Sexy Behaviour (3 page)

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Authors: Eva Corona

BOOK: Sexy Behaviour
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“Oh baby, baby.” He moaned his voice echoing with desire.

As he penetrated her she felt as she was already climaxing yet he took her to another level.  They made love for hours, as they always had, slow deep and sensuous, with moments of frenzied desire and passion, which made her, feel as if she could explode with pleasure.

As they lay in each other’s arms, Mick began telling Felicity all the things she had wanted for so many years to hear, but that she had never though she would. 

He told her he wanted to stay with her.

Three years had passed since they had seen each other last.  They had been dating for two years when Mick had been offered a job in Hong Kong.  Felicity knew that she could not leave her job with Privilege, and even though Mick had asked her to go with him it had been one of the most difficult decisions she had ever made saying no.  At the time she had felt betrayed by him for deciding to leave.  They had promised to stay in touch but they never did.  Not one word.

Felicity had told herself over the years that they had not been right for each other yet now all the feelings she had been suppressing were surfacing and she realised that she had always loved him.

“Don’t you like it out in Hong Kong?” she asked him quietly.

“It’s not about that.  I love you.” He replied.

“Seeing you this time has confirmed it to me.  I always felt it and I always knew I had to come back and find you.  Now I know it has to be now.  Nothing else is as important to me as you are.” He said.

The way he said it, she knew she trusted him.  She lay in his arms. 


The next morning she woke to birds tweeting and Mick standing next to her with a breakfast tray. 

“Room service Madam.” He smiled, his naked muscular body sliding next to her in the bed.

“MMmm, I want you for breakfast.” Felicity whispered as she gently nibbled on his ear.

“Fine by me.’ He replied softly as he gave himself up to her kisses.  She climbed on top of him, and they made love again, this time hard and fast, consumed by desire for one another.


She laid her head on his chest as she caressed his arms.  God how she had missed him.


As they sat on the balcony eating breakfast and hearing the birds tweeting, Felicity could not believe how stupidly happy she felt.  She couldn’t take the smile off her face and it seemed that Mick felt the same.


“Well, check out time is in two hours for me” he said looking at his watch.

“Unless I decide to stay another night.”

“Oh god, time!” exclaimed Felicity.  “I still haven’t thought that far.

“Come on, let’s stay another night.” Said Mick.

Felicity paused.  She could do it.  She had planned a few days break anyway.

“Come on, let’s.” she replied with a naughty smile.

Mick jumped up.

“I just cannot resist that smile.” He said as he smothered her with kisses.  He wrestled her into his arms.  She laughed and tried to fight him off, but he picked her up and took her into the bedroom.

They made love again, and as they lay in each other arms Felicity suddenly exclaimed.

“Tamara!  I better let her know where I am” she searched through her handbag for her mobile, which she had placed on silent.  There were numerous messages, which she could not be bothered to look through.  She texted Tamara telling her to make her way back without her, and that she was fine. “Ok down to practical details, which hotel room are we keeping on.  It doesn’t make sense to keep both on seen as we are staying together.”

“Mmm, I love it when you are practical.” Said Mick.

“What’s your room like?”

Felicity looked around Mick’s hotel room.

“Pretty similar to this. Except the wardrobe is to the left of the desk.”
“Right, definitely yours then.”  Mick smiled.

Felicity phoned reception.

“Hello, would it be possible to book room 207 for another night? Ok, thank you.”  She hung up.

“Champagne?” she asked coyly.

“Baby, I love you.” Said Mick.

“Come on, let’s pack and go to my room.  I have no clothes here.”

“What’s wrong with that?” asked Mick.

“Ha ha.”

Mick got his belongings out and they went down in the lift to Felicity’s room.

“I like this lift.” Said Mick.

“Yes, good memories in here.” Said Felicity.

Felicity opened the door to her room and found a note from Tamara saying she had gone to spend the weekend with Paul.

Mick opened the bottle of champagne and toasted to Inspire, and to Felicity, the woman of his dreams.

As they lay in each other’s arms on the bed that morning, Felicity knew that this time it was for good.




Chapter 1


Selena and Ivan.  They were the couple everyone wanted to know. Good-looking and fun, they had become self-made millionaires in the last two years, putting on the biggest parties in Mikanos, which had soon become the biggest parties in Europe.

Selena was tall, slim, with wide blue eyes and long soft curly hair.  She had met Ivan three years earlier when holidaying in Mikanos with her girlfriends.  Ivan, gorgeous and highly intelligent had been running one of the clubs on the island.  They met, fell in love, and had set up their own beach party, which had soon become the biggest celebrity haunt and famous worldwide.  It was the party that everyone wanted to go to.  And Ivan and Selena were the couple everyone wanted to see. 

Now they had just bought their own nightclub in which to host the parties.  Yet it was the back of the nightclub that caused rumours to circulate worldwide.  The back, which was known simply as ‘The Motel’.

The Motel had twelve guest rooms, rooms that were by invitation only.  It was here that the real parties happened.

Ivan and Selena invited their A-list friends to stay here, and the DJs and dancers.  Everybody wanted an invite, yet only few got it.  For those that did, the experience was like nothing and nowhere else.  Drug and sex fuelled parties that were wilder than anywhere else, with faces from films and magazines.  People would party and wake to finding themselves in the arms of their favourite film star, or royalty.  With blurred memories, they would rub their eyes, trying to establish whether or not they were dreaming, or whether this was in fact reality.  Topless girls would strut along the corridors wearing only pink feather boas, as music blasted twenty-four hours a day from the speakers.  The party was never-ending and no one ever got any sleep.

It was known that the Motel was where everything went on.   Yet the nightclub still filled itself out to its maximum capacity every night, hosting the world’s best DJs and performers.  There was nothing that didn’t happen there.


Ivan drove the 4 x 4 jeep he had acquired recently along the coastline, looking out to sea, thoughtful and pensive.

Things were going better than he could ever have dreamed with the nightclub.  He had left London five years earlier with a vision to change the party scene in Mikanos, and now he had done it.  He had set up ‘Select’, a night which in the first few months had become one of the most popular on the island.  And it had just got bigger and bigger.

Now, in his late twenties, he was already a self-made millionaire.  His deep blue eyes reflected the sea that he looked out on.  With chiselled features and dark brown hair, there were few people who met Ivan that did not become spell bound by his charm.  His father had had the same good-looks and charm, though had also fallen into the criminal underworld and spent much of his life in prison, leading Ivan to live a solitary life with his grandparents, as Ivan’s mother had died during childbirth.  Something, which Ivan had felt, his father had never forgiven him for.

He pulled up into the little road, which led to the back entrance of The Motel.  Alexandro, the Motel chef, was outside smoking a cigarette.

“Hey Ivan”, Alexandro held out his hand warmly to greet his boss.  Ivan and Selena were very popular with all of their staff.  Quite simply, everybody loved them, which was part of the reason their nights had become so popular.  Everybody wanted to be there because everybody was there.

“Hey Alexandro, my man, how are things?” Ivan said in a friendly tone to the chef.

“You know, same as ever, same wild parties going on in there.” Alexandro pointed toward the Motel, shaking his head, almost in disbelief.

“Ha ha ha” said Ivan laughing. “You know Alexandro, it never stops!”  Ivan exclaimed while opening the back door and going inside.

When he entered the corridor, heading down to the bedroom he shared with Selena, he was greeted by loud psychedelic trance music streaming from the speakers.  He could laughter and talking coming from the other rooms, and walked past an open door, with five girls and two men, lying half naked on the bed, as one girl danced, wearing leopard skin shorts and a leopard skin hat, high heels, and nothing else.  Similar scenes played on it the other rooms.

As Ivan entered their bedroom he called out Selena’s name.

“Selena!  Darling Selena, where are you?”  Selena was nowhere to be seen.  He looked around the bedroom, filled with lava lamps and tiger skin rugs, going into the bathroom, which housed their own private Jacuzzi beneath a beautiful chandelier.  Going out onto the balcony he looked at the street below.   The room looked out onto one road and the sea.  He could not see the black Porsche, which Selena owned. 

“Who knows?” Ivan thought to himself as he wondered about Selena’s whereabouts.

He went down to the Motel office to check whether the rooms were ready for Tatiana and her crew’s arrival that afternoon.  Tatiana, rumoured to be a princess of somewhere in Eastern Europe, would be arriving by boat that evening.  Apparently she had rented a boat that was costing her one million euros to rent for the month, and she had ten of her guests coming with her.

Tatiana was one of the biggest party girls he knew.  He had met her earlier that year when she had come to one of the nightclub parties.

He had already been informed that she was royalty.  He had been charming and kind and asked her if there was anything she needed, after bringing her two bottles of their best champagne for her an her guests.

“Well.” She said in a heavily seductive Eastern European accent.

“I have heard there is a Motel in the back?” She paused raising an eyebrow toward Ivan.

“And that that is where shit really happens?” she had continued.  Ivan had looked at her and smiled and it had been then he noticed how beautiful she was.  With ice white skin, and dark hair, she had delicate features and very full breasts.  And that night he had offered her an invitation to stay at the Motel in the middle of summer.

Middle of summer had arrived and she would be arriving that evening.  He wanted to make sure everything was prepared.


Chapter 2


As the first ‘Select’ parties had been held on the beach, although they now owned their own nightclub, Ivan and Selena had kept to the tradition and still held a scene on the beach before everyone headed to the nightclub.  They would meet for drinks and dancing and the DJs and the dancers would be there.  It was here that Ivan had told Tatiana to meet them. 

When Ivan arrived at the beach with two of the dancers, he noticed most of the ‘Select’ crew already there.  That week they had staying with them, one top model and two of her friends, three world class DJ’s, and a film star and his wife, plus one of the members of the world’s biggest rock n’ roll band at the time.

Ivan and the two dancers headed down to meet the rest of the crew.  Ivan noticed Selena deeply engaged in conversation with Adam, one of the big DJs staying with them.  They were so close to each other they were almost whispering, and it seemed Selena was almost draped over Adam’s body as he leaned back on the chair.  Ivan strode over toward them confidently, trying to suppress the uneasy feeling he felt in his stomach.  He put his hands on Selena’s shoulders as he bent down to kiss her cheek.  Adam looked up at Ivan and shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

“Hi darling.” Said Ivan as he kissed Selena.  Selena looked up at him, squinting from the sunlight.

Ivan held out his hand to Adam.

“Has the boat arrived?” Ivan asked Selena.

“Boat?” Selena asked.

“Yes, Tatiana, that princess or something or other.  Remember?  They are staying at the Motel.”

Adam looked out to sea.

“Oh well, I don’t know what she looks like.” Said Selena.

Ivan shrugged his shoulders as he went off to search around for Tatiana, squinting his eyes out to see looking for a X-million-pound boat. Selena leant back into her conversation with Adam.  They seemed to be laughing profusely about something and were completely off their heads.

Ivan, though not one to shy away from drugs and parties, had taken it easy the night before, though it would seem that Selena had been out all night and not been to bed yet.  Still, he wasn’t one to judge.

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