Read Shadows of the Past Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

Shadows of the Past (17 page)

BOOK: Shadows of the Past
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“I can drive her home,” Preston insisted.

Hayden growled at the mage before looking back at her. “I know you rode with Fallon. Please?” he pleaded, and she didn’t have the heart to say no. She noticed Slater carry Dacia to the back of the bar.

, she really had knocked her unconscious. Amethyst almost felt guilty, but the glamazon was bigger, stronger and was asking for it.

do,” she answered.

Preston gently wrapped his hand around her wrist. “
Ame, let me take you home.”

“No, Preston.”
She fought back tears as she looked into his stunning blue eyes and saw something she used to crave from him. She wanted to cry because it wasn’t fair. “You can’t help me, Preston. Not this time.”

“I will,” he whispered.

She shook her head, her heart half breaking. “No. It’s a little late for that.”

“He’s not good enough for you,

“That’s not your c
all.” She turned back to Hayden. “Let’s go.”

“You okay?” Hayden asked softly.

“Will be.” She frowned and leaned on him before her legs decided to give out. “I just need a minute.”

“I could carry you.”

Oh no, not in front of Preston. Not when his sudden burst of love threatened to crush her. She needed to walk out of the bar on her own. Stubbornly, she pushed away from Hayden and walked out the door. She stumbled once she was outside. Her side was really killing her.

“Let me help.” Hayden
gently took her arm and looked into her eyes. “Whatever just happened with Preston, I’m sorry, but you need the help.”

Dacia just hit me harder than I thought,” she mumbled and started for his truck.

“She didn’t do anything magic?” Hayden
followed closely, his hands hovering near her as if waiting to catch her if she fell.

That just irritated her
, and she glared back at him. “No, I would have known.”


* * * *


Preston stood there as Amethyst walked out of the bar with Hayden. A piece of his heart broke as he watched her choose that asshole. He could hardly breathe as Jamie stepped into his line of sight.

Her eyes were glassy as she met his gaze
. She wore a weak smile but he could see the pain in her pale blue eyes. “I told you that you couldn’t force her decision.”

He fell into the stool as his eyes closed. “I know.”

“I knew you cared about her, but when did it become more than that?”

Always was. He just used to be better at denying it to everyone
, including himself. “It’s not.”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Jamie,” he whispered. “I…”

She covered his mouth as she looked up at him. “I know. We’re okay.”

He knew they weren’t. “Please….”

Shh, it’s fine.”

“I could
... I know I could.”

“I know.” Her smile was sad
as she stepped between his thighs and kissed him softly. “We’re fine.”

He saw the pity in her eyes, but he would take the lie because it was the only thing he had to hold onto for the moment.


* * * *


She said it wasn
’t magic, but her side was obviously hurting her. Hayden wanted to check out the damage, where Dacia had hit her again and again, but had a feeling Amethyst would protest. She managed to get to the truck, and before she could argue, he scooped her up and sat her inside.

“That was unnecessary,” she groaned, her hand covering her side as she doubled over. He reached around and buckled her in. “Hey, I’m an adult
.” The tears in her eyes broke his heart. Such a little fighter, and she didn’t want to appear weak. He admired her courage and her fire. “I don’t need your help,” she spat the words at him, and he didn’t like that.

I never said you weren’t an adult, and you may not need the help,” he explained. She glared at him and his eyes narrowed. “But you are hurting. Now, let me help.”

Fallon hurried over and shoved him out of the way.
“You okay, hon? Did she do more than just hit you?”

“Hit me hard, no magic
.” Amethyst had her eyes closed and she against the pained moan that wanted to escape. “I’ll be okay. Just need a swim.” The water would help her heal herself. She just needed to get there first.

“Dakota would help you. Hayden, too, I’m sure.”

“No.” Amethyst shook her head. “I can deal. Just let him take me home. Okay?”

“Okay, but I am going give
to her a piece of my mind.”

.” Amethyst’s head snapped up and her eyes glowed as she glared daggers at Fallon. “I already knocked her out and broke her nose,” she snarled. “I’m fine, will be anyway. Just go back to them, and tell Brody that I’m sorry I nearly knocked him over. I’m already embarrassed. Fighting over a man that neither of us is screwing is just stupid.”

Fallon laughed.
“Yeah, but he wants you and not her. That’s enough of a reason for her. At least until you prove you won’t take her shit. And you made good step in the right direction.”

“Just go. Please, Fallon. I don’t want to play games with

“Right, see you later. I’m going to be up to check on you.”

“Fine, fine. Just go.”

Fallon shut the door and pegged Hayden with a hard look
. “She can read what you want and heal from that alone. You might try it. She will be stubborn though. She doesn’t trust that side of her.”

“I can
take care of her without that, if she’ll let me. I don’t want to upset her, and she let me heal her bruise and burns her first night in town. She seems to trust me more than she did then. I’d rather keep that trust.” He was limited in what he could do, so if her way was the only way, he would find a way to convince her.

.” Fallon grinned. “Take care of her.”

“I will,
” he promised. “And I’ll call after I help her, if she’ll let me help her.”

“Later.” Fallon went back inside and he went around the truck and climbed

“When we get you back, will you let me heal you like I did before?” he asked softly. “Not your way, my way?”

She swallowed. “I’m not sure I can get up my stairs. The lake will be easier.”

“I could bring you to my house. Set you
up on the couch and do it there. You’ll be able to do the stairs then,” he offered, liking the idea of her in his house.

l right,” she whispered.

He hurried back home, speeding, because she seemed to be in more pain than she should have been. He should have stopped Dacia from going after her. This was his fault. He should have kept her safe


Chapter 10



, wake up, sweet,” Hayden murmured, his fingers tracing her face. She was surrounded by warmth, and realized she was in his lap, wrapped in his arms. That should have startled her, but she felt safe there and nuzzled into him. “You can’t sleep yet. I need to look at you.”

Hmm,” she murmured and shifted to get more comfortable, but pain ripped through her entire side. “Ow,” she whimpered.

His fingers brushed over her cheek to thread into her hair.
“Shh, we’ll fix it.” His gaze was so intense.

A flutter
travelled through her, and if she hadn’t been in such pain she would have melted at his touch.

“I fell asleep?” she whimpered

“Passed out
. Can I help you with your dress? I need to see where she hit you. I think you have a few broken ribs.” He was so concerned she just nodded.

His hand
trembled as he pulled the tie for her wrap dress. He swallowed hard as he attempted to keep his eyes on what he was doing and not on her breasts that spilled free as he moved her dress aside. His grimace made her swallow, or maybe it was the pain when she shifted to look.

She saw deep purple that faded into red. She sucked in a breath and looked up at him.
“It’s bad.”

He nodded and gently put his hand on the worst of the pain
. “I’ll be careful, but look at me. Please.”

Shaking her head, she squeezed her eyes shut.
“No, just do it. It’s fine.” It wouldn’t be fine. She let him think he watched her without her knowing, and she knew. Now she felt guilty because he was trying to help her and she realized for the first time she was the one who had been toying with him. Guilt twisted through her.

Hayden took her hand and placed it over his heart.
“Afraid of what you’ll see here?”

She nodded but was sure he meant somewhere else.

“Think that poorly of me?” He sighed. “Still?”

That was so far from the truth
, but she wasn’t sure what to say without coming off like a manipulative whore.

“Why? What have I done?” He sounded as guilty as she felt. For
some reason that made her smile even through the pain.

“I know you watch… when I swim, and…
.” She winced when his hand squeezed reflexively, her pain spiked, but it ramped up her desire. Being in his place was a bad idea, she needed him worse than she’d ever needed anyone, and it scared her to death.

“I’m sorry, I… shit, I am but…” He stumbled across his words. She knew he was much older than her, and he was still
rambling. His gaze caressed over her face but she was afraid to look. “I’ve never done that before, I just, you just….”

, Hayden, I knew all along. I got off on it. I liked knowing that you were watching. I mean…,” she gasped because she looked up and got lost in molten chocolate eyes. His magic burst through her and ignited her own. His lust, but mostly something more, something she didn’t expect flowed over her. There was the beginning of love. She couldn’t stop her memories from flooding through her. She remembered the show she gave him in the lake. Her relived orgasm rushed through her, healing her side as the pain faded.

Spent, and truly satisfied, she collapsed in his arms.
He must hate me. What have I done?


* * * *


She knows, shit, she knows.

Hayden should have known she did. She swam
right up to him before taking her pleasure. “Amethyst,” he scooped her up when she fell still, and clutched her to his chest. Did she use his desire to heal? She must have, because he could only watched as an orgasm took her while her side healed before his eyes.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Her eyes were half open and her expression was caught between blissful and tormented. Her breasts swayed as she tried to catch her breath. He couldn’t look away from her body and she wasn’t wearing a damned bra. He felt like an asshole as he fought the temptation to caress her.

“No, you didn’t
.” Her voice was shaky. He looked up and she licked her lips. “I um, sorry. I know I should have told you I knew, but I didn’t want you to look at me like that.” She climbed out of his lap and wiped at the tears that filled her eyes.

“Like what?” He whispered and caught her hand before she could turn away.

“Guilty, like you did something wrong.” Her voice broke, and he just wanted to kiss her. She liked that he watched and that was a huge relief. She continued, “I mean, I would hate it if you peeped on anyone else, but I didn’t give you a lot of options. I liked knowing you wanted me. And I know that’s sick and twisted, but I knew today, and I got off on it.” She pulled her hand away and pulled her dress together to tie it.

.” He stood up and took her upper arms in his hands, not to hurt, but to get her attention. “You aren’t mad about that?”

“No, I probably should be
. At me, at you, but no.” She pouted and her breath was heavy. He could scent her arousal over her distress. She rambled on, “You said friends, but then when you watch, I can feel your desire. Your gaze feels like a caress, and I know you want me. Somewhere along the way, I realized that I’m ready. That look in your eyes though, I don’t think you are.” She tried to pull away.

Unable to hold back, he kissed her hard, dragging her body into his as he devoured her mouth. He growled against her lips
. “I want you, all of you. I’ve been fighting my desire, but I can’t hold back much longer, little nymph. Is this what you want?”

“Yes,” she answered breathlessly.
“Don’t stop.” She caught his bottom lip between teeth.

dropped her arms to grab her ass, hauling her up to rub her over his throbbing shaft. Her legs locked around his waist as her arms twined around his neck. Just having that curvy little body wrapped around him was better than anything he’d ever experienced before, and he still had his clothes on.

I swear that was the first time I’ve spied on anyone.” He carried her to his room and set her on her feet to push her dress from her body. She was in a hurry, and nearly ripped his shirt when she yanked it off him while he shoved his jeans and briefs down his legs. Then they were naked as she stared into his eyes. Their connection was so strong he felt drawn to her.

“Wait, I want to look at you
.” She licked her lips and walked slowly around him. “You are so big and sexy. What do you possibly see in me?” The thread of insecurity in her voice pulled at his heart.

“What do I see?
I see your big lavender eyes that warm me all the way to my core, your smile that brightens my day, and your perfect little curvy body that I crave more than anything I have ever imagined. You are such a bright light, fresh, mesmerizing, it’s hard not to stare at you when I’m near you. And then the way you dealt with Dacia, trying to ignore her, but then pushing back when you needed too.”

He closed his eyes, and fought back the wave of rage that washed over him at the memory of
what that damned woman had tried to do to Amethyst. “I just wish she hadn’t hurt you.”

stood right in front of him when he opened his eyes. “Really?” she whispered.

Every word is the truth.” He combed his fingers through her hair. “I hate that you ever wanted to change all of this gorgeous hair.”

She blushed and looked down
, and then gasped when she got to his hips.

“Oh my,” she whispered
. “I’m a little intimidated now.”

He couldn
’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips. “Then I should make sure you’re good and ready before I make love to you.” Her breath caught and her gaze met his. “Do you still want me, Amethyst?”


* * * *


Oh wow, he was huge. He was so much bigger than her, and built like a warrior. Amethyst knew he would have big equipment, but she had never been with anyone
large. She wasn’t exactly afraid, a little worried, but definitely excited.

Her eyes dropped to
his hard length. “Oh, yeah.” She smiled up at him and was floored by the heat in those dark eyes.

He shoved her onto the bed and climbed on top of her as he kissed her senseless. His hands trailed up her body to her breasts, his fingers rolling her nipples.
“You are perfection.” He paused to tug the rings. Her head fell back on a moan. “I never thought I would be so tempted by a piercing.” He licked one puckered bud, and then sucked her tip into his warm, hot mouth before tasting the other side. “And you taste better than I imagined.”

“Hayden,” she whimpered restlessly. She needed more, she needed him.

He started kissing down her ribs. “And I love these flowers down your side.” His hand grazed down her ribs and across her hip. Then his thumb parted her to circle her clit. She moaned as her hips jutted into his touch. That was so much better than her fantasy.

“No ring down here?” He looked up the line of her body and she melted

“Too sensitive as it is
.” Her sentence ended on a breathless groan.

He scraped his teeth lightly over the sensitive nub and sucked. Amethyst came so hard she forgot to breathe, her hands gripping handfuls of his dark hair.

His laugh rocked through her, bringing her over the edge again. Then his tongue pressed into her and he growled, the sound vibrating straight up her spine as he sat up on his knees with her legs draped over his shoulders.

bent his head toward her as he lifted her behind up to taste her better. Her hands locked on the headboard because her hips were now a few feet off the bed, her weight supported by the big strong man devouring her like she was his favorite meal and he was starving. Her hips rocked into him as her heels dug into his back and she flew apart.

“Stop, stop, stop,” she begged, “too good, stop before I die
.” She screamed as he took one last long lick.

“I could just keep eating you up,” he
offered and she shook her head. “You sure?”

“I want you
inside me. Now. Please,” she moaned.


* * * *


And how could he argue with that? His erection was so hard that it was throbbing to his hammering heartbeat. She was so beautiful, her hair fanned out across the bed, her full breasts heaving with her stuttered breath. How did this woman not know how perfect she was?

“Please,” she begged, “

ayden was on her then, his mouth covering hers, his length sliding against her wet core until she gasped.

“Please, please, please.
In, now.”

He pressed in slowly and her head fell back.
“Yes, yes, more,” she drove her hips up until he was fused with her. “So good,” she breathed.

His laugh was
full of joy. He was made to be inside her. So tight, perfect. “You still intimidated?”

“No, but move, please just move,” she pushed at his hips.

“Anxious little thing, aren’t you?” he teased, but she felt so good, he was afraid to move just yet. Her sheath squeezed tight around him and it was his turn to groan. “Wait, wait, I want this to last.”

She grinned up at him
. “You intimidated now?”

“Maybe,” he whispered but sat up, pulling her with him. She rode him, setting a hard frantic pace, but the woman moved her hips in such a way that he was lost to the pleasure, those tight little nipples abrading his chest, her hair tickling his arms and thighs. Hayden couldn’t remember anything feeling as good as Amethyst, but if she didn’t slow down, he was going to explode
, not that he wanted to stop her.

She came around him, and he went with her
, holding her tight against him while he was still deep inside her as her body danced against his. He fell back on the bed, entwining his arms around her and holding her so close.


* * * *


A phone was ringing. Her phone. Amethyst scrambled off Hayden and nearly fell off the bed, but he caught her around the waist and dragged her back against him. Breathless, she answered the phone. “Uh, hi, Fallon. I’m all right.”

“Are you where I think you are?” Fallon giggled.

She blushed and blurted out, “If that’s next door, then yes. I’m fine, totally fine, and I’ll talk to you later.”

“Wait, someone wants to apologize to you
.” Fallon laughed out loud.

Amethyst groaned,
“Please tell me you’re kidding, because I’m sort of um…yeah… she might have a reason to be mad now.” Especially when she was on her hands and knees, with Hayden right behind her, his arm banded around her thighs, while his free hand caressed and squeezed her rear, his thumb rubbing at her gate.

BOOK: Shadows of the Past
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