedy gain. "Fine, but if you betray her, Blake, I will end you so hard there won't be enough of you left to enter the demon dimension."



Vaulting Ambition






I have no spur

To prick the sides of my intent, but only

Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself

And falls on the other.

— William Shakespeare, Macbeth



my skin, pulling at my bruises and broken bones. Pressed against a cold slab of stone, wearing nothing but a sheer white gown, fear gripped my heart.

Prying open my eyelids, I looked up to see Mother leaning over me. She'd aged since I'd left, hair graying and face caving in on itself. In her eyes I saw madness.

"My sweet daughter, finally awake. I hear you met your father. Was that a nice reunion for you?" She danced a knife on the tip of her finger, blood pooling under the blade.

"Yeah, he's great. I can see why you fell for him." I had nothing left but words. Maybe I could at least get the truth before she killed me.

"Oh, I never fell for him. My heart always beat for David, but he betrayed me, leaving me alone and broken. No, Bankun was a tool, useful in helping me achieve my long-term plan. Get the roses, then the power, and then the man himself. Once I control the roses, once I steal your demon strength, I'll reign over the Druids and David will finally be mine." She swirled like a bride at her wedding, black fabric spinning at her feet.

your plan? You're crazy. That'll never work!" Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, but I wasn't going to spend the last minutes of my life cowering in front of this woman.

"You always hated your gift, ungrateful little brat. I had to work serious magic to twist your natural demon and witch powers into what you are now, and you never once thanked me." The candles that surrounded my altar flickered on and off, affected by her magic.

My heart sank with the depth of her madness and deceit. She'd spent my whole life planning this twisted nightmare, and all for what? To force someone to be with her against their will? To control magic she had no understanding of? How could that ever bring her happiness?

I feared for my family, for Derek, Dean and Tammy. For their parents and for Ocean. Even for Jasmine, though she had betrayed me. She was young, and I hoped that someday she could overcome who Mother had made her.

"I thought you needed a virgin sacrifice to complete this ritual? I hate to break it to you, but I'm no virgin." Not hardly. Was it bad that thoughts of Derek could still make me blush, even tied up on an altar about to be sacrificed?

"For the spell Blake thought I was doing, yes, but not for the spell I'm actually doing. Couldn't tell him the truth, no." Mother licked at the blood on her knife. "No, it's always been you, my dear. I bred you for this, don't you see? You were never meant to live past this moment. There's never been a future for you."

I hadn't seen Jasmine since waking up. Was she really okay with this? Would she really watch as Mother slaughtered me?

I wondered what would happen to my soul when I died, and I prayed I didn't end up in the demon dimension. I'd rather cease to exist than spend eternity there.

Mother bent over, her hair tumbling into my face. "You nearly ruined it all, though. First, falling for David's son. Then bringing back Bankun before schedule. He would have ruined everything, taking over the Druids and stealing my place. I only needed him to give me a half-demon child for this sacrifice, but I had to make certain promises in return, one of which involved bringing him back to our world. I planned to wait until I had the power of the roses, then I could have kept him in line, or banished him myself. Fortunately, you solved that problem for me. Thanks for that. It's enough to make me forgive your other transgressions."

"So why did you need Blake? Why kill Sandy's puppies for that?"

"I needed his help to get the rose bush. I'd tried on my own and failed. Bankun required too great a sacrifice to summon. He's an old one. Blake's a baby in demon years, easier to get through the portals, and eager to get a human body of his own."

Tiring of her rambling, I pushed her. "What's the wait, Mother? You want to sacrifice me? I'm right here. Just be done with it."

"The timing must be just right. When the moon shines down, casting its shadow on you,
I will take your life, drain your power and achieve my dreams."

A hole had been carved in the ceiling of the abandoned church, and the moon's rays had already started penetrating it. I didn't have long. Instead of dwelling on my fear, I pictured Derek in my mind, imagining each of our days together, the way he held me, the way he made love to me, the smile on his face when I said something to make him laugh. I'd known love, the greatest, most epic of all loves. Not many people could ever say that. If the universe chose to rip it away from me after so short a time, I could only be grateful that I'd had any time at all. I'd been betrayed by both my parents and my sister, but I'd been loved so deeply by Derek that I couldn't feel bad. My life was filled with memories of great friendship with Ocean and great passion and tenderness with Derek. I closed my eyes and ignored the slice in my wrist as Mother drained my blood, my power pulsing in me, confused and fighting the spell Mother worked.

I felt only peace.

And then I heard his voice calling my name.


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