Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)
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Ana hugged her back. “Don’t hesitate to call. I mean it, Evelyn. Even if you just want to go shopping,” she told her.

“You know you can come and stay with Rafe and I?” Kelly asked her. “No p
ressure, just keep that in mind.”

“If you need me to come and stay
, just holler. I’m glad we reconnected.”

Evelyn watched them walk towards the door and followed. She held the door open and watched them get into their respective trucks, her brothers riding with them. She closed
the door then made sure she securely locked all her doors. She went to bed, but sleep was in small doses until the sun rose.

Evelyn woke up and made a list of food items she needed. She opened cabinet doors and thre
w away all the food that she wasn’t sure was still good. First things first, she needed breakfast items. She would deal with lunch later.

Evelyn took her list outside. She felt bad for not inviting the guys inside.
Maybe she would offer them beds tonight. At least they weren’t in a tight little car. They should have gone home and she should have been assigned someone else for the night. Since she had moved into Mitch’s apartment, they had never needed someone to be with them at night.

“Morning,” she said as Jack wound down his window. “Sorry, you had to sleep in the vehicle. But if one of you can get me these food items,” she said handing over her list, “I’ll make it up to you with some homemade breakfast.”

Jack took the list and glanced at it. “If you can really cook what’s on this list,” Jack said, “I’ll be your slave forever.”

Evelyn grinned. “I’ll try my best.”

Chuck followed her indoors and locked the door when Jack reversed.

“Please fell free to use the guest bathroom. And Jack can use it on his return. There are fresh towels and everything you’ll probably need to clean up.” Evelyn left Chuck and went to take her shower.

She had an appointment later in the day. A new client. If he weren’t new, she would have cancelled. But this had been a referral from one of her best clients, and she didn’t think it painted a good picture by rescheduling
a first appointment. Well, at least she had a restraining order. So she didn’t have to be worried about Mitch trying to get hold of her.


Mitch went into the office despite his need to be at home and bring Evelyn home. Besides he needed to deal with the Gina issue. The sooner the better. Therefore, it was his first meeting of the day. He was glad he met Gordon on his way in. It saved him a trip from going to his office and looking for him.

“You look like you didn’t get much sleep, boss.”

Mitch grunted, and ignored him.

“I know the look of a man who used the gym to try and forget. My money says it didn’t work.”

“Gord, if you seriously value your life, you’ll stop talking.”

“You could, but then you won’t get to know my plan for getting back your heart’s desire, Evelyn,” he said with a smug face. “It’s fool proof too.”

“I can’t believe I’m even considering this, you have the most insane ideas,” he said shaking his head. “But go ahead, spit it out.”

“Don’t say no immediately. Just take an hour to think about it. Can you do that?” Gordon asked.

“I’m not promising anything.”

“Okay then,” Gordon said and started whistling.

“Fine. I’ll give it the damned hour,” he growled.

Gordon smiled like a kid. Mitch wondered how such an intelligent man sometimes thought about some of the worst hare brained ideas. Though truth be told, more than half of them were actually good. Though it did take lots of time to g
et used to his ideas and confirm their usefulness. Something Gordon always liked to rub in his face.

“I have a group of Seals that are stateside for some time. With just a phone call, they could be here, kidnap Evelyn
, bring her to your apartment and return before the sun even rises. No one the wiser. Now say thank you Gordon?”

“This is the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life.
Do you seriously think we can jeopardize the Seals jobs with uncle Sam?” Mitch shook his head and wondered if he was the crazy one to have hired him and made him his second in command. “Gordon, are you crazy, insane or…”

Gordon waved his fingers in front of Mitch. “Ah ah a
h. You said you give it at least an hour before you made judgment.”

“It doesn’t even deserve half that time,” Mitch said and walked out of the elevator.

Gordon walked beside him and they both made their way to Mitch’s office still arguing.

“Mitch. Gordon.”

“Steve? Is everything okay with the baby?” Mitch asked as Steve waylaid them right outside the elevators.

“Oh, yes. Everything is fine. Both mother and daughter are doing great. I’m here about Gina. I’m sorry. I just heard when I came to work today.”

Mitch looked at his watch. “We have a few minutes,” he said. “Come on in. She’s supposed to be here in another ten minutes.”

All three walked along the corridor and entered Gina’s office which was still empty, then proceeded to Mitch’s office. Mitch opened his door and nodded his head for both men to precede him. Mitch heard Steve say Gina’s name, then saw him come to a stop and wondered why he had stopped. He immediately realized that she was in his office.
Both Gordon and Mitch entered behind Steve and stood frozen in the doorway.

She had laid herself out on his desk. Naked except for a bra, panties and some heels. Mitch had thought he would talk to Gina and gently explain that a relationship between the two of them was not possible. And then move her to one of his other executives. But this wasn’t looking like that plan was a possibility after all.

Steve moved first and pulled her off the table, then threw her clothes at her. “What the hell Gina? Mitch has a girlfriend. Does Evan know that this is what you’ve been doing?”

“He said he couldn’t live without me. What was I supposed to do?”

“Oh jeez, Gina.” Steve groaned in embarrassment. “That’s because you’re a great assistant. He’s told everyone that.” He pushed her into the bathroom and closed the door. “I’m really sorry Mitch. I had no idea she’d take it this far. I just thought it was a harmless infatuation that would die a natural death, especially when you and Evelyn started dating.”

Mitch led the way to his seating area. “I’m sorry too Steve. Your sister is more delusional than I thought.”

“What was she trying to prove, waiting for Mitch, naked on his desk?” Gordon asked perplexed. Had he been that out of touch with the real world as he helped uncle Sam to fight the different wars out there? Was this how women now asked a guy out?

Gina came out of the bathroom, dressed. There might have been hope for her if she hadn’t looked smug.

Mitch stood as she drew near. “Gina, I’m sorry. You can’t work here anymore. You’re fired. I’ll have HR prepare your last check and it will be delivered to you by the end of the day.”

“You can’t fire me.”

Gordon came in between them. “Actually, he can, and so can I. You can fight it in any court. You won’t win. Your own brother saw you naked on Mitch’s desk. If you fight it, then everyone will know the details of what just took place.”


“If you leave now and don’t fight this, then you can at least get to keep your reputation.”

Gina stalked out of the office, marched to her office and gathered her belongings. Gordon followed her and met the security team he had called while she had been dressing.

“Steve, I’m sorry,” Mitch told him and shook his hand. “Please take her home and take the rest of the day off. Your job is safe. I’m sorry it had to turn out this way with Gina.”

Steve nodded. “
I understand and I’m sorry too.”

He watched Steve go and join Gina, then lead her out and the two
security men follow at a distance.

“You know, I’ll work from home after all. Just have my desk replaced by tomorrow, please.”

Gordon grimaced. “I doubt Evelyn would want to hear that little piece of detail. Replacing it makes a lot of sense.” He slapped Mitch on the shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”




Ana looked at the message that had popped up. She frowned. Why was Vinny sending her a text?

Vinny:                            I’m sending someone with a burner phone. Please accept it.

                            What’s going on?

                            We’ll talk on the burner.

                            This better be something on the up and up.


Ana shook her head and went downstairs. She saw a kid arguing with the front desk about a package that he needed to hand deliver
to the addressee. The kid wouldn’t accept the fact that all packages were left with the front desk, and delivered by someone within the company. A few people were already looking and talking among themselves.

“Hi, sorry. I’m Ana. I believe you have a package for me?”

“Ana,” Jimmy said coming around. “You know we have to double check to make sure it’s nothing dangerous.”

Ana shrugged. “Go ahead.” She turned to the kid. “Thanks. Tell him I got it.” She handed him a ten dollar bill and he smiled then ran out.

Jimmy frowned. “Ana, you need to be careful.”

“Jimmy, you worry too much. I’m sure it’s all Gabe’s fault.
” She took the package and opened it. “It’s just a burner cellphone.”

“You know I have to report this, don’t you?”

Ana started walking back. “I know, but just give me sometime to find out what’s going on first. I promise not to do anything crazy,” she told him.

“Ana, you know your fi
ance won’t be happy about the delay. And neither will Mitch.” He followed her into the elevator.

“Jimmy, I’m not trying to get you into trouble. In
fact, I’ll make the call to Gabe, but only if you give me a few minutes to know what I’m reporting. I’m expecting the person who sent the burner to make contact anytime now.”

“And that is?”

Ana laughed. “I’ll trade you the name for the time. Your choice.”

Jimmy laughed. “You’re a real piece of wo
rk Ana. In a good way, so no offense intended.”

“None taken Jimmy. You know I love you like a brother, right?”

“I’m not seeing that as a compliment at all. Little sisters usually get big brothers in trouble. Big trouble.”

“Oh, come on, Jimmy,” she said taking a seat. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“Gabe wasn’t happy about that Jersey trip we made without his knowledge.”

“He cannot…” Ana stopped as a message with an attachment buzzed. It was a face of someone. Male. But she couldn’t make much of it.
Another picture came through.

                            Who is that?

                            You can’t tell?

                            They are not very clear.

                            Can you come? It’s important.

                            I can’t escape the bodyguards.

                            You can bring them, but don’t draw attention to yourselves.


                            Come to your apartment, then I’ll give you further directions from there.

Jimmy who had been standing over her
shook his head. “No, we can’t. It’s not safe.”

“Vinny would never lead me into danger.” Ana stood and grabbed her handbag. “You can either come with me or remain.” She ignored Jimmy as she ran for the elevator. He kept swearing into the phone as he alerted Fuzzy of their little trip. She accepted Jimmy’s help getting into the truck.

Fuzzy joined the cars on the road, driving at a sedate pace.

“Fuzzy, if you’re going to drive like an old lady, I might as well take a cab. Step on it,” she said. “Besides, I know you’re trying to buy time for Gabe to meet us there. I can hear Jimmy’s whispering all the way from where I’m sitting.”

Ana was about to ride up to her apartment when Vinny walked up to her. “That was fast.”

“You said it was important.”

“And what’s with the secret service?”

Ana looked back and was shocked to find two other trucks coming to a stop outside. The men inside quic
kly jumped out and followed her inside, and came to a stop behind her, Jimmy and Fuzzy. “Forget about them. Are we doing this or what? Gabe should be here any minute.”

He nodded. “Yes, come with me.”

“Why are we going to the basement? Isn’t that where the furnace and laundry room are?”

Vinny laughed. “You seem to know your way around, but I’m glad you haven’t been living here for sometime now. Because you won’t like what I found,” he said.

“Did you catch someone stealing our furniture?” she asked.

“No, just another few seconds and you’ll see. Hey, Shawn,” he called in. “We’re coming in.”

The door opened and Vinny entered with Ana behind and then Jimmy, Fuzzy and the rest of the gang. Jimmy had tried to hold her back, but she had shook his hand away and followed Vinny inside. Ana adjusted to the lighting and saw a man on a twin sized mattress, curled into himself.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“Take a look,” Vinny said and led her closer. “Shawn?”

The guy named Shawn stepped forward and straightened the mattress guy.

Ana gasped in shock when she saw a boy instead of a man. “Is that…?”

Jimmy stepped forward and took a look. “Maynard.”

“Jeremy Maynard. What is he doing here?” she asked.

“I think he’s been staying down here,” Vinny said. “I have no idea for how long, but one of my men saw him and followed him here.”

“The wounds are old, meaning he was involved in some kind of fight not too long ago,” Jimmy guessed.

He has several different old wounds,” Fuzzy said pulling Jeremy’s t-shirt up with a stick. “It looks like he was getting into fights, then coming here to heal, then would enter into more fights.”

“He’s a scumbag,” Ana said and walked away. “Is he drunk or what? This place stinks like someone drowned in their own vomit.”

Vinny pointed to the line of bottles and trash in the corner. “It appears like he lived on takeout and cheap brandy.”

“Have you called the police?” she asked.

“No, I wanted you to give a positive ID first then call an anonymous tip, but I guess that’s no longer possible,” he said as he watched Ana’s fiance and some other guy walk in. “Your fiance is here.”

Ana turned and saw Gabe and Mitch walk in. Both were angry and Ana hoped their anger wasn’t directed at Vinny. After all he had found the elusive Jeremy.
Something some highly trained operatives hadn’t been able to do.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, Gabe. I’m fine. He’s passed out.”

“Ana…Why do you keep doing this to me?” he asked and grabbed her into his arms. “
Jesus, Ana. When Jimmy told me Jeremy was here, my heart almost stopped.”

Ana opened her lips to his hungry kiss. He trembled in her arms and she dueled her tongue with his.

He released her. “We’ll talk later,” he told her and bumped their foreheads together. “Let me see him,” he said whispering to her.

Ana nodded and watched him join Mitch who was staring at Jeremy’s body. How someone could still sleep with the number of people
making all that noise in the room, Ana couldn’t fathom. She walked over to Vinny’s side. “In case I don’t manage to say it later, thanks cousin,” she hugged him, “for everything.”

“Anytime Ana. Just be more careful in future, okay? This guy was hard to track.
And I know all the underground places in this city.”

Ana laughed. “I didn’t even know you were looking for him.”

“After you and Kelly told me about what had happned, I made it my business to find out more about him and put my people on the alert,” he told her. “It was like tracking a ghost. I almost thought he had left with his parents. But every report I received of his parents said there was no third person living with them.”

“Wow, Vinny. You surprise me. You’ll make a good husband someday.”

Vinny blushed and Ana laughed.

“Kelly will be so mad she missed this. She always said she wanted to kick Jeremy the day he was found.”

Ana was separated from Vinny as Nate and Rafe came in and stepped in between them. “Vinny, you still remember Rafe. And this is Nate,” she said pointing to him. “And this one,” she said as Manuel followed, “is Manuel. All four are brothers. And the other man standing beside Gabe is Mitch, the…”

“The owner of the bodyguard company?”

“Yeah, you know?”

“Yep. Made it my business to know that too.”

“Guys, this is Vinny. A friend. To both Kelly and me. Treat him with respect, please.”

Vinny guffawed. “Thanks cuz. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other.”

“Not if I can help it,” Rafe mumbled.

“I heard that Rafe. And if nothing happens to Vinny, Kelly won’t hear about it.”

“Ana,” Gabe said walking back. “Can you go upstairs? We need to call the police and would prefer it if you weren’t here.”

She greeted Mitch then turned back to Gabe. “Won’t they want t
o question me?”

“Maybe, but they can do that in your apartment.” He reached out to take her fingers. “Please. I promise Vinny will be safe.”

“Just make sure your brothers understand that too,” she told him. She leaned up and kissed his lips then walked towards the door. Jimmy and Fuzzy followed her, made sure there was no one lurking in her apartment then agreed to let her enter.

She called to check up on Evelyn and w
as glad that she sounded chirper. They didn’t stay long on the phone. Evelyn told her Steve was there with his baby. Ana promised to check back with her later, then hung up.

When she called and told Kelly about Jeremy, she insisted on coming over.
Ana told her she’d call if there were any changes to her whereabouts, which she doubted because such things usually took hours. And she was right. Stefano and Jes were the first to arrive, then Kelly. The police had barely arrived and were apparently processing the area.

“I tried to go downstairs but
Rafe blocked me. Stupid man wouldn’t even allow me to kick the sorry piece of ass on the butt. Hard. Although ribs would be my chosen area to kick. And it was going to be his lucky day too,” she said looking at her sneakers. “I even thought about coming here first and getting my heels.”

“I just wanted to see his face, that’s all. But after Kelly’s attempt to enter, they had the door barricaded by a wall of bodyguards. Even Nate wouldn’t vouch for me to enter.”

“I think I saw a reporter,” Stefano said. “I have a feeling that could be another reason why we’re all not being able to enter there.”

Ana pulled the burner from her pocket. “Here,” she said. “Vinny sent me a couple of pictures earlier, but they are not very clear.”

Lester too arrived and sat with them, then the brothers walked in with two detectives. Ana remembered them from her stay in the hospital a few months back. Detectives Smith and White. She gave them her statement and surrendered her burner phone. Then hoped and prayed they could do something this time.

“Where’s he now?” she asked.

“The hospital for a quick check up, then he should be transferred to his cell for the night. Unless the doctor keeps him overnight,” Det. Smith told her.

“This time, I think we have him, Ana
,” Det. White told her. “And we’ll both do our best to make sure he gets the maximum sentence he can get. Well, actually, let me rephrase that. We’ll ask the DA for the maximum sentence.”

Ana stood as they
rose from their seats. “Thank you.” She tightened her hold on Gabe’s fingers and he pulled her closer to him.

“It’ll be fine this time, baby.”

“I know. I just can’t believe that it’s almost over.”

Gabe hugged her from behind. “Me too. We
will follow up tomorrow, but in the meantime, dinner then bed.”

“Sounds good.” She turned. “There’s a diner right around the corner.”

Gabe laughed. “You miss your old neighborhood, don’t you?”

“I do. Can we?”

“I love you, you know that?”

“I know Gabe. I love you more.”

Gabe shook his head. “Not possible,” he said before he silenced her with a kiss.


Evelyn was surprised to see Steve show up at her door, and with his baby girl. “Steve, long time no see.” She opened her door wider. “How’s your daughter?”

He grinned at her. “She’s just as pretty as her mother.” He placed the baby carrier on the floor then picked up his daughter. “Here, hold her.”

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