Sex Secrets of an American Geisha (14 page)

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Authors: Py Kim Conant

Tags: #Sexual Instruction, #Love & Romance, #Health & Fitness, #Social Science, #Asian American Studies, #Sex Instruction for Women, #Asian American Women - Sexual Behavior, #Family & Relationships, #Sexuality, #Asian American Women, #Self-Help, #Ethnic Studies, #Sexual Behavior, #Women's Studies

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ith a happy, serene smile on my face and a sleepy, satiated look in my eyes, dear Younger Sister, let me make clear to you, from my own earth-shattering personal experience and from my conclusive research, that the existence of the G-spot and female ejaculation is settled physiologi cal fact, a discovery that can lead to the most intense pleasure and orgasmic release you will ever experience in your life! If that’s not worth a heartfelt “Gee!” (as in “gee”-spot) I don’t know what is.
In this chapter, you will find and learn to stimulate your G-spot and will become that most feminine and sexual of American Geisha: a female ejaculator, a “shooter.”
Let me start by clearing up one commonly held misconception: The ejaculate you forcefully emit is a clear, somewhat sweet liquid that I call Gräfenberg Juice (after the doctor who clinically identified the G-spot). It is definitely not urine or even remotely related to urine.


A Most Outrageous Description of My Ejaculation
The G-spot and female ejaculation really do exist. I know. I’m a female ejaculator, a “shooter.” If you, dear Younger Sister, are among those who are still unconvinced of this physio-sexual reality, this will be a life-changing chapter for you. Your sex life will never be the same, my oh so fortunate reader. I want to clearly convey to you my experience with female ejacula tion, hoping that as I express myself you will both recognize the reality of this phenomenon and begin to imagine the possibilities for yourself. Here I tell my story in an open, explicit way that makes you feel like you are there, almost experiencing my ejaculation yourself.
Sometimes my husband, Rich, and I will be making love without any intention of my ejaculating, and then the idea will strike one of us. We’ll start to adjust our lovemaking to go in the direction of having a “shooting” orgasm, as we usually call it. Other times Rich might say, “Tonight is your night, baby. I want you to shoot into my mouth.” That excites me. But we never put pressure on me to ejaculate. It’s perfectly okay with both of us if I don’t. A lot of trust is involved in a G-spot, shooting orgasm, especially when you are doing it the first few times. You have to trust yourself that you can do it (but with no pressure). You have to trust that your partner will not have a negative reaction. At one point you’ll have to trust that the familiar feelings of needing to pee are in fact the feelings of imminent female ejacu lation, not at all related to peeing.
My pubococcygeus (PC) or vaginal muscles (see Figure 4 on page 95) are well-toned and strong. This is a necessary conditioning to undertake in order to be able to generate the muscle pressure that ultimately provides the force behind the squirting of your feminine juices. For me, it takes a lot of foreplay and specific types of sexual stimulation before I am ready to build toward ejaculation. Although I have often ejaculated on Rich’s cock or tongue, I find that having between two and four of his fingers in my vagina provides the easiest way for me to have a shooting orgasm.
Rich might begin by using his mouth and tongue on my inner vulval lips, on my clitoris, and inside my vagina itself. His hands caress my breasts and nipples. After seven to ten minutes, I’ll start to use my current favorite vibrator, the Pocket Rocket, on my clitoris, while Rich continues to pleasure me orally. Of course, all of this could lead fairly quickly to a “regular,” clitoral orgasm. For the G-spot orgasm, however, this is just the beginning of building my sexual excitement. I may ask Rich to “put it in,” or he may decide himself to switch from oral stimulation to inserting his cock in me. Usually he does this from such a position that I can easily keep the vibrator on my clitoris, for example, with me on my back and him somewhat on his left side. Rich may tease me and tell me that I’m too tiny and he can’t get his cock into me. He massages my inner vulval lips with his cock, only entering my vagina by half an inch to an inch; then he fully withdraws and again presses his cock against my vulval lips. I go crazy and beg him to fuck me. He teases me like this for three or four minutes. I try to thrust against his cock, to engulf it with my excited vagina. But he pulls back deftly, almost dancing away from my insistent vagina, yet always keeping his hard cock in contact with my vulval lips. I pound his back with my fists and scratch his skin with my nails. But he won’t put it in.
Then, right after saying again that I’m too tight to fuck, he suddenly plunges totally and deeply into me, to the back of my vagina. After all the teasing, his cock feels so good. He’ll just stay there at the back of my vagina, sort of resting, for twenty or thirty seconds. For me, this is a sexual excitement plateau. After his teasing and then his single thrust into me, I am so excited, and I’m adjusting to having his cock in me. I continue using the vibrator. As Rich starts to move in and out of me with long, deep, slow thrusts of his cock—sometimes switching to what we call “hard and deep” thrusts—I could easily move to a very satisfying vaginal orgasm. (Even as I write this, I am excited enough to masturbate to orgasm rather than to fin ish writing these paragraphs . . . but I won’t.)
By this time, fifteen to twenty minutes have gone by. We’ll come to a point where I say, “Fingers,” or where Rich decides to take his cock out, and (with more lubricant) put one or two of his fingers into my now relaxed and open vagina. Using his right hand, he positions it so that the pads of his fingers face my vagina’s anterior wall (front wall; if I’m lying on my back it’s the upper wall). My G-spot is located here, about an inch and a half in side my vagina. He’s able to feel my G-spot easily because my sexual excite ment has caused it to swell and become quite palpable to the touch. He will probably track the rough top of the G-spot area, then slide one finger down the left side of the G-spot and the other down the right side. A good amount of pressure from his fingers awakens my G-spot’s sensitivity even more as he holds it between his two fingers and slowly, deeply rubs it.
Rich may insert a third and even a fourth finger into me, continuing to rub with pressure over the G-spot area. My excitement rises. My PC muscles are sensitive and flex some, particularly at the back of my vagina. Rich will pull all four fingers totally out of my vagina, then thrust them strongly back in, then again apply pressure (especially with the longest, middle finger) to my G-spot.
By now we’ve been making love for twenty-five to thirty minutes, and I am getting hotter and hotter from so much stimulation, especially of my G-spot. The deepest of my PC muscles, at the back of my vagina, are twitching and flexing, eventually beyond my control, so that as my orgasm occurs the muscles constrict at the back of my vagina, where Rich now tries to thrust his fingers. The PC muscles close so tightly around his fingers that they shut off the deepest part of my vagina and force his fingers toward my vaginal entrance. Rich resists this pressure and pushes back with his fingers, which only excites me to a desperate level of needing to push even harder as I now both reflexively and consciously squeeze my PC muscles. The sensation is like I’m trying to close nearly the full length of my vagina and expel his fingers.
Eventually he can no longer resist the muscular closing down of my inner vagina, and his fingers come flying out. The incredible pressure of my PC muscles also squeezes a reservoir of Gräfenberg Juice that lies in a spongelike organ near my vulval lips. As his fingers exit my vagina, they are immediately followed by the Gräfenberg Juice, which seems to explode out of me with the same force that expelled Rich’s fingers.
This warm liquid (which is definitely not pee) covers Rich’s right hand and lower arm, and my entire vaginal area, thighs, and ass. Rich quickly flips his body around and puts his mouth totally over my vagina, his tongue probing deeply, to cause a second gush to flow into his mouth, where he ei ther holds it to show me or swallows it so that his tongue can probe again for more of my love juices. At times, I experience multiple orgasms and multiple ejaculations, all within moments of each other, expelling almost enough ejaculate to fill an eight-ounce coffee cup! (Some women claim to be able to release as much as a cup and a half.) Especially after multiple shootings, I am exhausted both physically and emotionally and cannot move, totally destroyed by the intensity of my orgasms. My brain doesn’t work. I sleep. “Please, Rich, respect my orgasm,” I say. That means, “Leave me alone, please.” I’m in heaven.


The Most Intimate Sexual Experience of
His—and Your—Lives
Let me promise you that as an American Geisha you will be able to offer to your Good Man the most intimate sexual experience of his life as you give him full credit for inspiring you to come on his cock (or fingers or tongue) with such animal force and intensity that a stream of nearly clear, pleasant tasting ejaculation fluid floods into his eager mouth or covers his cock, balls, and thighs. If left unhindered, your love juice can even shoot several inches or several feet into the air, before showering back down onto the bed and soaking the sheets in the most feminine rain imaginable. (One of my girlfriends reports that her ejaculate has reached her ten-foot ceiling, more than six feet above her bed.)
The Asian sex secret I reveal to you here is that, incredible as it may sound, the fact of female ejaculation is well-documented in Japan from at least the sixteenth century. It is reflected in art forms of that period, includ ing drawings and woodcuts that portray ecstatic women at the explosive moment of release of their warm, liquid love lava, and also depict contain ers for catching the fluid (see Figure 1 for an example).



Figure 1. A Japanese woodcut depicting a man holding a container to catch female ejaculate.
Reprinted from
Erotique du Japon.
How could so many of us in the West remain ignorant of the G-spot and female ejaculation if they have been well known for so long ago in the East? The truth is that in the West, female ejaculation was understood as a physiological fact as far back as pre-Christian-era Greece and Rome, as recorded in writings. And much earlier than that, India and China recorded descriptions of women’s feminine waters.
Was it the Dark Ages of Europe that erased the West’s memory of this dimension of a woman’s sexuality? Was it Western religion’s difficulty in coming to terms with the full sexual capacity of women? Or was it something else? Whatever the reason for this memory lapse, your Older Sister American Geisha wishes to convey to you that female ejaculation is not a shocking, extraordinary finding of the late twentieth century. The Eastern world has practiced this technique for many hundreds of years. It is time to make it widely known again in the West, time to allow Western women their birthright to fully experience their natural capacity for a fulfilling sex life that includes G-spot orgasm and female ejaculation.
These facts of female physiology and sexuality somehow stayed lost to Western medical awareness until the early 1980s, when several independent investigative groups reported that there did exist an acutely sensitive area along the anterior (front) wall of the vagina. It came to be known as the G spot, named in 1982 after the German physician Ernst Gräfenberg, whose generally ignored 1950 paper described the spot, behind which resided an other organ of exquisite sexual pleasure, the female prostate (see below).
So mysterious are these sexual hotspots that even today many Western ers doubt their very existence. Or they believe that female ejaculation is somehow only possible for the equally mysterious Asian woman. Such nonsense. Every woman has a G-spot (of varying size), and 90 percent can ejaculate. (About 10 percent seem to have a G-spot that is too small to ac commodate the stimulation necessary to bring about “the gush.”) The solv ing of the mystery of the G-spot may surprise you even more than the mystery itself, my Younger Sister. I’ll explain as simply as possible.


A Reservoir of Love Juice
To understand what the G-spot represents, we must take a quick, imaginary trip back to the womb. Imagine that the uterus holds two fertilized eggs: twins, a boy and a girl. In the earliest stages of development there is little to visually differentiate the developing boy and girl. In fact, at one point both embryos will seem to have female sex organs; it is not until later in develop ment that the introduction of the hormone testosterone will cause the boy to develop a penis and testes, much as estrogen will much later enlarge the preteen girl’s breasts during puberty. The male embryo eventually develops a prostate, which at full maturity (reached during puberty) will secrete a seminal fluid that, when mixed with sperm from the testes, will flow into the man’s urinary tract and be ejaculated out of his hard cock upon orgasm.

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