Shades of Shame (Semper Fi) (2 page)

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Authors: Laura Cooper,Christopher Cooper

BOOK: Shades of Shame (Semper Fi)
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David moved in for the kill, placing his mouth directly above hers.  Their lips met; tongues intertwined as her orgasm rocked her back and forth against his touch.  Her thighs slammed shut, her moans only muffled by his mouth as she screamed her orgasm into the moonlit night.

Feeling her orgasm shake through her entire body did more than just swell David’s infatuation for his wife.  He tried to take his usual position, but as he maneuvered around she said, “Wait.  Please.”  She scrambled to her feet, closing her robe tightly around her waist.  She tried desperately to sound serious as she stood next to the captain’s chair.  “I have another surprise for you, Captain.  Take the helm,” she said with a slight giggle, “and I’ll be right back.

Elise was so happy; she seemed to almost glide across the flybridge, she was finally in her element.  She opened the bar and fixed him a brandy, then pulled out a small box that had been meticulously gift wrapped.  He took the brandy and sipped as she untied the simple gold ribbon from around the black box.  He opened it and found a silver cigar case, loaded with his favorite cigars.  He knew he must have done something right. 
Either that or the boat refit had cost a great deal,
he thought with a smirk.

Elise carefully placed a pillow on the deck and dropped to her knees in front of him.  Her beautiful form wrapped in fine silk opened slightly as she maneuvered between his thighs.  She pulled at the silk tie wrapped around David’s waist, opening his robe to admire her handy work.  She had spent the last two weeks creating an incredible environment for them, and now she was ready to complete her dream evening.

Her tiny little hands were cold at first as she lifted him with both hands.  She grabbed his manhood firmly, just below the head, holding it straight up as she nuzzled her nose into his crotch.  Her warm breath washed over him as she slowly kissed the underside of the shaft, working slowly but deliberately towards the head.  With her other hand she gently cupped his balls, squeezing them just tight enough to feel a reaction.  She teased him to the point she thought he would burst.  Each kiss left just enough saliva to cause him a momentary chill before her next hot breath resumed; David was in ecstasy.

His erection was taking a life of its own as it began to pulsate almost in unison with her kisses and licks.  Once she had covered every inch of exposed flesh, she turned her attention to his balls, bathing them with her tongue; slowly sucking each one into her incredible mouth tenderly.  The moonlight cast a shadow across her face while the ever increasing chatty seagulls seem to drown out his moans of pleasure.  He tried to be quiet, but the entire scenario playing out before him made it impossible.  It was almost an all out assault on his senses, and the combination of sounds, sights, and her steady loving touch pushed him over the edge.  His moans of pleasure were guttural and animalistic against the gentle loll of the tides.

Finally released, he drew in a gasp of air, “Oh Elise!  You have so many talents, my dear!”


The New Intern

Leila settled into her new desk just opposite a dark haired girl who did not look happy to share the office air with her.  Sharing it with the other eight interns was an added insult it seemed.  The fuel to the girl’s current fire was that Leila was ‘special.’  Everyone knew her mother was Patricia Johnson, Chief of Staff for the Senator.  Still, the dark haired girl gritted her teeth and issued the obligatory smile of acknowledgement that would meet the bare minimum of office manners.  Nevertheless, it was effective.  Leila got the message she was trying to send.  If they were felines it would have come out as a warning hiss, although it meant little to Leila.  From the moment she decided to take this internship she began to plot and plan her advancement.  And Leila Johnson left no stone unturned, and nothing to chance… ever.  She smiled back at Lindsay almost pitifully; the poor girl had no idea that she was already as good as road kill.

Leila pulled a small, leather bound book from her bag.  The well worn exterior always felt so sensual beneath her fingers.  And between its well worn pages were plenty of sensual secrets.  So far, the details written in perfect penmanship could only take down a few stuffy prep school professors, a college dean and… oddly… her own mother.  Yes, this was Leila’s book of secrets, and she was excited to add fresh, more earth shattering chapters.  She took careful note of the time, the key personnel in the office, and even took meticulous notes about what seemed like normal events such as who filled the water cooler, who delivered the mail to the office, what intern was most often sent on coffee runs.  This information, however mundane and incomprehensible now, might prove to be useful later on.

In fact, she’d already made three entries that morning after arriving an hour early for her first day.  Normal business hours were eight to five, but she noted that Wilma Thurbow, Patricia Johnson’s personal secretary, arrived at ten minutes to eight.  Wilma prepared the first pot of coffee of the day and put away her files prior to anyone even showing up for work.

The next person in the office was James Simmons, a young web developer who said he graduated from Georgetown a couple of years ago.  Leila’s first impression was that he was too informally dressed; wearing jeans and a golf shirt.  Not exactly the attire appropriate for a U.S. Senate office.  Additionally, his conversational speech didn’t seem like someone who took his political career seriously.  And finally, his boasting about his laundry list of responsibilities made him seem more like a man stuck at his position, just not aware of it.  His repeated resume regurgitation made her think he was on a job interview with
.  Even that transgression, duly noted in her notebook, would not be taken lightly because Leila Johnson was certainly not going to underestimate
.  Those kind of common mistakes would be left to those she would leave in her wake.  Still, she took her time and rounded the room, introducing herself to each person.

Her first order of business was to establish herself, and there was no sense in pretending she wasn’t Patricia’s daughter.  Everyone knew it, everyone resented it, and it would only make her seem immature to attempt to cover it up with niceties.  Fortunately, the ‘office bitch’ position had already been filled by her mother.  Leila was glad she didn’t have to be the lioness in this pride.  Her plan this summer wasn’t to fight her way to the top, no… this summer she was hoping for a lot of under-cover work to advance her.

So now, at 10:15 a.m. she made her first entry regarding Senator David McNarry.  She took note of the time the elevator doors opened, the time he made his first appearance of the day, even the number of people that followed him like pigeons feeding off the crumbs he left behind.  He seemed to suck all the air from the room as he breezed past her.  All tedious and monotonous office tasks were forgotten as the man commanded everyone’s attention.  Leila took careful note of everyone who followed him into his office, how long each one stayed, and the level of sourness on their faces as they emerged.

“You writing a novel?” the dark haired girl asked, making no effort to hide her sarcasm.

Without raising her head to acknowledge her, Leila responded coldly, “I take a lot of notes.  Is that a problem for you?”

Lindsay raised her eyebrows and smirked, but ignored the question entirely.  Instead, the dark hair girl announced, “Ms. Johnson asked that all the interns gather in the conference room at 10:30.  It’s the fourth…”

“I know,” Leila said, purposely interrupting her, “fourth door on the right.  Just past the copy room.  Anything else, uh… Leslie is it?”

“Lindsay,” she retorted authoritatively.  “It’d be wise for you not to forget it.”

Leila knew that wasn’t the mousy girl’s name, and she intentionally got it wrong, just like interrupting her.  It was important to establish with Lindsay Smith that she was inconsequential, unimportant.  Although Leila had doubts as to whether she was smart enough to pick up on it.  Still, this exercise would continue until Lindsay dropped the attitude.  It was petty, and most people wouldn’t understand it, but it was a tough lesson she learned directly from the master:  her mother.

Leila flipped her book open one last time before stashing it back in her leather bag.  “Lindsay Smith sleeping with McNarry,” she wrote on the next empty page.  The girl’s arrogant attitude didn’t match her small town appearance.  Even typical office jealousy couldn’t explain her ‘better than thou’ tone.  She was sleeping with someone in the office, there was no mistaking that.  Judging by the temperance of threat in her voice it was the man himself.  No matter, at least now Leila knew the competition and it wasn’t much to overcome.  This summer internship was going to be a
walk in the park
, and when it was over she could write her own ticket to Washington.

The day was pretty much what she expected; her mother took the obligatory time to introduce her to the entire office staff.  She also assigned Leila to assist Wendy Adams, the Regional Director to the 2
district of the Senator’s home state.  Her duties were researching local issues of the district and assisting Mrs. Adams with perfunctory calls and correspondence in conjunction with the Congressional office of that district.  She was pretty much a glorified babysitter for the local issues of civic leaders.  It wasn’t what she’d had in mind, but she understood the progression required.  There was a ladder to climb and all Leila needed was to guarantee that she was the first to the top. 
With this group that shouldn’t be difficult
.  First and foremost was to ensure the Senator was never blindsided by local issues.  Staying one step ahead of the rest of the world was Leila’s specialty.  In retrospect it’d been wise of her mother to assign her to this position.

As an added plus, Leila instantly liked Wendy Adams.  She wouldn’t underestimate the chunky, middle aged woman, but she appreciated her motherly tone and careful attention to detail.  Leila’s own social skills left something to be desired; she certainly didn’t issue ‘warm fuzzies’ naturally.  She looked forward to taking meticulous notes on Mrs. Adam’s techniques.  Nothing in her rigid plan for the summer said that it couldn’t be a learning experience.  On the contrary, she was always open to adding to her arsenal of success building attributes.

Finally, Leila returned to her desk to check her email.  There it was:  her first email from Ms. Johnson, Chief of Staff, also known to her and her alone, as Mother.  The message was short and to the point.

Dinner at the McNarry’s, a car will pick us up at seven.  Logan will be there, remember Logan?  Dress appropriately.

Irritation swarmed through her. 
Why did her mother always feel she needed to add ‘dress appropriately?’
  Leila always dressed appropriately!  Her choice of clothing was exquisite; today she’d chosen a simple black dress, pearls, stockings and low black heels. 
What was her mother up to now?  Logan will be there?  For God’s sake did she seriously think so little of her own daughter that she would try to fix her up with that spoiled little society brat?

She gritted her teeth and shut her computer down for the day.  There was no need to let her mother’s email ruin her mood.  Quite frankly, it was very much the same as most of her interactions with her mother...chilly.

Dinner at the McNarry’s might just provide just the opportunity Leila was waiting for.  Forget the little boy; Leila was going straight for the big dog. 
‘Dress appropriately’
Tonight she would be dressed to kill! 
Silly mother… hadn’t anyone told her tricks are for kids?  And this was her game!


Grab a Cab

David stared in the mirror and criticized himself.  His body showed the affects of stress and the daily barrage of information and demands for his time.  For the most part he seemed to have maintained a fairly good physique despite his infrequent exercise.  Of course, without the proper guidance he would go for days without eating, which helped his weight.  What were once rock hard abs were now covered in a layer of rapidly multiplying gray hair.  Once Elise had teased him saying that each gray hair was an intern he’d fucked.  He’d explained that couldn’t be the case because if it was he’d look like a Siamese cat!  She hadn’t appreciated that humor, and her disdain for his attitude resulted in her taking Logan and spending last summer in Boston.  It’d cost him two month’s salary on a boat re-fit, and a minor heart attack to get them back.

But Elise wasn’t the caregiver in their relationship; she’d never seen that as her job.  He’d met her after a near fatal encounter involving his plane and the Pacific Ocean many years ago.  She was his nurse at the VA Hospital, and then Ronald had hired her for ‘at home care’ when he was released.  He’d been amazed at how quickly she wiggled her slim little hips into his bed, his home, and his heart.  She was such a progressive woman he mused, in so, so many ways.

He smiled into the mirror at the thought of Elise; she was an outstanding mother to their son.  She couldn’t microwave a bowl of soup, and once he’d even caught her in a store marveling over the complexities of a frying pan.  But still, she was astoundingly perfect.  A woman of such generous talents shouldn’t waste her time cooking he’d told her.  They’d been wise enough to hire Gracie shortly after their marriage, thus saving them all from starvation.  It’d been instant friendship between Elise and Gracie; they were as thick as thieves.  But Gracie wasn’t fond of his sinful ways, she refused to step one toe inside the condo he kept near his Senate office.  It was the ‘Den of Sin’ according to her, and as long as he continued to spend time there
with those whores
he could starve and wallow in his own filth.  David chuckled; these women in his life were wearing him down.  He looked even closer at his eyes in the mirror, the dark circles told him that time was running circles around him.  His body was worn down, and his mind was not far behind.  He wasn’t sure he even recognized himself anymore.

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