Settling Down (11 page)

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Authors: Nicole Forcine

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Settling Down
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“Not yet, pet. Not yet. This was for me, wasn’t it?”

How Sir managed to sound both close to blowing himself
like a tease was a mystery. Fine, Sir wanted to come first. Tim blinked, gathered what little sense and energy he had left, and started really moving against Jae, tightening his hole and rubbing his still achy cheeks against Jae’s pelvis.

From the deep groan that filled his ears, he knew he was doing something right. Jae’s hips stuttered in their thrusts, and then he sped up. Oh God, he was going to come inside of Tim. Thank fuck for two clean STI tests. This was going to be a mess.

But like the blanket, it was a mess he’d accept.

Jae suddenly wrapped his arms around Tim and held him close for a few final hard thrusts, then Tim felt it, warm and wet, the rush of come inside him as Jae shouted. Oh, what a feeling. It was being claimed inside and out.

And it was too much for Tim to take. He jerked in Jae’s arms, and his own come shot against the cover as he yelled for his Sir.

Jae rested his entire weight on Tim as they both caught their breath. His cock, spent, slid out of Tim’s body, followed by a trickle down his thighs. Messy. But good. For right now.

It was being pressed against a wet spot of his own making that was going to ruin the mood before long. Even Jae’s warm and heavy body covering him completely wasn’t going to be enough of a distraction.

“…love you too, Sir,” he muttered against his own arms. “But….”

“Wet spot?”


Tim would never be the sort of man who would enjoy a long lingering cuddle after messy sex. It was something he had to deal with, and why for most of his past partners, condoms were required. Jae didn’t object to him toddling off to the attached bathroom to clean up a bit before joining him back in bed.

Being in his arms was like returning home, comforting and wonderful, cocooned by the covers, Jae’s heartbeat in his ears.

“Poppa suggested the weirdest thing,” Tim said after a moment.



“For the trauma?”

Tim lifted his head. “That obvious, huh? I thought all along he wanted to ‘fix’ me from the whole submissive thing.”

“Well, that would be stupid. But for the trauma, that’s not a bad idea. You should do it.”

“You really think so?”

Jae grinned. “I could make it an order. Part of caring for you and all.”

Tim laid his head back down with a snort. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll look into it.”

“…and you’ll get back to me with what you find. That
an order.”

“Yes, Sir.” Tim faked a long sigh and cuddled in close.

“You don’t have to handle any of this alone anymore. You have me now. And I have you.”

The kiss was the sweetest thing Tim had felt all day, and he was greedy for more.

The sound of the front door opening and two voices chatting in Korean stopped his greed. He flushed brightly and pulled away from Jae. “Right.”

“Until tomorrow.” Jae reached for him, but there was a knock on the bedroom door.

“Jae!” Jonghyun called out from the other side. “Mr. Raphael was a perfect gentleman. He covered both our cab fares and insisted that he pick up a bottle of this very expensive liquor for us to ship back home….”

Jae pulled himself out of bed and walked toward the door as Jonghyun kept talking. He opened the door just enough to reveal he was both top and bottomless. Tim tried to hide in the covers from view, but the gasp from Jonghyun pretty much told him he had been seen.

“Could it wait until morning, Dad?” Jae asked, so matter-of-factly that Tim cursed his body for getting just a little turned on.

Jonghyun chuckled and held up both hands. “My mistake! Of course it can. We’ll see you both in the morning, then. Good night, Timothy! And don’t you worry about breakfast. I’ll take care of it.”

Tim pulled the covers from his face. Damned manners. “Good night. I’m glad my poppa minded himself.”

Jonghyun closed the door himself, and Jae was soon back in bed, pulling Tim close despite Tim’s attempts to make some space.

“Tim,” Jae said quietly. “This is my house; we can spoon all we want. Relax.”

And that was all Tim needed to hear. Relax.

And he did, falling asleep soundly for the first time all week.



of parents needed to be at the airport at the same time. Raphael got the royal treatment, a ride on a wheelchair all the way to his gate without much time for a good-bye, though he promised to text Tim the second his butt was in a seat on the plane. The line to airport security had Sun in a hurry to get in it, but Jonghyun insisted on lingering on the good-bye. Jae appreciated it, accepting his father’s hug.

“Relax,” Jonghyun said to his wife over Jae’s shoulder. “You picked an evening flight, remember? I suggested a red eye.”

Mom gave Dad a brief glare before taking her bag from Tim. “You on a red eye? You’d sleep the rest of the day.”

“She’s right, Dad,” Jae added.

She reached out to take Tim’s hand with both of hers. Her voice was less frosty as she spoke, and Jae hoped Tim could tell. “It was so nice to meet you, Timothy. I hope you can take time to come up with Jae next year. You can even stay in a hotel this time.”

“Mom,” Jae groaned.

Jonghyun raised an eyebrow. “Nothing on you I haven’t seen before, Jae, but I understand that you might want some privacy.” He squeezed Tim’s shoulder. “It’ll be my turn to show you around, so you better bring comfortable shoes.”

Tim gave a little bow, but Jae could see the flush he was trying to hide. “I’ll request the time when I’m at work next. I don’t think the boss will mind a bit.”

Jae chuckled. What a difference a night made. Tim woke up relaxed, even humming as he washed the breakfast dishes and helped his parents load Jae’s car with their luggage. Before leaving the bedroom, Jae allowed Tim to dress him, knowing how much his pet enjoyed the act. It almost led to another round against the closet door before Jae remembered his parents were in the same house. There were some things even he wasn’t about to do within their earshot.

Ah, well, tonight was the Leather Ball. He wouldn’t be able to pull Tim away from the Little Earthquakes booth to play—Tim would want to be clear headed and not in subspace since technically he was working—but there was always later when they got home.

His home.

“Are you that happy to see us leave?” Sun asked him as she went in for her hug. “Look at that smile on your face.”

“Of course not.” Jae watched as Jonghyun turned Tim by his shoulder and squeezed him like he was his own son. Tim squeaked for a moment, then returned it warmly.

“Ah, I see.” Sun looked over her shoulder, then smiled, tiny and peaceful. “I hope he keeps you smiling like that.”

“Me too, Mom.”

Once his parents joined the line, Jae took Tim’s hand and led him to the airport parking lot. Tim’s hand was so warm, and he bumped against Jae’s shoulder like he was trying to nuzzle.

“Can’t wait until tonight,” Tim finally said once they were in the parking lot, searching for Jae’s car. “I mean, I’m nervous, but this is a big deal for us. The shop, I mean.”

“You’ve got this, pet.” Jae finally located the car by pressing the panic button on his key fob. Did everyone with a black car decide to go for a flight today? “I’ll drop you off at your place, and you know what to do if you start feeling squirrelly, right?”

“Take breaths and call you,” Tim repeated with another bump. “Don’t worry, I won’t forget it this time.”

“Good boy. Because I’d be very upset if you had to spend the entire night after the ball in the corner when I could be having my way with you.”

Tim’s flush was always worth the teasing.




club known for catering to the more eclectic elements of town, was decorated to the nines for Leather Aid’s fifth anniversary ball. Streamers in red and black, playing cards strung up by suit, and paper teapots and cups hung from the ceiling while balloons in red, black, and white were anchored on each of the many, many tables. There was a space for dancing and a stage already kitted out for scenes with a St. Andrew’s cross, an assortment of spanking implements, ropes, and so on.

Not a bad setup for a bunch of kinky fuckers, Tim thought, adjusting his top hat off his forehead. His outfit came together just as perfectly. His Mad Hatter sported a pair of black leather shorts, black boots, and a green-and-red velvet suit jacket with matching cravat, worn to show off he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath. The tails of the jacket covered his ass down to his knees.

Gloria took one look at the setup and laughed as best as she could in her tightly laced corset. Her take on the Dormouse took every advantage of her figure: brown corset, matching frilly skirt and bustle. A pair of brown mouse ears topped an impressive curly bun. She even painted black whiskers on both cheeks.

“You look like the Mad Rent Boy,” she said, donning black nitrile gloves. “Might as well put a price on that 10/9 card in your hat.”

Tim rolled his eyes. “Bitch, please. If I’m the Mad Rent Boy, then you’re my accomplice, the Dor-whore.”

“Hey, at least I know the hustle. Now pass me the bags, already.”

Little Earthquakes was closed that night with a sign advertising Leather Aid, but not the event, as it was a private event. That would be a blow to the weekly ledger, but Tim hoped this would give them a boost in sales to make up for some of it. He hoped, anyway.

It was too early to spot Max among the members who ran about, finishing decorations and figuring out who was staffing where. The anticipation didn’t help him feel any better. He wanted that part over with, and soon.

Jae was one of the few allowed in early, as long as he helped out with setup. He was on the other side of the dance floor, pressing gaffer-taped cords down on the floor with one shiny dress shoe. He looked stunning in his tux. Anyone taking a first glance wouldn’t tell he was attending a dance for kinksters.

Then they would notice the furry black rabbit ears on his head and probably conclude he was out of his mind.

At least that was Tim’s reaction when Jae picked him up that night. Why would he ruin such a lovely suit with those ridiculous ears?

“I know, right? I’d have to be as mad as a March Hare.” Jae squeezed Tim’s thigh, covered in the long coat Tim wore so the neighboring businesses didn’t see the outfit. No need to make a spectacle of himself.

Tim barked out a laugh. “I adore you, Sir, you know that?”

So Master March Hare was making sure the cords weren’t going to trip anyone else up while the Mad Rent Boy and the Dor-Whore set up safer sex supplies. This night was already turning out to be one for the history books, as far as Tim was concerned.

Reggie and David came by the table, both sporting the usual dominant outfits of leather pants and vests, David’s zipped, Reggie’s laced up and leaving four holes free. Not everyone was going to dress to theme, of course.

“You two alright? This spot okay?” David asked.

“Oh, this is perfect.” Tim pointed to the entrance. “No one can miss us. And for fuck’s sake, Reggie, come here.”

Reggie didn’t even balk as he submitted to Tim completing the lacing on that fucking vest with twitchy fingers. Old habits died hard. “Why do you do this to me?”

“Because it makes me laugh.” Reggie stepped back once he was fully laced, then lowered his voice. “Sorry about spilling the beans, by the way.”

Oh right, that. Maybe the loose lacing was supposed to distract him from wanting to knock both their heads together. But in the end, it would have been selfish of him to keep quiet about something so important as a possible abuser in Leather Aid’s midst. Tim only hoped everyone who said they would have his back would come through should Max make good on his threat.

“You’re in luck. I’ve gotten laid recently and am in a very good mood,” he said dryly. “Now is the time to celebrate, have a good time, find a pretty sub, and beat the crap out of him.”

David patted his shoulder. “You know us, always on the prowl.”

“Doors are opening!” Mistress Rarity yelled from some corner. The houselights went down, allowing the decorative lights to swirl and spin on full blast, and the music started increasing in volume. No time to talk right now. It was on.

People, dressed and underdressed in so many ways, poured into the club. Some managed the theme, while others stopped by the coat check and revealed they were barely legally covered. Singles, couples, threesomes, and moresomes, different shapes, sizes, and races.

And Tim’s smile as they stopped at the Little Earthquakes booth was genuine. He and Gloria talked up the shop and offered a bag to anyone who stopped long enough to gaze at their booth. People took them, and a few had a nice laugh about the Eat Me stickers. One even attempted to proposition Gloria for a spin on the cross later.

Gloria batted her eyelashes and pulled her gloved hand free from her courtier’s hand. “Apologies, hon. I don’t play; I only look the part.”

Tim watched the man walk away with a grin. For all of her open-mindedness, she was as vanilla and monogamous as they came once she quit her gig as an escort and married Marcus. It led to a few moments like that in the store as well. Seeing her handle them with grace was one of the reasons Tim hired her in the first place.

“These are latex, and those are latex free, and these stickers go anywhere you’d like,” he was telling a patron when his eyes fell upon Max entering the door with his familiar leather vest festooned with patches that screamed of his expertise and experience and honors… with Cheri on his arm. Well, that was surprising.

And problematic.


“Um, hey, New Boss,” Cheri stammered as they passed the booth, Max looking as if he had no intention of stopping.

And he tugged at her elbow. “Later.”

He might as well have said “never” for the tone in his voice. Tim was perfectly fine with Max not returning, but he worried for Cheri. She saw the man at the shop, called him a creep, even. Did she even know what she was getting into? He’d never seen her at Leather Aid events or workshops before, so maybe she was new to the scene.

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