SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (40 page)

Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

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“You keep journals? Do they celebrate how you stake us or kill your own?” Ryder challenged.

Anger twisted his gut because Ryder's words hit too close to home. “We document how to be an effective slayer. The battles we've had and how we beat back the undead. It's how we prepare future generations.”

“Color me confused, because it seems like you've got very few slayers left for the future.”

Because he couldn't deny the observation, he shrugged. “Things are changing, Ryder. But as I was explaining, there are journals that discuss our histories and the source of slayer power. Rumor has it that some of the authors believed that the origins of our powers are not all that far removed from those that created vampire energies.”

Ryder gestured between the two of them with his hand. “So you and I, not so different? I don't suppose
Evangeline or the other hard ass slayers would like to hear that.”

Ben nodded. “Probably not, but that doesn't explain why you feel different and I don't.”

“Is there someone who might know? Who'd be willing to help us?”

Ben raised a brow again. “So it's an 'us' now, Ryder?”

The other man offered him a chagrined smile and stuck out his hand. “I guess it is, Ben. Shake on it, friend?”

He looked past the hand at the man. No, at the vampire. One who'd turned another human, even if it had been for good cause. A year ago, he wouldn't have hesitated to stake him for that. But as he'd said earlier, things were changing.

Ryder's actions had brought life to his wife and daughter. Six months earlier, Ryder’s assistance had helped save his life and Michaela's.

Grabbing hold of Ryder's hand, he shook it without restraint. “Friends. So is that offer of the studio still good? I’m getting a little tired of banging my head against these arches.”


Vampire Reborn
: Chapter Three



They packed up what few belongings Benjamin wanted to keep and headed back to Ryder's condo building.

At the entrance, Jason, the vampire door man, blocked their path and glanced uneasily at his boss and Benjamin.

“He's with us now, Jason,” Ryder explained and that seemed to settle it for the other man.

Jason nodded, stepped to the side, and held open the door, but without the usual smile or pleasantries to which Ryder was accustomed. Much like it would take time for the Slayer Council to acclimate to the changes in their relationships with the undead, it might be a while before the vampires became used to having slayers in their midst. Even if Benjamin was now one of them.

Inside the lobby, Ryder inclined his head in the direction of the security department. “Follow me,” he said and once they reached the office, he greeted the night watchman, another vampire who looked at Benjamin dubiously.

He introduced the slayer turned vampire and said, “He's moving into the studio just below my floor. Next to Dr. Danvers and Mr. Reyes.” His ex-keeper and her husband, Diana's brother, could probably use someone strong nearby to protect them and his little niece if need be.

The watchman eyeballed Benjamin, still not thrilled at his presence. “Are you sure, Mr. Latimer? You know how their kind can be.”

“He's a friend, Sam. I'll have the building manager prepare the security passes in the morning.”

With that discussion concluded, Ryder showed Benjamin to the elevators, but as they waited, Ben said, “Do you always get what you want?”

Ryder shoved his hands in his pockets and pondered the question. He'd gotten Diana and their baby. He'd somehow managed to land on the Vampire Council even though he wasn't truly of an age to be considered an elder. Plus he was rich enough that there were few things he couldn't afford and his wealth just kept on growing thanks to wise investments. But he'd trade the Council and the money for the security of knowing his family would be safe.

“Not really,” he admitted just as the elevator arrived.

As soon as they'd entered and Ryder pushed the button for the studio floor, Ben said, “Why do I find the 'poor me' tone in your voice a little hard to believe?”

Ryder's answer was swift and sure. “Before you were turned, you seemingly had it all, didn't you? But I bet if I'd asked you, you would have answered in much the same way.”

With a resigned sigh, Benjamin confirmed it. “Yeah, I guess I would have. I didn't have the one thing I wanted.”

“Michaela,” Ryder said without hesitation.

Ben shook his head and laughed harshly. “Is it that obvious?”

“Definitely. I hope you'll do better to hide your feelings when she visits with Jesus,” Ryder warned as the elevator stopped at their floor.

“I get it. I could never have made her as happy as she is now with your FBI friend,” Ben said and followed Ryder to the studio.

At the entrance, Ryder paused and motioned to the door across the way. “That's my family in there. I'm trusting you to do the right thing by them.”

“I will. Slayer, remember. It's our job to protect humans.”

Ryder let him into a studio that was bigger than many multi-room apartments in New York. It was decorated in basic contemporary, a style Ryder didn't particularly care for, but which the real estate agent said was a better stage for the location. Holding up the key, he let Benjamin snag it from his fingers.

“We'll talk tomorrow about whom to approach to find out what's happening to me?” he asked.

Ben nodded. “Give me the morning to make some calls and do some research.”

“That sounds like a plan. Good night,” he said and hurried out the door.

Too impatient to wait for the elevator, he bolted to the stairwell and raced up the stairs, eager to be with his wife and child.

As he rushed in, he noticed the lights were on in her home office and the door was open. Her way of saying he was welcome.

Controlling the vampire inside that just wanted to rush over and take her right on her desk, he sauntered to the door and leaned on the jamb to watch her as she worked.

She was busy typing something into her computer while papers and photos were strewn over the top of her large maple workstation. Across the way, she'd tacked up more photos and made some notes on her whiteboards. The faces of at least two victims stared back at him beside pictures of the violent ways they'd met their deaths.

Even now he didn't understand how she dealt with that violence day in and out, but then again, she'd been a victim of violence herself. She understood the pain suffered by those left behind and the peace that only came when justice was served. But he also knew that for her, the pain from the death of her father was still very much alive deep inside her. It both drove her and haunted her, although in recent months, she finally seemed to be dealing with it and with the things she hadn't wanted to acknowledge.

Like that her father maybe hadn't been as perfect as she'd made him out to be.

He stepped into her office and she finally noticed him. He was surprised she hadn't sensed him from the blood connection they shared, but she had probably been totally focused on the case that Jesus had dropped off earlier in the day.

She swiveled her chair around and smiled. It was a bright unrestrained smile, filled with joy and more.

He definitely liked the more
, he thought as she stood and met him halfway in the center of the room.

“I'm glad you're home,” she said and rose on tiptoes to kiss him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her close, needing the feel of her against every inch of him as he deepened the kiss. Over and over he moved his mouth against hers. He nipped her lower lip with his teeth and then soothed it with his tongue before slipping in to taste her and savor the warmth of her mouth and breath.

“Ryder,” she said with a husky sigh as he reached between them and cupped her breast. Her nipple was already hard and beaded, begging for more of his touch. He rolled the tight tip between his thumb and forefinger and she moaned into his mouth and butted her hips against him.

His cock throbbed with the motion of her body inviting him to take her.

“Is Charlie – ”

“Fed and fast asleep,” she murmured, reached down and stroked her hand along his erection, making him shudder.

“Thank God, darlin',” he said and swept her up in his arms, not that he intended to go far.

He hurried over to the large couch at one side of her office and laid her down on it, then kneeled by her side to meet her questioning gaze.

“I can't wait,” he said, slipped his hands under the edge of her maroon cashmere sweater and eased it up and over her head.

She was naked, her breasts heavy from the pregnancy, the nipples dark like sweet cherries. His mouth watered and in his gut, the heat of the vampire warned that it wanted a taste as well. His gaze darted to hers and he read what she wanted.

He wanted it also.

He bent his head and licked all around the tip of one breast and kneaded the other, tweaking and pulling her nipple into an even tighter peak.


* * *


Diana held Ryder's head to her and murmured, “God, Ryder. That feels so good.”

As distant as Ryder had been at times, nothing had changed when they were together like this. The need, the satisfaction, and the link between them was still as strong.

It will always be like this
, she heard in her head through the blood connection they shared.

She blasted back,
Love me, Ryder. Love me now.

His groan vibrated through his body and into hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist, nestling the length of his erection tight to her center. He rocked his hips and gently bit the tip of her breast, sending a wave of desire rocketing through her.

She grabbed hold of his black sweater and dragged it off his body.

The warmth of his upper body registered against hers, pulling her back from the edge of need.

As she shifted away and he raised his head, his dark gaze met hers. His coffee-colored human gaze with not a hint of the neon that said the vampire was emerging.

She ran her hands all across the width of his shoulders and down to his chest, cupping his pectorals for only a moment before laying one hand above his heart. It pulsed there, vampire slow.

“It beats for you, Diana. For you and Charlie. You're my reasons for living,” he said, the intensity of his emotions darkening his gaze to midnight.

“Whatever is going on, we'll handle it together, Ryder. Together like always.”

“Together,” he said, bent his head and kissed her again. Shifted his hips against hers, drawing her back into the passion they shared. Obliterating worry and any doubts from her mind as she let go and experienced the wonder of being with him. Shared the love in her heart with the man who had helped her crawl out of the abyss of darkness that had imprisoned her for so long.

He sucked and bit at her breasts. Caressed them before dipping his hands down to undo her jeans and haul them off her legs.

She had gone commando in anticipation of his return and his husky curse confirmed how much he liked that.

He danced a kiss down her body until he was at her center where he paused to nuzzle the trimmed curls there.

She shuddered in anticipation and he wrapped his arms around her thighs, urged them wider to nestle his big body between her legs.

“Ryder,” she pleaded and dug her fingers into the longish strands of his hair. Invited him to do more.

He accepted the invitation, licking and sucking at the swollen nub at her core. Tasting all along her nether lips before returning to her clit again. Wave after wave of pleasure slammed across her body. Built ever higher as he eased one finger and then a second into her. Stroked her ever higher until passion burst across her body like fireworks in the night sky.

“Ryder,” she cried out and arched her body, surrendering to the desire.


* * *


Ryder nearly came at the sight of her, lost in pleasure. Pleasure he wanted to share with her.

Somehow he managed to undo his jeans and jerked them down to free himself.

Plunging inside her, he stilled for a moment to savor the aftershocks of her release and as they ebbed, he moved, drawing in and out of her. Pushing in deep before retreating, stoking the embers of her passion again.

She arched her back and drew up her knees, deepening his penetration. Urging him on with her soft cries and the shift of her hips, meeting his every thrust.

Inside him, his own pleasure surged, but along with it came the call of the vampire. The heat of the immortal flared to life inside him, but was it dimmer than before?
Not as strong
? he wondered for only a moment as rational thought fled and the demon inside took over.

With a low growl, he drove into her, so powerfully that she cried out.

“Sorry, darlin',” he said, his voice filled with the rumble of the vampire.

“Ryder, look at me.”

He met her gaze and she skimmed her index fingers across his cheek and offered a smile. “I'm okay with this.”

As if to prove her point, she ran her thumb across his fangs and shock traveled through him that he had turned without noticing.

“It's okay,” she urged and raised herself to kiss him, moving her lips against his mouth and fangs. Reassuring him with the soothing pass of her hands along his shoulders and then down to his hips.

“I love you. God, I love you,” he said huskily and moved again, embracing her love and acceptance. Bringing them together with their shared passion until they were both on the edge, trembling and ready to tumble over together.

She shifted her hands upward and held his shoulders. Gently pulled him down, baring her neck to him. Understanding that he could only hold back the demon's needs for so long.

He met her gaze then and to his surprise, the hint of neon shimmered there. The dhampir in her was awakening to the demands of the vampire. Stunning him with the reality of just how different their world had become in just a few weeks. It relieved the always present fear that one day she would reject the vampire.

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