Shadow of Doubt: Part 2 (5 page)

Read Shadow of Doubt: Part 2 Online

Authors: W.J. May

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #mythology, #shadows, #telephones

BOOK: Shadow of Doubt: Part 2
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The vibration of his cell against the
leather couch brought him back to the moment, and he rushed to get


“Yeah, mate. You aren’t going to
believe this.”

Erebus could tell Coty was shaking his
head as he spoke. Erebus said nothing, just waited for the axe to

“Nanny’s here. I’m not lying. I just
saw her, in the freakin’ flesh. She’s looking for you. She drilled
me for your number, where you’re at, and who, as she put it, was
the blonde slut you were with last night.”

“You didn’t tell her.” Erebus’ heart
raced, and his breathing came out in short gasps.

“Nada. No way am I telling her
anything about you, your pad, or Aurora. You know, she’d kill
everybody in this town to get to you. That is one crazy

Erebus sighed, collapsing on the
couch. “I know. I need to find Janus before she does.”

“Shoot man, I’m sorry. I can’t help
you there. I don’t see him again until Friday.” That was two days

“Do you have his cell?” Erebus had
never asked Janus for it. They always met on Friday, so he’d never
needed to get a hold of him.

“Nope. Never called him actually. I
think your best bet’s to stay at your pad, use the K-Six, and wait
till Friday. You don’t hang out with any other Shadows, except for
me if it’s an emergency. Nanny’s not going to be able to find you.
When Friday rolls around, Janus’ll find you before Nanny finds

“I think she’s already spoken to
Janus. She knew his name.” Erebus forced his shoulders to relax.
“You’re probably right though, I’ll find Janus before she does.”
Should he tell Coty Aurora now knew everything? “Aurora’s coming
over in a bit.”

“Are you crazy? Keep her away till
after you talk to Janus. Knowing Nanny, she’s gonna follow her
around to find you.”

Could Nanny already know where Aurora
lived? It didn’t seem likely but it wasn’t a risk Erebus was
willing to take. “I’m worried about Aurora’s safety.”

“Then get her to leave town. Doesn’t
she live in Mexico or something?”

“Texas. That’s not a bad idea.” Erebus
got up and walked to his bedroom. He pulled open the drawer of the
nightstand to count his cash. He wouldn’t be able to get to the
park to dig up more, at least not until he figured out Nanny’s
intentions, or could be positive she wasn’t following him. He
tucked his cell under his chin and half-listened to Coty babble
while he counted. He had about a thousand dollars. It should be
enough for a last minute flight to Texas. He stuffed it in his back
pocket just as he heard a knock at the door.

“How’d you ever hook up with Nanny? I
can’t imagine her ever being your type.”

“You don’t want to know. Hey, I gotta
go. Aurora’s here. I’ll call you later.” Coty continued to babble
as Erebus shut his cell. He ran his fingers through his hair as he
walked towards the door. Biting the inside of his cheek, he forced
himself to appear calm as he opened the door. “Aurora.”

“Hiya.” She kissed him on his cheek,
brushing by and bringing the cool, fresh air in with

He could smell sunshine in her hair as
she stepped by. He savored it as he watched her strip out of her
long winter coat and settle onto the couch, her face flushed with

“Okay. I’ve got a million questions
and don’t know where to begin.” She tucked a leg underneath her and
threw an arm over the back of the couch. “Did you know from the
beginning you weren’t normal? Did you automatically know your
Shadow was a phone booth? Or that it had to be a pay phone, not
just any phone? How’d you know exactly when you have to step into
one? Can you come out during an eclipse?” She inhaled, her mouth
hanging slightly ajar, her eyes sparkling.

Erebus watched her from the still open
door, a smile on his lips despite the seriousness of the situation.
He closed the door and came around to sit on the ottoman facing the
couch. “Slow down.” He placed a hand on her bouncing knee.
Apparently when Aurora was around, he could put his terror on hold
and drop everything to sit and chat with her.

“Sorry. I knew I should’ve written
everything down. I work better in debate when I have everything
written in front of me.” She tapped her fingernails on the couch.
“It just blows my mind this is true, that you’re real.”

“I am, but so is the situation I’ve
just put you in. No one can know about us.” He folded his hands in
front of him, leaning forward. “My telling you is very, very
serious. It goes against our laws. I’ve gotten myself into trouble,
but worse, I’ve put you in danger.” He could feel a bead of sweat
start on his forehead as he said the words aloud to her.

She looked undisturbed. “I’ll be fine.
I’ll keep your dirty little secret.” She winked at him. “I just
want to know how it all works and –”

“I’ll answer your queries, but right
now, we need to figure out how to get you out of town.” He reached
into his back pocket and pulled out the cash. “I’ve got enough
money for you to head back home for a few weeks. I just need time
to figure things out and make sure you’ll be safe.” He stared at
the money, unable to look at her face.

“What? I’m not going anywhere. Classes
have just started, and I’m already behind. Plus, my last visit with
my folks was plenty for a few months, trust me.” She reached for
his chin, forcing him to look at her. “What’s this running away all

She didn’t get it. “We’re
not supposed to tell anyone about our life. There
consequences.” He waited for the humor in her eyes
to turn to concern. It took a bit, but when he began to chew on his
inside cheek thinking they were screwed, Aurora’s pupils grew

“Are you in trouble?”

He felt nauseous and didn’t even know
what it meant. “I’m not worried about me. If a Shadow knows I’ve
told you, they have to report it to the handler, in my case, Janus.
He’s then required to tell the Night Council. So you need to get on
a flight home. If the Night Council know, I’m punished according to
our laws and you’re…you’re…” He couldn’t finish. He tossed the
money onto the coffee table.

“What?” She squeezed his chin

“Terminated.” There. It was

“What? How? Why?” Then silence filled
the room. Erebus watched her mind process what he’d said. He saw
fear in her eyes and concentration as she bit on her lower lip. He
imagined her contemplating whether he was worth the threat. Now
she’d leave and be out of his life forever. He held his breath as
he waited, frozen.

“If you don’t tell Coty or any other
Shadow, no one will know, right? I won’t tell.” Her finger played a
rhythm on his jawline. “Then, we’ll be in the clear.”

Fifty percent lawyer, fifty percent
silly girl. “Possibly.” Coty already knew about them. He wouldn’t
tell but Erebus had no right to risk his friend’s life over his
own. “The big problem is Nanny’s just showed up. I need to find out
what she wants. She’s dangerous. I don’t trust her, no one

Her hand dropped from his face like it
was hot. At least that’s what he thought, but she reached for his
hand and held it tight. It felt warm and soft against

“She’s just a nuisance. I’m not scared
of her.”

“You should be.” Erebus rubbed his
face. She wasn’t listening. He reached for her other hand and held
them together in his. “Nanny’s got a vendetta against me. Anyone
remotely related to me is in danger. She has no idea Coty and I are
buddies. She’d go after him if she knew. And you... Even if she
thinks you’re just my plaything. She’s –”

“Plaything? D’you mind explaining that
to me?” She tried to pull her hand away from his and sat

“I kinda told you about this
last night, but obviously, not very well. Shadows don’t have
relationships. We’re supposed to have
. We’ve got a talent, uh, under
the sheets to, uh, keep ourselves entertained and amuse humans.” It
suddenly felt really hot in the room.

“I knew there was a reason why you
were, sorry are, so great at sex. You don’t have to brag about it.”
She nudged him lightly. “That’s just an added bonus

“Aurora.” He sighed, long and

“Please Aar—Erebus. I’m just joking.
You sound so serious about the whole sex thing. It’s like you’re
from the Renaissance with your modesty.” She laughed. “I do
actually get it.” She used her free hand to move around as she
continued. “Coty’s the epitome of what Shadows represent, right?
It’s obvious then that you’re unique. It doesn’t have to be a big
deal if we don’t want it to be.” She watched his face. “What’s this
got to do with Nanny? I get the feeling she’s the poster girl for

“She’s problematical.”

A sarcastic laugh escaped her mouth.
“I hardly doubt that. I think if you strip those outer layers,
she’s pretty simple-minded. I doubt she’s as bright as you

He chuckled. “Perhaps, but she’s
pretty pissed at me. She’s seen you, so that puts you straight in
her line of fire. I can’t let you stay here in town. If she
followed me, or you, and sees you at my place, she’ll put two and
two together. It’ll only be for a little bit.” He shuddered. “She
only knows how to burn the things she touches. I can’t take the
risk. I won’t take that chance.” He kissed her fingers.

“You’re really worried.” Her eyebrows
wrinkled together. “I don’t want you to be scared for me.” She slid
off the couch and crawled between his knees, hugging him as if
suddenly cold. “How about we compromise? Let me take my exam on
Friday, then I’ll take off for a few days. However, I need to be
back next Thursday for a presentation.” She tilted her head. “Would
that give you enough time to deal with Nanny or whatever else you
need to do?”

That meant two days of having to
protect her, then almost a week to get things sorted out. It might
work. He’d make sure it did. “Fine. After tonight, I think it’ll be
better if we don’t see each other until I contact you.” He watched
her open her mouth. “Or you call me if you’re in any danger. I’d
rather err on the side of caution when it comes to Nanny. I hate to
say this, but it’s actually safer if we aren’t together.” At least
it’d look more like a one-night stand last night and Nanny wouldn’t
go hunting Aurora down.

“Oh, alright. But I’m not going to
Texas. It’ll raise too many questions for my folks and I’m not
going to worry them. I’ll find some cheap all-inclusive holiday.
Maybe Torie’ll come along.”

“Fine with me.”
As long as it’s not here
He wanted to jump up and down now that she’d agreed. He reached
behind her and pulled the money off the coffee table. “There’s a
thousand here. I’ll get you more. I just don’t have it here in the

“I don’t need –”

“I’m paying for your trip. No

“Only if you answer my questions about

Chapter 4

Bad Dreams


“What’s it feel like?”

“Pardon?” Erebus pinched the bridge of
his nose. It was well after midnight, and they hadn’t moved from
the living room. He’d shifted from the ottoman to the couch, where
he sat rubbing Aurora’s feet.

“You know, what does it feel like
being a Shadow compared to being human?”

“I don’t know. What does it feel like
being a girl compared to a boy?”

Aurora laughed. “Okay. Fair enough.
You’re normal, so I don’t get how you’re different from me.” She
rubbed a foot against his inner thigh. “Except you being a boy, of

“Shadows and humans are similar in
many ways I guess, but we’re different, too. Since meeting you,
I’ve had so many unique feelings running through me.” His brow
furrowed. “I think they’re emotions. I understand fear because I
face it every morning before dawn. Now I have this other terror
inside – fear you’ll be hurt. I-It’s different than anything I’ve
ever felt.” He concentrated on his hands squeezing and rubbing her
toes and the pads of her feet. “I don’t know what pain is, but now
I think I catch glimpses or little tastes of what it might be like.
If you’d asked me these questions a year ago, there’s no way I’d
really understand how a human thinks and reacts compared to a
Shadow. Now I think I know a bit more.” He shrugged. If he was
going to love her, he might as well be honest with her, and

“Sounds pretty deep. I’ve never
thought of you as superficial, so it seems weird you can describe a
Shadow like that. I’ve always thought you were solemn, sometimes
too serious.” Aurora grabbed a cushion and placed it behind her
head. “When did you become a Shadow? I’m not sure how to ask this
right. When were you, I guess, born?”

“Early twentieth century. It isn’t
recorded anywhere. I know when phones were made, and I emerged from
one of the earlier models. It was a K-One.” He pointed to the
bright red phone booth in his living room. “That’s a K-Six. It’s a
later model than the original K-One, and trust me, a big

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