Shatter Me (The Jaded Series, #1) (36 page)

BOOK: Shatter Me (The Jaded Series, #1)
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As we’re both getting out of the truck, I see headlights approaching us. It pulls in behind my truck and I watch as Mac and an officer get out and walk towards us.

I reach under my seat and pull out two small flashlights and throw one to Nick. Mac and the officer walk up with their own flashlights just as Nick and I start jogging down the dirt road. None of us speak, already knowing what needs to be done. Assess the situation as best as we can, get in and get the girls out, and possibly kill Steven. Well, the last part was silently added by me. I still haven’t decided yet if I’m just going my maim him or completely destroy him.

As we come up to the start of the clearing where the cabin sits my gut clenches at the thought of the damage Steven as already inflicted. I know deep down that what we are about to walk into isn’t going to be good. He’s had them too long and from what Bailey’s told me about him, he is one sick son of a bitch. My hands ball into fists so hard that the hand holding the mag light flashlight cramps.

We slow to a walk as we get closer to the rundown structure, easily keeping to the shadows. The wood slats that make up the siding are now falling off and hanging by single nails. From the dim light, I can see through the curtains on the windows the glass is dirty and dull looking. The screen door is no longer hanging up in front of the front door but is leaning propped up beside it. The porch is sagging and you can see parts of the ceiling have fallen down.

We walk quietly up to the windows on either side of the porch and try to peer inside. The curtains that are hanging block our view. Frustration hits me and I clench my teeth to keep from cursing. Mac quietly whistles to me and Nick to catch our attention. He flicks his fingers to indicate he wants us to walk around the opposite sides of the house to him.

Nick and I slowly make our way around to the back of the cabin, stopping at each window trying to get a glimpse inside with no luck. Each fucking window has a thick curtain. Impatience claws at me and it takes everything I have not to bust my way through the door.

Just as I’m about to do just that Mac is at our sides whispering. “You and Officer Garrett go around the front. Nick and I will stay back here. From the time you start walking around wait thirty seconds and then burst through the front door. Nick and I will do the same back here. Yours and Nick’s job is to get to the girls and get them out. Officer Garrett and I will take care of Steven and his friend. Got it?”

I look Mac right in the eye and tell him exactly what I feel. “If I walk in there and it’s too late, I can’t promise that, Mac. My woman and sister are in there and there’s no telling what condition they are in. I’m warning you right now, and if you have to cuff me later, so be it, but I may not be able to hold my shit.”

Nick speaks up right after me. “Fuck that, Mac. You know damn good and well that neither one of us can promise that. And you also know that if it were your woman in there you would do whatever it takes to ensure that the fuckers pay. No more bullshit. Let’s do this.”

Mac’s jaw goes hard, but he just nods his head. He knows that there’s no stopping Nick and I if we go in there and the situation is like we all fear it would be. He also knows that there’s no way he can stop us from going in there. Mac is a good friend and wouldn’t want either of us in trouble.

Silently counting in my head Garrett and I stealthily jog around to the front of the cabin. Garrett has his gun released from the holster and is holding it pointed down with both hands. Once we reach the steps we step lightly up them until we are standing in front of the door. I move to one side while Garrett moves to the other. I hold up my hand to show Garrett that there are five seconds left.

As soon as I pull in the last finger Garrett rears his leg back and slams it forward into the door. The door bangs open against the wall just as we hear the rear door burst open as well. Garrett enters first holding his gun steady in front of him. I enter immediately behind him. What I see almost punches the breath out of me and brings me to my knees. I swear my heart stops for a minute before it starts beating double time.

Both Bailey and Anna are bent over a table opposite of each other. Bailey is still mostly clothed, but Anna is completely naked. Two men are standing behind them. The one behind Bailey has his pants around his knees while the one behind Anna is naked as well. They are both being raped.

When we first stepped through the doorway Bailey’s head was close to Anna’s and facing her, almost in a protective gesture. Now her head is turned my way and my blood boils when I see her bloody and swollen face. My gaze next sweeps to Anna and my body literally jerks at the damage done to her. She’s barely recognizable. She’s got markings of all kinds on nearly every part of her body. She’s not moving and it scares the shit out of me.

It only takes me seconds to take in the scene and only half that time for rage to enter me. A half a second later the pain ascents. Both feelings leave me with my hands balling into fists and my jaw clenched tightly shut, ready to do irreparable damage to the two men that have hurt these two precious women.
They will fucking pay!

Garrett and Mac have their guns raised to the two bastards, but I push pass Garrett, not caring I’m putting myself in front of the weapon. I see red and my sole purpose is to get to him. Hurt him.
Kill him.
Nothing can stop me from exacting my revenge towards him and pummeling him into a bloody dead mess. I roar out in fury and launch myself across the room towards the man behind Bailey.
Even without the picture Mac showed me of him I would still know it’s him.

As I near Steven, who is desperately trying to pull up his pants, I vaguely see Nick out the corner of my eye bearing down on the other man, just as I knew he would.

My complete focus back on reaching Steven I get to him just as he straightens back up. I never slow my movements as my hands reach for his throat, grab tight, and slam him into the nearest wall. With one hand still wrapped around his neck I rear my other back and throw everything I have into the punch to his face.

Satisfaction flares through me as his head whips to the side and I hear a loud crunch. Blood immediately starts gushing out of his nose, runs down his chin and onto my hand. When he looks back at me, I see that it’s definitely not the perfect straight it was before.

I watch as Steven’s eyes start to bug out of his head and his face turns blue. He’s frantically clawing at my hands trying to pry them off. I only squeeze tighter, relishing in the fact that he knows he’s not the strong one anymore.

Not nearly done with him I bring my fist back once more and land a punch into his gut. He tries wheezing in a breath, but is unable to because of my hold on his throat. Releasing his neck, I place both hands into his hair and slam his head down onto my lifted knee. He drops to his knees and then slumps to the floor, the force of the hit to my knee knocking him out.

So far into my madness, I don’t care if he’s out cold and unable to defend himself. I don’t just want him knocked out. I want him no longer breathing. For every piece of pain he’s caused Bailey and Anna I want to deliver it to him tenfold. I want him to suffer for everything he’s ever done. I want him to fear for his life. I want him to hurt, just as Bailey has done. I want to watch as the life leaves his body, just as Bailey felt the life of her baby leave hers. No punishment is enough for him. No punch or kick will ever be sufficient. His life has to end.

I jump on top of his prone body and start landing hit after hit to his face. His limp head whips this way and that way slinging blood in all directions. I dimly hear someone shouting my name, but I’m too much into my rampage to really take notice. My hands are bloody and I know some of it is mine because my knuckles are torn to hell and back. But I don’t care. I don’t feel the pain. I keep swinging my fists.

A delicate form lands beside me and grabs my arm screaming at me to stop. I immediately stop my next swing and drop my head, squeeze my eyes shut, trying to fight the pull to keep bashing in Steven’s face. My breathing is heavy and my lungs hurt when I try to calm it. I know it’s Bailey beside me. I can smell her sweet scent and it helps relieve the turmoil raging inside me now. The only thing that keeps me from continuing on my destructive path is the knowledge that she needs me right now more than I need to finish the job.

I lift my head and bring my face to hers. The pain I see in her eyes causes my heart to restrict in my chest. Her face is streaked with blood and tears. Her small pert nose has a gash across the bridge and it’s slightly crooked. Her eyes are starting to swell and turn a purplish blue color.

I quickly crawl off Steven’s still body and launch myself at her, landing on my ass and gathering her in my arms. Her arms go around my neck and she buries her face in my neck. I hear her ragged cries and feel her tears soaking the collar of my shirt. I let her cry as I pull her tighter to me.

“Shh...I’ve got you now, Angel.” I gently run my hands up and down her back, trying to bring some comfort to her.

“I p-prayed. I prayed a-and prayed you would come.”

The pounding of my heart increases with her words. God, what was going through her mind while Steven had her in his clutches? I close my eyes and try to push back the tears that are threatening to come out. I bury my hands in her hair and push her head closer to my chest. She’s grabbing my shirt with her small hands like she’s never letting go. That’s okay. I plan on never letting her go either. No one will ever harm her again.

Bailey lurches in my arms and tries to pull away. “Anna!” She yells. “We have to help Anna!”

Pulling her back into my body, I try and comfort her. “Calm down, Angel. Nick has her.”

Belatedly, I look up and around and notice Steven’s friend is handcuffed lying on his stomach. His face is towards me and I can see that he fairs no better than Steven. Pleasure fills me at the sight, but I still want to go over there and smash his face in with my boot.

Mac is standing about three feet from us in a stance that shows he was about to pull me off Steven if Bailey couldn’t get to me. His look is fierce. I look around some more trying to locate Nick and Anna but don’t see them.

“Where’s Nick and Anna?” I ask. My voice is hoarse from the screaming I did while attempting to kill Steven.

His fierce look turns to one of sadness and I know that something isn’t right. My body jerks at the look and my heart speeds up. Slipping my hands under Bailey’s knees and shoulders I gently get to my feet, lifting her with me. I need to get to Anna. I need to make sure she’s okay.

Mac walks up to us and clasps my shoulder. “Outside. I’m so fucking sorry, Jax.” He says in a jagged whisper and I feel Bailey quiver in my arms and release another sob. 

I clamp my jaw shut and give him a jerky nod. Preparing myself for the worst but hoping and praying for the best, I slowly make my way towards the door, not wanting to jostle my Angel too much. Just before I get there I hear a shout behind me and turn just in time for a shot to go off from Mac’s gun. Bailey screams at the sound and pulls her arms around me tighter.

Mac is standing about ten feet away from Steven, who has a gun in his hand. Mac’s gun is pointed in Steven’s direction. Steven’s now laying on his stomach with the weapon pointed in our direction. Where he got the gun from I have no idea. What matters is the pool of blood seeping out around him. He’s gone and the threat is no more.

I look to Mac and his grim expression. He simply nods his head and turns back towards the now dead body of Steven.

Good fucking riddance! I hope you burn in hell!

I bring my head close to Bailey’s ear and whisper, “It’s okay. He’s gone now. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

Her cries become stronger, but I know it’s from relief. Knowing that Steven is dead and can no longer hurt her is a relief to us both. If he were still alive, there’s a chance he could still get to her. Steven has connections and whether he was in jail or not those connections would still stand.

Making my way towards the door, I step through and zone in on the shadowed form of Nick sitting on the ground with Anna in his lap. He has his head bent towards her. When I reach them, I notice that Nick found a blanket to wrap around Anna and is holding her tight to his chest.

From the light of the porch, I get my first real glimpse of Anna and it literally brings me to my knees. Still holding Bailey we both sink to the ground beside them.

“Oh Anna,” I whisper with a jagged breath. Bailey spasm in my arms but, my focus is still on the broken and defeated body of my baby sister. I don’t know how, but I know this is the end. The knowledge causes an unbearable pain in my chest to form. My breaths are coming faster and it feels like I can’t get enough air in. My body sags and I hunch over a still sobbing Bailey that’s in my arms.

Nick looks over at me with bloodshot eyes. There are no tears, but I’ve never seen eyes that showed so much pain before.

“Jax—I can’t...” He says in a cracked voice before he stops and squeezes his eyes shut. “I don’t know...” He stops again when we hear a soft whisper.

“Nick,” Anna says in a voice barely heard.

Nick whips his head back around and brings his face closer to Anna.

“I’m here, baby.” He whispers back to her.

Anna shifts in Nick’s lap but then stills again when she lets off a whimper of pain. My jaw clenches at the sound and I want to go back inside and finish off the job that Nick started.

“No, Anna, stay still. The ambulance is on their way, okay.” His voice is still small.

Anna ignores him and shifts again, bringing out her arm that’s riddled with marks from under the blanket she gets it halfway to his face before she drops it again. She’s so fucking weak that she can’t even lift her arm. I want to slaughter the bastards.

Nick helps her by raising her hand and bringing it to his lips and then settling it against his cheek. She closes her eyes and takes in several shallow breaths before opening them again, focusing back on Nick.

“I love you, Nick.” She breathes out in a broken voice.

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