Sex Secrets of an American Geisha (3 page)

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Authors: Py Kim Conant

Tags: #Sexual Instruction, #Love & Romance, #Health & Fitness, #Social Science, #Asian American Studies, #Sex Instruction for Women, #Asian American Women - Sexual Behavior, #Family & Relationships, #Sexuality, #Asian American Women, #Self-Help, #Ethnic Studies, #Sexual Behavior, #Women's Studies

BOOK: Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
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I used many of these lessons myself to pursue love and marriage. I will highlight my successes and also tell you how I went wrong, hoping to keep you from repeating my mistakes on your road to love and marriage.
For single women who want to be married soon, this book represents an important goal, showing the way to the destination you aim for when you start looking for a man: love, marriage, and sexual surrender to your partner. I will share Asian Geisha secrets that can help you reach marriage to your Good Man within the next twelve to eighteen months. (Why take twenty-one months, like I did?)
For married women, this book is your checklist and reminder of how to add a spark of caring and passion to your marriage. Your husband has wined you and dined you and spoiled you because he didn’t want to lose you, and because you helped him to decide that he wanted to marry you. Now it’s time to spoil him by giving him your most beautiful and femi nine American Geisha self. He has committed to fathering your children and to providing income and emotional support to the family the two of you have created. As your Good Man’s loving wife, you will now reward him for life with your total commitment to his happiness, sexual and oth erwise.


Politically Correct? Not!
I need to say just a little about political correctness. I sometimes speak in this book in a politically
way. I have to be honest, frank, even outra geous with you. I can’t try to cover my little ass, saying politically correct things so that no one gets upset. I won’t be politically correct, but I promise I’ll be
correct, advising you to do what works, what is practical, what makes you more beautiful, sexy, and feminine in order to attract and keep your own masculine Good Man. If I do deviate at times from what so ciety suggests is proper, please do not be offended. Rather, try to suspend judgment of whether my words are “correct” or “incorrect,” and examine them in terms of whether they are empowering and helpful in pursuing love and marriage with a Good Man.
I hope, too, that all of my Younger Sisters can momentarily relax your feminist guard a bit and listen to your Older Sister’s advice and suggestions with an open mind. I hope that in the end, dear Younger Sister, you will see me as
a feminist and a feminine woman; I see no reason for having to choose one or the other. Do you? Can’t we be feminine feminists? I can. I believe you can, too, dear Younger Sister.
In this book I will deal approvingly with some Asian Geisha stereotypes if I find them helpful. I’ll tell you to be thin not fat, pretty not plain, ac cepting not confrontational. I’ll tell you that in relationships men are sim ple, visual, sexual beings who will do most anything to make you happy when you make them sexually happy.
Even as I happily accept some useful stereotypes of Asian Geisha and other women, if other stereotypes are not useful, I’ll encourage you to ig nore or change them in your thinking or actions, as I did. Still, some strict feminists will question my outrageous ideas and feminine and sexy tips for attracting men. An American Geisha is not a strict feminist, except in the world of work and career. In the world of love and romance, I suggest that you shift your perspective to that of a
, a woman who values, loves, and wants to operate out of her femininity.
In a sense, in your work world you must insist upon being treated like “one of the boys,” treated equally with the men. However, in your personal world, you do
want to be one of the boys. You want to be very
from the boys, very feminine in contrast to their masculinity. Be a
while making a living, and be a
while making (or seeking) love. As a feminist, compete fairly with men at work; then, come home and at tract men to you as a feminine-ist.
As much as some feminists may have problems with me, I have no problems with feminists. All women need the feminist backbone that can allow them to be feminine without being weak or passive, to be nice with out being taken advantage of. The American Geisha develops within herself a comfortable balance between feminist and feminine-ist qualities.


“ Too Submissive”?
In circulating chapters of my manuscript for feedback, I sometimes was told that my advice made a woman too “submissive” to a man or to men generally. I can
that point of view, but I
with it. My advice simply accepts the truth about (most) men:


  • Men are visual and love beauty in a woman.
  • Men are sexual and love sexiness in a woman.
  • Men are masculine and love femininity in a woman.
By making yourself beautiful, sexy, and feminine for potential Good Men, you are only “being submissive” or “surrendering” to the realities of men and women and to what can help you attract those Good Men to you. I don’t want to be too defensive here. In fact, rather than making you sub missive, I believe my advice
you. Beauty and a sexy femininity tend to give a woman confidence, more power, and greater control in finding love and marriage with a Good Man. Isn’t this obvious to you? Don’t you sense how beauty and a sexy femininity are your allies, your friends in seeking the happiness of love and marriage to a Good Man?


Go on a Fun and Exciting—Even
Part One of the book gets you started on your journey to love and mar riage. It deals with developing your Geisha Consciousness (Chapter 1), ex ploring your sexual, sensual body (Chapter 2), and increasing the beauty and femininity of your Geisha Attractiveness (Chapter 3). In Part Two I discuss sex secrets, such as always crediting him for your orgasm (Chapter 4), finding your G-spot and female ejaculating (Chapter 5), and worship ping his manhood (Chapter 6). With Part Three I help you to plan your quest for love and marriage by defining your Good Man (Chapter 7), de veloping your marriage plan (Chapter 8), and getting to your most beauti ful weight (Chapter 9). Finally, in Part Four you’ll find lots of ideas for dating and for after you are married, including how to get to the engage ment-ring stage (Chapter 10), when to say, “I could only do
for my husband” (Chapter 11), recognizing that love is more than just good sex (Chapter 12), and keeping your love and marriage your highest priority (Chapter 13).
The whole process of finding and marrying a man and then keeping your marriage alive and happy should be a fun experience. (Why do people think that it is so difficult to find a man, not just any man, but Mr. Right, your Prince Charming, a near-perfect-for-you man, a husband, your Good Man?) Do you want to have an enjoyable and exciting time or a difficult time finding your man? It depends on your attitude, your Geisha Con sciousness. I suggest we go on a fun and exciting—even outrageous—jour ney to attract appropriate men and then to choose and to keep your one Good Man for life. The journey begins right here, as you read this page. Get ready to be outrageous, my Younger Sister! Relax. Loosen your bra straps and get ready for some feminine, hot, sexy Asian secrets for finding, marry ing, and keeping your Good Man. Get ready to become an American Geisha.





n her pursuit of sexuality, love, and marriage, can any woman become an American Geisha by using the powers, secrets, and lessons of the Japanese geisha and Korean kisaeng? What is it about the secrets of a feminine, sexy American Geisha that is so incredible that you should learn them in or der to attract and to marry the right man for you, what I call your “Good Man”? How can you become an American Geisha? Why would men be at tracted to an American Geisha and want to take her to bed or to the altar? You’ll find the answers to those questions in this book. I do have some im portant secrets and lessons for you from the world of the Asian Geisha and from my own experiences, especially if you want to be married, and soon.


What Is Geisha Consciousness?
In the professional development of the Asian Geisha, the younger geisha in training or apprentice geisha (known as a maiko) is taken under the wing of a more experienced onesan in a solemn ceremony that confers on them the fa milial relationship of Older Sister and Younger Sister. The Younger Sister maiko even changes her name to incorporate part of the name of her Older Sister onesan. While I do not suggest you take a part of my name as your own, I do want us to have an Older Sister–Younger Sister relationship as you read this book and practice the actions that will help you to be married soon, specifically within twelve to eighteen months, to your choice of a Good Man for you. Let your Older Sister American Geisha share her expe rience and research to help her Younger Sister become a happy, successful American Geisha.
The first feminine, sexy American Geisha secret I want to share with you is that we women need to have a particular attitude toward our men, similar to the attitude of the Asian Geisha toward her men.
We have to spend a moment talking about perhaps the greatest of all American Geisha sex secrets: The feminine, sexy woman, Asian or non Asian, has the mentality of a geisha. Although the modern conception of the geisha goes back to mid-nineteenth-century Japan, the geisha is to this day an important part of Japanese culture. The relatively few women who are willing to spend the many years of training required to be a geisha become quite learned in the ways of ladylike, classy behavior and en tertainment in the living room. They are also well schooled in the feminine ways of pleasing their men in the bedroom (as opposed to simply mastering a variety of sex positions). I reveal to you here both the feminine and sexy secrets of the bedchamber, the mysteries of physical love that will bond your Good Man to you, and those of outside the bedchamber, which will first attract him to you. But even more fundamental to understanding the geisha than knowing her talents in bed or out is an understanding of her way of looking at the male-female relationship, what I call her Geisha Con sciousness. The Asian Geisha has mastered the art of using all aspects of her femininity to attract, satisfy, and keep her men happy with her so that they will take advantage of her services again in the future. She is, as it were, building a satisfied clientele and a successful long-term business.


Men Are Inspired by Your Femininity, Your “ Yin”
The key to using your Geisha Consciousness is to realize the power and strength that lie within your femininity as expressed in a geishalike manner. As I’ve mentioned, your man is a simple, predictable human being in rela tionships. He is not nearly so complicated as are we women. (Even Sig mund Freud couldn’t figure out what women want, but it’s easy to figure out what men want, isn’t it? Well, isn’t it?)

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