Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)
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Nate made to pass by her in the doorway, then thought better of it and turned, then took her lips in a fast and hard kiss.

Jes didn’t have the time to respond before the kiss was over.

He dropped the towel and opened the bag, pulled out clothes and started dressing as if he owned the world.

Jes shook her head and told him she was going to her office to draw up the contract. By the time she was done, Nate had made a light breakfast and pouring coffee into the coffee mugs on the table. Weird, Jes thought. How many men would dare make themselves comfortable in a woman’s house? And to top it off, cook? Dinner then breakfast? The men she had dated and always waited for her to do the cooking. Not that she was an excellent cook, but she knew her way around Italian recipes. Courtesy of her ex boyfriend, Alesandro.

But this could be better than she expected. As long as this was not just to make an impression
, then after a few days he expected her to do the cooking in the future.

Nate signed the contract after breakfast. It was a standard contract between a client, Sullivan & Sullivan, and a service provider,
London Events. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the deposit he was expected to pay. It reminded him of Ana.

“For short notice events, I expect more of a deposit,” she told him as she went through the important parts of the contract. “It’ll be cheaper if you have a large enough room to hold the two hundred people you are expecting. Then I can just hire a cleaning crew after. But on the other hand, getting a ballroom at a hotel is easier in terms of the cleanup. You just leave, no worries about anything. But whether I’ll get one or not so close to the day, is another matter. And Fridays are the worst days because everyone else is also doing something.”

“Find an off premises venue, hotel or one of those places that hires their places out for events. I don’t care. Just find something special. Ana is a special person and she deserves it.”

“You mean you’re bribing her upfront?”

He laughed. “That too.”

He signed for Sullivan & Sullivan and watched her sign for
London Events.

“Can I get a ride with you? I’ll need that deposit before I start the job. Not that I don’t trust you,” she said, “but I’ve learned over the years that it’s always best to keep business on the straight and narrow otherwise things can get… you know
, messy.”

Nate nodded and smiled at her. “I understand,” he told her. “We’ll ride together then you can go on your business with Chris and Ken.”

“Huh?” she asked confused.

“The guys you evaded yesterday?”

She laughed. “Oh them. You can tell them it was nothing personal. But I can find my own way.”

“Jes,” he called back her attention. “Do you know why I travel with a bodyguard? Has Evelyn told you?”

She shrugged. “No, but don’t most rich guys do that?”

He smiled. “Some yes, but not me. None of us ever did, until Ana was beaten up on a train one day. She was in a coma for several days. It was hard on all of us, mostly Gabe.”

Jes grimaced. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

Nate waved
away her sorry with his hand. “Three confessed, but one of them is still out there and refuses to confess. The boy who beat her up is still in high school, Jeremy Maynard. The name Maynard is the name of the holding company, so you might not know them, but they were a powerful family in New inYork.”


“Gabe bought out the company’s debt and as many shares as he could get. He called the debt and when they couldn’t pay, this finally forced the parents to understand that they were now powerless. Money, respect, assets…everything was gone just like that. But unfortunately, their son, Jeremy went underground and we cannot locate him. He surfaced after she was out of hospital and threatened her and almost everyone. That was when Gabe insisted the whole family got protection.”

“I can’t imagine how that went with you.”

His lips twitched. “None of us wanted to be followed by a shadow. But it was the safer choice and put Gabe’s mind at peace. Anyway, recently he took pictures of her and Stefano and sent them to Gabe. He went ballistic.

It was frightening looking at them and thinking he could have shot her if he had a gun or wanted to. We don’t know why he didn’t. Maybe he was afraid the guards would catch him?” He shrugged and watched the emotions on her face.

“Anyway, now that you have been seen in Ana’s presence and if he’s watching, seen me sleep overnight, your safety is questionable,” he explained. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complicate your life, but I can try to protect you. That’s why for the past few days there have been people watching over you.”

“I hear you, but is it really necessary? I don’t want you to spend any money on me. Probably u
nnecessary too.”

“Jes, better safe than sorry. And I don’t mean to be bossy, but this is smething that I won
’t take no for an answer. Yesterday was hard enough, after you disappeared, I had to leave the office. I couldn’t concentrate, worried about you, so I left the office in the middle of the day.”

“Now you’re making me feel guilty.”

“That’s not my intention, but if it will make you change your mind, then I’ll take it.”

“For how long?”

“Until the team that was put together can find him. We now have someone we hired to actively look for him.”

“Okay,” she said and took a deep breath. “But only until he’s captured.”

“And there’s another little item we should get cleared,” he said with a grimace.

“Doesn’t sound good.”

“Oh, I think it’s an excellent idea. I just know of someone who is bullheaded.”

Jes laughed. “I hope you’re not talking about me because now I’m going to put my bullheadedness hat on.”

“The thing is…ah…the thing is…”

Jes cocked her head to the side and wondered what could be so tough for Nate to act like a stammering teenager. “Just spit it out, Nathaniel.”

“It would be best if you moved to my apartment. For your safety,” he quickly added.

Jes froze. “You’re joking right?”

Nate shook his head. “You have flimsy locks,” he told her. “Look at how easy it was for me to get in yesterday. I’ll have it replaced to something a lot more stronger, but baby, you’re all alone here and if he came in, you might not have a chance to protect yourself.”

“I have 911 on my speed dial.”

“And how did that work for you last night?” He smirked. “I know you were trying to dial someone, I just didn’t know it was 911.” He gaped at her. “Were you seriously trying to dial 911?” he asked.

Jes bit her lip and nodded slowly.

“You’re something else,” he told her.

“I’m sorry.”

“Move in and I’ll forgive you,” he said with a grin.

Jes snorted. “That’s blackmail, pure and simple.”

“I’m trying everything, Jes. Please. If you stayed here, I’d have the bodyguards make sure you’re safe here, but that would mean they have to sleep in the car. You saw the little sedan they were driving yesterday. I’m sure you can imagine how uncomfortable that is.”

“That’s low. Really low, even for you, Nathaniel.”

“Is it working?” he asked smiling.

Jes stood up
and started pacing. “I don’t know. My office is right here, in my house. Yes, most of my business is in New York, but I’d still have to come here everytime I need to use my office,”

Nate stood up too and followed her. He placed his hand on her should
ers and turned her to face him. “And that will be fine baby. During the day, is not as bad as at night. You can work in your office and they can sit in your sitting room. I’m sure they’d love to watch whatever shows come on during the day.”

Jes smiled. “You mean talk shows and soap operas?”

He smiled in answer. “Yes, that. I’m sure they love Dr. Phil, Judge Judy and General Hospital,” he said.  “Anyway, you get to spend the days that you need to be here, right here, and come home to me at night, where you’ll be safe with the security we already have in the building. It’s a win-win for everybody. What do you say?”

“I don’t know. It’s all too much for me for one morning. Can I think about it?”

Nate nodded his head. “For the sleeping arrangements, yes. But for your daily security, no. You start moving around with the security I have in place for you. No evading them or disappearing even for a second. They have to know where you are at all times, understood?”

Jes nodded her head.

“Understood? I need you to say the words Jes. This is serious.”

“Yes, yes. I understand. But you have to know that I do a lot of walking sometimes. It depends on the part of town I’m in.”

“Wasn’t that because you went into the city by train? Because parking is next to impossible?”

“Yes, I suppose.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that. One of them can drive around and find parking while you complete your business with the other one.”

Jes smiled. “Well, that really sounds tempting.”

Nate kissed her. “Anything I can do to help baby. Think about it and we’ll talk tonight.”

y finally left her house and made it to his office where he had his accounting department write her a check for her deposit. He relaxed when she left flagged by Chris and Ken.




Kelly groaned as she woke up. She needed to go for her check up at the hospital. The Chief wanted her to come in, instead of going to her own physician. And after today, she would probably be going back to work tomorrow. Kelly felt good. She knew she was fit to start work again. As long as it didn’t involve any double shifts. Moving around may actually be better than sitting all day. Now that Ana was back at work, Evelyn too, staying at home really sucked.

She was disappointed to find Rafe’s side of the bed empty. He had said he would take her, but maybe he had gone to work and would be back later.

“Hey sleepyhead,” he said walking into the bedroom.

“You made me breakfast in bed? But I’m supposed to be getting back at work tomorrow, most likely.”

“Sick or not, I still get to make you breakfast in bed.”

Kelly pulled herself into a sitting position and leaned against the headboard. The sheet that had been covering her fell and she saw the tray wobble as Rafe brought it closer to her. She smiled. “Something wrong, Rafe?”

“Nothing at all, baby. I just tripped there for a second.”
He smiled at her. “Must be a shoe.”

“I guess that’s what they are calling it these days.”
What shoe? She grinned at him as she accepted the bed tray and made sure it was sitting well on her legs. “I thought you had gone to work for a few hours.”

He walked to stand by the window. “No, it was easier to work from here. I’ll go to the office after your appointment.”

“Really?” she asked. “I was hoping we could come back and have wild sex.” Kelly laughed as she heard his groan before he could stop it or hold it back. “Are you okay over there?”

“I’m fine baby. Ah…I’ll just go and wait for you in my office.” Rafe practically ran out of the bedroom. He heard her laughter ring as he closed the door. “Fuck,” he swore. “This is ridiculous. I’m a twenty eight year old man. Running away from a twenty
four year old girl. Four years wasn’t that much, but she was still a girl.”

Rafe just needed the doctor to give the okay for physical activity. If not then they would have another patient to deal with soon. His blood vessels could burst at any time. His cock was in
danger of being permanently stiff if it didn’t fall off first. He had been lucky to have been able to run away to work yesterday after two weekend days of being in pain.

Rafe was so lost in thought he didn’t hear her enter his office. Until he heard her sexy voice. “Zip me up will you,” she said and turned her back to him. What the hell? Rafe had never seen a dress that had a zipper from top to bottom. Her whole back was open and she was wearing…oh Jesus…he groaned…who goes for a check up wearing that?

“Ummm, baby. I don’t think that’s appropriate for a doctor’s visit.”

“Well, if I take it off, then I’ll have to go commando.” She removed her dress and started taking off her teddy.

Rafe scrambled to stop her. “No, no. That’s okay. I guess the doctor won’t even get to see that anyway.” He dressed her back into the dress and took the zipper, then pulled it from the bottom, all the way to her neck. But he couldn’t erase what he had seen. No detergent could. It was something that once seen, was imprinted in a man’s head.

He rushed her out of the apartment and met the bodyguards downstairs. They were ready to rock and roll. And so was he. He needed to be in and out of that hospital faster than a bullet. The sooner he got to his o
ffice, the better for his body. His sanity.

Things were suddenly turning Rafe’s way. They found the Chief actually waiting for them.

“Dr. Jones. Thanks for meeting us,” Rafe said shaking his hand.

“We like to take care of our own,” he said and shook both their hands. “Why don’t you use that room, Kelly and change. I’ll be with you in a few.”

Kelly turned to go and stopped as she opened the door. “Rafe? Are you coming?” she asked. “I’ll need help with my dress.”

Rafe saw the doctor’s eyes bulge and he quickly rushed over. He had thought he was going to escape this one and just be inside there f
or the examination. No such luck. Maybe things weren’t turning in his favor after all.

He moved at fast speed and undressed her. He realized if he left her to it, she would take her sweet time and it could be forever before she was done. So after he had unzipped her, he helped her out of the red sexy teddy. It didn’t leave a lot to the imagination.
And his was in overdrive.

As soon as there was a knock on the door and Dr. Richard Jones entered with Dr. Eli Simmons and a nurse, Kelly left her sexy personna and became the patient. Rafe shook his head and hoped this would last a while until he managed his escape.

“You’re healing very nicely Kelly. Give it another two days and you can start physical activities, until then I need you to rest and heal. You’re still tender in a couple of places,” Dr. Simmons told her.

Kelly sighed. “I was hoping to be back at work tomorrow.”

“Monday is the best I can do for you,” he told her. “You need to take that time to recover fully.”

“Don’t worry about your absence,” Chief Jones said. “We’ll work something out to give you hours and more exposure to anything you might have missed. You already have been doing a good job, so I don’t doubt you’ll excel.”

Kelly looked at him in surprise.

“Besides what I see everyday, I do receive updates on all my interns,” he explained. “I need to make sure we are training the best for when you choose to stay after your residency.”

As Rafe helped Kelly back into her teddy and dress, it sank that he still had two more days of torture. He thought back to all the words the doctor had said and knew he had heard right. Two more days? He moved fast and had her out of the hospital fast, then dropped her off at his apartment and was out.

“Not even a goodbye kiss, Rafe? Are you really that scared of me?”

Rafe had just an inch before the door clicked shut. He froze. If only he hadn’t frozen, he could have pretended he hadn’t heard her. The minute he opened the door wide, she pulled him by the tie and kissed him before he could react.

Rafe was pushed out of the door and he went to the elevator in a daze.


Kelly had feigned sleep when Rafe
had woken up at the crack of dawn. It was Thursday and the coward was running away, still. She would have thought that he would have been excited about finally having sex.

Oh, yes he was excited. But he was also afraid of being the one to give in first. Well, little did he know that giving her all day was just giving her plenty of time to prepare for the night.

She shaved, she scrubbed, she shampooed. At least her nails were still looking good. She found the strappy heels she wanted to wear. They would showcase her toes to perfection. Kelly made Ana swear to keep tabs on Rafe. Her job was to alert her when he was on his way.

This was the problem with getting it good with a guy. You couldn’t live without it. It had been
more than a week since her beating from Brad, so no sex from Rafe. Did doctors really have to dictate people’s sexual lives? Kelly snorted as she realized one day she might be in that same situation, where she would need to tell a patient not to have sex. Yeah, that was tough. So no way was she going to be an OBGYN or a urologist.

The minute Rafe walked into the penthouse, he knew he had lost. Kelly was dolled up, all nice and sexy, sitting next to the fireplace where she had surrounded herself with candles.
She rose as he came to a standstill. She was wearing a white sarong tied at her neck with a white sheer teddy inside. His imagination went wild and he went hard. Harder than granite. He groaned as his cock fought with his zipper.

Kelly smiled.
“Undress, and lie down on the bed. I’ll be right with you,” she told him.

Rafe walked in a daze to do her bidding. He did everything as if he were a robot, which he probably was at this moment in time. After he was undres
sed he lay down in the center of the bed, and hoped she didn’t make him wait too long. He needed relief. Quick relief before he could really take his time and make love to her all night.

He was rewarded with her presence a few minutes later. She walked right into his walk
-in closet and he heard rustling going on and wondered what she was up to. Rafe’s throat tightened and he lost his voice when she walked out carrying two of his ties.

“Babe, I think we need to talk about this,” he finally said as she knelt on the bed and took one arm and tied it to the headboard.

“I thought you surrendered when you walked in? And our agreement was that I can tie you up, if I won. Or are you going to be a sore loser?” Kelly moved to his other side and secured the second arm.

“Not a sore loser, no. But I really need you tonight. I want to make love to you. I’ve missed you, Kels.”

“I missed you too,” she told him and kissed him. “I need total control of you right now. If I give in to you, I know I’ll never get it. After you’re done with me, I’ll probably be as limp as a ragdoll.”

Rafe laughed. “What’s so wrong with that? It’s the pleasure that I’m concerned about. The pleasure I want to give you.”

Kelly moved to straddle him. “Nothing’s wrong with that. Just this time I get to pleasure you. With unrestricted access.” She quickly leaned down and kissed him before he could respond. It was exhilarating to be in control, in charge. She just hoped he didn’t manage to get himself out of the the hold she had done.

Kelly made good use of her good fortune and kis
sed Rafe’s body all the way down from his lips to his chin, his chest, navel and down the right leg, up the left and traced kisses along the length of his cock.

She smiled as he groaned and it twitched. Kelly grabbed it with her right hand and took him deep into her mouth, then she slowly released him and wasn’t disappointed when she reached the top. His mushroom head was already wet with his pre-cum.
She popped him out of her mouth with a loud pop and he squirted. Kelly laughed and licked him dry.

She dropped off the bed. “I’ll be right back,” she told him and ran out of the bedroom. A minute later she was back. “We are out of ice cream, so I’ll just go and get some,” she said and walked towards the closet then came out wearing a dress.

“Kelly, I think I saw ice cream in the freezer last night. Please baby, come and finish off what you started,” he begged.

“It has to be D
evonshire,” she told him. “I’ll be fast. Don’t go anywhere.” Kelly rushed out despite Rafe’s begging.

tugged and tugged, but the knots held. He sighed in frustration and wondered if he screamed, whether his brother would hear him. If his brother was even in his apartment. Rafe hit his head repeatedly on the pillow. This was the first and last time. Never would he allow Kelly to put him in such a position, what if she didn’t come back. Rafe snorted and thought how his brothers would have a field day. And they better not find out about tonight, because he would be the laughing stock for years to come.

No sooner had he thought those words, than he heard the front door open. “Kels! You better come and untie me, because when I get my hands on you, you’ll be sorry baby.”

“Ah!” a male voice said. “I’m not Kels, but am I welcome?”

Rafe was as nude as the day he was born. “What the…., Gabe? What are you doing here?” he asked trying to break his hands free so he could cover himself.

Gabe smiled. “I just saw Kelly being driven off as I reached the door. Is she coming back? Or not,” he said and smirked. “I could keep you company for a few minutes.” He smiled and rolled on his heels.

“At least be useful and untie me,” he said with a growl.

Gabe shook his head. “No can do. I doubt Kelly will want me to do anything.”

“Gabe, I swear…”

“People tied to beds shouldn’t make threats.”

Rafe laughed. “Well, at least cover me,” he asked.

“Can’t touch anything,” he said shaking his head.

“Gabe, this isn’t funny. You can’t just stand there looking at my privates.”

“Rafe, there’s nothing you have I don’t have too.”


“Okay, okay. I get it,” he said. “Hold on.” He walked towards the chaise lounge and grabbed the throw blanket. “Just a sec,” he said as he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. He aimed it at Rafe and clicked a few pictures.

“Are you taking pcitures o
f me, Gabe? Naked pictures? I swear…”

“All done,” he said as he threw the blanket on Rafe’s lower body. “So what do you want to talk about buddy.”

“You don’t seriously think I’m going to engage in a conversation with you, while I am tied to a bed? If so, you’re more delusional than I think.”

“Where is Kelly anyway? And how did you get into this position?” he asked waving his hand at him.

“We’re not having this conversation.”

“Suit yourself,” he said and started going through his phone. He took a few more pictures. “I’m sure Nate and Manuel would love to see these pictures too. I mean, you’re so photographic you may give Stefano a run for his

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