Read Seduced by the Game Online

Authors: Toni Aleo,Cindy Carr,Nikki Worrell,Jami Davenport,Catherine Gayle,Jaymee Jacobs,V. L. Locey,Bianca Sommerland,Cassandra Carr,Lisa Hollett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Sports

Seduced by the Game (49 page)

BOOK: Seduced by the Game
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"So am I. I have
condoms but no dams." Fucking hell. I hated this part. It always feels

"I hate dams."

"Me too. I want you
to come down my throat." I wanted to ask when, but he took me deep into
his mouth at that moment, so I got my answer. His fingers opened to release the
constriction around my cock. Someone cried out. The shout bounced off the
lovely tan walls. The cry of passion was mine. I came hard. So hard that Cam
gagged when I pushed his head downward. He took all of me, even if it did make
his eyes water slightly. I pumped in and out of his mouth, my hips pumping and
thrusting until the tremors began to abate.

I rasped out a shaky
apology. Cam stood up, took me by the hand, then led me to the bed. The man
didn’t have to ask. I sat on the mattress in front of him, staring into
chocolate eyes as I shoved his pants over his ass. The high-priced boxer briefs
came next. Cam’s prick jutted out, thick and veined, the head deep purple. I
lapped at the droplet of clear liquid that threatened to drip on the floor.

"Fuck, you taste
good," I said. I had every intention of sucking him off. I cupped his
balls, pondered sliding to the floor so I could suckle his heavy orbs, but Cam
had a different plan. One that involved me on the bed, ass in the air, his
prick buried deep inside me. Who was I to argue with the living legend? I gave
him what he wanted, gladly. He rode me hard. Harder than he would have
normally. He pounded me into the wall, off the side of the bed, then once more
into the headboard. I clawed at the bedding like a cat, trying to get purchase.
Cam’s cock was relentless. When his orgasm arrived, he thrust into me so deeply
I had to bury my face into the mattress to smother the whimpers of pain. The
man came and came and came, repeating my name with each pulsing spurt of

"I am so sorry,"
he whispered afterward. He slid out of me, removed the used condom, and then
crawled into bed beside me. I was kind of out of the talking mood at the
moment. My ass was sore. He curled up beside me, stroking my hair from my face
as I lay there covered with sweat. "I would fully understand if you left
and never came back."

"It’s okay," I
said, rolling to my side to face him. He glanced down at my body then he kissed
me with such emotion I forgot about the pain. I threw a leg over his hip,
sucked his tongue into my mouth, and began working on getting him into the game
yet again. My head was clear now. All the murky shit had left. All it had taken
was recognizing that Cam was the one. Brad, well, I’d have to be dealing with
him tomorrow. Who knew how long it would take Cam to deal. Even if it took
years, I would be here.

"Hey," I asked
as I sucked on his neck a few moments later. He grunted. Our semi-erect pricks
were rising up once more, his sensitive head nudging mine. "You know what
I think?"

"That you need to
fuck me?" he asked, his fingers roaming over my shoulders.

"Well, yeah, that
too," I murmured against his thumping jugular. He chuckled warmly. I tried
to get closer to him, needed to get closer. I rolled him to his back then
ground my mouth against his. When we came up for air we were rigid again. My
elbows were locked, my hands fisted on either side of his head. "I think
someone needs somebody at his side when he comes out."

"Any someone?"
he asked, reaching up to shove my damp hair from my eyes, our bodies sticky
with drying sweat as well as semen. "Or a special someone?"

"A special
someone," I replied then claimed his mouth, and his love, with another
kiss. "This special someone," I whispered between forays into his

"You do realize I’m
jealous of you, your skill, your age? I’m battling with the knowledge that my
career is just about over." I tasted his lips tenderly. "I wanted to
ship you back to the AHL the day you arrived. So cocky, so sure of yourself and
the power of your youth. Fuck, you make me feel old yet young at the same

He flung me to my back. I
let him be the aggressor. He needed to remind me that I was the pup and he was
the old dog. I was the student; he was the master. I was the heir apparent, he,
the reigning monarch. I gave up the reins to him. The dude needed to have some
sort of control over some part of his life. When he was hard again he took me
with gentle passion. I cradled him to me, my arms and legs wound around his
damp body. Cam moved with deep strokes that left me whimpering and spent
underneath him. I climaxed first, my seed coating our chests as Cam pumped in
then out with sure, strong strokes. His orgasm followed a few moments later. I
clenched around him as he convulsed, panting like he had just completed drills,
then dropped down onto me. The weight of him pressing me into the bed as his
cock kicked inside me made me mad with renewed need. I kissed him hungrily. He
groaned into my mouth then disentangled himself from me.

"I need…to clean
up," he said, his hair looking like he had stepped into a wind tunnel. His
lips were swollen, his eyes drowsy with passion, his body slick with sweat and
spunk. Fuck. I wanted him again. He rolled from the bed as I reached for him.
Gaining his feet, Cam glanced down at me. "Jesus, Jacobi," he said
upon seeing my cock standing up. I reached down to cup my balls. Cameron
shivered at the sight then made a less than speedy retreat into the bathroom. I
rolled my eyes as the door shut quietly. Water ran. The heater came on once
more. Warm air blew over my moist flesh, making it erupt in gooseflesh. I
tugged a blanket over my pimply skin. I was awoken a short time later by Cam,
who was freshly showered as well as dressed. I yawned, stretched, then smiled
at him contentedly. The fucker looked edible in a pair of team fleece pants
topped with a clean wife-beater.

"Man, you shower

"Jacobi, as much as I
would love to have you stay here . . ."

My mind was kind of
sluggish, what with the fantastic sex combined with the comfortably warm bed,
but what he was saying eventually sunk in. I sat up. The dirty sheet slithered
over my chest then pooled in my lap.

"I thought us fucking
each other raw would help nudge you toward the closet door a little." He
stood stoically beside the bed as I kicked the covers aside.

"Jacobi, this was a
wonderful experience, and I want to continue seeing you, but . . ."

I waved a hand at him
angrily before stepping into my pants. "Save it, okay. I get it. It’s okay
to plow me like a field, but it’s not okay to be open about us. Fine. Whatever.
When you grow a fucking pair, just let me know."

"Jacobi, stop being
such a fucking assgoblin about it!" Cam barked. I spun around, my pants
dangling off my hip bones, my shirt in my left hand. Our eyes locked.

"You are
too fucking old to be using my lingo." I stalked over to the man, grabbed
him by the back of the neck, then attacked his mouth so violently his teeth
nicked his top lip. I lapped up the metallic taste of his blood as I ravaged
his mouth time and again. Cam was all into the kiss. His hands roamed over me,
shucking my unzipped pants off my ass so he could massage my buttocks. Then he
pulled back. First it was mentally then physically. I swear the mental
shove-off was harder to take then the physical one.

"Just go back to your
room, will you? I’m not ready yet." Deep down I sort of knew one night
wouldn’t be enough to propel him out of the closet. I mean, I hoped it would
be, but fear like Cam had would take a long time to overcome. My hand still
rested on the back of his neck. I tugged him back flush to me. My brow rested
against his.

"I want more than
just sneaky screws, Cam." I was being honest with the man. He nodded then
stepped back. The sigh almost escaped. I finished dressing. Cam walked me to
his door, his fingers wound through mine.

"Can you come
tomorrow night?"

"Dude, no one is on
the other side of the door listening." He was in no mood for joshing.
"Sorry, I know this is really rough. Yeah, I’ll come tomorrow night. We’ll
have to make up some shit though. Is that what you want? More lies?"

"Yes, just for now. I
need to figure this out, Jacobi. Let me . . . let me call my daughter first. I
think, well, I think I can tell her. Can you do that?"

"Sure." I
smiled, proud of his resolve. Relief flooded his face. He kissed me gently then
shoved me out the door. The corridor was empty. I stepped into the hallway,
turned, then pushed my hands into my front pockets lest I reach for the man
hiding in his hotel room. "Catch you later, Cam."

"Night, Jacobi."
The door closed in my face. That huge sigh from earlier blew out of me. I
ambled back to my room to sleep alone.




Expecting our starting
goalie to be in a better place inside his head, Cam was put back in for the
last game of the road trip. I was overall pretty cool with it. The man held up
reasonably well for the first period. He looked sound, like he was finding his
groove. Then the second period came. Cam buckled like a rusty water pipe. It
was painful to watch. The team was losing confidence in their goalie. I know it
sounds cruel, but the mentality of a team can shift from empathy to antipathy
quickly. The men were beginning to mumble that Cam wasn’t giving one hundred
percent. Maybe he had grown soft with the big money, fancy car, designer clothes,
and TV commercials.

I listened to the
grumblings from the team with a wince. If only Cam would come out! That night I
told Likka, who was taking a day off from sex, that I was going to go check on
Cam. Try to talk him up, you know? The Finnish mountain told me I was good boy.
An hour later, as I lay under Cameron with his prick buried in me, I wasn’t
sure how good I was, but I sure as hell knew how in love I was. Cam spoke
little that night. We had sex. He withdrew from me, pinching his condom tightly
around his flaccid dick then disappearing into the bathroom to take a shower.
When he came out, I was dallying in bed.

"You got something
against my spunk on your skin?"

He gave me a clipped reply
but would not meet my eyes. I lay in his bed naked, fingering the tiny speckles
of seed on my lower abdomen. It was obvious from the way his nostrils flared
that he was turned on. But did he ask me to stay? No. He wrapped himself in his
blanket of fear then begged me to leave because he was expecting a call from his
daughter. I did, but it was not happily. I knew where his head was at, but
shit, did that mean I deserved to be shoved out the door like some cheap whore?
It made me feel used, dirty, and less understanding of Cam’s delicate

The only thing that made
me feel slightly less trampy was the knowledge that Cam would at least be
broaching the subject with his daughter. He had vowed to me as he made love to
me that he would tell her when she called tonight. Likka seemed mollified with
the noncommittal reply I gave him about Cam. I slid into the bath to wash off
the smell of sex. The light was out when I emerged. Likka was snoring loudly. I
rolled to my side, pillow over my head, and prayed that sleep would come

On the return trip home I
obviously couldn’t ask Cam about his conversation with his daughter. Nor could
I after we got back to Pittsburgh because he left before I could say word one
to the man. It kind of tweaked me, but I didn’t think anything about it. I
resolved that I would call him after I got unpacked. That didn’t happen. What
did happen was Brad coming to my room, eyes glittering with need. Yeah, it was
one of those things. I saw him closing the door behind himself in the small
mirror over the dresser. My eyes followed him as he closed the distance. I
sidestepped when he reached out to embrace me from behind.

"What’s up with

"Nothing man, I’m
just not really into being groped without giving a dude permission." Brad
stiffened slightly. "I mean, we made out one time. That’s not an open pass
to my dick whenever you feel like it."

"Whoa, just back the
fuck up, okay?" Brad said. I threw a balled-up hoodie into the hamper then
spun around to face him. "I think you were just as into that make-out
session as I was. Maybe if you weren’t being such a fucking cock tease, I
wouldn’t be all over the place trying to figure out what it is you want from

"I am not a cock
tease!" My hands fisted at my sides. "I’m just not used to a man
being such a bitch about shit! Next you’ll be texting me to ask me to pick up
some tampons and chocolate on the way home."

That one got me pushed
soundly into the wall. "Fuck you!" Brad snarled. I raised my fists.
Our landlord busted in. I think we would have come to blows if not for the big
body shoving itself between us.

"I’m out of
here!" I yelled as I grabbed my vest off the bed.

"Good, stay the fuck
out!" Brad shouted over Pete’s bare shoulder. I exited like a typhoon,
slamming every door I met until I was out in cold so severe it felt as if I had
walked out into Antarctica as opposed to Pittsburgh. My Rover was blocked in. I
didn’t feel like going back in to ask Brad to move his ride, so I called a cab
then went to the corner to wait for it. I was stuttering with cold when I
relayed the address to the cabbie.

 The yellow taxi was an
older one. The upholstery smelled like wet ashtrays. The radio was cranking out
Rasta. I tried several times to get Cam but his phone kept kicking me to voice
mail. At least I knew his address. Hell no, he hadn’t given it to me. I had
asked Likka, who had been to Cam’s numerous times over the years. How nice is
that? Having to beg your fucking lover’s address from a teammate? When we
reached the affluent neighborhood Cameron called home, I was worked into a
frothing anger at Brad. I wasn’t too keen on Cam either, but since I was on his
doorstop about to beg for a room, I kept my anger in check. When the double
doors of the sprawling Spanish home opened, Cam looked stunned.

BOOK: Seduced by the Game
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