Read Seven Wonders Book 3 Online

Authors: Peter Lerangis

Seven Wonders Book 3 (24 page)

BOOK: Seven Wonders Book 3
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down on the ground, the Shadows dissipated like wind across a burned field. Before us was a columned monument, glowing a pale greenish white in the moonlight. The steps were nearly obliterated by the cloud of Shadows. We were at the top of a hill. To our left, a walkway led to a fenced overlook, and beyond that the hill sloped to the river. At the bottom were train tracks that emerged from a tunnel, leading north.

“Skilaki,” Cass said. He was staring at the monument, his voice shaky. “On that map of Bo'gloo you showed us? There were portals. At first we didn't know where they were—or where they led. But then Jack and I found one.”

“We traveled from the underworld directly into modern-day London,” I added. “Through a replica of the Mausoleum . . .”

“Aren't they clever children,” Skilaki said.

I turned my eyes to the monument. The top was a dome, which wasn't exactly right, and the columns didn't surround the whole structure, but the influence was pretty obvious—the classic details, the same squarish shape. “Grant's Tomb,” Cass said. “I knew it was here. But I never made the connection.”

Behind us I could hear a confused rush of oaths and shouts as Marco and the other Massa landed on the grass.

Skilaki smiled. “You know, there's an old joke. It goes like this. Question: Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? Answer: Grant. And his wife. And Bo'gloo.”

“That's not even a little bit funny,” Aly said.

“It kills them in the underworld,” Skilaki said. “Minions, bring these children and their magic backpack to the entrance, so we may begin our adventure.”

I could hear Shadows hooting with excitement. Out of the black cloud came a Shadow shape that seized me, turned me around, and reached into my pack.

“No!” Mom, Cass, Aly, and Marco cried out in unison, running toward me.

Skilaki sent them flying with a wave of her arm.

The Shadow took out the Loculus of Healing. His face was a rigid, skeletal mask, but the shreds of remaining muscle were working hard to pull his lips into a greedy smile.

I grabbed on to the Loculus, and the Shadow jolted involuntarily. The orb began to glow, its golden surface to move. As the zombie let out a surprised grunt, his hand began to radiate light. Tiny waves of crisscrossing movement passed across it, like microscopic silkworms leaving thin trails. Its parchmentlike skin was gaining color and thickness.

The Loculus of Healing was repairing the zombie's hand slowly.

it said, gazing at me.

“Don't ask me,” I replied. As I snatched the Loculus away, putting it back into my pack, he held his hand up in the moonlight, examining it.

I took a deep breath. “Skilaki,” I said, “we can't let you have this.”

Skilaki stood by the entrance to Grant's Tomb. “You have no choice, my little chicken. But by all means, carry it yourself if you wish!” she called out. “Come, Queen Artemisia is waiting.”

I looked at my two friends. “We got out once before,” I said softly.

“We're in this together,” Aly said.

“We have all three Loculi,” Cass added. “That means we still have hope. Professor Bhegad would be proud of us. Let's roll.”

Holding the Loculus, I walked up the steps. Aly took my other hand and Cass's, too.

Mom ran up the steps in front of us. She stared at Skilaki, her face resolute. “No. Take your Loculus but spare them.”

“She means take them but spare the Loculus!” Yiorgos bellowed.

“Silence, Yiorgos, we have plans for them,” Mom said. “Banishment to the underworld is not in our best interest.”

“Dudes,” Marco shouted. “What about me?”

Skilaki rose above the ground again. She pointed her arm in Marco's direction and he froze in his tracks. “You would like to join them?” she said. She turned to Yiorgos and then Stavros. “How about you? And you?”

“No!” Yiorgos bellowed as he was lifted off the ground. Mom let out a gasp as she rose, too.

Cass, Aly, and I turned. “I thought you just wanted us!” I shouted.

“Well, we are in the business of souls, child,” Skilaki said. “And it appears we have volunteers. My queen will be overjoyed with this abundance!”

Now a gray mist was seeping out around the edges of the tomb's front door. The door shook, at first gently and then violently. With a deep, loud crack it flew open, spewing wood splinters and paint shards in all directions.

I leaped to the side, nearly falling down the hill. Cass and Aly huddled near. Above us, Brother Yiorgos and Brother Stavros began screaming. With guttural snickers, Shadows began pushing them in the air, sliding them toward the door's gaping black hole. “No-o-o-o!” Yiorgos shouted, bracing his arms on either side of the doorjamb.

The Shadow grabbed his shoulders and threw him into the blackness. His frightened wail diminished into silence as two Shadows jumped in gleefully after him.

Mom's face was rigid with fear. The Shadows were toying with Brother Stavros now. After him they would come for Marco, and then Mom. Marco was dancing and shuffling like a boxer, daring them to come closer. Of all of them, he was the only one who had a hope of making it back out again. The only Select.

I felt a rumble that shook the ground. A muffled whistle.

The train

I looked down the hill. From under the park, I could hear the squeaking of brakes, the slow chug of an engine. The northbound train would be emerging from the tunnel soon.

“Jack, look!” Aly shouted.

I turned. Mom was floating toward the Tomb, her arms locked by her side. Her face was shrouded by the moving black mist, but I could see her eyes looking at me, full of tears. And I could make out the movement of her lips forming words:
I love you

She was next.



blast belched up from the bottom of the hill. Its wheels thumped slowly on unseen tracks. I couldn't tell exactly where it was. All I knew was that it was closer. And it would soon emerge, heading north.

I looked back upward for Mom. She was putting up a good fight. Even though her arms were locked, she was managing to spin in the air, kicking at zombies only she could see. Skilaki laughed as she watched.

No one was paying any attention to me.

Move. Now.

I squeezed Aly's hand. She turned to look at me. So did Cass. Sweat beaded my forehead.

HOOOOO . . .

I let go of Aly, ran down the walkway to the left of the tomb, hopped the fence, and sprinted down the hill. The incline was steep and my knees buckled.

“Hurry, Jack!” Aly cried out.

She and Cass were behind me. I knew Skilaki would see us. I expected to feel her power lifting us from the ground, boomeranging us back to her.

There. A tugging at my limbs. A force that was pulling me backward. I could see Cass stumbling beside me. I grabbed one arm, Aly the other. “Keep going!” I shouted.

“The farther we get . . .” Aly said, “the weaker her power!”

With each inch we were gaining strength. I guess even an ex-sibyl's power isn't infinite. “Keep it up,” I said. “This is distracting her from Mom!”

Soon we were running free down the grassy surface toward a highway ramp. Just beyond it were the tracks.

We hopped a barrier and sprinted across the ramp. I could hear the approaching train clear and close. The only thing separating us from the tracks was a tall chain-link fence.

“What are we doing?” Cass asked.

I whipped off my backpack and held up the glowing orb. “Destroying this,” I said.

Cass's jaw dropped. “It's a Loculus, Jack! You destroy that, we die!”

“If I don't destroy it, my mom dies!” I shouted. “The portal remains open. The Shadows can come and go. They can suck souls from innocent people whenever they want. Are our lives worth that?”

I dropped the Loculus back into the pack, ran to the fence, and hopped as high as I could. Clutching onto the links, I climbed upward. Fast.

Cass and Aly were scrambling on to the fence to my left, yelling words I couldn't hear. As I hopped down the other side, I could see another silhouette racing down the hill from the Tomb.


The locomotive burst out of the tunnel with a sound like a bomb blast. I dropped the pack, took out the orb, and reared back with my arm. No chance to second-guess. No matter what Cass and Aly said. All that was in my mind were Professor Bhegad's final words to my dad.

I am always willing to do what's right.

I threw the Loculus as hard as I could, spiking it directly down at the track. Toward the train that was now inches away.

“He diiiives for the block!”

Marco's voice startled me. He was over my head, leaping from the top of the fence, flying over my head at impossible speed.

“Marco, don't!” I grabbed for his shirt in midair but he was already by me. He slapped the Loculus off course to the left. It thudded to the ground and rolled away from the track.

“Have you lost your mind, Brother Jack?” he yelled.

I ran for the golden orb, but it was no contest. Marco's G7W skill put him light-years ahead of me. So I did the only thing I could. I rammed into his side, hard. It didn't do much, just slightly threw him off balance. But it bought me a fraction of a second. Just enough to grab his shirt.

I hooked my leg around his, and we both fell to the ground.

Marco swatted me aside with his palm. “Sorry, Brother,” he said, leaping away toward the Loculus.

The train was coming closer, moving slowly. The Loculus had stopped rolling now, about three feet from the track. I scrambled to my feet, but Marco had gotten a big head start.

On me. But not on Cass. He had run ahead while we were scuffling.

He scooped the Loculus off the ground as Marco leaped high, ready to swat aside Cass's throw. Instead, Cass underhanded the orb toward me. It spun in the air. I dived for it. Aly was running toward me, too. Behind her, a Shadow was scaling the fence.

Got it

My fingers closed on the golden sphere and I thudded to the ground. The tracks were to my left, inches away. The locomotive was a blur of black looming closer, and my teeth rattled with the noise.

I stretched my arm out and tossed the Loculus directly on the tracks.

Marco yanked me away from behind, pulling me to safety. Together we rolled onto the gravel, huddling protectively as the hulking train sped by. The
of its wheels on the track was deafening.

“Duuude, what did you just do?” Marco screamed.

His face was red, distorted. I had never seen him so angry.

But my eyes were drawing upward, to a small, fast-moving cloud of blackness floating over the fence. It was dropping fast, gaining human form.

“Watch out!” I cried as a zombie materialized, its shredded clothes flapping in the air directly over Marco's head.

He spun around, crouching for impact.

But the Shadow never reached the ground.

Instead it vanished into thin air.



at the place where the Shadow had disappeared. The train had moved north, its rhythmic clatter mixing with the sound of cars on the highway. I couldn't see the Loculus now, but I knew it was gone. Destroyed.

I felt like a part of me had been ripped out and thrown under the train, too.

“What the heck just happened?” Marco moaned.

But I didn't answer. Instead I looked up the hill. In the darkness, at this distance, it was impossible to make out faces. But I could recognize a few shapes up there, walking unsteadily away from Grant's Tomb.
. I recognized the walk. “She made it,” I muttered. “Mom's alive.”

I felt Aly's hand on my arm. I watched Mom for a moment, not sure what to do. I noticed that she was gazing upward now. They all were, their necks craned toward the sky.

I followed their glance. The black smoke had lifted, and I could see a dull shimmer passing across the faces of the park path lights, working its way up toward the moon.

“The Shadows . . .” Cass murmured.

“That's it?” Aly said. “They're gone?”

Marco scratched his head. “That was killer, dude.”

“I had to do it,” I said.

“Yeah. Maybe you did,” Marco replied with a big sigh. “I guess I owe you. For keeping my peeps out of Zombieland. Well, most of them. I think Stavros is going to want to kiss you.”

“What about you, Marco?” Aly asked. “What about all four of us? That's the end of the game. No sudden-death overtime. I hope you're proud of yourself.”

“Well, who knows?” Marco said. “Maybe Brother D has something up his sleeve. He's up there now.”

Cass glanced up the hill. “Oh? Nice of him to show.”

“He'll be happy to see you.” Marco climbed the fence and jumped to the other side. “He likes you.”

“Wait,” Aly said. “You're leaving us?”

“Dudes, the invitation's open,” Marco replied. “Come with me. It's never a bad idea to side with a winner.”

“Winner?” Cass said. “That coward Dimitrios? What planet are you from?”

“Dude, every game has to have a winner and a loser,” Marco said. “Just think about it.”

We stared at him in utter disbelief. He shrugged sadly. “Hey, I gotta have faith. I know you'll get it. You guys are too smart not to.”

As he turned to walk up the hill, I could see two other figures at the top, making their way downward.

“Jack?” my mom called out. “Jack, are you all right?”

I turned to answer but stopped myself.

Mom's voice tugged at me hard. It was the voice that summoned and soothed. Encouraged and brightened. Well, it had, way back when. But six years was a long time, and she had become someone else. Something else. Something I couldn't trust.

“Jack, honey?”

Peanut butter sandwiches. Hot cocoa. Read alouds.

Fakery. Betrayal. Attacks. Slaughter.

I pulled Cass and Aly into the darkness, far from any streetlamp. “Cass,” I whispered. “Give me the Loculus of Invisibility.”

He looked at me a good long moment. “Are you sure?” he said softly.

“Torquin's gone,” Aly reminded me. “Your dad is under arrest. The Loculus is destroyed. We're not going to live much longer. We have nothing.”

“Take it out,” I said.

Quickly Cass removed the canvas sack. I reached in and took out the orb. “All of us,” I said.

We put our hands on it. I felt the shimmer of energy course through me.

“Jack?” Mom was nearly to the fence now, looking. Looking right through me. “Where are you?”

Her eyes were wide, and even in the darkness I could see the fear in them as she stared at the track. “Oh dear heavens, the train . . .”

She leaped up the fence, getting herself over in quick, expert moves. When she landed on the other side, she let out a sob and scrambled across the gravel. The train was long gone, its rear red lights winking distantly along the Hudson. She scanned the tracks, her face etched with horror, her glistening cheeks wet in the streetlamp light.

She was worried. About me. Convinced that since I was no longer here I must have died.

My heart was sinking. Words welled up from my gut—
I'm right behind you. I'm okay.

Aly took my hand.

Slowly Mom walked onto the track. Jammed into the gravel in the center of the track were the pieces of the broken Loculus—dozens of them, glowing golden in the dim light. Mom stooped to pick some of them up. I could hear her crying now.

I couldn't do it any longer. Couldn't hide.

As she turned back, I let go of the Loculus. Cass let out a gasp.

Mom's eyes immediately looked up and locked on mine. In the flash of a moment I saw grief give way to shock and joy.

But before I could move, before I could do a thing, her eyes moved and her expression changed abruptly.

When she looked at me again an instant later, her intent was so strong, so direct, that the strength of her glance nearly knocked me back on my heels.

Stop now. Don't do this.

“Sister Nancy!” Brother Dimitrios's deep, unmistakable voice boomed from behind us.

I shoved my hand backward and touched the Loculus. Behind us, the tall monk was stepping awkwardly down the steep incline, eyes on his sandaled feet. In the darkness, his beard seemed to obliterate the bottom of his sallow, bony face. But as he neared the bottom, glancing toward Mom, there was no mistaking the coldness in his eyes.

“Where did they go?” he demanded. “Where are our assets?”

“You ask now, Brother Dimitrios,” Mom said, “but when we were fighting the forces of Artemisia, where were you then? Protecting your own assets?”

He climbed the fence with some difficulty and fell awkwardly to the ground. Brushing himself off, he looked at the shards in Mom's hand.

“Oh, by Massarym's grave . . .” he said, his voice falling to a dismayed hush. Carefully he lifted a piece of the Loculus and turned it in his hand. “He didn't . . .”

“Threw it under a train,” Mom said. “The boy did. Jack.”

“So the prophecy of Brother Charles has been fulfilled,” Brother Dimitrios murmured. “The destroyer . . .”

“Shall rule . . .” Mom continued.

Brother Dimitrios gazed slowly back up the hill. “I thought it was the athletic one. Marco the warrior. What an . . . interesting surprise.”

“He's a strong young man in his own right,” Mom said.

Brother Dimitrios shook his head uncertainly. “I suppose there is no arguing what is meant to be.”

My head was reeling.

The message in the Charles Newton letter—
The destroyer shall rule
—wasn't about Mausolus. It wasn't about Artemisia.

It was about Atlantis. About the person destined to rule it.

In the new world, you can keep calling me Marco. But to everyone else, I'll be His Highness King Marco the First.
That was what Marco had told us in Babylon—Brother Dimitrios's plan for him. A plan that had been misunderstood.

Mom was still holding tight to the shards. What did they say? What ruler did they predict? And what was going to happen to Marco now?

“We must convene immediately,” Mom said. “Go ahead, Brother Dimitrios, tell the others we will have a very long night. I will collect pieces of the Loculus.”

Mom watched Brother Dimitrios climb back over the fence and begin the trek up the hill. But she did not turn back to the track to pick up any more shards. Instead, she waited a good thirty seconds, motionless.

Aly gripped me tight. I didn't dare move.

Mom began walking, veering toward us. I wanted to reveal myself but her face was still closed up, still a mask of unmistakable
. As she passed, she let something drop from her hand. Without pausing, she continued on.

I stooped to pick it up.

When I finally managed to look back, Mom had turned. I realized I had let go of the Loculus and was visible again.

Mom's eyes blazed. I gave her a shrug, holding out the shard. “Who?” I mouthed.

“Acch, these miserable sandals,” came Brother Dimitrios's voice from the darkness. “Will you help me, Sister Nancy?”

Mom's face went taut with panic. I reached back quickly to touch the Loculus of Invisibility, but my eyes never left Mom.

And as she climbed up toward Dimitrios, I saw her point directly toward me.

BOOK: Seven Wonders Book 3
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