Sexual Healing (5 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs,Cairo

BOOK: Sexual Healing
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Roxanne took a deep breath. “This is crazy.”

“Life is crazy . . . and it can be harsh, too.”

“Tell me about it,” she mumbled, shaking her head.

“But sometimes, when you least expect it, you can find a little kindness in this cold world. So, um, how much do you need?”

Thinking, she sighed. She uncrossed her legs, and then bent forward and crossed her arms. Then she shook her head firmly. “No. I can't. Thanks, anyway, but it wouldn't be right.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don't know you. And I'm
a ho.”

Cruze laughed a little. “I'm not asking you to be.” The idea of Roxanne turning tricks was unimaginable. It would take a really cold-hearted pimp to put such a fragile woman out on the track, and any scumbag-trick that paid for her services deserved to have his ass kicked.

“All I'm asking is for you to let me help you ‘n' lil' man out,” Cruze continued. “Nothing more. I promise. So, tell me. How much do you owe?”

She heaved a sigh, but relief was evident on her weary face. “I'm four months behind—I owe thirty-two hundred in back rent. Too much to ask of a total stranger.”

“Nah, it's all good. It's not too much. I got you.” Cruze stood up and jangled the keys in the pocket of his sweatpants. “I'll be right back, let me check the locker room, and see what's taking Barack so long.”


unway ready and always fabulous, Arabia strode into the sleek Upper Eastside high-rise overlooking Central Park, where one of her fiancés, forty-eight-year-old Theodore Banks, took up part-time residence and rode the sleek private elevator up.

Married with three teenaged-children, he was an investment banker who owned one of the two sprawling penthouses up on the top floor that could have easily been featured in any of the luxury-home magazines. It reeked of power and wealth. Things Arabia believed every good man should embody.

She glanced down at the three-carat solitaire engagement ring she'd pulled from her safe and slipped on her ring finger earlier this morning. She reveled in its blinding brilliance as the elevator's lights shone down on it.

She smiled.

After all, she was worthy of nothing but the best. And she required it. Expected it. And, goddamn it . . . deserved it.

Why shouldn't she?

She was exquisitely stunning and, in her mind, a rare gem that should be coveted. No. Arabia wasn't a gold digger, unlike her mother, Claudia. But she loved a man who dug deep into his pockets, sharing his worth in gold—
diamonds, of course. The deeper he dug, the wetter her pussy became. Still, she never, ever,
asked a man for anything. That would be in poor taste. And a woman of her caliber never stooped to such tactless methods. Asking a man.
Mmph. Please.
Not. She used creative coercion—okay, okay . . . she gently prompted a man when she had to—to get what she wanted out of him. But, truthfully, she rarely had to, though. The men in her life, more often than not, gave willingly.

Oh, don't be fooled by her sexual proclivities. Arabia wasn't a home wrecker. If anything, she was a peacekeeper. She fucked her lovers with purpose—to keep them happy, then send them home to their wives in a state of sweet bliss. She had no interest in disrupting a cheating man's life. She simply enjoyed sleeping with men who were sexually frustrated with their home situations, men who needed love and affection, and some stress-free pussy. Yes, she sought them out. Preyed on them. Those types tended to be more giving with their gifts and coins than any of her past so-called single lovers.

So all any married man was good for was trinkets and trips and, hopefully, some good hard dick. And if he couldn't keep a hard dick, a long tongue would do just fine. Truthfully—though she loved gifts, Arabia didn't really need the treasures men bestowed upon her. She simply loved being pampered and spoiled. So she expected the men in her life—married or not, to keep her

Other than that, she didn't
a man for his money. She needed him for . . .?

 . . . wait. She'd have to think on that for a moment.

What did she really need him for, besides his hard dick and wet tongue?


Well . . .

She didn't.

Men were simply a means to an end for her, period. They
couldn't be trusted. None of them; yet, she knew she couldn't
have them in her life. She loved the feel of a hard-bodied man, especially a successful one. She simply loved men who had it going on financially. And she loved them successful—shakers and movers. Hung men who hungered good pussy; that's what she loved most—powerful men who gave over their control—to her, losing themselves in heat and sex . . . in

She loved seducing her lovers.

Loved mind-fucking them.

Loved sucking their dicks deep into her mouth, then watching each one become powerless. Her need for control, at times, could be daunting; something that made some men—hell,
men; especially

Her mouth watered at the mere thought of it. Dick. Oh, God, how she loved it. Loved the way it felt, the way it tasted, the way it smelled—all manly and erotic. She loved sliding her pussy down on it, then using her walls to massage its shaft.

Mm, yes.

She felt her pussy clench at the thought of being stuffed with cock.

She had to admit. She was looking forward to seeing Theodore. It'd been almost three weeks since she'd last spent any quality time with him. And, today, she was eager to have his dick in her mouth, then inside her pussy. Sure he came fast every time he was bathed in her liquid fire, but she tried not to hold it against him. His saving grace was that his dick was deliciously thick, and always gave her pussy the best fifteen-minute pounding a woman could ever hope for in a quickie. And he was, surprisingly, always able to recover in minutes, ready for another round.

Still . . .

It was sometimes frustrating and unforgiveable for him to taunt
her cunt like that. Coming quick. Leaving her pussy humming for more. That was, that was—well . . . it was simply downright obnoxious. Hell. She'd given him a vibrating cock ring for his birthday almost three months ago—something to help his staying power—and he had
to wear the damn thing.



They could be so damn unappreciative.

She caught her reflection in the elevator's chromed interior, and smiled. She loved the image staring back at her. Perfection, that's all she saw.

At thirty-two, she still had the tight, firm body that most females half her age would kill for, or die trying to have. She couldn't blame them, though, for hating on her for being beautiful. Her traffic-stopping looks and body had been cause for more than enough slamming brakes and head-on and rear-end collisions by men trying to get a second glimpse at what sexy and fabulous looked like wrapped in one body.

Thanks to genetics and the help of yoga, kickboxing, and her morning five-mile run, she kept her perfect 34-22-38 body measurements tight and right. As far as she was concerned, being a top-shelf, sidepiece trophy required dedication and commitment. At all times.

It meant staying fit, fly, fabulous and . . .

Proudly, she was all four.

Still, she was nothing more than “on-call pussy” as her mother had so eloquently put it one night after one of their many heated phone conversations over her not being married
with kids—like her sisters. Her mother resented the fact that she'd wasted all of her good damn coins on her education only for her to end up stupid . . .
still single.

Claudia had been grooming her very early on how to snag a husband—not some damn married man. She hadn't spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on sending her to all those fancy-schmancy charm schools, and whisking her off to private schools as a child, before shipping her off to Spelman in Atlanta, so that she'd simply acquire a college degree and want to do something with it. No. Her degree was meant to be a showpiece, something to hang up on a wall.
put to use. How damn ridiculous!

And Claudia hadn't demanded her youngest daughter pledge her beloved sorority, either—although she'd pledged herself as did her other daughters—so that she'd follow the principles of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service to all Mankind. She expected it. But to her chagrin—once again, Arabia defied her and pledged a rival sorority just to get under her skin.

Simply put, her youngest was an ingrate. Everything Claudia set before Arabia was so that she'd land a Morehouse Man, a man of substance, a man with the right pedigree. As with her three older sisters marrying wealthy was all that Arabia should have ever aspired, nothing more, nothing less. Instead, the selfish little twit would rather slum around in stained sheets playing
to some
married man, being his nasty little cum dump.

Claudia was utterly appalled at her daughter's silliness. And, in so many words, she'd told her so. Why be a whore for many, when all she had to do was whore for one? What a stupid trick.

Her words had stung Arabia. They'd felt like a slap to her face when they'd rolled from her mother's lips. And, at times, she could still feel the sting. She had wanted to tell Claudia to kiss her plump ass. But she settled on disconnecting the call without so much as a goodbye.

How dare that gold-digging
judge her?

That's exactly what her man-eating mother was. A gold digger!

Arabia, along with her three sisters, had learned firsthand from their mother how to use what they
what they
. Claudia had used her Louisiana charm and striking beauty to seduce her way into each of her husbands' lives, starting with their father's. Bless his dead soul. She'd milked him for everything he had until she'd finally sucked him to his grave.

Three months after he died, the sheets hadn't even cooled and she was already in the arms of her next lover. They married two months later in a private ceremony in Maui. But that marriage only lasted for three years, before he suddenly collapsed to his death from a heart attack, leaving her all of his fortune.

Since then, Claudia had been running through husbands and rotating them like tires. She was now currently on husband number six.

Arabia shook away thoughts of her hateful mother, catching her reflection one last time.
Fuck her.
She was happy with the way her life was. Maybe it wasn't the most ideal situation, but she wasn't idealistic. She was a realist. And the reality for her was: she was living
way and
anyone who didn't like it. Married man or not, Theordore was
a good catch for shacking up with. And his long bankroll, and his long, wet tongue kept Arabia inspired to keep him.

True. There'd never be any “I dos” or “happy-ever-after” being engaged to someone else's man. Being the sidepiece didn't come with any long-term rewards. But the short-term benefits were well worth all the empty promises and sweet nothings being whispered in her ear before, during
after a sweaty romp in the sheets.

And, when it came to playing her position, Arabia knew her place. And she was comfortable in her role. She was more than okay with letting Theodore and all the others
the pussy was theirs. Truth was, no man had claims to what she held between her thighs, except her.

And she suspected no man ever would.

Still, she loved giving them the illusion that they held permanent stake to the prize. So what if he, along with her two other current lovers, had put rings on it?

As far as she was concerned, she was still very much single. And always open to new possibilities. Did she love any of her current lovers? Absolutely not. Loving them would require her lying to herself. And that wasn't about to happen. So, hell no! There was no emotional investment where any of them were concerned. They were simply hard dicks, and financial benefactors. So, no, love wasn't on the blackboard for Arabia. Old-ass—well, maybe not
old. More like
—wealthy men, horny and starved for attention, who, more often than not, felt unappreciated at home was the only thing on her menu, period.

She knew her pussy had the power to heal. To make a lonely, rich soul feel whole again. So why shouldn't she do her civic duty of mending their horny souls with a dose of good pussy?

She giggled to herself.
Ooh, this snap-trap keeps the dick on lock.
Oh no. She wasn't some mediocre two-pump bitch in the sack. Even though, two of her three lovers were. But what did she care?

She had—

The elevator doors opened, and, without further thought, Arabia stepped inside the tastefully decorated apartment. Tall and muscular—wearing a pair of silk lounge pants, Theodore greeted her with a smile before pulling her into his arms. She snuggled against his bare chest, and breathed him in. He smelled of Dial soap and masculinity all rolled into lots of dollar signs.

He pressed his lips to her hair and inhaled as he kissed her head. Her scent tantalized his senses. Theodore loved the way she always smelled, so soft and so sweet. He'd leave his nagging-ass wife in a heartbeat to be with Arabia if it weren't for his children, and the fact that his wife had him chained by the balls with the
threat of taking him for everything he had if he ever tried to leave her. So, begrudgingly, he stayed. And cherished every moment he was able to sneak away on business to be with the woman he adored.


Theodore kissed the side of her temple, then along her cheekbone, before brushing his lips over hers. He kissed her mouth, sliding his tongue in to taste her. Arabia felt herself going lightheaded as he swallowed her breath. It was as if he was trying to suck out her soul, and she didn't know what to make of it. Theodore's kisses were always so gentle, so passionate. But this, this . . . this kiss felt so much different than all the others.

She'd kissed him more than a thousand times over the last two years, but she couldn't remember the tenderness in his kisses being this intense.

What the hell was going on here?

“I've missed you, baby,” he said in a gruff voice, his erection pressing into her stomach. Arabia attempted to pull away from him, but he held her tighter, pressing himself into her, making his intentions clear. “My dick is so hard for you. I can't wait to make love to you.” He smoothed a hand down the side of her hair, staring down at her. “I want to be buried so deep inside you that I feel your heartbeat on the tip of my dick.”

Arabia blinked, surprised by his words, wondering what poetry book he'd borrowed the line from. She looked up at him through her lashes, feeling sensual pleasure slog through her veins. Surprised by her body's response to his touch, she couldn't wait much longer, either. She needed this. Needed to make him feel like he was the only man she desired, if only for the moment.

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