Shameless Desire (The Outlawed Realm) (17 page)

BOOK: Shameless Desire (The Outlawed Realm)
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“Are you serious?” Regina blurted. “Andris, Sazaar and the other vampires aren’t really gone? They’re on E3?”

“Sazaar’s human soul is,” Nikoli said. “So are those of the other innocents the vampires turned. Andris and his kind were always evil. They had no souls. They’re gone for good.”

Regina went back to rubbing her forehead.

If they’d known each other better, Gwen would have given Regina a hug and told her this nightmare would end; it had to, for everyone’s sanity. As it was, she asked Nikoli, “Can you calibrate your device to send the guards there? A place they’ll never be able to escape?”

“Even if I could, even if I gave the instrument to you, how would you get them to enter the portal willingly?”

“Who said they’d be willing?” Kuma countered. “Set your device to take them to E3, and they’ll go inside the portal. I’ll make certain of it.”

“Uh-uh,” Gwen cut in. “We—you and I—will make certain of it.”


Kuma gave her a warning look as he’d done with Zule the few times she’d questioned his authority. His annoyance did nothing to dissuade Gwen.

“How soon can you make that thing do what we want?” she asked Nikoli. “Hours? Days? Weeks? By the way, we really don’t have weeks or even days.”

He regarded Regina before he answered. “Hours.”

Gwen pushed away from the counter. “Awesome. Kuma and I can go hunting to—”

“No,” he interrupted. “You’re not putting yourself in danger.”

She frowned. “I’ve already told you, you can heal me if I’m injured.”

“And I’ve already told you, my abilities may not work on you. Because of that, you’re not getting involved in this.”

“I’m already involved. You can’t stop me from getting in even deeper.”

Is that what she truly believed? He’d been gentle with her until now, the same as he’d been with Regina, holding back, not tearing her apart for attacking him. However, that would change quickly if it meant saving Gwen’s life. If need be, he’d tie her up until she couldn’t move as much as a finger. He’d gag her luscious mouth so she couldn’t speak or scream and then he’d carry her back to her home and would lock her in her bedroom.

There, he’d show her what a werewolf in charge could do, right down to stripping and enjoying her as a female should be enjoyed by a male. He’d fill her every orifice with his fingers and cock. He’d make her scream in delight and forget all this nonsense about protecting him.

Her cheeks flushed as though she knew what he was thinking and wasn’t certain whether she liked it or not.

Before their time together was finished, Kuma was determined she’d see things his way. That he’d lead and she’d follow.

He smiled. She arched one slender brow.

Regina cleared her throat, breaking the charged silence. “You can heal?”

“He’s amazing,” Gwen said. “Show them. Make the scratches on your face go away.”

Kuma kept his hands at his side, refusing to perform for her or anyone.

“He can,” Gwen insisted to Regina and Nikoli.

“Okay,” Regina said, sounding as if she didn’t believe it. “Even if you do trap the guards on E3, what makes you think it’ll stop Vakar from sending even more of them over here?”

“He doesn’t have a limitless supply,” Gwen said. “Even a narcissistic SOB will figure out the guards are leaving and not coming back. He’ll shut down the plan.”

“And come up with another,” Nikoli muttered.

“Unless he’s dead,” Kuma said.

Gwen grabbed his arm. “Don’t even think it. You’re not going to E4 or anywhere else to hunt down Vakar, understand?”

Heat shot to Kuma’s face, driven by his mounting exasperation with her. He wasn’t a young boy she could give orders to…nor was she like any female he’d known on E4. Brute force wouldn’t stop Gwen. It would only make her more determined.

Reigning in his anger, Kuma patted her hand and spoke to her as he would a child. “And you’re not going on any hunt.”

“I have to,” she insisted, digging her fingers into his arm. “You need a female to lure the guards. Have you forgotten why they’re in this realm?”

“You’re not the kind of woman they’re looking for,” he reminded her. “I’ve already told you that. They prefer females like Staci.”

“Too fucking bad. No way is she going to be helping you.”

“I didn’t say she was. I’ll do what I’ve always done. Wait until a guard leaves his hiding place to find a victim, then—”

“No. I don’t want another woman hurt. I’m doing this whether you agree or not. That’s final, got it?”

He frowned. “You dare speak to me like that?”

Gwen’s frown hung on for a moment more before she sighed. “Sorry, baby, but on this plane, women do their own thing.”

She ran her knuckles over his cheek. Despite his anger with her, Kuma’s skin warmed even more beneath her touch.

“Trust me,” she whispered, “it’s not a bad thing. You’ll get used to it.”

Before he could counter such ridiculous thinking, Gwen spoke to Nikoli. “Can you put a rush on that?” She turned to Regina. “And what you’re doing? It’ll be dark before we know it. I don’t want those prick guards taking another woman tonight.”


As Nikoli calibrated his device, Regina continued making the antidote. Partly because she had to finish it for Gwen and Kuma, partly to stay busy and keep from thinking about realms that consisted of fire and ice or dimensions that housed the deceased. Would she and Nikoli be in that dead zone one day? Was that the real heaven or hell?

Suppressing a shudder, she watched Kuma pace past, going from one end of the kitchen to the other. He moved with the grace of a wild animal and with the fury of a man who wasn’t used to a female speaking her mind.

For once, Gwen was quiet, regarding him as though she wanted to make certain he wouldn’t bolt. When he didn’t, simply circling the room to burn off his frustration, she joined Regina at the counter.

Seconds passed in relative quiet, except for the slap of Kuma’s running shoes and Gwen’s fingers drumming against the marble countertop.

Regina finally turned to her.

“Sorry for frightening you before with the gun,” Gwen muttered. “I’m not usually like that. I’m an RN, for God’s sake.” She mumbled the name of the hospital where she worked. “I didn’t know what else to do. I just wanted to get your attention.”

She had, and then some. Not that Regina could blame her. If it had been Nikoli in danger, she would have done the same. “It’s over. Forgotten. All right?” Regina read the next ingredient on her list. She opened the can of diet Pepsi, then measured out two tablespoons.

“Whoa.” Gwen leaned toward Regina and whispered, “What are you doing? I thought that was the antidote.”

“It is.”

“Are you adding diet Pepsi to it so it tastes even shittier?”

Regina laughed. “Beats me.”

“Hey, is this for real?” Gwen complained. “Are you putting me on?”

Regina’s smile faded. “Wish that I were, but no.” She tapped the paper she was working from. “I got this list of ingredients from Damir—she’s a scientist from E2 like Nikoli. When he needed materials to build a device to open portals, Damir and her mate, Meelo, got them from Home Depot and Radio Shack. Go figure.”

“Does the device work? Did you ever test it?”

“Nikoli brought Lukan and Arez—two pleasure slaves—to this realm from E4 before Vakar could exterminate them.”

Propping her elbows on the counter, Gwen hung her head. “How long have you been living like this? I mean, saving people from other realms, knowing they even existed, shacking up with a guy who’s not even from this dimension?”

Seemed like forever. Seemed like no more than a moment. “Not nearly long enough,” Regina murmured.

Gwen looked over. “It’s working for you two?”

She heard the young woman’s worry. She’d witnessed Gwen’s devotion to Kuma, what appeared to be her deepening love. “I’d die without Nikoli. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him.”

“Yeah, I noticed when you kept Kuma from attacking him in the hall.” Gwen screwed up her mouth and straightened. “If you’d dug any deeper into Kuma’s face, he would have needed stitches. Do it again and I’ll have to floor you.”

Regina stared at her.

“Hey, I was only kidding,” she said.

Regina didn’t return her smile. “Make certain your plan works, please. Get rid of those thugs. Send them on a one-way trip to hell.”

Gwen wrapped her arm around Regina’s shoulders and squeezed gently. The gesture was so female and comforting, Regina couldn’t help but hug the young woman in return.

“I will,” Gwen whispered. “I don’t have a choice. I’m going to make certain Kuma’s safe, whether he wants that or not. Nikoli too. I won’t let anything happen to him or you. I give you my word.”

Regina had no doubt of Gwen’s sincerity. However, plans didn’t always unfold as one wanted. She’d learned that when Damir, Meelo and Lukan had shown up here late one afternoon, uninvited and needing help.

Pulling away from Gwen, Regina said, “Nikoli.”

He kept his face lowered to his device, running his thumb over its controls, changing the data inside. “What?”

“You did build another of those instruments, correct?” He’d promised to do so after he’d raced against time to make one for Lukan so the young man could rescue Arez. The devices were Nikoli and Regina’s only means of escape if anyone…or anything…from the other dimensions came after them. “Please tell me you did.”

“Several of them.” He ran his thumb over the controls once more. “They’re stored all over the house, where I have ready access to them.”

Seriously? “And you’ve waited until now to tell me that? What if something had happened to you and I needed ready access to them to save us both?”

“You haven’t…you won’t.” He snuck a peek at her. “I didn’t want you to think that anything bad was about to happen. I didn’t want you to worry.”

His keeping her in the dark to protect her disturbed Regina more than any crap Vakar could have come up with. She crossed her arms over her chest.

Gwen cleared her throat as though she feared an argument was about to happen. “Thank God both of you have those things now.” She spoke to Nikoli, “How’s that one coming?”

He focused on his instrument to the exclusion of everything else, especially Regina. “I’m getting there. It’ll work just fine.”

Kuma made a noise that said he wasn’t pleased and kept pacing. Gwen shifted her weight as if Nikoli wasn’t moving quickly enough. Next, she regarded Regina with a can-you-put-a-move-on? look on her face.

Returning to her mixture, Regina read the next ingredient on the list.

Gwen moaned when she saw what it was.

“Damir swears by this,” Regina assured.

“Uh-huh. What’s the mode of delivery?”

Regina stopped pouring the cayenne pepper. Somehow, she’d forgotten to ask Damir that, simply assuming they’d drink it.

“Can’t be injection,” Gwen mumbled. “You put that in anyone’s veins and they’re facing a very nasty death.”

“Maybe not,” Nikoli said. “My physiology and Kuma’s are different from yours and Regina’s.”

“Which means there are two ways to take this?” Gwen asked. “Do we even know? Are we certain about anything concerning this so-called antidote?”

Before Regina could answer, the first notes of Kelly Clarkson’s latest hit song sounded.

Gwen pulled her cell phone from her jeans pocket and looked at the screen. “I gotta take this.” Pacing as Kuma was, she spoke into the phone, “Why are you calling? What’s wrong?”

Kuma went to her. “Who is it? What happened?”

“Staci, and I don’t know. Talk,” Gwen ordered the girl. She listened to whatever Staci said, then frowned and shook her head. “No, Kuma and I are all right. We’re where we’re supposed to be. The guy isn’t a ruler. He’s a scientist. He’s going to help us. What?” She listened again, her frown deepening. “No, he’s not forcing me to say that. It’s the truth. Why are you panting? What has Teeko been doing to you?”

Kuma’s steps slowed. Lifting his face to the ceiling, he breathed hard.

“Don’t tell me he’s doing nothing,” Gwen barked into the phone. “If he does anything to hurt you, I’ll—what?” She listened again and sighed. “I don’t know how much longer we’ll be, but we’re okay, all right? Take care of yourself. Tell Teeko he had better keep you safe. See you later. Bye.”

She pushed the phone back into her pocket and regarded Kuma. Regina noted how the werewolf pretended not to notice Gwen’s scrutiny or displeasure.

“I’ll be through with this in a few minutes,” Regina said, grabbing the next ingredient. “You can take the whole batch.”

“No,” Gwen said.

Regina spoke as gently as she could. “It’s all right. I’ll whip up another bowl for Nikoli and—”

“That’s not why I’m saying no,” Gwen interrupted, gesturing to the bowl. “No way in hell am I just taking that with me and using it. I’ve changed my mind.”

Chapter Twelve

With Gwen’s pronouncement, she saw the tension drain from Kuma’s shoulders. He probably thought she’d decided against hunting the guards.

Fat chance.

Regina seemed confused. Nikoli appeared pleased that he was going to get his kitchen and woman back from the intruders who’d forced their way in.

Kuma took Gwen’s hand, squeezing her fingers, no doubt ready to lead her back home so they could do things his way.

Regina spoke before the others did, “What do you mean? You can’t refuse to take this. It’s the only way the guards’ darts won’t affect you.”

“We don’t know that,” Gwen argued. “We won’t until we test it.”

Kuma’s fingers loosened around hers. “What are you talking about?”

She spoke to Regina. “Call Damir, ask her how to make the tranquilizer. Once we have, you’ll inject me with it; then I’ll swallow the antidote, testing whether it works or not.”

“No,” Kuma snapped.

“It’s the only way,” Gwen said quietly, trying to reason with him. Again, she asked Regina, “Please call Damir.”

Kuma stepped away, turning his back to them.

Gwen hoped to God he wasn’t planning to take off. If he tried, she’d have to threaten him with her gun—which probably wouldn’t faze him at all—and that would leave her with the only other weapon she had, distracting him with a whole lot of sex to keep him here. No way was she going to lose him now that he was in her life.

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