Read "Shady Bizzness: " Life as Eminem's Bodyguard in an Industry of Paper Gangsters" Online
Authors: Byron Williams
I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so! I knew there would
be other shocking news from the hip-hop Bonnie and Clyde. Kim has
managed to catch several cases concerning drunk driving to drug
possession. She’s been caught with cocaine twice in the amounts close
to a kilo and she’s still on the streets? Crack peddlers in the hood get two
to five years for a rock of cocaine for possession and intent to distribute.
Like I’ve always said, long money never goes to jail. Kim has posted bail
at $50, 000 on two known occasions only to never report back to court.
She then turns fugitive and throws hotel drug parties only to be raided
in her absence. Also she’s thrown her sister from a moving limo, butt-ass
naked. Now that’s gangster! She’s more hardcore and gangster than 95
percent of the rappers in the industry. Lately, Kim Mathers can be seen on
the news in a mug shot. She has managed to escape twice from treatment
facilities while serving her term for drugs. Personally, I think they should
just leave her alone, because all they’re doing is pissing off taxpayers and
making money off her drug problem when she posts bail and released.
The judicial system appears to be cashing in on her fame, literally. Kim’s
radical behavior has cost her to lose custody of Hailey and for the judge
to rule in Marshall’s favor. Kim has sent Marshall on a roller-coaster ride
by having a new baby with another man who wasn’t allowed to see the
baby. Marshall and Kim had temporarily gotten back together to raise
Hailey and his new stepdaughter. Marshall has been making a valid effort
to keep Kim sober and out of legal trouble by allowing her to move into
his $7 million mansion, purchased from the CEO of Kmart. Folks, I’m
not making this up. It’s all public information.
Debbie Mathers was carjacked, unbelievably on the now world-
famous 8 Mile Road. A black male teenager attacked her at gunpoint. She
was left with bruises and a broken foot. She said she was lucky to be alive
because as her attacker’s gun jammed as he went to fire. Needless to say, he
got away with her vehicle. Debbie Mathers called Eminem with the news,
only to be cursed out by her son. Eminem said, “Of all the fucking places
for this to happen, you get jacked where I shot my movie?” He didn’t
believe her and thought this was another publicity stunt on her behalf. In
more somber Debbie Mathers news, she has been diagnosed with breast
cancer and has sought her son’s assistance. Eminem’s managers sought
medical benefits for his estranged mother only to be denied because of
her existing condition. Debbie Mathers then requested financial aid to
receive radiation therapy. Debbie Mathers was down to eighty pounds
and was always sick because of the lack of proper medical treatment for
her cancer. Debbie Mathers said her son had yet to reply to her request
for financial assistance for radiation. That is truly fucked up! Marshall,
man, let that nonsense go before it’s too late!
EMINEM gets a Bad Dick Report? Remember Kessia? She was
Eminem’s mistress during his early stages of marriage with Kim. Kessia
was the one he kicked off the tour in Germany. Well she has spoken, and
man, was she loud. She did an exclusive interview with a reputable UK
newspaper and said that Eminem was terrible in bed. She claimed that
Marshall had problems with premature ejaculation and could only have
about one minute of sex. Damn, man! Is there a doctor in the house? If
so, please help him and his little friend. No man deserves a BDR (Bad
Dick Report). That’s worse than bad credit. That blemish stays there for
life. I knew that Kessia would someday emerge, and she did it with bells
and whistles. Much props to Kessia for giving me kudos on my book and
validating everything I spoke about. Thanks, Kessia.
Is EMINEM a racist? How about them money-hungry black bitches!
Well, that’s what he said! He also referred to black people as niggers and
moon crickets. What is a moon cricket? That’s like a future racial slur,
2050. No man can measure the racism in a man’s heart and obviously he
had plenty buried there. Everyone keeps saying that it was in the past.
Hell, David Duke, ex- KKK, advocated the killing of blacks and Jews. I’ll
never forget that.Why should we forget what Eminem said? The problem
really doesn’t lie with Eminem; the problem lies with these Uncle Tom
record executives and radios DJs excusing Eminem’s statements. These
Black professionals will say and do anything to kiss Master’s ass in order
to keep their business ventures or jobs. If Eminem had made an antisemitic remark, he’d be out of business. His records would’ve been pulled
from shelves and became a mere myth. Plus, he would have been forced
to give a public apology. That’s the truth! I know it’s hard to swallow, so
gulp twice.
The Source magazine exposes EMINEM as a racist. Fans, don’t hate
on The Source! After all, it was a white guy that narced Eminem to the
public. Eminem’s former Caucasian buddies sold the tape to the magazine
because Eminem was misrepresenting himself. These particular guys
were once in a rap group with Marshall. The group was truly hurt when
Eminem didn’t reach back and help them to the next level.These guys felt
as if the movie “8 Mile” was a joke. They claimed that during Eminem’s
underground years, everybody from the producers to the rappers in his
crew were white.That caused them to deflate the air from Eminem’s fame.
It was not the Source magazine that sought out the tape, the tape was
brought to them. I commend The Source magazine for their honesty and
bravery in journalism. The article written in the February 2004 issue was
award-winning.The Source magazine went so far as to release snippets of
the songs with the magazine. They did this with proper approval from the
courts to ensure no copyright violation. In May 2004, Eminem counter-
sued The Source magazine for infringement, and the case was appealed in
NYC ruling in Eminem’s favor. The Great White Hope does it again. He’s
untouchable.The only thing that can stop him is Uncle Sam and the grim
reaper. If he can find a loophole on the grim reaper, he’ll work that angle
to death. No pun intended.
Did you hear about EMINEM versus BENZINO? So who won
the battle of the lyrical beef? Lyrically, Eminem was of course was more
talented. However, the topics Benzino touched on were serious and for
real. It had me thinking Eminem was going to get shot! Allegedly the
beef started when 50 Cent was to sign with Benzino’s record label but
was intercepted by Shady Records. As the ex-bodyguard, I was able to see
and hear plenty of things and I know for a fact that in 1999 in Germany,
Eminem spoke of signing 50 Cent when he heard him on a dis song
about Jay-Z. Realistically, Eminem should leave the beefs alone because
the industry is already waiting for him to die. There have been so many
rumors of his death and the media always call me to confirm the truth.
Why do they rush his death? God forbid something tragic happens to
Eminem; so many people stand to make a pretty penny off of his legacy.
That includes record companies, fans, merchandisers, bootleggers, and
unfortunately, authors. I pray for Eminem, his family and record label
every day.
EMINEM music used on terrorist prisoners. On May 14, 2004, two
British men detained in the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
alleged they were tortured and forced to listen to Eminem at deafening
volume levels. The two men described their abuse in an open letter to
George Bush which was released by the New York-based Center for
Constitutional Rights. We all know that some of these men at the Cuban
prison were sodomized. I’m sure the most requested songs were “Just
Don’t Give a Fuck” and “Still Don’t Give A Fuck!”
What is Byron doing? I still do some occasional bodyguard work. I’ve
had the pleasure of working with Lil’Mo and the WNBA,plus a few Michigan
state representatives. I’m currently taking advantage of entrepreneurship,
hitting the weights heavy, attending the gun range, enjoying life, and
raising my family of five. I’ve been blessed to have such a sup porting cast
during this craziness over the last four years. FYI, I don’t hate Eminem.
Seriously. I’ve made several attempts to contact Paul Rosenberg directly
and made peace treaty offers only to be turned away. Oh well, I tried.
I look forward to burying the hatchet because life is too short. Besides,
my kids love his songs and always ask questions about him. God has
blessed me with opportunities to appear in Eminem documentaries, a few
independent films, release new music, and write new books. In conclusion,
I’d like to make sure folks know that I’m a Christian with a potty mouth. I
believe in God wholeheartedly, but I’m not perfect. In other words, get off
my ass about the profanity. I put that language there for the fans. I wanted
you to feel the tension and stress. Lastly, I thank you for purchasing and
reading this book for the first time or maybe second time around. Keep
your eyes open, because “Shady Bizzness” the Movie will be even better.
The following pages show some of the documents sent to me to
keep me away from Slim and the checks they gave me that they stopped
payment on.
The “real Slim Shady”
files restraining orders!
Here are two of three checks canceled by Paul Rosenberg and Slim Shad
because I resigned.This ruined my family’s Christmas holiday
This is part of what incited this book
Slim and I find a way to relax after the fourteen-hour layover in Washington
DC. For a while, we had a great time