Sexy Little Liar (10 page)

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“Get y'all fine asses up in here!” Dane said, adjusting his bone and then reaching out to hug me. We followed him inside his cute loft apartment that was five times bigger than the crib me and Bunni lived in with Peaches. There were two real big bedrooms and two luxurious bathrooms, a loft, a living area, and a kitchen that the servants kept on jam.
Dane Dominion was a regular ol' dick swinger. He was one of those rapper dudes who wasn't never gonna grow up, and at twenty-four years old he was still in college and still running around town DJ'ing at clubs and parties. Dane was street smart, and he kept him some kinda hustle going, but his main grind was getting high, laying tracks, and banging all the lil groupies and honeys who lived in his college dorm.
From the first day we met, me and Bunni had been vibing with Dane right off the bat. He wasn't nothing like I thought a rich dude would be. Not only was he all about partying, smoking trees, and getting tipsy just like I was, Dane had treated me real righteous when I bust up in the joint claiming I was a long-lost family member. He had accepted my word that I was his sister Sable, and left it at that.
“What's going on?” I said as the three of us went into his large bedroom. Dane hopped up on his elevated loft bed, and me and Bunni both took off our shoes so we could get up on there with him.
“Yo, hold up.” I hand-checked Bunni before she could fly off into parts unknown, and then I grilled Dane with my nose in the air. I waved my hand toward his blankets and said real snooty-like, “Your shit is proper up in there, ain't it? I mean, I hope you ain't been hot-sheeting no freaky-ass chicks 'cause I ain't tryna land in nobody else's puddle, ya heard?”
Dane laughed. “Nah, baby sis. I got it nice and fresh for y'all. Word, I ain't bounced nobody around in at least two hours.”
Dane pressed a button on his console and a sick beat under DJ Kay Slay blared through the expensive studio speakers that were positioned all around the room. He reached up on his headboard and pulled down a stick of yay rolled with Big Bambu, and he passed it over to Bunni so she could spark it up.
“It's a good thing you brought your ass back down here,” Dane said as the three of us puffed, passed, and grooved to the sounds. “Bump is tryna get extra with his shit, for real.”
I shook my head. “Look, Dane, I get everything you told me, and Uncle Suge even says the same things, but y'all know Barron can't stand my ass. How is me being down here gonna help everybody get paid?”
“That's the easy part,” Dane said. “All you gotta do is show up. Show up at the board meeting with the rest of us and let it be know which team you're batting on and we should be set.”
I took a deep toke on the joint and squinted through one eye. “How you figure?”
“Check it out,” Dane explained. “Like I told you before, Pops is sliding fast. The doctors don't know how long he's gonna be able to hold on. But even if he does manage to make it, there's almost no chance in hell that he's gonna get back to a point where he can run the business again. And that's where Barron comes in.”
I nodded. “Right, I get that part. If your—I mean if
father can't do his job no more, then Barron gets to take over the company.”
“Yeah. But not only does B get to run the company, he gets two shareholder votes on the board, and that means he can take control of all the money too. And that includes the family trust fund that Pops started. He organized it so all of us could get three-hundred-thousands yards a year for life, but if Bump gets his finger on that trigger we could all end up with our pockets shot full of holes.”
“And how am I gonna be the one to stop him?”
“C'mon, now, girl. You ain't stupid so add shit up. When Sable was missing Pops always had control of her vote. If Pops is outta the picture and Barron is in charge, then
gets control of Sable's vote. That nigga gets to vote
. But now that your DNA test came back you're automatically a member of the board and you get to cast your own vote. We just need you to throw it in the same pot with ours so we can stop Barron from taking over in the first place. But don't forget, Mink,” he cautioned, “you gotta make sure your shit looks squeaky clean, baby sister. At least on paper. If Barron digs up any kind of grime on you and passes it off to the rest of the board members, then they can say you violated the terms of the trust and snatch up all your money. I mean you still get to vote either way, but whether or not you get paid is up to them.”
I bit my lip and thought about that shit real hard. I had been pulling cons and capers practically my whole damn life. If Barron dug deep enough he could come up with enough dirt on my behind to fill up that big-ass pond they had out back. Twice. That nigga was already sniffing on my tail and coming up with small stuff. How the hell was I supposed to keep him from finding out about all my most diabolical criminal capers?
“So who's down on whose team?” I asked, my mind whirling like a computer. I needed to know how long the odds looked before I got in any deeper. “Who's in your corner, and how many people can we count on to have our back?”
Dane took a swig from his bottle and said, “Right now we lookin' kinda light. It's just me, Uncle Suge, you, and maybe Jock, if we keep leaning on his ass.”
“What about Fallon? She ain't gonna be down?”
Dane shook his head real quick. “Hell nah. She's Bump's baby. He's been daddying that girl since the day she was born. Wherever Barron leads, that's where Fallon is gonna follow. So are you down wit' it or what?”
I nodded. “Yeah,” I agreed. I was gonna need a real big mop to wipe away all the dirty tracks I had left behind, but three hundred grand a year was more than a grip, and I was down for almost anything if it meant padding my designer purse with that kind of loot.
“Hell yeah,” I said real quick. “I'm down to the ground. Count me in.”
e laid up in the bed smoking yay with Dane for a little while longer, but then Bunni started getting all freaky and shit. She slid her foot up the leg of Dane's shorts and started teasing him, stroking his dick with her toes, and when he grabbed her ankle and bent over and got to sucking on her crusty big toe, I knew it was time for me to dip.
I left them getting naked under the covers and went back inside the main house to look for my baby brother, Jock. For him to be the baby boy and the only biological son in the Dominion clan, it seemed like Viceroy and Selah had slacked off when it came to raising his little ass. Jock was only eighteen but he was a dro-head to the max, and he sagged and styled hood shine like he came outta the trenches of Brooklyn or something. He looked just like a younger Viceroy in the face. He was tall and built damn near as cut as Barron, and he had a thug-a-licious look about him that kept plenty of young girls sniffing on his dick.
Upstairs in the mansion I took my time walking to Jock's room. He lived on the wing opposite from mine, and I couldn't believe how shiny all the banisters were, how plush the miles of carpet felt under my feet, or how luxurious and beautiful the Dominion home really was.
There was loud music blasting from the room when I knocked on Jock's door, and I could hear him in there throwing his lil weak rap lines down over a slick beat by a hot producer named Ken Will who was blowing up on Facebook for his hit-making beats.
“What's up, baby brother!” I squealed when Jock opened the door.
“Mink.” He greeted me with a grin and reached out for a hug. “Wussup?” he said, opening the door wider so I could come in. “What you doing back in Texas, girl?”
“I came back to check you out,” I said, looking around the room with my eyes bucked open wide. Jock was a pussy freak. There were crazy pictures of monster-booty chicks in erotic poses all over his walls. Some of them jawns looked just like racehorses from the back, with their humongous muscled-up asses hanging halfway down to the ground. That shit was scary. I knew I had a sweet ass and my tail-feather was nice and round, but the asses on these nasty beasts looked like birth defects. They were outrageously freaky and damn near obscene.
“What?” he said, laughing at the look of disgust on my face. “What's the problem?”
I shrugged. “I ain't got no problem. I just don't know how you sleep in here with all that scary-looking ass up in your face all night long.”
He cracked up. “Ass is a good thing, Mink! Ass is a real good thing!”
“Uh-uh.” I frowned and rolled my eyes at him. “All ass ain't good ass, honey. And don't believe the hype neither. You
get hold of too much of a good thing.”
Jock kept right on laughing with his crazy self. “Only a female would say some shit like that. Only a female.”
“Yeah, whatever.” I waved my hand as I sat down on a beanbag and crossed my legs. “So besides chasing donkey butts in your dreams, tell me what you been doing since I left?”
Jock opened his little fridge and took out two beers and passed me one.
“I been straight, man,” he said. “Just tryna chill and have a little fun while I can, ya dig? Before you know it the whole summer is gonna be over and it'll be time for me to go back to school.”
I nodded. “For real. It seems like just yesterday we were getting blasted at the Fourth of July barbeque and it looked like Viceroy was getting better.”
Jock shrugged and kept at his beer like he didn't wanna talk about his father.
“You think he's gonna get better?” I pushed him.
Jock shrugged again. “He comes and goes. One minute it looks like he's doing better, and then the next minute the doctors are saying he ain't gonna make it. I don't really know.”
“Well, I heard he's even sicker now than he was when I was down here before. You been to Houston to see him recently?”
“Yeah. We flew down there the other day.”
“Oh really? So how did he seem to you?”
He chugged back some brew. “He seemed a'ight. The same as usual. You know . . . just laying there.”
“Yeah, that's what I heard. I also heard Bump is tryna slide in ya pop's seat so he can take over. He called a meeting with the board, you know.”
Jock shook his head and stood up. “I see what you getting at, but I don't fuck with none of that business stuff, Mink.” He tossed his empty beer bottle in a small garbage can. “Dane and Uncle Suge already came at me about all this. If you're trying to scope out some info on DO, I ain't the one.”
“How are you not the one, Jock? Shit, yes you are! You get a vote on the board just like everybody else do.”
“But I ain't never voted before. You gotta be eighteen and I just crossed that line last week, ya dig? Besides, I'm on the fence with this shit. My father always votes for me. Whatever's good with him is good with me.”
“That's what I'm saying though!” I jumped up and touched his shoulder. “You need to get off the fence because your pops can't vote for you this time. Hell, he can't even vote for his own damn self.”
“Then Barron'll do it. He's my brother, and he's down for the family bizz. Whatever Bump wants to do, I'll ride with him.”
“Why?” I demanded. “Just because he says so?”
“Nah, it ain't just that. He's my brother, Mink. My
“Hey now!” I said, getting all up in his face. “I'ma ya damn sister, too? Remember?” I stared him down, silently reminding him about the little understanding we was supposed to have.
Jock's eyes mighta been red and chinky from all the weed he had smoked, but I could still see the smart-ass look that flashed in them as he smirked at me and then laughed out loud. “That's some funny shit, Mink. Know what? New York chicks like you got a rep for scheming. Your whole shit is funny though. You's a real funny girl.”
Oh, okay, nigga. So you wanna go there?
“Nah,” I said, stepping across the line and smacking the shit outta him with my trump card. “Funny was the color of that white chick's face when Uncle Suge dragged her dead ass outta the pool house and stuffed her into the back of his truck that night! Yeah,” I said when those slanted red eyes of his got real big and round. I could see his lil young, pea-sized brain twisting and turning, shocked as hell that I was about to blow his spot up. “That shit was
fuckin' funny! Matter fact, it was so damn funny that you forgot to laugh. If I remember that shit right, you was out there
, nigga!
! What exactly did you and your little friends do to that silly white girl, Jock? I mean damn, she looked totally fucked up, nah'mean? High, drunk, straight toasted to a crisp. But she was way overdone, nah'mean? That bitch was cocked-out cold, and something tells me she still ain't came to yet.”
Jock's cute lil face looked like a slab of concrete. Hard and frozen with fear. “Yo, Mink. Chill with all that. Everything got all fucked up that night. That girl was crazy. It wasn't my fault.”
I blasted on him. “Tell that shit to the po-po, baby! That white chick was
“Shhh!” Jock said and pressed one finger to his lips. His young ass was shook. Straight up petro. “Not so loud! Chill the fuck out, all right? A'ight.” He licked his lips and his beady eyes darted back and forth. “You shaking me down and that's fucked up, Mink. So what do you want? Huh? What the hell do you want?”
Now that's more like it!
I thought and flashed him a sly grin.
“What do I want?” I asked innocently. I pursed my lips and looked up in the air like the answer was plastered somewhere on the ceiling. “Well,” I said as I twirled my hair and put my hands on my hips. I narrowed my eyes and shot his little ass a round of hot bullets from my eyes. “You can start by fixing your damn face and checking that 'tude when you talking to me. And after that,” I told my shook little play-brother, “I want you to climb your ass off that voting fence you straddling and make sure you jump down on the right side.”
Five minutes after I got back to my suite my cell phone buzzed. It was Uncle Suge, and he was parked outside waiting for me. I bounced down the stairs in my stark-white skin-tight Birthday Cake shorts and frilly ribbed halter, looking and smelling like something good to fuck.
And that's exactly what Uncle Suge wanted to do to me when I jumped up in his truck and gave him a real hot tongue kiss.
“Ummm,” he moaned as he reached for my halter and rolled it down until the tops of my swollen titties was showing. I ain't have no shame. I did him one better and pulled that shit
the way down! My twins jumped free and sat up looking bold and ripe, bouncing around like two hot, suckable water balloons.
“I missed these,” he said and took one in each hand. My clit started blinking as he thumbed my erect nipples and squeezed my titties with just the right amount of pressure. I made up my mind right then and there. I wanted that nigga. I went straight for his dick, reaching into his lap and gripping the big bulge of prime Texas meat I knew was waiting for me in his pants.
“Hold up, hottie”—he laughed and pushed my hand away—“before somebody sees us.” I backed away a little bit as he put his truck in drive and pulled off. My naked titties was jiggling under the hot sun as he drove around to the back of the mansion and parked under a big oak tree. The cool shade felt good and it took the heat in the truck down a notch, but my coochie was still burning on fire for Big Suge.
He rolled up all the windows and turned the air-conditioner on. I rolled my halter down around my stomach, and he damn near tore my belt and my hot little designer shorts off tryna get to my pussy.
And when he finally did get my gear off my stuff was soaking wet for him. He urged me back on the seat until I was leaning against the window, then he stared down into my neatly-trimmed naked pussy and grunted real hard.
That dude took the plunge! He had his tongue up in me before I knew he had moved. He grunted and slurped as he licked my pussy meat like it was a gourmet affair, nibbling on my wet flesh and flicking his stiff tongue back and forth over my clit as I screamed and creamed in delight.
My body trembled and I sweated with my first nut, but I wasn't through yet. I raised my knees until my lower body looked like a giant letter M. Suge slid his big rough hands under my ass and lifted my hips up to his mouth again, and ate me like I was his favorite-flavored pie. I squealed and jumped as he slid his finger up my ass and gently fucked my back door, and I reached up and held onto the overhead handle and rode that shit like a wave.
I don't know how he got his weapon wrapped up, but somehow he did.
“Lemme see that ass,” he begged me as he gripped his long dick in both his hands. “Turn over, baby. Lemme see that ass.”
I rotated my body on the seat until I was up on my knees with my ass facing him. I looked over my shoulder and saw the way he was staring at my bold double cheeks, and got more turned on than ever. I knew I had booty for days, but I loved the way Suge looked at my body, like it was the finest one he had ever seen.
He scooted outta his seat and placed one palm on each of my ass cheeks. I felt his breath on my neck as he massaged my flesh, squeezing and stroking my buns until heat started surging in my clit again. My naked titties was pressed up against my window as he breathed hard and played with my ass. I wanted to feel that dick up in me, but Suge wanted something else.
I gazed at him over my shoulder as he removed the magnum from his enormous dick. He gripped it in one hand, then went up on his knees and started rubbing the head of it all over my ass. That shit felt spectacular, and between the cold glass on my hard nipples and the way he was slapping the head of his wet dick all over my sweat-covered ass, I lost it. Sticking two fingers deep inside my hot pussy, I fucked myself deeply as I poked my ass out and enjoyed the sensation of his hot, rubbing dick.
Suge parted my left ass cheek a little and held me open. He pushed the tip of his dick against my asshole, and when he gave a little push I pulled my fingers outta my pussy and played with my throbbing clit until I came. And the moment he felt me let go Suge busted him one too. He slapped all over my sensitive booty with his hard, squirting dick, and by the time his nuts was empty we were both exhausted.
I was slobbering on the window when he opened his glove box and took out some wet wipes. I stayed on my knees until he wiped the cum and sweat off my ass cheeks, and then he pulled me back and held me gently in his arms.
“Ahhhh.” He sighed as I snuggled with my back against his chest. His rock-hard forearm was around my neck, and I lowered my chin and kissed his chocolate skin.
“So, did you miss this or what?” I asked him boldly.

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