Shadow of the Sun (The Shadow Saga) (64 page)

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Authors: Merrie P. Wycoff

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Shadow of the Sun (The Shadow Saga)
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12. In the showdown between Sit-Amun and Nefertiti during the Nekhbet ceremonial boat ride, do you think that Nefertiti should have allowed Sit-Amun to have her moment in the spotlight? Would you have donned a war-crown? Can you sympathize with Sit-Amun’s dilemma? What do you think Sit-Amun did to the child she kept prisoner in her room?


13. Should Akhenaten have tried to cheer Merit-Aten up by taking her to the Amun Temple during the festival to retrieve a white kitten? Have you ever been punished by one of your parents and tried to get sympathy from the other one? Or, have your children ever attempted to play one parent against another?


14. How did Hep-Mut the dwarf feel about Merit-Aten slapping her? Did she know that Merit-Aten loved her? Could Merit-Aten have saved her?


15. Sit-Amun and the Hanuti tried to drain the life force of the dying Pharaoh Amunhotep to see his last vision. Do you think we have a life force? Can you imagine a death portal opening up for someone to leave their body? Have you ever been with someone who passed over?


16. Merit-Aten used Pentu’s sacred scroll to read the prayer to bring the dead over. Should she have done that without permission? What is Merit-Aten’s relationship with the family physician? What do you think about the way the Egyptian’s referred to death as westing and to child birth as easting?


17. Should Pharaoh Akhenaten have closed all the Amun Temples and outlawed mummification, hunting, and all dark rituals carried out by the priesthood? If you make something illegal will people continue to do illegal things? Name some. Was Pharaoh Akhenaten an idealist to believe that if he outlawed the Amun reign of terror that everyone would then the Aten? What do you believe the Aten represented?


18. Was Amaret, the Seer brave or crazy when she refused to conform to the palace rules by not wearing shoes at court or standing up to the royals? Why was everyone afraid to look in her eyes? Can having a physical handicap enhance other qualities?


19. The women gathered together to do scrying and watch the Amun Temples close. Have you ever had a paranormal experience such as seeing a ghost? Have you ever played with an Ouija board or had your fortune told?


20. The Royal family had to flee the capitol and build a new capitol out in the desolate desert without protection or a source of food. How would you feel in this situation? Would you side with Per Aat Nefertiti or Pharaoh Akhenaten?


21. Merit-Aten must choose between the perilous path of an Egyptian Mystery School initiate or bearing more heirs. Which would you chose? Could you tear your family apart? Which parent had the better way to save the lineage?


22. Should Merit-Aten been enticed by magic even if she knew it was taboo? Would you use magic if it could bring back a beloved pet? Would you be willing to pay the price of having blackened fingernails?


23. After having five children, Queen Nefertiti may have suffered post-partum depression. Was it fair that she leave her children due to her suffering? Why did she run off with General Horemheb? Was he a better partner for her?


24. Which Nile temple initiation were you most intrigued by? Abydos and the Osirian initiation, Heliopolis and the Ritual of the Last Breath, or The Ritual of Love at Denderah? Would you have been willing to learn midwifery? Should Merit-Aten have saved Rennutet from falling into the fire the first time?


25. Merit-Aten’s feet burned whenever she confronted her ego. Name some of the things which made her feet burn? Was she arrogant or confident? Are there times in your life when your feet might burn? What was her Salvation? What was her Revelation?


26. Could you forgive Sit-Amun for her black heart after you discovered that she had been castrated as a child? Who do you still have to forgive?

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