Shadow Valley

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Authors: Steven Barnes

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Also by Steven Barnes

Great Sky Woman
Dream Park
with Larry Niven
The Descent of Anansi
with Larry Niven
The Kundalini Equation
The Legacy of Heorot
with Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
The Barsoom Project
Gorgon Child
Achilles’ Choice
with Larry Niven
The California Voodoo Game
with Larry Niven
Beowulf’s Children
with Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Blood Brothers
Iron Shadows
Far Beyond the Stars
Saturn’s Race
with Larry Niven
Lion’s Blood
Zulu Heart
Star Wars:
The Cestus Deception

For Octavia Estelle Butler


Many dream of better worlds.
Few help create them.

Who is more wretched than he who has
no gods, yet dreams of demons?


On the first day there was

Out of
birthed the
the lake of fire, in whose depths dwelled a butterfly and a spider. The spider wove
into fibers, making himself a dream world. The butterfly wove
into a glowing egg cocoon bright enough to shame the stars. The spider wove bones for the egg, and thus the first man was born. The spider and the butterfly were pleased, and let the man play in the dream. And then made other men, other creatures, and let them play as well. Because it was his nature, the spider gave them Hunt, the game of life and death.

The spider thought the game so grand that he wove Great Sky into being and lived there and named himself Father Mountain.

The butterfly loved her children also and wove Great Earth and lived there as Great Mother. She thought the spider’s game cruel and gave her children Love, the game of male and female, so that through sex they could free a little
and awaken from the dream, if only for a moment.

In the fullness of time, Father Mountain calls for their bones. The egg cracks, the cocoon unravels, and the
returns to the
The young and the sleeping are told that “You die, and then Father Mountain gives you new bones!”

The truth is that there is no “you” to give them to. There is only

is what looks out through your eyes, and back at you through the eyes of another.

The egg thinks it is you. Most eggs fear the day Father Mountain returns their fragments to the earth. Most will struggle against death and would struggle even if struggling were the only sin. But then, the door opens. There are no words for that knowing.

Most think this First Way is the only path through the darkness.

But there is the Second Way: to awaken within the dream. It is not easy or even possible for any but dream dancers and hunt chief. And most of them will never awaken fully. But those few …

As you know the taste of your own mouth, they know that we come from
and to
the nothing, we return.

They also know that the Nothing is everything.


Chapter One

Summer’s warm rains had long since riven the earth, then dried again to dust. Three moons would wax and wane before the winter rivers swelled within their graveled banks.

Hot Tree had lived most of her adult life in Fire boma, the bamboo-walled cluster of huts a day’s walk southeast of Great Sky. Now her hair was streaked with white, her brown skin deeply wrinkled, her breasts empty sacks. Years had cooled the fire in her dancing feet. She felt both hollow and heavy, and knew it would not be long before Father Mountain summoned her bones.

So much had changed in the past few moons.

For generations unknown the Ibandi had lived within the sheltering shadows of the mountains called Great Sky and Great Earth. The peaks were home to Father Mountain and Great Mother, whose timeless passion had birthed the world.

Three moons ago, Great Sky had exploded, the cataclysm wreathing the sky in stinking smoke and spewing rivers of boiling mud down its verdant slopes. Trees had been wrenched up by the roots, tumbling like dead brush. The Ibandi hunt chiefs had died. Some believed the god Himself had perished, but Hot Tree did not, though she well believed that the explosion was a sign of His displeasure with their wickedness.

Whatever the truth might be, a second disaster soon struck. From the south came the Mk*tk, brutal men who killed many and even stole three of the sacred dream dancers. The bloody war had almost undone the Ibandi.
If Hot Tree’s daughter had not brought her here to Water boma, Tree did not know what might have become of her.

Much had changed since then. Sky Woman, the girl who had earned her name by climbing Great Sky, had fled north with half the tribe, accompanied by her lover, Frog Hopping, who had climbed Great Sky with her in search of wisdom. Some said he was a mighty hunter, but Tree had never been impressed by Frog. Both his elder brothers, greater providers by far, had died on the great mountain, but their widows, Ember and Flamingo, had traveled north with Frog.

Hot Tree inhaled deeply. The afternoon air reeked of burnt grass. She stood just outside the boma’s bamboo gate at the edge of the wide blackened zone singed every moon to deny hiding space to leopards. Beyond that dark space, grass grew knee-high, and beyond that the plain was broken by round and flat-topped trees and dusky scrub ranging out to a thinly ridged northern horizon. The air smelled of dust and burnt thornbush.

Her old eyes could just barely distinguish a hyena’s brownish-gray pelt, lurking a spear’s throw from the edge of the blackened zone.

Another four or five spear casts distant loped three giraffes, two adults and one calf half the height of its parents. Even as she watched, they dissolved into the shimmering air, much like the cloud creatures the strange boy Frog had so often babbled of.

Night Song approached from behind. Hot Tree would have known that tread among tens of others: Song’s rotten left knee caused her to drag that leg a bit. No hunter’s accident or thieving disease had caused this, only that great hyena, time itself.

“I wonder where they are?” she said, not realizing she had spoken aloud.

“Stillshadow?” Night Song’s hair had faded to gray stubble. At times it was difficult to see the nimble young dancer trapped within her twisted, heavy frame. Despite her age, Song’s voice was still honey, and her dark eyes brimmed with curiosity. Song was Hot Tree’s sister-in-law, an old and valued friend. “Gazelle? Sky Woman?”

“Yes. And Snake,” she said. “Sweet Snake. When he was young, and I was not yet old …” Her smile was both bitter and sweet. Despite the intervening years, the memory remained a deep, swift ache.

“Do you wish you had gone with them?” Song asked.

Hot Tree sighed. “It is strange. Fire boma seemed so hollow. Then, I thought I was too old to go along. Now I fear I was not young enough to stay.” The old ways were shattered. If
… if
the Ibandi could rebuild, that new world belonged to young skin, not old bones, even such sacred bones as Mother Stillshadow’s.

“Perhaps they will return,” Night Song ventured. “They will learn it is safe and come back to us.”

Hot Tree made a clucking sound. “And how will they learn that?”


“How will they see that it is safe? Are we to send runners? We do not know where they are.”

Song shivered. “I made a song,” she said. Many of their people forged habits that complemented their birth names. “I sing it to my daughters, and as I go to sleep …” She described it, sang a bit. It spoke of the old woman who had birthed so many of them, named most of them, and whose acolytes sung the sun to life each dawn. “Perhaps she will hear my song,” she concluded, “and they will return….” Her voice trailed off, as if unable to convince even herself.

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