SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (154 page)

Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

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Logan watched me as I talked and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Guess he was wearing his ‘cop’ face. As good as a poker expression, he kept his thoughts to himself while I kept going.

In between sips of wine, I told him all about the demons living in La Sombra, the junior demon his daughter was dating and the fact that
was some kind of super hero.

“A Demon Duster,” he said, his voice wry, his expression suddenly completely skeptical.

“Yep. That’s me. Super Cass.”

“Uh-huh.” He lapsed into silence again and I kept right on talking, in between sips of wine.

I told him about Devlin, (not the sex, just the demon part—I’m not a complete idiot) I told him about Jasmine and the demon spray that apparently also cleaned ghosts out of haunted houses—and told him that Carmen knew about the ghosts and demons before even I had.

“Carmen knows too.”

“Yes. Totally.” I took a drink of wine, swallowed and said, “so it’s not just me talking, here.”


Then I told him about Judge Jenks being the top demon in town. That’s when Logan choked on the wine, burbling it down the front of his shirt as he gasped for air.

When I finally wound down, I felt like I’d been to
Confession. Something I hadn’t done since I was in sixth grade and confessed to cheating on a test and the priest told my dad. For God’s sake, the confessional was
to be private. Was it any wonder I now considered myself Catholic-lite? But I digress again.

I watched Logan as he used a napkin to blot at the wine soaking into his shirt and silently waited for his reaction.

Didn’t take long.

Logan laughed so loud and for so long, he scared the hell out of Sugar, who bolted for the kitchen, forgetting all about the prospect of snacks. Glaring at him, I drank the rest of my wine and wished for more.

Finally, he caught his breath and shaking his head looked at me like I was a loon. “Christ, Cassie, that’s the dumbest pile of shit I’ve ever heard.”

“You asked,” I reminded him.

“Uh-huh.” Still chuckling, he leaned back into the couch and dropped a friendly hand onto my knee. Only I wasn’t feeling real friendly anymore. He didn’t seem to notice. “And I loved the part about the judge. Judge Jenks goes too easy on the bad guys, sure, but he’s no demon, for God’s sake. There
no demons. And if there
why the hell would you go out with one let alone allow Thea to date one?” He poured more wine. “God, if you’re gonna lie anyway, at least make ‘em believable.”

was what happened when you became known for creatively extending the truth from time to time. When you finally tell the absolute truth, nobody believed you!

“She’s not dating,” I said. “She’s spending time with this kid and staying either in a crowd or where I can see ‘em at all times. And besides, Jett’s a good demon. Like Devlin.”

“Right,” Logan said with a snort. “A good demon. Christ, you really are something else.”

“This is so typical,” I said, shaking my head at him. “You want the truth and when I give it to you, you don’t believe it because it’s not the truth you wanted to hear.”

“Please. Truth?” Logan shifted on the couch and stroked his hand down my thigh. “Cassie, you’re so used to lying you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on the ass.”

“Very nice,” I said, trying to ignore the feel of his hand as it slid down the inside of my thigh toward my own private Disneyland.

“Come on, Cassie,” he said, leaning in toward me, his eyes linked with mine, “you don’t really expect me to buy all of this, do you?”

Right then, I just wanted him to keep moving his hand down closer to Zip-a-de-do-dah.

“Haven’t you noticed?” I asked and inhaled sharply as his fingers brushed over the denim covering my leg, “all the weird stuff happening around here?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Rain of toads for God’s sake, Logan? When does that happen?”

He sighed and set his glass down onto the coffee table. His fingers, he moved a little bit closer to where I really wanted them. “A freak happening. That’s all.”

“And the fires?”

“Some firebug getting his jollies. We’ll catch him.”

“And the missing pets?”

He sighed. “You really believe all this crapola, don’t you?”

Now, I didn’t want to acknowledge it, but there was some definite heat getting stirred up inside me. A minute ago, I’d wanted Logan to touch me. Now I just wanted him gone. I absolutely refused to get turned on by a man who so was so pissing me off. Grabbing his hand, I lifted it off me and tossed it at him.

He frowned. “If you’re not interested, say so. You don’t have to invent these fantasies about dashing demons and super powers. At least be honest with me.”

“Hah!” I scooted back from him on the couch and stared at him in the lamplight. “I
being honest,” I said and reached out to slap my wineglass down onto the coffee table. “More honest than you were with me sixteen years ago.”

His expression froze over. “Excuse me?”

I pushed off the couch and jumped to my feet. Made me feel better to be able to look down on him. As short as I am, I don’t get the chance to look down at anybody very often. Pointing my finger at him, I reminded him, “You told me you loved me. You screwed my brains out that summer. Then you went off to college and found Dusty.”



He stood up too and I lost my advantage.

love you.”

“For three whole months? Gee thanks. A love for the ages. So basically, it was, ‘Great summer, good sex, good luck with the baby’.”

“I didn’t
about the baby,” Logan shouted. “And, by the way, it was


“You would have found out all about Thea if you hadn’t introduced me to Spiffy at your graduation.”

He wanted to correct me, like always, but didn’t. Maybe I really did look as mad as I felt.

“I had it all planned,” I told him. “I was so sure you were still mine. In all the letters you wrote me from school, you never told me about that girl. Never told me you were even dating.”

God, we’d already had this argument. Why was I saying it all over again? It wouldn’t change anything. Wouldn’t make
turn out any differently. But somehow, the hurt was still there, buried under sixteen years of denial and I couldn’t stop myself.

He pushed one hand through his hair and let his gaze shift away from mine. “I was a kid,” he muttered.

“You were older than
,” I reminded him. “
you weren’t propping up your swollen ankles while your best friends were out shopping for prom gowns, either.” Still pissed me off that I’d had to buy my dress from Elephants-Are-Us. Not to mention I’d had to attend the dance with a pal instead of Logan, the would-be love of my life.

“You never said anything either. In all of your letters about school and Rachel and every other damn thing going on in your life, you never
said anything about being
His gaze speared into mine.

Yep. Same old argument. Nothing ever gets settled, we just take turns flaying each other alive. Good times.

“I didn’t want you worrying about the baby while you were trying to graduate,” I muttered, thinking back on my martyred sixteen year old self.

“If I’d known,” he said, his voice no more than a whisper.

All the air left me in a rush. This was all so pointless. We were having the fight we should have had sixteen years ago. Back then, it might have meant something. But now it was just too late.

“I never stopped thinking about you,” Logan said and his voice was as soft as mine had been loud. Which, just so you know, was pretty damn loud.

“Well now,” I said wryly, covering my pain with humor, “maybe that’s why your marriage didn’t work out, hmm?”

He reached out for me, but I was just too damn tired for any more. I’d had wine and food and a big fight. Now all I wanted to do was lay down somewhere and wait for morning.

“You should go,” I said, taking a step back from him, just to make sure my hormones didn’t take on a life of their own again. Apparently my body still wanted to respond to Logan even while my brain was telling me ‘been there, done that’.

“Cassie, this doesn’t have to be the end.”

I smiled. “Logan, we ended sixteen years ago. You just didn’t notice.”


* * *


“Santa Maria, Madre de Dios.”

The next morning, Carmen and I went to Magic Nights to clean and Carmen’s reaction was the same as it had been the first time. She just couldn’t get over all the goodies up on the second floor. And hey, who could? Watching the older woman’s face as she opened the door to the Tarzan suite was priceless. If her eyes had bugged out any further, they’d have been laying on her sharp as knives cheekbones.

“Right there with you,” I said and leaned in, peering over her shoulder. I knew Carmen was still stunned by the pseudo rock walls and the vines hanging from the ceiling and the—oh hell, by everything. But had to admit, there was something about the room that made parts of me all tingly.

Carmen clucked her tongue in disapproval and walked inside, gaze sweeping over everything. She scowled at the bearskin rug and reached out to tug one of the ‘vines’. “This is a room made for sin.”

“Yep,” I said on a sigh and winced when she frowned at me. “Hey, I was just agreeing with you.”

“Ppfft. You were wishing for someone to swing on the vines with,” she said, then got such a thoughtful look on her face I figured she was wishing the same thing. But, since I really didn’t want to imagine a fifty-something Carmen swinging through the air with Tarzan, I shoved that thought out of my mind fast.

“Look,” I said, “why don’t you start in here and I’ll head down the hall.”

She narrowed her eyes on me. “What room of sin will you start in?”

“I’m feeling like Camelot this morning,” I told her and caught the flash of interest in her eyes before she could hide it. Then I turned and left her to her mumbling and cleaning and headed down to the knight in shining armor room.

Before I could open the door though, I heard a sound, turned my head and spotted Devlin down the hall at the top of the stairs. He was watching me and I swear, even from a distance, I could feel those dark eyes on me.

Oh, boy. Clearly, finding out he was a demon hadn’t done a thing to put out the fire in my hoo-hah. I could almost
the heat pouring off of him and as he walked slowly down the hall toward me, I told myself that if I was smart, I’d turn around and ignore him.

Well, color me stupid.

“Good to see you,” he said when he was close enough.

“Yeah,” I said and swallowed hard. I had really tried to prepare myself for seeing him again. I took a cold shower that morning and I was wearing my oldest jeans, a dark blue sweatshirt with
Clean Sweep
emblazoned across the chest and hadn’t even bothered with makeup.

Didn’t help.

He was still looking at me like I was a Slurpee and he was a straw.

Oh, boy.

“Um...Carmen and I should be done here in a couple of hours.”

He nodded, glanced over his shoulder at the open door from which the roar of a vacuum escaped, then took my arm and led me down the hall.

He smelled

As for me, I smelled like the demon duster liquid, since I’d spritzed my whole damn body before stepping foot into Magic Nights. Cold shower, ugly clothes and oh yeah, the demon spray. Needless to say, Devlin let me go pretty quickly and rubbed the tips of his fingers together as if to wipe off the traces of the liquid.

When we were far enough away from Carmen, he looked down at me and smiled as he took a whiff of me and wrinkled his nose. “You sprayed yourself today,” he said. “So who’re you afraid of? Me? Or you?”

“Ego check?” I quipped, though I really wasn’t feeling quippable. (Yes, I know it’s not a word). “There are plenty of demons around here. Maybe I was just being careful.”

He loomed. And as tall as he was, looming was really effective.

“I can accept that,” he said, his dark gaze flashing with what looked to me like flames. “But just so you know. If I want you again, that spray won’t stop me.”

Okay, my temperature shot up about a hundred degrees and air was seriously hard to come by. Not to mention that my knees were weak and other parts of me were hopping up and down in eager expectation.

“And just so you know,” I told him, keeping my voice steady through sheer will power, “you try something I don’t like and your chest is going to be air conditioned.”

He grinned at me. “I shouldn’t like you so much.”

“Would’ve made my life a hell of a lot easier, too.”

His smile faded and those dark eyes danced with shadows and light that were so damn compelling, I felt myself leaning in toward him. Managed to find my balance before I flung myself at his broad chest, though, so yay me.

“Have you thought anymore about what we talked about?”

I checked over my shoulder, but Carmen was still in the Tarzan room. Turning back to Devlin, I said, “Pretty much been thinking about nothing else. There’s a powerful demon who wants to steal my daughter, so yeah, I’ve been thinking about it.”

“Any ideas on what you’d like to do?”

“Oh, a few hundred, up to and including ripping the guy’s heart from his chest.”

Devlin winced a little, but nodded. “He won’t be easy to get to. He’s a powerful man.”



Okay, I knew that. The Judge was pretty intimidating as a
let alone as a demon. And I wasn’t exactly a real experienced Duster.

“Maybe you could meet with him. Reach an agreement.”

“You mean tell him to back off Thea and I’ll let him live?”

“Something like that.”

My head snapped up and I looked him dead in the eye. “Are you trying to set up a meeting between us? Is this Double 0 Demon playing at being a double agent or something? Because I’ve seen all the movies. I know that spies can’t be trusted. By anybody. And if you set up a meeting, how do I know you’re not just setting
up to get killed?”

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