Semper Human (4 page)

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Authors: Ian Douglas

BOOK: Semper Human
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The clouds thickened until optical feeds were useless; Garwe shifted again to tactical, though there was little useful information the system could give him now—radiation flux, gas mix and pressure, temperature and windspeed, projected position of the other eleven pods of Blue Flight.

And, ahead, the beacon marking Hassetas.

Moments later, the flight emerged into another crystalline gulf, the interior of a vast spiral of clouds marking a hot updraft from below.

And ahead, an immense, gossamer bubble almost transparent in the sunlight, was the Dac living city called Hassetas.

“Hassetas airspace control,” Xander's voice snapped out, crisp and concise, “this is Associative Marine Flight Blue on docking approach. Acknowledge.”

There was no immediate reply, and the silence was a palpable, imminent threat. Had the Hassetas crisis worsened during Blue Flight's descent from Tromendet, Dac IV's largest moon? There could be no doubt that weapons—highly advanced and lethal weapons—were trained on the tiny Marine pods now approaching the living floatreef.

The Marines had just called the Dacs' bluff and sent their squadron into the heart of this latest crisis, and now it was up to the Krysni jellyfish—and the sapient floatreef they served—to decide how to respond.

Would it be peace, and an invitation to land?

Or the triggering of a savage curtain of high-energy weaponry?

Garwe found he was holding his breath, waiting for the reply….


Associative Marine Holding Facility 4
Eris Orbital, Outer Sol System
1845 hours, GMT

Trevor Garroway leaned back in a reclining seat grown by Captain Schilling from the deck of the large compartment she called the Memory Room. “You sure we can start this so soon?” he asked her. “You said it would take twenty hours to grow a new implant.”

The easy stuff is already in place,
she told him. It took Garroway a moment to realize that she hadn't spoken aloud, that her mouth hadn't moved as she'd said the words. His implant was already picking up the transmitted thoughts of others with his implant encoding.

So…can you hear this?
he thought, forcing the words out one by one in his mind.

Ouch, yes,
she replied.
You don't need to shout. We're connected over your basic personal link-channel. Others will be added later. You can also use that channel to begin downloading library data. You don't have much in the way of artificial storage, yet—only about a pic of memory so far—but the link will let you download the gist to your native memory. You'll just need to review it to see what's there.

So what memories are you giving me now?
he asked.

A general history of the past two thousand years,
she told him,
with emphasis on the Xul wars and subsequent social and technological development within the sphere of Humankind…what you knew as the Commonwealth. The rise of the Associative. A little bit of Galactic history, as we now understand it. Not much detail, here, not yet…just what you'll need to put things into context later.

When you finally tell me what the goddamn crisis is that warrants pulling a Marine Star Battalion out of cold storage,
he said, nodding.

Exactly. Are you comfortable? Ready to begin?

He took a deep breath as he settled back into the too-comfortable chair.
Ready as I can be, Captain. Shoot

And the images began coming down, a trickle at first, and then a flood.

It would, he realized, take him a long time to go through these new memories. Each distinct memory, each fact or date or historical event, did not,
not exist in isolation, but was a part of a much larger matrix. Until he had access to a lot more information, these bits and pieces would tend to remain discreet, unconnected, and essentially meaningless within the far vaster and more complex whole.

One thing, though, was clear immediately. The aliens were coming out of hiding.

He already remembered, of course, the history of the Xenophobe Wars. The Xul—electronically uploaded nonhuman sentients who'd apparently been around for at least the past ten million years—had been the dominant Galactic species, taking control of much of the Galaxy from a predecessor species known as the Children of the Night. The Xul had brought some evolutionary baggage forward in their advance to sapience—notably a hard-wired survival trait that led them, in rather overenthusiastically Darwinian fashion, to utterly obliterate any other species that might constitute a threat. The Xul, it turned out, had been the answer to the age-old question known as the Fermi Paradox. In a Galaxy
ten to twelve billion years old, which, given the number of planets and the sheer tenacity and inventiveness of life, should be teeming with intelligent species, the sky was curiously empty. When Humankind had first ventured into its own Solar backyard, then on to the worlds of other nearby suns, it had encountered numerous relics indicating that various species had passed that way before—the Cydonian Face on Mars, the Tsiolkovsky Complex on Luna, the planet-wide ruins of Chiron….

Eventually, other species had been encountered, and communications begun: the An of Llalande 21185, low-tech remnants of an earlier, vanished stellar empire; the amphibious N'mah, living a precarious rats-in-the-walls existence inside the Sirius Stargate, again the survivors of a once far-flung network of interstellar traders; the Eulers, benthic life forms from the ocean deeps of a world twelve hundred light years from Sol, with a curiously mathematical outlook on Reality and the technology to detonate stars.

All three species had encountered the Xul scourge, and all three had survived, albeit barely. The Eulers had fought the Xul more or less to a standstill by exploding many of their own stars—creating funereal pyres visible as anomalous novae in Earth's night skies in the constellation of Aquila, back in the early years of the twentieth century. The N'mah had gone into hiding, deliberately abandoning interstellar travel in favor of survival. The An colony on a gas giant moon had simply been overlooked, and without radio or other attention-getting technologies, had managed to stay overlooked for the next ten to twelve thousand years.

The Xul, it turned out, had possessed a singular blind spot. Though no longer corporeal, existing as arguably self-aware software within huge and complex computer networks, they'd obviously begun as biological life forms—quite possibly as a number of them—arising on worlds that must have been similar in most respects to Earth in terms of temperature range, gravity, and atmospheric composition. Their blind spot was an inability to see outside of the ecological
box; they tended to overlook other possible environments that might harbor life. The current An homeworld, for instance, was an Earth-sized moon of a gas giant, heated from within by tidal flexing, but far outside the so-called habitable zone of the system's cool, red-dwarf star. The N'mah lived inside entirely artificial but necessary structures, the ten-or twenty-kilometer-wide stargates constructed by a far older, long-vanished congeries of star-faring species. And the Eulers, six-eyed tentacled chemovores evolving near deep-ocean volcanic vents, lived under such crushing pressures that they might have remained forever unnoticed by the Xul hunterships if they hadn't possessed minds brilliant enough, and curious enough, to develop—through artificially crafted intelligent life forms and a patience spanning perhaps millions of years—the technology to venture into interstellar space.

All of that had been well known and understood by the time Garroway had joined the Marine Corps, in the twenty-eighth century. During the next few hundred years of his Marine career, perhaps half a dozen other intelligent species had been discovered—the Vorat, the widely scattered Nathga, the Chthuli. Again, nonterrestrial habitats had kept them hidden from the Xul. The Vorat were thermic chemovores, dwelling on high-temperature, high-pressure worlds similar to Venus in Earth's solar system. The Nathga were jelly-bag floaters that had evolved in the upper cloud levels of a world like Jupiter, eventually developing the technology that had allowed them to slowly migrate to some thousands of similar gas giants across a good third of the Galaxy. And the Chthuli, like the Eulers, were a benthic species that had colonized the ocean basins of several oceanic worlds.

But across the Galaxy, world after world showed the silent ruins marking the passing of sentient species akin to Humans, in terms of environmental preference and carbon chemistry if not outward form, all blasted into premature extinction by the xenophobic Xul.

Now, however, some twelve hundred years after the final
defeat of the Xul at the Galactic Core, hundreds of nonhuman species had been discovered and contacted to one degree or another. Many had joined the original Terran Commonwealth in a kind of Galactic United Nations—the Associative.

Many of the more recently discovered species, however, were so alien that they shared little common ground with humans. Communications were difficult, even impossible, with species that communicated by smell or by changing patterns on their integuments or through subtle modulations of their bodies' electrical fields, with beings that didn't understand the concept of
, or with entities that thought so slowly they didn't even appear to be aware of more ephemeral species flitting in and out about them.

Garroway's curiosity was piqued as new memories surfaced of strange cultures and alien biologies. He tried querying the data base, hoping to get imagery of some of these beings…then realized his curiosity would have to wait until his implant had grown in fully. He didn't have that capability yet.

His military training noticed one important difference between the Associative and the old Commonwealth. There no longer was such a thing as “human space”…or borders between stellar nations. While there
interstellar empires out there, few individual species competed for the same type of real estate, and the “territories” of dozens of different species overlapped. It had been centuries before the Nathga were discovered adrift within the atmospheres of gas giants inside star systems already colonized by humans. The concept of distinct borders had been lost over half a millennium ago.

How, Garroway wondered, did governments control their own volumes of space? Did they even try…and what changes did that mean for military strategy? For that matter, if there was little or no competition between governments, why was there a need for the military at all?

And why was there still such a thing as the Marine Corps?

Surprisingly, he found himself little impressed with the purely technological advances of the past eight hundred years. Most of what he was seeing as new memories continued to surface were further developments of old themes. Interstellar travel still required a mix of the Alcubierre Drive and the huge stargates left behind by a vanished, Galaxy-spanning culture. Quantum power taps, much smaller than the ones Garroway had known, still provided the vast quantities of energy necessary for FTL travel. Nanotechnology had continued its inexorable advance toward the ever-smaller, ever-smarter. Perhaps the most notable technological advances had come in the fields of health and medicine. Some of what he was seeing now he didn't begin to understand. What the hell
mindkeeping, anyway? Or upload therapy?…

The Xul threat, he noted, had not entirely vanished after the climactic battle at the Galaxy's core two decades before he'd been born. Xul nodes—local networks and fleet centers where they'd kept watch over the Galaxy for developing technic cultures—continued to be discovered from time to time, and had to be eliminated one by one. However, thanks to data retrieved from the Galactic center, Xul codes, software, and upload technology all were now well-enough understood that the ongoing mop-up had been turned over to AI assault units. Unmanned probes mimicking Xul hunterships would approach a target system and infect the local node with nanotech devices allowing the assault unit to literally reprogram the local Xul reality. When incoming data suggested that there was a threat that needed to be eliminated, the Xul virtual reality was simply rewritten on the fly to prove that the threat had
been eliminated.

And so far, the technique appeared to be working. There'd been no new Xul incursions in eight hundred years, and hundreds of Xul bases had subsequently been infiltrated and shut down from within. No new Xul nodes had been discovered in over two centuries, and most people thought that the last of the monsters had been found and destroyed.

Garroway knew better than to get too excited about that.
The Galaxy was an extraordinarily huge place, and more Xul nodes could be—almost certainly
—still out there, lost somewhere within that vastness of four hundred billion suns.

How's it going, General?
Schillng's voice said, overriding the torrent of memories.

Okay, I guess,
he replied.
Damn, there's a hell of a lot

He felt her mental smile.
A lot can happen in eight hundred fifty years, in a collective culture that numbers in the hundreds of trillions of entities. Do you have any questions?

Not yet. I don't know enough to know what to ask.

Okay. I've got a new download here. This one is mission specific. See what you think.

A moment later, Garroway came up for air. “Oh, gods,” was all he could say.

The Xul he'd known had possessed one striking weakness. Different nodes were slow to share data, and individual nodes could be slow—centuries, sometimes—in responding to a perceived threat. They also didn't
. Tactics that had worked for millennia were not discarded, not changed, when opponents learned how they worked. It was one of the very few advantages Humankind had enjoyed in the long conflict, and the Marines had used it to their tactical advantage time after time.

According to this new download, though, the very worst had happened.

At long last, the Xul were adapting to the new situation with radically new tactics.

Hassetas, Dac IV
Star System 1727459
1850 hours, GMT

Garwe's RS/A-91 Starwraith strikepod was more than a space-capable fighter, and more than Marine combat armor. Just two meters long, it was just large enough inside to ac
commodate a single Marine in coffin-like closeness, packed in acceleration gel and hardwired into the unit's AI hardware. It was shaped like an elongated egg, with smooth-flowing bulges and swellings housing drive components and weaponry. Each was powered by a tiny quantum power tap, and used base-state repulsor agrav both for propulsion and to allow the craft to hover in place. They could not travel faster than light—Alcubierre Drive technology still required far more power than a ten-kilo QPT could provide—but they had virtually unlimited range and endurance. In one celebrated instance, a piece of Marine lore, a Marine named Micuel Consales had been stranded in a hostile star system by the destruction of the Marine combat carrier
. He'd programmed the capsule to put him into deep cybe-hibe and accelerate to near-light velocity. The pod had been retrieved ninety-eight years later as it approached the nearest friendly base, and Consales had successfully been revived.

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