Sharon Poppen (12 page)

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Authors: Hannah

BOOK: Sharon Poppen
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“We promised her that we’d be here as soon as possible and start right in.”

“Well, we couldn’t let Hannah die in the desert.”

Liam smiled at the memory of their first encounter with the woman he’d come to love. “No, we couldn’t.” He gripped his younger brother’s shoulder. “Look, Aunt Emiliana needs you. I’ll take care of Hannah.”

Frank shook his head. “Okay, have it your way.” He headed for the kitchen door. “But promise you’ll send for me if you find you need me.”

“I will,” Liam promised.

As he waited for Hannah to come out onto the porch he thought about how she’d become the focus of his life. The safety, companionship and love of this strange woman, who seemed to radiate a vibrancy and energy that was always one step away from success or destruction, consumed him.

Hannah and the others came out on the porch and after hugs and good-byes were exchanged the couple rode off. Liam glanced back to extend another wave to his family and experienced a sense of loss. Loss of the reassuring complacency of the life he’d planned with his brothers in working the ranch and settling down. Etching their worried expressions into his memory he turned to follow the woman he’d follow to hell, if that was where she was heading.

Liam smiled.
Hell with Hannah is far more appealing than a bucolic heaven without her

She turned at that moment and caught his smile. Liam thought he detected a look of guilt on her face. He knew she suffered terrible from the fact that she survived the attack and needed to deal with Drake before she’d find peace with Caleb’s death. Then there was her promise to the dead mother about the baby. And after the long discussion last night, he knew she felt guilty about separating him from his brothers.

Liam widened his grin and grabbed her hand to pull their horses close. He leaned over and kissed her. She wore a smile when they parted. He released her hand and spurred his horse forward. The sound of her horse following his lead sent his spirit soaring and strengthened his surety that her future was with him.



They rode into San Antonio just after sunset. Hannah insisted that they stop by the sheriff’s office, first thing. It was locked up and no one answered Hannah’s firm and plentiful raps to the small window embedded in the door.

“Like I said. He’s gone for the night. Probably having dinner over at the hotel, where we should be.” Liam hadn’t dismounted.

“He must have some prisoners.” She moved to the large bay window. A dark shade had been pulled to keep the inner office hidden from view. She rapped again. “There must be a deputy on duty.”

“He’s probably having dinner, too.” He drew no response from Hannah as she tried to peek through the small space between the edge of the shade and the window frame. “Oh, wait,” Liam’s voice was almost a whisper. “I think I hear something.”

That got Hannah’s attention. “Where?”

“Here.” Liam pointed to the ground next to his horse. “Quiet.” He cocked his ear and seemed to be listening to something.

Hannah rushed to his side. “Where?” she whispered.

Liam reached over and took her hand. He brought it to his abdomen. “Here. My stomach is calling for food.”

Hannah pulled her hand away and shot him a dirty look. Seeing his grin in the dim lantern light, her scowl softened. She reached up and massaged his stomach. She smiled. “You’re right. Let’s board these horses, get a room and feed this hungry devil.” Hannah turned, mounted her horse and followed Liam to the stable they’d used on their last trip to San Antonio.

With their horses boarded and their gear stored in a second floor room, the pair hurried on down to the hotel dining room.

“Hope they’re serving that chicken fried steak we had last time.” Liam’s stomach rumbled in anticipation as he perched his Stetson on a peg by the door.

“Liam.” Hannah giggled.

“Sorry, told you I was hungry.”

“Yes you did.” Hannah and Liam sat down at a table for two.

Liam smiled across at Hannah and then his eyebrows rose. “Well, looks like we found the sheriff.”

Hannah turned to the table behind her just as the sheriff nodded to Liam. “Evenin’ folks. Surprised to see ya’ll.” He wiped his chin and took a swig of his beer.

“Evenin’, Sheriff. No more surprised than us,” Liam agreed.

“What brings you here? Word on that Drake fella?”

“Is there any?” Hannah dared to hope.

“No. He’s just plain disappeared. No trail. ‘Course after word got round ‘bout what he did to his own ma, I think folks are scared to cross him.”

“As well they should be,” offered Liam.

“That’s a fact. So, why are ya’ll here?”

“Something new has come up,” said Hannah.


“Looks that way.” Liam nodded.

The sheriff tossed his napkin onto his plate and stood up. “Mind if I pull up a chair with you folks so’s we can talk?”

“We’d like that.” Liam reached around and scooted a chair from the next table over while the sheriff instructed his deputy to head on back to the office.

Just as the sheriff sat down, the waitress came and took the couple’s food order. Once she was out of earshot, the sheriff turned to Liam. “So, more bad guys?”

“Hannah will fill you in.” Liam brought Hannah into the conversation.

“Sheriff, you remember the woman who was killed by Hank and Charly?”

He nodded.

“We just found out her name was Caroline Jackson. Her folks have a ranch just north of here.”

“Carl Jackson’s girl?”

“Yes. Her mother went to meet her at the train day before yesterday. She’d gotten a letter from her daughter saying she’d had a baby girl and was coming home. Best we can tell is that Caroline caught an earlier train.”

“Damn! Right nice folks those Jacksons, but I did hear tell that the girl ran off with a no good drifter.”

“That’s what her mama said when she showed up at my aunt’s ranch,” said Liam.

“Uhuh, what a shame.” The sheriff took a swig of his beer. “But how do Hank and Charly figure into this. They been in my jail ‘til just this mornin’ when a coupla Texas Rangers came and took custody of ‘em. They left for Austin this mornin’.”

Hannah continued. “They don’t. Seems Caroline’s husband has plans for the baby. He sent a woman to Liam’s aunt’s place. Said she was Caroline’s sister. She seemed genuine and Liam’s brother had no reason to suspect foul play, so he let the woman take the baby.”

“So, the baby is with the father?” The sheriff drained the last of his beer.

“We don’t know. Sarah Jackson said that her daughter had written her that the baby’s father felt that the baby was going to be very good to him financially, at least through the grandparents whom he intended to bleed dry. That’s why we’re here. We told Sarah we’d find the baby and get it to her.”

“Them bleedin’ words came from Caroline?” The sheriff seemed hesitant.

“Yes,” answered Hannah. “That’s what she wrote to her mother.”

The sheriff nodded and then shook his head.

Liam was surprised at the sheriff’s reaction. “What? Is there a problem, sheriff?”

“Well, they’s some legalities here. See the girl ain’t here to make accusations or bring up charges, but I know for sure that no matter how rotten this drifter might seem, he has first rights to that baby, his baby. ‘Fraid I can’t help and ya’ll should probably keep outta it, too.”

Neither Hannah nor Liam could believe what the sheriff was saying. “What?” they chorused in shocked disbelief.

The sheriff stood up. “Sorry, can’t help ya with this one. The law is the law and the father, not the grandparents, has all the rights regardin’ his child. If ya’ll are determined to get involved, watch out that you don’t end up being the ones I gotta pursue.” He shook his head, turned to leave, and bumped into the waitress who spilled coffee down the front of his shirt and denims.

“Damn, girl!” The sheriff brushed at his shirt.

“Oh, so sorry.” The girl looked like she was about to cry. Setting the coffee in front of Liam, she pulled a small towel from the pocket of an apron covering her ample torso. She began to dab at the brown stain on the sheriff’s chest.

He batted her away. “Let it be. You’re makin’ it worse.”

“Please, let me.” Furtively, she glanced toward the kitchen.

The sheriff sighed. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna tell on ya. Just be careful, Janey.”

“Oh, I will. Thank you!” She followed the sheriff to the door and handed him his hat. “Thanks again, sheriff.”

He donned his hat, grunted something that sounded like good night and left.

The girl looked like she was about to call out to him, and then abruptly turned and went to check on some diners across the room from Hannah and Liam.

Hannah watched the girl for a while to avoid looking over at Liam.

“Want to talk about what the sheriff said?” Liam asked.

“No,” she answered while still watching the girl. Hannah turned to look across at Liam and was pleased to see no sign of contention on his face. “But, I guess we’d better.”

He nodded.

“Liam, I keep seeing Sarah’s eyes and hearing her desperation when she talked about her daughter. I believe her. I think the baby is in danger. I promised that young mother that I’d remember for her child and I guess remembering includes making sure she’s safe and with people who’ll love her.”

Liam reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I agree.” He smiled. “I heard what the sheriff said and I think he’s right about the law. But, the law is sometimes blind. Or maybe it’s just that there’s a higher moral law that applies here.”

Hannah nodded her thanks.

“Now, I’m going to finish my dinner and then I’m off to bed. Somehow, I know you’ll have me up at the crack of dawn.”



As the hotel room door closed, the small sparsely furnished room seemed dominated by the single brass bed. For a moment, the couple found themselves absorbed by the possibilities and problems it presented. Hannah felt the excitement and hunger of a physical need warming her body and a glance at Liam left her with the feeling that it was a mutual need. She had told Liam she’d be his woman, but now, in this room, alone with him, she worried about how he’d feel if they let their bodies speak for them. She shivered.

He touched her shoulder. “Cold?”

“A little.”

“I’ll sit here,” he pointed to the edge of the bed. “You go on over to the other side and slip into your sleeping gown.”

She hesitated.

He smiled. “Go on. I’ll be a gentleman and give you some privacy.” He sat down and focused on the door.

“Thank you,” she whispered and slipped out of his line of vision. It took her several minutes to change and settle into the bedding. “I’m finished. Now I’ll close my eyes to give you some privacy.”

Liam got up and doused the lamp. He stripped to just his denims and got into bed. On his side, with his back to her, he said, “Good night.”

“Good night.” Hannah fought her urges in silence, making the moments seem like hours. Finally, she could bear it no longer. “Liam.”


“I meant what I said.”

“I know you do.”

Neither had moved during the verbal exchange. Another minute passed in silence before Hannah worked up the courage to touch Liam’s back. They were kissing before either of them realized that they had moved. Their lips were demanding as they parted in search for more. Hannah’s arms circled Liam and he began to caress her cheek with one hand and comb through her hair with the other.

The level of passion between Liam’s legs continued to grow. Hannah eased onto her back, pulling Liam on top of her. Her legs circled his hips. Liam moaned as his hips pressed deep into Hannah’s offering.

“Oh, God,” Liam cried as he lifted himself from Hannah and rolled to his side. He slipped one arm under her shoulder and stroked her cheek with his other hand. Their mutual frustration had taken their breath away and the only sound in the room was desperate panting.

Hannah was the first to gain control. “Liam?”

“Shush,” his hoarse voice requested. “Give me a moment.”

She closed her eyes and waited. Eventually she felt his lips softly brush against hers. It was warm, but fleeting, a kiss that a brother would bestow on a sister.

He pulled away and turned his back to her again. “Good night, my love.”

“But, don’t you –

“In the worst way. But, I don’t want your body as payment, I want commitment.”

The room screamed with uncertainty, yet hope. Tears threatened as she struggled for a response.

His hand drifted back and rested on her hip. “It’s all right, Hannah. I knew what I was doing when I followed you here. I’m a patient, but determined man. I’ll be here when you’re ready.” He gave her hip a gentle pat and pulled his hand away. “Now go to sleep. I don’t want you cranky, in addition to determined, tomorrow.” He managed a brief chuckle.

She smiled in the darkness and turned on her side with her back to him. “Good night, Liam.”

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