Read Shameless Online

Authors: Rebecca J. Clark

Shameless (37 page)

BOOK: Shameless
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“John, your yard is beautiful. You and Brian did a wonderful job.” She reached the pool’s edge and sat, dipping her feet and calves into the cool water.

“Thanks. Brian had some great ideas. He’s a natural at gardening. He even joined the horticulture club at school this year. He told me he’s thinking of studying landscape architecture in college.” He figured he had a proudly goofy expression on his face from the way Sam watched him.

“College. Wow,” she said, smiling. “It was only a few months ago when you doubted this kid would see twenty if he didn’t straighten himself out.”

“He still has a ways to go, but he is doing great. Getting him out of that awful environment and switching schools really helped. I’m real proud of him.” He felt like a boastful father talking of his son’s achievements. He blinked. His son. He was thinking of Brian as a son. And it didn’t scare him. What was that about? He glanced sidelong at Sam’s protruding tummy. Could he—?

Don’t go there

“Where is Brian, by the way?” Sam asked.

“He’s with his mom. I’ll pick him up after dinner.”

“How’s she doing?”

He shrugged. “Physically she’s better, according to Brian. He says she’s gained some weight and her color’s better. Her withdrawal from all the drugs was a nightmare. But psychologically, she still has a ways to go.”

“How long before she’s out?”

He glanced away, not wanting to think about that day yet, knowing Brian would probably want to go back to live with her. “It’s hard to say. Come on.” He reached for Sam. “I’ll help you in.” He curved his hands around her waist and lifted her into the pool. He immediately let her go or else he wouldn’t let her go at all.

He left her doing a leisurely side stroke while he continued his laps. He had just finished when something hit him in the head. Popping out of the water, he saw a beach ball bobbing nearby and Sam giggling on the other side of the pool. He nabbed the ball and tossed it back at her, waiting until her arms were outstretched before he chopped the water with his hand, dousing her. She shrieked with surprise and pleasure. After a playful water fight, they rested at the side of the pool, forearms on the edge. She was breathing hard.

“I hope you didn’t overdo it.”

She waved her hand in the air as if to dismiss his concern. “I’m just out of shape.”

He hoisted himself out of the water, then stretched his hand toward her.

She hesitated. “This shirt is going to cling to me like a second skin,” she warned.

“I’ve seen you in much less.” He extended his hand again. This time she took it and he pulled her out of the pool. She hadn’t been kidding. That shirt plastered to her body, sticking like glue to her full breasts. Her cold nipples beaded against the fabric, their rosy outline shadowed beneath the shirt. Her rounded belly was also clearly outlined, and the sight of it, of Sam carrying a child —
child — was strangely erotic. He forced himself to look away before he did something they’d both regret.

Sam dropped her gaze, too, having seen how he’d appraised her. His look had been admiring and appreciative. And full of desire. A hot little thrill raced through her. Even in her pregnant state, she turned him on. The pulse points throughout her body throbbed. She fantasized about making love to John again. With the way looked at her, it would be so easy to—

John muttered something under his breath and strode across the pool deck to grab his towel from one of the lounge chairs. He whipped it out and scrubbed his hair dry. Every muscle in his body flexed and contracted, and she swallowed. Hard. This time she had to glance away.

She made light of the moment. “I don’t think I’ll be winning any wet T-shirt contests these days,” she joked, pulling the shirt away from her skin to wring out the water.

“You’d have my vote, beautiful,” he said, his voice husky.

Her breathing shallowed and a hot flush burned her cheeks.

He looped the towel around his neck, his gaze not wavering from hers. “Stop looking at me like that, Sam,” he commanded softly.

“Like what?”

His blue eyes darkened. “Like you want me to make love to you.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

He nodded. “I’d suggest high-tailing it into the house pronto and changing into dry clothes.”

She couldn’t resist asking, “Why?”

His left eyebrow arched and his lips curled upward. “Because if you don’t, I’m going to march right over there, pick you up, and carry you to my bed, that’s why.” When she made no move to leave, he said, “Samantha.” His voice held a warning.

“I-I want you to make love to me.” There. She’d said what had been on her mind for far too long.


She didn’t want him to worry she was developing romantic feelings for him even though she knew it was too late for that. “I haven’t had sex since April and I’m about to burst.”

“Sam, are you sure—”

“We both want the same thing—” Her gaze dipped below his waist. His desire for her was more than obvious. She licked suddenly dry lips. “I’m feeling especially… needy right now. I know we have no business doing anything, but—” Her voice caught. John hadn’t moved. “Do you want to make love to me or not?” she asked quietly, annoyed to feel her lower lip tremble.

“More than I should, I imagine.”

“Then get that gorgeous body over here and kiss me.”



Chapter 21


Sam didn’t have to ask him twice. John was in front of her in two powerful strides. He cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her. His warm breath fanned her lips and jaw, then his mouth brushed softly against hers. He was being tentative and gentle. But she wanted none of that. She wanted bold and brazen. She felt ready to explode for want of him, so she tangled her fingers in his wet hair and pulled him in for a deeper kiss, boldly thrusting her tongue inside his mouth.

That did it. John yanked her into his arms and crushed her lips, ravaging her until she felt woozy from the intense pleasure of his kiss. His hand crept between their bodies and caressed her breasts, his thumbs flicking against her beaded nipples. The combination of his hot touch against the cold wetness of the shirt just about sent her over the edge. She arched against him, urging her body as close to his as possible with her belly between them. His other hand slid down her back and under the hem of the wet shirt to cup her bottom. His knee thrust between her legs in an attempt to meld their bodies closer, pressing his erection against her thigh.

“I want you so bad,” she murmured against his mouth, desperate with need. Her hands dropped to his waistband and her fumbling fingers somehow managed to untie the drawstring. Slipping her hand inside, she was about to touch him when he grasped her wrist.

“Uh, keep in mind that cold water does certain, uh, diminutive things to a man,” he said.

Sam peered into his eyes. “Then it’s a good thing you have a lot to work with in the first place.” She freed her wrist from his grip and curled her fingers around him. He was cold from the recent swim. His eyes hooded as she rhythmically warmed him.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the house. “Let’s take this inside before we give the neighbors a show.”

Entwining their fingers, he led her to his bedroom, kicking the French doors shut behind them. Standing at the foot of his bed, they peered at each other. His gaze skimmed over her swollen breasts and belly.

“At the risk of sounding completely ignorant,” he said, his voice husky, “is this okay? I mean—” He glanced at her tummy again.

She looked at him through her lashes, her gorgeous eyes just about killing him. Her arms slid around his waist and her fingernails grazed his lower back and buttocks through his swim trunks. She pressed a soft kiss to his chest, and then another, and another.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” he murmured.

“I just can’t be on my back,” she told him. Her giggle sounded nervous.

He held her away from him. “Sam? What’s wrong?”

She averted her gaze. “My, um, body looks a little different than it did before, and I—”

“You’re worried I won’t find you attractive?”

A pink blush swept across her cheeks. “I’ve gained a lot of weight, John. More than I should have.”

John remembered how her ex-husband had cheated on her when she’d gained weight. He could only imagine what that did to her self-esteem and how it might still affect her. Grasping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he angled her face so she had to look at him. “Listen to me, Sam. You could weigh 200 pounds and I’d still—” he almost said “love you.” He cleared his throat. “—find you attractive,” he finished. “I’d still want to make love to you.”

Emotions danced through her eyes. She crossed her arms in front of her, as if to shield her ripening body from his view.

If anything, he found her more attractive, not the other way around. “Sam,” he said gently. “I think you’re beautiful, pregnant or not. Please. Let me love you.”

He almost groaned at the slip of tongue, but she didn’t seem to notice as she stared at him, her dark eyes gleaming with moisture. Wordlessly, she backed away from him and nudged her panties down, stepping out of them when they fell to the floor.  He noticed the nervous tug of her mouth as she gripped the hem of the damp T-shirt and pulled it over her head.

Her breasts were full and swollen, the belly underneath equally round. Beautiful. “It’s a bit different than your fitness model girlfriend’s body, isn’t it? I’m, um, also probably not quite as limber as she—”

“Sam. Shut up.” When she did, he said, “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

Her eyes widened fractionally, then narrowed, as if she didn’t believe him. “You haven’t made love with anyone since April, since you and I—?”

He pressed a finger against her lips, silencing her. “I haven’t made love, nor have I had sex.
once told me there’s a difference.” Her mouth curved beneath his finger. “Now, stop being so self-conscious and let me show you how beautiful and sexy I think you are.”

“You still think I’m sexy?”

He pressed her hand to his crotch. “What do you think?”

She raised her eyebrows and smiled a slightly wicked smile as she hooked her fingers on either side of his waistband and tugged downward.

When he was naked, he pulled her into his arms. “You’ll always be beautiful to me, Sam,” he said before kissing her. She tasted warm and sweet. It seemed like a lifetime since he’d kissed her and he wanted to make up for lost time. He could devour her whole, but wanted to make this moment last. He couldn’t tell her with words that he loved her, but he could certainly show her.

Deepening the kiss, he cupped her bottom in his hands and pulled her close.

He covered her face, her eyelids, her ear with tiny kisses, trailing down her neck to nibble the sensitive skin of her shoulder. Her head fell back and he kissed the column of her throat, then lower. Lifting a heavy breast in one hand, he drew a peaked nipple into his mouth and sucked gently. Sam jumped.

He raised his head. “That hurts?”

“It feels incredibly good,” she groaned. “Like my nerve endings have been pushed into overdrive. Be gentle, but please don’t stop.”

They moved to the bed and lay down facing each other. More careful this time, he laved his tongue around the sensitive peaks until she writhed beneath his hands. “John,” she moaned. “Please.”

Understanding her need, he slipped his fingers into her damp triangle of curls and then moved deeper, into her. She moaned again and he covered her mouth with his.

Every nerve in her body seemed on overdrive, because everything felt “too good,” every move he made was “incredible.” Sam had always been very responsive and not afraid to tell him what felt good and what didn’t, but today she outdid herself. He felt like the world’s greatest lover.

“Sam, I’m dying,” he finally said. “I need to be inside you.”

“I need that, too.” Her voice was raspy.

He pulled her onto his lap. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she straddled him. As she slowly impaled herself, they both gasped their pleasure. He felt as if he’d been waiting for this moment forever, like he’d come home. She wriggled her hips and sunk even deeper onto him. Home, sweet home.

He literally groaned at the long absent sensation. “Oh, sweetheart, you feel wonderful,” he said when they were joined as tight as could be.

She shifted her position and squeezed her thighs. “Mm, I’ve missed this.”

For a few moments, Sam couldn’t move, enjoying the simple pleasure of having joined together again. John nibbled on her shoulder, her neck, her ear. Unlike their frenzied kisses on the pool deck outside, their lovemaking now was slow and heartfelt. She pulled him tighter against her, holding his head against her chest, wanting to prolong this moment together, to make it last. It wasn’t just the sex she’d missed. It was the closeness, just being with him.

He slid a hand between them to softly caress her clitoris. She arched her back, the pleasure so intense she wanted to cry. Her thighs tightened against his waist, the sensations spiraling upward until she could no longer hold back screams of passion. At the brink of the climax, John sucked her sensitive nipple into his mouth, and her body erupted into the most fantastic orgasm of her life. The waves kept coming and coming, and her moans echoed in her ears as she clung to his shoulders. As she drifted back to reality, he climaxed into her and his body clenched, his shoulder muscles contracting beneath her fingers.

BOOK: Shameless
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