Selena's Men (28 page)

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Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Selena's Men
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“Try to push us out, baby. Yes, just like that, bear down on our cocks,” Malcolm panted.

They thrust in and out, slowly increasing in speed as her entire body writhed involuntarily, driving them all closer to the peak. Max saw her body begin to glow, encompassing the three of them in a golden bubble.

“Yes. Yes. Oh fuck. Fuck me,” Selena chanted.

Max completely agreed with Selena. He loved her so much. Light exploded behind his closed lids and he felt his release bubble up. He felt Malcolm twitch as their cocks rubbed back and forth, increasing her pleasure. His cock hurt so badly from holding off his release, Max feared he may not be able to finish. When his orgasm finally slammed into him, he forgot all about a slow pace and picked up speed. He jarred her body with his thrust, holding her hips so hard he knew she’d have bruises come daylight. It just wasn’t in him to give a shit.

She worked so hard to force them into going over the edge.

Release caught them all by surprise, and they couldn’t stave it off any longer when Max felt an imaginary touch pressing against his prostate. His seed erupted from him like a tsunami. It crashed as he spurted wave after wave into her flexing pussy. They all gasped, still filling her with their pleasure. Selena shared the overwhelming feeling through their link.

Max could only come and come and come, and from the feel of it, Malcolm did too. He felt their combined juices flowing down between their bodies. Long after they were all spent, her muscles continued to clamp down on the bases of their cocks.

They all seemed to groan in ecstasy, or possibly agony, when the contractions finally stopped. Malcolm was the first to pull out, followed by Max. He picked Selena up, and walked around to the side of the bed, laying her gently in the middle.

“I think she passed out, dude,” Malcolm said with his hands on his hips.

With a thought, Max cleaned himself and Selena while Malcolm did the same to himself and the bed. They were too tired to wash up the human way.

Max climbed in on her left side and kissed her parted lips. She didn’t even stir.

Malcolm followed suit and snuggled up on her other side. He nuzzled her neck and threw his leg over hers. Max tossed his arm over her chest and closed his eyes.

Chapter Nineteen


Zeus waited for what seemed an eternity before looking in on his daughter. The last time he looked into the bowl, he’d gotten a picture that was sure to cause him nightmares for years, possibly thousands of decades. He knew when Hera opened her eyes and saw when she noticed him by the porcelain dish, what he planned.

“Darling, do you want me to look first?”

“Do you think they are still going at it? I mean for fuck’s sake. What the hell do they think this is, a marathon or something?”

“They are newly mated and they have been separated for weeks. What would you do in their same position?”

“I do not want to compare what I do with you and what they might do with her. If I do, I might have to kill them.”

Laughing, his wife climbed from their bed and rested her head on his shoulder. He loved that they were so evenly matched in size, with her just a few inches shorter and much curvier. He didn’t like the idea of his tiny daughter and the two overly large men sharing her.

“She is not that tiny in comparison to them, Zeus.”

“Ha. Okay. Here it goes.” Zeus looked into the clear liquid and zeroed in on his daughter lying between her two men. He couldn’t help but think she looked right at home.

Fates really had a funny sense of humor, that was for sure. He waved his hand and a looking bowl very similar to the one he had stood in the center of their room. He wanted his baby girl to be able to contact him anytime she needed. She could also do it with only a thought, but until she got control of all her powers, that would be the easiest and least invasive way.

“You really are a softy at heart.”

“What the hell is a Stay Puft Marshmallow, anyways?”

“You caught that, did you?”


* * * *


Hera loved her husband, but sometimes the man was just too arrogant for his own good. Their daughter was definitely the burst of fresh air and energy they needed. Poor Zeus had no clue what went through their girl’s mind, which frustrated him to no end.
Bless his heart. You have to love the man for all his faults. He is a great man

“Do you think she wants to have a big wedding and all the trimmings the humans so favor?” Zeus asked.

Hera watched him shudder and, turning her back, she hid her mirth behind a slight cough. If their baby wanted a big white wedding with a horse-drawn carriage, she knew Zeus would make it happen.

“Oh honey, you will look so fabulous in one of those tux things with the bowtie and coat with tails.”

“Bullshit. I won’t do it. She will have to have a toga-themed wedding, or maybe a nice Greek wedding with the Grecian style of dress. Yes, I can do that.”

“What the hell is the difference between the two?” Hera asked with one hand on her naked hip and the other on the post at the head of the massive bed they shared.

She saw his eyes flare and follow her movements like a lion stalking its prey. She loved it when he went all animal-like on her.

“You are trying to distract me with your dirty thoughts and your sexy body. But I am telling you right now, I will not, and I repeat, will not dress up like a monkey in a suit.”

Hera released the pole and trailed her hand down her neck, between her breasts, and stopped right above her mound. She extended her middle finger and dipped between her lips, rubbing around her clitoris in small circles. She closed her eyes in bliss, dipping her finger down lower to her vagina and pushing the tip inside.

Zeus jerked her hand out of the way and captured her finger between his lips, sucking her cream inside his mouth.

Heh, I win!


* * * *


Cronus tossed another idiot out of his path, watching as the body slithered down the black walls and landed in a heap of bones and blood.

“You can’t keep doing that to my beings, Crone.” Hades shook his head.

“Don’t fuck with me, boy. I have my powers back,” Cronus snarled.

“You are not at full strength as you may think, boyo. And don’t think to come into my house and rule me.”

Cronus took an involuntary step back before he noticed his mistake.
Show the devil you’re scared and you will suffer for all eternity.
For beings like them that was indeed a long, very long time.

“I meant no disrespect. I appreciate you allowing me to come here.” The words tasted like acid, but sometimes he had to do things he’d never do, unless in extreme situations.

“You don’t eat crow well, my friend.”

Cronus blinked as Hades snapped his fingers, astonished to find himself back inside his compound. Hades was obviously a lot stronger than he’d given him credit for. Cronus made a mental note to send someone into Hades’s realm. Knowing your enemy inside and out could mean the difference between winning and losing. And Cronus did not like to lose. The Ravens may have won the battle, but he would win the war. The smell of sulfur was thick, and that was when he realized he wasn’t on Earth, but back in hell.

Closing his eyes, he found what he was looking for in the form of a betrayer with red hair and snapping green eyes. He’d heard her companions call her Jaklyn and vowed to find the bitch and make her pay for helping Selena escape him. He’d gotten out of worse places, he could do it again.


* * * *


Jaklyn looked around at the empty home and wished she would’ve thought to grab the goddess when she’d transported back to the lair of the dead one. That was what they called Cronus. When she looked into his soul, there was only death and suffering for everyone around him.

Cronus had a black inner core that scared the holy living hell out of all his followers, but not Jaklyn. She’d seen the worst of men and women and survived. Her aunt and grandma had taught her how to see inside things and learn the weaknesses of people to use against them. Those lessons were passed down from generation to generation.

She and her band of warriors all had special abilities. They’d formed a group when they were little more than children, protecting their families from the demons who preyed upon them.

She had no clue they would enter into a world far beyond what she’d ever known.

“Okay. So now we have met a goddess and her protectors. Now what?” Link Adams, her best friend, asked.

“Now we prepare. Because this fight just went to the next level,” Jaklyn said.

“Yes!” Link pumped his fist and bumped knuckles with his cousin. “We so totally rule Halo, man.”

“You two are such dorks.” Jaklyn laughed.

“But you wuv us anyways, right?” Abe Adams said.

“Let’s get out of here, guys.” Jaklyn turned and headed out the door.

“Do we gotta? I mean, dude, check out the digs for real,” Abe whined.

Jaklyn spun on her heels to look at the two goofballs she considered her older, much less mature brothers. “Do you hear yourselves? Do you really want to be caught here by those two overgrown men, or, how about their way larger friends, hmm?” Jaklyn asked.

“I think their way larger friends would be quite okay with you being here, considering one of the two overgrown men zapped you here.”

Jaklyn spun back around and nearly toppled over at the too-quick motion. The speaker stepped from the shadows and steadied her with an arm around her waist, bringing her into intimate contact with his harder-than-hard body. She tilted her head back and looked up into green eyes set in a face that could surely grace magazine covers.

He chuckled, a low, deep sound that had her toes curling in her combat boots.

“You think I’m handsome?”

“Stay out of my thoughts,” Jaklyn snapped, and slapped a hand over her mouth.

“My name is Grayson. You need to learn to shield your thoughts.” He made it sound like an accusation.

She bristled at his tone. Link and Abe moved to stand behind her, and she was shocked to see the man in front of her flare his nostrils, inhaling their scents.

“You are not mated to these two fools, are you?” He didn’t give her time to answer. “No, you’re not, thankfully. I would hate to have to kill them.”

“What the heck are you talking about?” Jaklyn asked, truly confused.

He closed his eyes, shielding his thoughts from her probing gaze. “I need to go. I have spoken with Malcolm King, and he would like you to stay here. There are safeguards in place to help protect you until we can get back.”

“I—we don’t need protection,” Jaklyn countered.

“Yes you do. Now don’t argue with me.” Grayson tapped her nose.

Blinking, Jaklyn tried to dispel the aura of power the man wielded like a sword. She was spellbound as he moved without warning, capturing her lips in a full-bodied kiss. He anchored her body to his with his steel-band-like arms, hugging her close. She went up on tiptoes, giving him better access.

He released her just as quick and took a step back, and then another until he blended into the shadows. She knew he dematerialized the same way the goddess had done earlier.

“Wow I think he just claimed you, Jaky,” Link said.

“Shut up you two,” Jaklyn yelled.

“No shit, Sherlock.” Abe punched his cousin in the arm.

“Let’s get out of here, before he returns.”

Jaklyn was cut off mid-thought when she heard Grayson inside her head, as clear as if he stood in front of her. “
Baby, if you so much as try to leave I will know, and I will not be happy. Now be a good girl and get some sleep. There are several rooms to choose from, just make sure it is not in the same one as the idiots you call friends

“Hey, my friends are not…” She slapped her hand over her mouth again. “Ow. Damn it, that fucking hurt.” She licked the inside of her mouth, tasting the familiar taste of copper, letting her know she split her lip open.

When an unseen tongue swiped inside her mouth, soothing the little hurt, she jerked and before she knew it, the sting completely disappeared.

You taste divine, Jaklyn
,” Grayson rumbled.

Jaklyn looked around, checking to see if he’d returned. Link and Abe stared at her as if she’d grown two heads, and maybe she had. “I think I’m losing my ever-lovin’ mind,” she mumbled.

“I think we should chill here for a while. Ya know, catch our bearings and regroup,” Link said, looking more like the soldier he was instead of the laid-back man he presented to the world.

She would trust her life to these two men and the others who made up their group. “Where is everybody else? Did they not get transported here like us?”

“I’m going to do some recon. You two check your phones and text the others.” Abe barked out the orders. Jaklyn and Link quickly complied.



Six weeks later…


“I am not wearing that…that, oh whatever the hell you call it. And you can’t make me,” Zeus said defiantly.

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