Seducing the Enemy's Daughter (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Enemy's Daughter
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Brady shrugged. “It’s my time to waste. But I see this as time well spent. When I see something
I like, I go after it. You strike me as a woman who does the same.”

She eyed him over the food. “You’re right. I do.”

And she wanted Lani Kaimana to be the best tourist attraction on the island of Kauai. If only she could get her father to see things her way and listen to her ideas. Or just listen to her, period.

Too bad Brady Stone had entered her life at this particular point in time. She’d love to throw caution to the wind and see where this harmless flirtation led. Perhaps, once her life settled—please, God, let that be soon—she could afford to indulge in some Brady time.

True, she never wanted a serious relationship again, but she had a feeling Brady wasn’t a long-term kind of guy. A man with so much sex appeal more than likely stuck to one-nighters.

What would it be like to be held by those strong arms? What would it be like to ignore what was right and proper? Would she be able to let her stiff, boring lifestyle go and see where her desires led?

Like everything else in her life, she could only fantasize. Until she claimed her rightful place in her father’s company, she couldn’t indulge in any desires. No matter how her body ached.


rady couldn’t believe his luck. Well, luck only played a small part. He had to give proper credit to his charm and Sam’s moment of weakness. He loved when a last-minute plan came together.

Still smiling, Brady stepped into his suite, pulled his phone from his pants pocket and dialed his brother.

Cade answered on the first ring. “Hello.”

“You have no idea how close I just came to uncovering all the ammunition we need.” Strutting over to the French doors, Brady took pleasure in watching the waves crash against the sand. Much
like Mr. Donovan’s business would come crashing to an abrupt halt in the very near future.

“What happened?” Cade asked.

“I had a very nice dinner sent to Ms. Donovan’s office. When I stopped by to make sure she’d received it, she was getting ready to send the report.” Brady breathed in the fresh, floral scent of the island. “I hung around by using the excuse that I wanted to make sure she ate. She never second-guessed me. I’d say I’ll have that information we need within a week.”

Cade let out a low whistle. “That is some fast work, brother. And you claim I work fast with the ladies.”

Brady’s eyes darted to the four-poster bed in the corner; yet another image of Sam sprawled out between the silky sheets stirred his emotions. “Nothing went on between me and Sam, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get close enough without arousing suspicion.”

“You’ve been there two days,” Cade said. “I’ll say you’re making remarkable progress. Do you really think you can get those numbers within a week?”

Making his gaze focus back on the dark, mostly deserted beach, Brady thought of the petite blonde
down in her office. He wouldn’t let his hormones hinder his business dealings.


“Fantastic. May I ask how you were so close to the report?”

“I was in Sam’s office and she had a migraine.”

Brady ignored the lump in his throat as a twinge of guilt flashed through him at taking advantage of her in a moment of weakness. But then hadn’t her father taken advantage of his during a moment of weakness? Turnabout was fair play…and all that.

“She needed to get her report to Stanley and I offered to help.”

Cade chuckled. “Man. Too bad she didn’t let you send it.”

“When it comes to her business, she wants total control.” Something he had to admire. “She’s a Donovan, after all. Even though I’ve only seen her sweet, angelic demeanor, she may very well be like her old man beneath the surface. And I’m just attracted enough not to want to see the ruthless side of her.”

“I have a feeling when she finds out who you are and why you’re giving her so much attention, you’ll be seeing more than ruthlessness.” His brother
laughed. “Call me if you uncover anything else. And I don’t mean Ms. Donovan herself.”

Brady disconnected the call, cutting off his brother’s continuous chuckle.

Brady wanted nothing more than to retrieve those numbers and get them back to Cade, but seducing Sam would take time and patience. Two things he didn’t possess.

The Donovans had only been in control for six months. Six months ago when Brady’s father had been battling lung cancer and struggling to keep his cooperation from going under, Stanley Donovan had swooped down like the vulture he was and took Lani Kaimana.

Stanley had always been known as a callous businessman. And from the conversation he’d overheard between Sam and her father, Brady figured Stanley had no problem being a menace to his own daughter.

Brady had seen the look of defeat when she’d hung up the phone, giving him the feeling that old man Donovan was not only a shark with competitors, but also a class A jerk with his family.

But none of those facts or images negated that Brady and his brother had a job to do and until
Lani Kaimana was back in the Stone family, Brady wouldn’t back down from seducing Samantha.


Soft white sand slid between his bare toes as Brady strolled along the pristine beach between Lani Kaimana and the Pacific Ocean.

In a way, Brady couldn’t fault Stanley Donovan for taking this bit of property. Who wouldn’t want to own a piece of paradise and make money from it in the process? But what he did fault Stanley for was taking advantage of a sick, dying man, stealing a resort from his floundering company and aiding in the possible demise of an empire.

Hands fisted at his sides, Brady crushed the sand beneath his feet with each step.

With Brady’s father gone, Stanley’s reign over the Stones would end. Brady and Cade were young strong men who wouldn’t be run over by a shark like Sam’s father.

A gentle breeze floated along the water, sending whitecaps ruffling to the shoreline. This was the perfect weather for a romantic walk on the beach. Lately when he thought of romance, his mind immediately drifted to Sam. Of her sweet, innocent smile. Her sassy yet flirty mouth. The way her curvy, petite body looked in her clean-cut suits.

She was a woman meant for romance, for long
walks along beaches just like this, for evenings spent in five-star restaurants. Not for running herself ragged to appease an ass of a father.

No romance,
he told himself. The breathtaking ambiance of the evening had muddled his mind. His reason for being here was pure business. Nothing more.

Then as if his fantasy and dreams came to life, Samantha Donovan was standing just ahead of him. She still had on her perfectly pressed suit, but she held her shoes by the strap, dangling from a finger at her side.

Her long golden hair floated and danced around her shoulders as she stared out onto the horizon. As Brady approached—thanking God for this stroke of luck—he wondered what thoughts were running through her head.

Did she have worries, doubts? Was she taking a break from her hectic position?

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked as he came to her side. When she turned to look at him, she jerked back as if she realized he wasn’t talking about the orange-and-pink sunset.

She quickly masked her surprise by turning back to the water. “I don’t get out here often enough.”

“You really should. The fresh scent and evening
breeze will ease your mind and make you forget all your troubles.”

She cast him a sideways glance. “I doubt that.”

With a deep sigh, Sam turned in the opposite direction and began walking. Brady didn’t wait for an invitation, he simply fell into step beside her.

When she glanced over, he smiled. “It seems a waste to walk on this beautiful beach alone, especially with a sunset as breathtaking as that one.”

“Do your smooth moves normally get you the ladies?”

His grin widened at her bluntness. “Always.”

The soft laughter he’d come to expect from her floated along the breeze and warmed a spot deep within. Brady didn’t want to be warmed by her, he wanted information he could use to crush her family…even if that meant her. He couldn’t help who got caught in the crossfire.

“So what are you doing out here?” he asked. “I didn’t take you for the type to take breaks.”

“I started feeling claustrophobic in my office and needed to do some thinking. I’m still working,” she assured him as she tapped the side of her head. “I’m just doing it in here.”

The water lapped up around their bare feet,
splashing up onto her shapely calves and wetting the folded edges of his khaki pants.

To onlookers, they probably looked like a couple out for a romantic stroll. And hopefully that’s how Sam would see his presence, but in reality, he was laying the groundwork for destruction.

“You know the old saying about all work and no play?” he kidded.

She stopped, turned to him. “Why do I have the feeling you get plenty of play in?”

A strand of her fair hair came around and clung to her pink, glossy lips—her kissable lips. With the tip of his finger, he swept the hair aside.

“Maybe because I do.” He watched her pale blue eyes widen with acknowledgment. “Maybe if you added a little more playtime into your life, you wouldn’t be so stressed.”

Her defiant chin tilted. “I happen to love what I do and if I wanted to play, I would. I can take an hour to enjoy life.”

“Fine, then. When you want to forgo some work and see what else life offers, come find me.” He turned, but glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, Samantha, playtime with me takes more than an hour.”

He strolled off, literally into the sunset, and let her chew on that tantalizing thought.


Sam strode through the open lobby, inhaling the refreshing salt water of the early morning. If only her life were as sunny and bright as the sunshine beaming in through the doors and windows.

After a meeting with the disgruntled grounds crew, Sam had finally appeased them by explaining that a new budget was being looked over with all employees of Lani Kaimana in mind.

She did not, however, mention the fact that the new budget she was looking over wouldn’t allow for too many raises until she could see how well the resort operated since switching ownership.

Unless her father listened to her, there would be no turning this resort around. He’d purchased the piece of property when it was operating at a loss, something they couldn’t fix overnight.

She knew her father trusted her or she’d never be here to begin with. So why couldn’t he also entertain her ideas?

Just as she turned toward her office, she saw Brady. She hadn’t had much time to think of him this morning, but she’d spent plenty of time last night tossing and turning between her lonely sheets.

She took a moment to appreciate such a fine specimen of man. And, considering he wasn’t
looking her way, she allowed herself the satisfaction of raking her gaze over his broad, muscular body.

His crisp white polo shirt did amazing things to his golden, sun-kissed biceps. And the way his faded denim covered his long legs as he ate up the ground made her wonder why she’d never noticed a man this way before.

Allowing her eyes to linger longer than necessary only made her heart beat faster.

Was this just a case of good old-fashioned lust? Did she just find Brady Stone appealing because he was a stranger passing through? Because he’d given her flowers, a nice meal and was there to comfort her when she’d not felt well?

Oh, and the walk on the beach. Planned or not, that had been the most romantic moment of her life. And that proved how pathetic a life she’d been living.

So, why now? Why

Before she could answer her own questions, Brady turned his head. His eyes locked with hers and a knowing grin spread across his face.

. She’d been caught staring.

Oh, well, she couldn’t undo the damage now. With her shoulders back, chin up, Sam made her way toward him.

“Good morning,” she greeted with a smile.

Brady nodded, offering a warm smile of his own. “Morning.”

“I forgot to thank you again for the flowers, dinner. When I ran into you last night, my mind was elsewhere.” She kept her smile going, not a hardship when looking at such a magnificent man. “Are you still enjoying your stay?”

“So far.”

Another happy guest. “If there’s anything I can do to make your visit more pleasant, don’t hesitate to ask.”

His grin kicked up a notch; a naughty gleam twinkled in his chocolate eyes. “I bet I can come up with something. Is that an open-ended invitation?”

She’d walked right into that one.

The way he looked at her—as if he knew where her thoughts had traveled since meeting him—made her palms dampen. Add mind reading to his impressive personal résumé.

After their few short conversations, she should’ve known where his mind, and other body parts, would go with her innocent comment. He was a guy, after all.

“I do have a tight schedule,” she told him, hoping she sounded professional and not like a
nervous schoolgirl. God, couldn’t she make up her mind? “I’d be willing to accommodate your needs. I mean—”

He leaned into her ear. “I know what you mean, Sam.” Easing back, he smiled. “When can I expect you to…accommodate me?”

Sam glanced around the nearly empty lobby. “Umm…”

Brady eased back and chuckled. “How about we start with a dinner
in your office?”

She so wanted to say yes. Did she dare take some time for herself? “I don’t know, Brady.”

“We already shared a romantic walk in the sunset,” he reminded her. “Dinner isn’t nearly as romantic as that.”

He had her there. Besides, the man was just passing through on business. What could one meal hurt? She wasn’t going to start a time-consuming relationship with him.

“Are you free tonight?”

“Absolutely. I’ll take care of all the arrangements.” He reached out, easing a strand of hair from her shoulders. “Meet me in my suite at six.”

Before she could tell him she couldn’t possibly meet him that early, he’d walked away. And Sam recalled the rule she’d recently made about dating
guests. Oh, well, she’d never been a rule breaker, so doing it once wouldn’t hurt.

She watched him cross through the lobby and exit into the breezy summer day. Dear Lord, the man looked just as good going as he did coming.

Sam forced herself to concentrate on the rest of her hectic workday, but her mind betrayed her. Instead of figuring out how to bring more tourists to her father’s newly acquired resort, all she could think of was how long she’d gone without sex.

And why was she even thinking about sex? It wasn’t as if she were going to be intimate with Brady tonight or anything. She didn’t even know him. But he was clearly interested in her and that had her thinking of the two of them tangled between sheets.

. Even the word hadn’t been on her mind since trying to gain her father’s respect and a place in his company. She’d put all her personal desires aside in order to concentrate on her career.

Her whole life, Sam had wanted to be important to her father. Her mother had passed away years ago, leaving shattered, five-year-old Sam and eight-year-old Miles behind to be raised by a business mogul who knew nothing about raising little girls. Good news for Miles.

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