Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3)
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His heart leapt harder in his chest, pushing him to run faster. He could hear his cousins and his brother behind him, so he kept moving, brushing past trees, large bushes and leaping over rocks.

The air had a tangy sweetness to it, and he headed in the direction his instincts took him. A growl up ahead intrigued him. How had his family gotten ahead?

He leapt over a hedge and came face to face with an unknown mountain lion, growling and in fighting stance.

Reid paced up and down the clearing, making friendly noises, while keeping an eye on the cat. He didn’t smell like a shifter. There was something too feral about him.

Which meant he was a real mountain lion.

Fear prickled his skin, and Reid began to back away.

The mountain lion advanced on him, his head turned slightly so that his right eye could focus more on Reid. The left eye was heavily scarred. The other cat fell into a pouncing position, and Reid bolted to the left, narrowly dodging the other cat’s claws as they were swiped at his head.

He ran towards the trees, feeling the slice of pain rip though him as the mountain lion tore down his flank. He cried out, the inhuman sound echoing in the clearing as he turned to face the other animal. He had no hope of surviving if he shifted. His human body would be no match for the speed of this wild cat.

He snarled and growled, facing the other animal, desperately trying to ignore the pain in his back as he limped around in a circle. His stomach was turning around in his body, and his heart was racing in his chest. A week ago he would have closed his eyes and welcomed the fate the big cat would bring him. Instead, as he dug his feet into the dirt and planned his attack, it became very apparent to him that he didn’t want to die.

A flurry of snarling cats flew into the clearing, and Kane, in his shifter form attacked the real mountain lion, swiping at his face with vicious strikes.

The wild animal, seeing all four of them, turned tail and fled, leaving the clearing now empty of everything except his family.

Reid collapsed onto the soft grass, breathing heavily. His heart was still hammering in his chest, and he couldn’t seem to slow it down. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to die. Even after everything he’d said about not believing Sam was there true mate, he’d had the chance to yield to death and he’d fought.

Sam was their mate, and he wanted the chance to see what it would feel like to fulfill the prophecy he’d heard about for so long. To feel complete, be whole.

If he was honest, it’d never been that way with Amanda. He’d been happy, but it had never been what he’d been told a true Perfect Pair mating would be like. And it was only now, with his body bleeding and his mind was clear, that he could finally admit that to himself.

His brother came to lie by his side, purring and butting his head against Reid’s.

Tyler shifted to human and crouched down next to him.

“Reid, are you all right? Do you need me to carry you? We’ll go straight to the clinic and get Laura to heal you if you don’t have the strength.”

Reid glanced back at his flank and saw the dried blood, the pain already disappearing as his shifter genes worked in his favor. He’d heal faster in cat form so he just shook his head and forced himself to his feet, his legs still a little weak. He’d be ok.

His heart had slowed down finally, and the churning of his belly had settled too.

I’m fine. Thank you. Let’s head back.

Slowly, and as a group this time, they made their way back to the house. By the time they got there, his flank was completely healed.

They all shifted back the moment they stepped onto the patio.

“Fuck, Reid! You could have been killed!” Kane’s voice burst out at him in an angry stream of words.

Reid nodded his head, his knees weak and shaking as they carried his body into the house. He spotted the couch and forced his feet to keep moving. Just two more steps.

His toe caught on the rug, and he went down, his arm coming out to ineffectually stop the fall. His hands sank into the soft rug, and he turned his head, catching himself from breaking his nose against the floor.

“Shit.” He let the tension go out of his body and just relaxed into the rug. He didn’t want to move.

“You ok, mate?” Brandon’s gruff voice sounded in the quiet room as rough, warm hands touched his shoulders.

“Don’t pick me up. I just need a minute.”

There was a moment of quiet and stillness. Then the hands disappeared. “We’ll bring you your clothes.”


Reid hadn’t even thought about the fact that he was still buck-naked and lying face down in Laura’s house. He hoped she stayed at work a little longer.


Chapter Twelve


Kane tugged on his clothes on the grass outside, still trying to calm the racing of his heart. He’d never had such a pure surge of adrenaline, and although most of it had been metabolized by his lion, his arms still shook from the effects. “Despite everything, that was great. Thanks, guys.”

Brandon grinned at him, his teeth flashing white in a ray of sunshine. “It’s about time you ran in your lion again. Too long in one form isn’t good for you.”

Kane inhaled the fresh, crisp air and nodded at his cousin. He didn’t want to explain why they hadn’t shifted in so long. He was focusing on the future, and it was bright.

“So true. My brother inside?”

His cousin’s eyes shadowed, and he nodded towards the house.

Shit, what’s happened now?

The beautiful patio doors were open, and he could see Reid’s chunky calves and feet lying near the glass coffee table.

He’s alive at least.

He scooped up his twin’s strewn clothing and skipped up the few stairs, his body alive, tingling and strong. That mountain lion had scared the shit out of him when he’d seen it attacking Reid, but before he’d even consciously decided what to do, he was attacking it.

Amazing. I would never have done that a few years ago.

He stepped inside Brandon’s beautiful home, his skin singing with happiness as the soft rug touched his toes. His brother was face down, still naked on the rug, his breathing ragged, but he was very much alive.

Kane dropped into one of the seats facing Reid, his hands still trembling from adrenaline. “I don’t know whether to be happy or sad, furious or elated. So I’m just going to settle for telling you that I feel awesome. How ‘bout you?”

Weird chortling and snorting noises came from the floor. “I almost died, and you feel awesome.”

Kane shrugged. His brother didn’t need a pity party. He didn’t want to push Reid through his grief process faster than he wanted to go, but it was time to at least start.

“Look, brother, I love you, more than my own life. When I saw you being attacked by that lion, I wanted to rip that animal apart, and almost did. But how amazing was it to be in our animal form again?”

Reid moved, slowly and what looked like, painfully. His body was totally healed from the attack luckily, but he was sore still. That was obvious as Kane watched Reid’s hands press into the ground, his massive back muscles bulging as he pushed himself into a seated position.

Wow, he got big again.

“Give me my clothes.”

Kane had left them on the chair next to him, and he wasn’t doing his brother any more favors today. So Kane just grunted and nodded at them. Reid glared at him and grabbed for his jeans, dressing himself with sharp moves.

“It’s good to see you’ve got your strength back, Reid.” Kane chuckled as his brother shot him a dirty look.

“Get fucked.”

Kane cracked up laughing, the sound shooting out of him in a bubbly, great feeling of elation. “It is so good to have you back, brother.”

And it was. His twin was back. The foul mouthed, mountain of a man that he’d grown up with had resurfaced. Reid fell into the soft couch opposite him, and Kane grinned, but didn’t say anything. He was trying not to force his brother to speak, but it was hard to keep his own mouth shut.

Reid shuffled for a minute, moving his hands from his lap to the couch and back again. He looked everywhere except directly at Kane, and even pulled out his phone to search for some reason not to talk.

Kane rolled his eyes and pushed forward on his chair, taking the weight in his thighs as he prepared to stand. “So, I’m going to go find Sam. You coming?”

Reid shot his gaze directly to Kane, his eyes still troubled. “Ah, yeah, I think I will.”

Kane’s mouth just about hit the floor.
Wow, that was easier than I thought.

His brother nodded once, his eyes glazing over in a distant way. Then he jumped to his feet. “Let’s go.”

Kane followed his twin through the house and out into the car. Almost dying from a broken heart hadn’t been enough to snap Reid out of his stupor, but perhaps coming face to face with a wild cat had.


The sun was setting on one of the most brilliant, confusing and exciting days of Sam’s life. And she was folding shirts. How ridiculous.

She straightened her top and folded it again, her hands moving in a mechanical way that both soothed and annoyed her. She was feeling so numb, so strange. Out of it in a way that she wasn’t very familiar with.

After the incredible experiences she’d had with her men, nothing else seemed to compare. Life was so full of color when she was with them, and time without them was like an old black and white TV screen.

Boring. Dull. Sad.

Even with Reid running away on her, today was still the most incredible day of her life. She’d promised Ashleigh that she wouldn’t give up on Reid, and she wasn’t going to. She couldn’t even begin to understand the depth of his pain, but she could only give him so long. Her heart wouldn’t last the week if he kept ping-ponging around. Which wasn’t fair of her, but she knew herself, and she wouldn’t make it.

A sigh escaped her that was so loud even she could hear the defeatist attitude beneath it. Pathetic really.

She was so grateful to Ash for letting her crash at their place while they were away on their honeymoon, but it would be time to go home soon enough. She knew that reality would bite her, and it hurt to even think about it.

Was Reid ever going to really get over Amanda? When she’d been making love to Kane she’d thought maybe his love could be enough for her, but she wasn’t sure she had the strength for all the drama it would involve. They were a Perfect Pair, twins that made up a whole. How could she separate them and hope they’d be still happy?

She rolled her eyes at herself and zipped up the bag over her clothes. She was probably being a bit unfair to them, assuming they couldn’t be apart like that. Kane was offering her love and devotion. That should be enough. Yet, since Kane had bounced out of her house this afternoon, all she could think about was Reid’s rejection.

“Yeah, and one of them says you’re their true mate, while the other runs in the opposite direction.”

Knock, knock, knock.

She turned towards the loud banging on the door and moved towards it. It could be anyone, and she didn’t care who it was. A friendly face would be nice at the moment. She hauled open the door as her mind split into duality and continued the fight it had been having all day. Her heart leapt into her throat as the front porch held the bodies of her obsessions. “Well, speak of the devils…”

She couldn’t stop the smile that rose to her lips, or the traitorous clench in her lower belly on seeing Reid and Kane as they stood before her.

“You been thinking about us, Sam?”

A shiver slid up her spine as Reid’s tones screamed flirtation and lust. She’d never heard Reid speak like that, even when they’d been making love. What had happened to change him like that?

“Ah, yeah. I have. Do you guys want to come in?”

What are they here for now? More sex and then running away?


Reid stepped forward and ducked his head, planting a hard kiss on her, and walking on into Ashleigh’s house with a swagger she’d never seen on him.

Reid had moved so fast she barely had any time to respond. But as she pressed her lips together to savor the taste of him on her mouth still, she looked towards Kane with her eyebrows raised. What had gone on in the few hours since she’d seen them last?

Kane gave her an excited grin and stepped forward for a kiss, too, his lips lighter and softer, but just as effective as her belly tightened for the third time since seeing them.

She pulled back, her head spinning like she was intoxicated.

“What’s going on?”

Kane pulled away and shut the door behind them. “I’m not a hundred percent sure what’s going on with Reid, but I told you I’d never leave you. I missed you.”

He drew her into his arms and kissed her again, his familiar scent and taste melting what little bitterness she’d managed to shield her heart with.

“I … didn’t know if you were coming back or not.”
Or if I’d let you choose you between your brother and me.

Kane chuckled and put his arm around her waist, guiding her along the passageway and into the center of the house.

“I meant what I said. No matter what. You’re my future. If you run, I’ll follow. I can’t be whole without you.”

Her nose tingled with tears, and she coughed to clear them. What could she possibly say to that? She moved over to the sink to pour some water into glasses for them. What Kane had just said was what she’d dreamed someone would say to her one day. Her fantasy man would love her for who she was. Accept her and be one hundred percent committed to their future. But how was Reid feeling now?

“Drink?” She pushed the glasses at the men, and they took them, drinking the whole lot in a few swallows. They were always so thirsty. They really did need to look after themselves better.

Kane lifted his hand, beckoning her to the couch.

“Come sit with us.” They both sat on the one couch, patting the spot between them. What was going on? Kane she understood, but why was Reid all friendly?

“Ok…” She sat where they wanted her to, their hands sliding onto her like they’d always been there. Natural and sure, confident. She jumped with the heat of them against her legs, her heart leaping inside her chest. That was going to take some getting used to. Their possession and affection, the intense way they looked

“So, what happened to you guys before? Where’d you go?”

Kane nodded at his brother, and Reid turned his body to look more fully at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. He was bigger than this morning. His shoulders, his neck. It was like someone had sculpted more muscle and padded him out with it.

“We went for a run. We needed it.”

A run? Damn, she wished exercise had such a dramatic effect on her.

“Wow. What an incredible difference a simple run makes.” She couldn’t stop herself from reaching out and running her hand over Reid’s chest, the huge pec standing out against the soft fabric of the t-shirt.

The men looked between themselves for a minute, their eyes intense and speaking, as though they were communicating without her being able to hear them.

“Are you guys talking telepathically or something? I’ve heard twins do that sort of thing.” She laughed at her own joke, but when Reid’s face went serious, she sobered. Maybe they really could communicate differently? She didn’t know much about this Perfect Pair thing.

“We have something special to tell you, and we’re not sure if you’re going to accept it very well.”

She grinned and snorted out a laugh. “Yeah right. What could be bigger than un-identical twins who make up one perfect superman, who both want to share one wife?”

That was the shock of the century. There seriously couldn’t be anything bigger than that.

Reid’s lips lifted up into a soft smile. “Ah, I suppose for a human, that’s pretty big, isn’t it?”

Her belly dropped inside her abdomen, lurching in a sickening way. “Human … what do you mean, human?”

She twisted around to look at Reid. Was this some sort of sick joke?

Kane stroked his fingers over her hands in a placating way she didn’t like. “Hang on a sec.” She got up and jumped across to the couch opposite them. “I like being able to see you both at the same time.”
And if you’re about to tell me something really freaky, I want to be able to run away pretty fast.

The men shuffled on the couch, Kane moving to the edge of the couch, then back again. They looked totally on edge and her brain began to spin with possibilities, and the waiting wasn’t helping.

“Go on. Spit it out.”

Kane breathed out his nose in a long exhalation, and Sam swallowed, hard. This wasn’t good, obviously, but how bad could it be? Something about the ex-wife? Another woman? Were they really sick and didn’t want to tell her? What?

“Ah, there’s more to us than the Perfect Pair connection. You didn’t think the electricity thing was a bit weird?” Kane asked her, his voice light, strained.

She had, but when Laura and Ashleigh had experienced it, too, she’d just put it down to “one of those things”. “Ah, yeah, I guess. Not many people have that.”

“No, they don’t. That’s because our family is a special line. We’re animal shifters.”


“I don’t understand.”

“You know that carved front door? Jack and Scott have it, and so do Brandon and Tyler. It’s a Canadian Mountain Lion. It’s our family crest, as it was. All of us full blooded shifters can turn into one at will. Brandon, Tyler, Jack, Scott … and us.”

Uh-huh. Yeah right. And I’m a vampire.

“Um, you’re telling me you can turn into a mountain lion? Like a werewolf but a cat?”

Reid chuckled. “Yeah, a were-cat, but no full moon.”

They had to be joking. “I really don’t get what you’re saying.”

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