Seeds of Deception (3 page)

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Authors: Sheila Connolly

BOOK: Seeds of Deception
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Meg laughed. “Mother, so far the only plan I've made is to get the laundry done before we take off tomorrow morning. Of course, I should confer with my husband”—and how odd was it to say that!—“but I don't think he'll have a problem with it.”

“That's wonderful! Listen, we're staying at the Lord Jeffery in Amherst. You could meet us there. Our treat, of course.”

“Fine. But let's keep it an early night. Say, seven?”

“I'll tell Phillip to make reservations. It will be wonderful to see you both again, and so soon! And I promise that we'll get out of your hair after that.”

“See you later!”

It might be an odd way to start a honeymoon, spending the evening with your parents, but Elizabeth was right: they had seen very little of each other in recent years, and it was a shame to waste the opportunity. And it wasn't like they had anything else planned for the evening.

She dumped the clothes in the laundry baskets and picked one up to carry downstairs. She found Seth still in the kitchen, reading the Sunday paper, and realized how odd it was to find him just sitting—he always had multiple projects going. She deposited the basket by the door to the cellar, where the washer and dryer lurked, and dropped into a chair across from him.

“I talked to my mother. She invited us to have dinner with the two of them at the Lord Jeffery in Amherst this evening. Is that all right?”

“I'm going to assume you said yes, but sure, that's fine. All I really need to do is to find a suitcase. I can't remember the last time I needed one.”

“Well, you have most of the day to do it. I have faith in your ability to track down the errant valise. For our first ever road trip.”


Somehow they passed the day. Bree stayed out of sight, giving Meg and Seth some space. Which seemed kind of silly to Meg, since they'd all been living cheek by jowl in the house for months, but it was thoughtful of her. Seth did guy things, like checking all the fluid levels in the car, even though he said he'd already done just that. Still, better safe than sorry. He had decided that they would take his car, which was fine with her, since his was newer and sturdier than hers. He even installed new wiper blades and vacuumed the interior. He disappeared for an hour or two to check the attic of his own house just over the hill, currently unoccupied, to see if he could find a suitcase. Meg washed all the clothes she had collected, and then started in on sheets and towels, for reasons she didn't quite understand. They were leaving; why make things tidy now? But
it kept her busy.
I am a wife, and I am doing wifely things.
She giggled.

She had not realized how accustomed she had become to being busy. The orchard was a demanding mistress much of the year. There was always something that needed to be done: fertilizing, pruning, spraying (in an ecologically responsible manner!), watering in dry years, contracting with vendors who would buy the crop, planning to replace trees that had been damaged or were no longer producing, and keeping an eye on finances. In what little spare time she had, she had delved into her family's genealogy, which made a nice change of pace and didn't demand a lot of exercise, except on those occasions when she went searching for one or another of her ancestors in a distant cemetery. She tried to remember the last time she had read a book cover to cover. Usually she could manage to finish a single chapter before she fell asleep at night, and that was with lighter, more entertaining books, not serious historical or philosophical tomes. She had a stack of those next to the bed as well—collecting dust.

Somehow she thought it would be a bit rude to take a book, frivolous or serious, on her honeymoon. Of course, there was always her laptop . . .

Was it an accident that she had ended up with Seth? They were both morning people, and both industrious and hardworking. They both enjoyed the company of others—Seth more than she, and he'd been involved in community affairs for years. They were both intelligent, and capable of carrying on a reasonably informed conversation. And they both had a peculiar ability to get sucked into crime-solving, through no desire or effort of their own. She had
no clue why that kept happening. Maybe they also shared an innate desire to make things right.

She hadn't probed deeply into his politics, but from what she'd seen they were more or less on the same page. He had both male and female friends, and he was kind to his mother. Obviously he was the perfect man. Unless, of course, she discovered that he loved to drive really fast, and to curse out other drivers while going eighty on interstate highways. Or he insisted on cranking up country music in the car to an earsplitting level. That would certainly kill any conversation.

There were in fact a lot of things they had never talked about. What to do with his house was at the top of the list. He didn't want to sell it, and she could understand that—it had been in the Chapin family since it was built over two hundred years earlier, as had the one near it that his mother lived in. But Meg wanted to live in her house (technically her mother's), and he seemed to agree with that, and he'd added the bathrooms by his own choice (although maybe he was looking ahead at possible sale value?). Finances: she had little idea how much he earned annually, and she had never asked. Of course, after two harvest seasons she had only a vague handle on what she was earning from the orchard, and she had to pay the pickers and Bree out of that. Neither she nor Seth was extravagant in their spending, but surely there should be some discussion about where their money went, whether separately or pooled? Was he helping to support his mother? Were they going to share medical insurance? Car insurance? Had they really not discussed any of this, floating in a rosy cloud in the months leading up to the wedding, interrupted by the occasional foray into crime-solving?

And then there was the bigger question of kids. They hadn't come anywhere near that topic. She'd seen Seth with his sister Rachel's children, and he was great: he didn't condescend to them, and he appeared to sincerely enjoy their company. He even handled Rachel's new baby, Meg's namesake, Maggie, with relaxed competence. Probably more than she possessed, since she'd spent little time around children since she had earned pocket money as a babysitter in high school. Seth deserved to have kids, although he'd never said he wanted them, in so many words. But Meg wasn't so sure what she felt. She shoved that whole idea firmly on a high shelf in her mind: they needed to know each other a lot better before they made any major life decisions like having children. They'd known each other for less than two years, and for the first part of that Seth hadn't exactly liked her. There was plenty of time. Wasn't there?

She realized that she'd been sitting on the stripped bed staring into space only when Seth returned from whatever errand he'd been on and sat next to her. “You look like you're a million miles away. Please tell me you're not worrying about trip details?”

Meg laughed. “Actually, no. I'm just trying to figure out what to do when I don't
to do anything. I'm out of practice. What have you been up to?”

“I was scouting out places to stay, online, on my office computer. One important point: Mystic Seaport is open only until four tomorrow, and not at all the day after, so if we want to see it all we need to get started early.”

“No problem. Have you checked the weather forecast?”

“Yes, for the third time. It's fine, at least for the next few days. Are you worried about getting snowed in with me somewhere?”

“Actually, that might be kind of nice, especially if we find a place with a working fireplace and tea and scones at four o'clock.”

“I'll work on that. So, are you the grand hotel type? Or highway motels?”

Meg made a face at him. “Neither of us can afford grand hotels. Highway motels tend to be not too clean, and they often reek of cigarette smoke, no matter what the management says.”

Seth threw himself back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Do you speak from experience?”

“Oh, right, like I've spent a lot of time in ratty hotels.” She lay down next to him, propped up on one elbow. “When I used to travel for work, which wasn't very often, I usually stayed in mid-priced big chain hotels. I couldn't tell them apart. If I get a choice, I'd rather have something with a little more character, but it doesn't have to be expensive.”

“Of course you have a choice, Meg. I want you to be happy.”

“Trust me, I am.” She leaned toward him to kiss him, and then one thing led to another . . . well, it was their honeymoon, and they had plenty of time . . .

*   *   *

The Lord Jeffery
hotel looked welcoming when Meg and Seth drove up to it. It was not yet seven, but daylight didn't last much past five in December. On a Saturday night, it was doing good business, and Seth ended up parking in the lot across the street from the hotel's main parking area behind the building. At least it hadn't snowed much yet this year, so they wouldn't have to scramble over snowbanks to reach
the hotel entrance. Meg felt a pang; they hadn't told Rachel that they would be in Amherst. But this was an evening that Meg didn't want to share. These were her parents, and they had little time together.

When they walked into the lobby, Phillip and Elizabeth Corey were settled on a settee in front of a fireplace with a real fire, although Meg suspected it was gas-fed. They stood quickly when they saw Meg and Seth.

“Hello, darling. You look radiant.” Elizabeth's eyes twinkled.

“Hello, Mother. I hope you're being sarcastic. Or maybe six loads of laundry brings out the best in me. Hi, Daddy.”

Phillip greeted them warmly. “Meg, Seth, I'm glad you could join us on such short notice. I took the liberty of making a reservation at a small place down the street recommended by the management here. I hope you don't mind.”

“Of course not. Everywhere I've eaten in this town has been great,” Meg told him.

“It's within easy walking distance, but I think we should get over there. I don't want to keep you two out too late.”

Phillip and Elizabeth pulled on their coats, and they all went out the front door. Phillip led the way, with Seth at his side. Meg and Elizabeth trailed behind. “I thought you and Daddy were planning to stay out in the country somewhere.”

“That was the original plan, but Phillip thought it would be easier to leave for home from here. Besides, I've heard good things about this hotel, and I read online that they remodeled it recently. It's kept its New England character, but everything works very well. So, you've survived your first day of married life?”

“Were you worried?” Meg countered.

“No. I've seen you together before, you know. I really do like Seth, and you suit each other.”

An unusually personal remark, coming from my mother,
Meg thought. She had always made a point of keeping her distance from Meg's personal decisions. Which had been both good and bad: Meg had grown up to be an independent person, but she'd always felt kind of neglected. In the end she settled for saying, “I'm glad you think so.”

The men had stopped in the middle of the next block, waiting for them to catch up. “We cross here,” Phillip said. They followed him dutifully toward the restaurant. On the other side of the street they climbed the low stairs and stepped into a warm, dark room that smelled wonderful. Meg's mouth started watering immediately. The manager led them to a table halfway back, and Phillip took their coats before they all sat.

After they were seated and a waiter had brought them menus, Phillip said, “Meg, how are your plans for the grand tour coming?”

“We're working on it. I realized that Seth and I have never been outside of Massachusetts together, except for a quick trip to Vermont, and I thought I'd better find out if he turns into a pumpkin when he crosses the state line.”

“Do you two have a plan, or are you going to go where the wind takes you?”

“Yes and no, sir,” Seth told him. “Our primary goal is Monticello, a place I've wanted to see for years, for its architecture and all the great details Jefferson incorporated. And Meg wants to see the orchards there. We haven't worked out what we'll do along the way.”

“It's a luxury to have control of your own time, isn't
it?” Phillip said, and the talk turned to places visited and happy memories, along with a few disasters that were easy to laugh at now that plenty of time had passed. A bottle of good wine appeared, and they ordered an assortment of dishes, all of which were delicious. It was a relaxed and pleasant meal, and after a couple hours Phillip asked, “Dessert? Coffee?”

“I think coffee's a good idea,” Seth said. “I'll pass on dessert.”

“I won't,” Meg said promptly. “Mother, you want to split one?”

“I think I can manage that,” Elizabeth said, smiling.

After they'd ordered, Meg said, “Mother tells me the hotel is lovely. I've heard very nice things about it.”

“It's very pleasant. No restaurant, though—mostly bar food,” Phillip said grudgingly.

“Daddy, this is foodie country—I can't tell you how many restaurants there are here in the center of town, and then there's always Northampton, which has even more. I wish Seth and I had more time to explore them all. You two can, if you're staying around.”

“We're planning to leave tomorrow,” Phillip told her. “I'd like to get back—it's already been a week. We'll push straight through to New Jersey and be home in time for dinner.”

Meg looked briefly at her mother, who didn't comment. Then she glanced at Seth. “You know, we were thinking we might stop by and see you on our way back from Virginia. If that's convenient.”

“Well of course it is!” Elizabeth said quickly. “And you can show Seth where you grew up!”

Meg held up one hand. “Mother, please don't start
calling all my childhood friends—or their parents! I'm happy to introduce Seth to New Jersey, or vice versa, but I don't think I have much to say to the people I knew in high school. And those few I've kept in touch with, mainly on Facebook, they don't live in the area anymore.”

“Whatever you like, darling. This is your trip. We will be delighted to see you. Won't we, Phillip?”

Phillip Corey appeared to have been woolgathering. “What? Oh yes, of course, Meg, we would love to see you any time you like. I've been cutting back on my law practice of late, which gives me plenty of free time to do the things I enjoy. Like come to your wedding. And take a little time with your mother.” He smiled at Elizabeth.

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