Shared By The Dragon Clan: Part Three (4 page)

BOOK: Shared By The Dragon Clan: Part Three
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Jasmine Whiley lived in a tidy, three
bedroom house located in a suburb on the other side of the inner city’s bridge.
The history between Stacey and Jasmine was a little trouble for various
reasons, but on the day of her arrest, Jasmine had been the first one to come
out and speak on her defense. Since her conviction though, she of course hadn’t
spoken to Jasmine, and was apprehensive as to how she would take her sudden

Sitting next
to Zane in the car as they passed over the bridge, Stacey couldn’t help but
wonder if going to Jasmine was a bad idea. Not just because of what Zane might
do, but of what Jasmine might. Through all the years of friendship they’d been
through, there was nothing to suggest that Jasmine would betray them at their
hour of need. Or … that they wouldn’t be able to handle it if she did.

Still, Stacey
was anxious. She guessed the only way to know if her friend was on her side was
to watch her eyes when they first met. They would tell her everything she
needed to know.

Zane seemed
less worried. Perhaps that was because he didn’t feel challenged in the human
environment, and he may even have been looking forward to meeting one of
Stacey’s friends. Stacey realized that as deep as the connection she shared
with Zane was – there were still a million things she hadn’t told him.

“How well do
we know each other?” Stacey murmured as they descended the bridge.


“I mean our
histories. The people in our lives. What happened before. We haven’t really
talked about everything. There’s so much about you I don’t know…”

“Well, ask me

“Oh. Um…”

“Whatever you

Stacey had a
think. “Where were you born? Here on earth or –”

otherworld. I was transported here when I was eighteen.”

“Is that when
you went to the Island?”

“Yes. I was a
new addition to the clan and I had to work my way up. My brother was already
there and went on to become Commander of the Guard, so that was a big help.”

“Do you ever
miss your home? The otherworld?”

“The Island
is my home now.”

Stacey nodded
silently. She saw the next turn was coming up. “Make a right here.”

A few minutes
later they were parked outside Jasmine’s house. The blinds were drawn but
Stacey could see the lights were on so someone was home.

Jasmine’s car
was parked in the drive.

“Can you wait
here first?” Stacey asked Zane.


“I don’t want
to like, bombard her. I’ll only be a minute.”

“Okay. Come
here then.”

Stacey leaned
forward and let Zane kiss her lips. She let out a sigh and pressed her forehead
against him.

worry,” he whispered. “Everything is going to be okay.”

“I hope so,”
Stacey whispered back.

She got out
of the car and started heading up the drive.

She prayed
Jasmine was alone tonight.





“Oh my God, Stacey! Wow! What are you
doing here?”

excitedly put her arms around Stacey, squealing in delight.

“Look at
you!” she continued before Stacey could get a word in. “What is this you’re

“Um… If you
just give me a chance to explain –”

“Sure! Come

She grabbed
Stacey by the wrist and dragged her inside. They wound up in the kitchen.

something to drink?”

Stacey said. “But first talk.”

“Oh, I’m
sorry,” Jasmine gushed. “Have a seat.”

The pair sat
down opposite one another at a circular table in the centre of the kitchen.

“So what the
hell happened?” Jasmine asked. “Did you escape or something?”

“Well, you
know how I went to live with the dragons…?”

“I heard. Did
you actually go to the Island?”

“I did.”

“Wow. What
was it like?”

“It was okay.
They weren’t that scary when you got to meet them up close.”

“Did you
any of them turn into dragons?”


Jasmine laughed. “That’s amazing.”

“Yeah. Just
calm down a moment, okay?”

“Okay. I’m

“I have my …
Dragon Master … outside in the car. We were wondering if we could stay here

Jasmine opened
and closed her eyes. “Are you kidding? Of course you guys can stay. Invite him

“So you’re
cool with it. You’re not going to tell the cops or anything that we’re here.”

“Why would I
do that?”

“I don’t
know. It’s hard to know who you can trust with this stuff.”

“Well, I’m

“Great.” They
got up from their seats. “So there’s no one else here right?”

“No. Not at
the moment.”

“No one else
dropping by?”

“Don’t worry,
you’ll be safe here,” Jasmine chuckled.

pinched her lips together. She stepped outside the house and waved to Zane in
the car.

“That him?”
Jasmine asked, standing next to her.


“Ooh. He’s


“Wow, he
really is hot. You’re doing well aren’t you?”

“Please don’t
upset him,” Stacey said quietly. “He’s very sensitive.”


approached them slowly. He stared Jasmine up and down, and then began to extend
his hand.

grabbed it and shook it hard. “Hello, hello.”

“Hello,” Zane

“Forget your

Zane shot
Stacey a glance.

girlfriend told me all about you. You’re like a
, right?”


“Well, don’t
be shy. Come on in.”

The three of
them entered the house. They proceeded into the kitchen.

“Look, before
we do another thing,” Jasmine went on, “I must feel your chest.”

“Excuse me?”
Zane muttered.

“You are so
ripped. I’ve never seen a chest like this in real life. It’s fucking awesome.
Just let me feel it.”

eyes moved from Zane to Stacey. “You don’t mind, do you?”

Stacey shook
her head.

Jasmine put
her fingers to Zane’s chest and wiped her hands all over. “Just beautiful,” she
said, almost drooling.

“Would you
like me to feel your chest now?” Zane asked.

Jasmine removed
her hands. “Now, that’s not very gentleman-like of you.”

“Because you
wouldn’t like it?”

licked her lips. “I don’t know.”

“Can I speak
to you a moment, Jasmine?” Stacey spoke up.

“Sure, what
is it?”

“In private.”
Stacey grabbed her hand and dragged her into the lounge.

Once there,
Jasmine’s hands went to her waist. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Can you not
flirt with him? Please?”

“I was not
flirting! He was the one who said he wanted to feel my chest –”

Jasmine!” Stacey hissed. “Just let him alone. I told you he’s sensitive. You’ll
set him off.”

alright, don’t wet your pants. I’ll behave.”

“Thank you.”

They returned
to the kitchen. Zane was seated.

“Sorry if I
offended you,” Jasmine said. “As you can tell, I’m a little bit of a loud

“No offense
taken,” Zane replied.

“Great! Now
can I get everyone something to drink? Or something to eat as well?”

“Do you have
any fruit?” Zane asked.





Thankfully for everyone, Jasmine had
enough apples and bananas to keep Zane busy, and she calmed down on the
touchy-feely-shoutyness. She and Stacey ordered a couple of pizzas and whilst
they waited for them to arrive they put on some music and had a vodka or two.
Stacey knew Jasmine didn’t deliberately want to upset her relationship with
Zane. It was just her nature to want to steal the limelight from whoever else
was in the room.

Zane was very
quiet. No doubt, Jasmine’s overbearing presence didn’t sit well with him.
Nevertheless he did not voice any complaints he might have had. He wasn’t
unkind in the least. Stacey appreciated that. It was good to see both of her
friends getting along. The new, and the old.

But things
were about to get out of hand.


Soon after
the pizzas were delivered and they were halfway through their meal, there was a
knock at the front door. Stacey shot Jasmine a glare to which she shrugged,
“I’m not expecting anyone.”

She got up
and went out into the hall to answer it.

“You seem
troubled,” Zane remarked. “Why is that?”

nothing,” Stacey lied.

Then she
heard it. The sound of his voice traveling down the hallway.

Whiley. Jasmine’s brother.


Go away, go
away, go away…

Zane stood
from his chair.

entered the kitchen, an odd expression already etched on rugged his face. He
looked from the pizzas to Stacey to Zane and said, “No one told me you were
having a party.”

“It’s not a
party,” Jasmine said coming in from behind him. “We’re just hanging out.”

Dennis set
his six pack of bourbon and cola cans on the table, and shoved a cigarette in
his mouth. Opened his lighter. Lit the smoke. Snapped the lighter shut and put
it away.

He pointed a
finger at Stacey. “You’re supposed to be locked up. Dragon’s Island or

Island,” Zane corrected.

“Bud, don’t
interrupt me when I’m talking to my girlfriend,” Dennis shot back. Then to
Stacey: “So how’d you get out? They overturn the conviction or what?”

mouth was frozen. She couldn’t speak.

Zane looked
to Jasmine. “Introduce me.”


“To him.”

“Oh,” she
murmured. “Dennis, this is Zane, Stacey’s … Dragon Keeper. Zane this is my
brother –”

“Dragon huh?”
Dennis said stepping forward. “You kidding me right?”

Zane shook
his head. “Not kidding.”

“What am I …
supposed to be impressed with that? Scared of you or something? Cause I ain’t.”

“You know
Stacey,” Zane remarked.

“Yeah. A
little bit. We hook up every now and again. When I feel like it. When I’m in
the mood.” Dennis shot Stacey a glance. “She certainly wouldn’t spread those
precious legs for anyone else.”

Zane’s eyes
lit up with a colorful rage and he grabbed Dennis by the throat and hurled him
across the kitchen, all the way into the lounge.

He landed on
the carpet, seemingly unharmed. Just a little dazed.

Zane went to
go after him, but Stacey grabbed hold of him.

“Don’t hurt
him,” she said. “You can’t.”

Zane threw
her hands away angrily. He pushed past Jasmine and marched into the lounge to
confront Dennis.

alright,” Dennis was saying. “Sorry man. Didn’t mean to insult anyone.”

Zane watched
him carefully.

“No need to
worry about me, everyone,” Dennis called out. “I’m fine. Enjoy your pizza and everything.
I’ll go now.”

He got to his
feet and brushed past Zane.

“Just let me
get my cans and I’ll be out of your way.”

Dennis picked
up the cans from the table, and then in a split second lobbed the entire pack
in Zane’s direction. He then whipped out a gun and put it to Stacey’s head.

“What the
fuck are you doing?” Jasmine cried over Stacey’s surprised scream.

“Just back
away,” Dennis said to Zane. “Get the fuck out of the house. I’ll fucking waste
the bitch, I don’t care.”

Zane eyed him
menacingly, pondering his next move.

chance,” Dennis said ramming the butt of the gun into Stacey’s skull.

“Oh my God,”
Jasmine said, tearfully. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m going,”
Zane said to Dennis. “Just promise you won’t hurt her.”

“I’m not
gonna hurt her,” Dennis laughed. “I fucking love the slut. Now get the fuck out
before I change my mind.”

Stacey looked
to Zane, who whilst backing away, seemed utterly devastated.

, she mouthed
at him.

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