She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity (79 page)

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5. An Evening's Revelry

one of the loftiest titles in science: “Mendel's Law”
: Bateson and Saunders 1902.

Life likely emerged
: See Adami 2015; Baross and Martin 2015; Joyce 2012; Kun et al. 2015; Pressman, Blanco, and Chen 2015; Sojo et al. 2016; Szostak, Wasik, and Blazewicz 2016.

may belong to a trillion different species
: Locey and Lennon 2016.

horizontal inheritance
: Daubin and Szöllősi 2016.

Enterococcus faecium
: Lester et al. 2006.

a system of molecules called CRISPR-Cas
: Zimmer 2015a.

a genuine case of Lamarckian heredity
: Koonin and Wolf 2009.

These microbial monsters were eukaryotes
: Dacks et al. 2016.

: See Baudat, Imai, and de Massy 2013; Coop et al. 2008; Hunter 2015; Lenormand et al. 2016; Mézard et al. 2015; Sung and Klein 2006; Zickler and Kleckner 2015, 2016.

meiosis is the same inside a woman's body
: Evans and Robinson 2011.

polar bodies
: Schmerler and Wessel 2011.

When Mendel crossed tall and short pea plants
: Reid and Ross 2011.

“an evening's revelry”
: Hurst 1993.

Frans Alfons Janssens
: See Koszul et al. 2012; Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics n.d.

“Are we being presumptuous”
: Janssens 2012, p. 329.

why meiosis evolved
: See Lenormand et al. 2016; Mirzaghaderi and Hörandl 2016; Niklas, Cobb, and Kutschera 2014; Wilkins and Holliday 2009.

Sometimes, yeast have sex instead
: See Casselton 2002; Hodge 2010.

The differences . . . were clear
: McDonald, Rice, and Desai 2016.

Peter Visscher
: Visscher et al. 2006.

meiosis has crumbled away
: Mirzaghaderi and Hörandl 2016; van Dijk et al. 2016.

: Koltunow et al. 2011; Bicknell et al. 2016.

Sergey Gershenson
: See Gershenson 1928; Wasser 1999.

“. . . it seemed impossible to explain them . . .”
: Gershenson 1928, p. 490.

fixing Mendel's dice
: Lindholm et al. 2016. On plants: Fishman and Willis 2005. Fungi: Grognet et al. 2014. Mammals: Didion et al. 2016.

still unclear in humans
: Huang, Labbe, and Infante-Rivard 2013.

Some of those databases include genetic markers
: Meyer et al. 2012.

A few promising genes have turned up
: Liu et al. 2013.

push a population to extinction
: Unckless and Clark 2015.

6. The Sleeping Branches

History of the Goodspeed Family
: Goodspeed 1907.

The American obsession with genealogy
: Zerubavel 2012.

steeped in traditional European customs
: See Weil 2013; Zerubavel 2012.

“. . . what I have been told were the family arms . . .”
: Quoted in Weil 2013, p. 27.

“I am the youngest Son . . .”
: Quoted in Jordan et al. 1899, p. 6.

“One of the strongest natural proofs
 . . .” Paine 1995.

their high status in the new republic
: Morgan 2010a, 2010b.

Electa Fidelia Jones
: Morgan 2010a.

John Randolph, an early US senator
: Weil 2013, p. 82.

“. . . the traditions of chivalry and knighthood”
: See Order of the Crown of Charlemagne.

“When I talk to a genealogist”
: Quoted in Weil 2013, p. 47.

“some cotton and tobacco, and negroes, etc.”
: Quoted in Warren 2016, p. 7.

“. . . the son of an African Chief . . .”
: Quoted in Armistead 1848, p. 510.

an interest in genealogy as keen as that of their white counterparts
: Gatewood 1990.

“. . . the more intellectual and high-class branch . . .”
: Hughes 1940, p. 208.

“a negro boy . . . known by the name of ‘You-Boy'”
: Quoted in Hatfield 2015, p. 79.

When the journalist Alex Haley was growing up
: See Haley 1972; Norrell 2015.

“‘Rooting' a Negro family . . .”
: Quoted in Norrell 2015, p. 98.

historian Willie Lee Rose
: Rose 1976.

sometimes he dodged the questions by calling
: Page 1993.

paying out $650,000
: Nobile 1993.

An expert on African oral history
: Wright 1981.

a catalog of errors
: See Mills and Mills 1984; Mills and Mills 1981.

“Suddenly, white Americans were tuning in . . .”
: Page 1993.

“I believe that Haley sold out”
: Mills 1984, p. 41.

the second-most-popular search topic
: Falconer 2012.

The photos are of heaps of bodies
: US Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives 1944.

pater est quem nuptiae demonstrant
: Browne-Barbour 2015.

“the privity between a man and his wife . . .”
: Quoted in Baker 2004, p. 24.

“bald eagle evidence”
: See Shapiro, Reifler, and Psome 1992.

Charlie Chaplin
: See Ackroyd 2014; Friedrich 2014; Louvish 2010.

their blood type
: See Lederer 2013; Zimmer 2014a.

Ludwik Hirszfeld
: See Geserick and Wirth 2012; Lederer 2013; Mikanowski 2012; Okroi and McCarthy 2010; Pierce 2014; Starr 1998.

“to find the real father . . .”
: Hirschfeld and Hirschfeld 1919, p. 676.

“Showing none of the temperament . . .”
: See “The Case of Carol Ann” 1945.

“with charts, diagrams, and elaborate explanations”
: Associated Press 1944.

“In accordance with the well accepted laws of heredity”
Berry v. Chaplin

“You'll sleep well . . .”
: Quoted in Ackroyd 2014, p. 211.

“Unless the verdict is upset”
: Quoted in Benson 1981.

“This is magic”
: Quoted in Ackroyd 2014, p. 211.

bits of our genetic material
: Roewer 2013.

Tsar Nicholas II
: Coble et al. 2009.

enzymes that shred its own mitochondrial DNA
: Zhou et al. 2016.

Philip's mitochondrial DNA
: Gill et al. 1994.

some skeptics questioned the identity of the bones
: Zhivotovsky 1999.

Once again, Gill examined the remains
: Coble et al. 2009.

cheek swabs from 188 Jewish men
: Hammer et al. 1997.

Hammer and his colleagues published their new research
: Hammer et al. 2009.

“. . . a piece of me missing”
: See “Roots Revisited” 2016.

7. Individual Z

DNA.Land could confidently recognize 112 identical segments
: For more on identity by descent, see Browning and Browning 2012; Donnelly 1983.

Elias Gottesman
: Mandel 2014.

Graham Coop
: See Coop 2013c.

628 chunks
: Coop, personal communication. See also Coop 2013a and 2013b.

Joseph Chang
: Chang 1998.

Coop and his colleague Peter Ralph
: Ralph and Coop 2013.

Everyone who was alive five thousand years ago
: Thomas 2013.

: Lucotte and Diéterlen 2014.

That woman lived in Africa
: Fu et al. 2013

he lived in Africa 190,000 years ago
: Poznik et al. 2016.

Noble families struggled
: Martinez 2001.

fine distinctions
: Jordan 2014.

gradually singled out the people from Africa
: Smedley 2007.

as surely as they inherited their color
: Haynes 2007.

Ham's curse
: Robinson 2016.

“The Blacks born here . . .”
: Long 1774.

Carl Linnaeus defined four races
: Smedley 2007.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
: Frederickson 2003.

“abominable mixture and spurious issue”
: Quoted in Jordan 2014.

“. . . a question for the solution of a jury”
: Quoted in Morris 2004, p. 28.

“My father was a white man . . .”
: Douglass 1855.

Douglass's mother was a Maryland
: Barnes 2013.

Racial Integrity Act
: Zimmer 2014a.

“The mistakes the negroes made . . .”
: Galton 1869, p. 349.

the question of race was far more urgent and intimate
: Yudell 2014.

A scientist named Harvey Jordan
: Dorr 2008.

“as a leaven in lifting . . .”
: Quoted in Yudell 2014, p. 38.

“I have been wondering if I could be of service . . .”
: Quoted in Dorr 2008, p. 55.

Milton Bradley Company
: Keevak 2011.

“There isn't the least doubt, I think . . .”
: Quoted in Davenport and Davenport 1910.

“Skin color in negro x white crosses . . .”
: Ibid.

“melodic endowment”
: Quoted in Jordan 1913, p. 579.

“The Effects of Race Intermingling”
: Davenport 1917.

“The human species so shade and mingle . . .”
: Dubois 1906, p. 16.

Ludwik Hirszfeld
: See Geserick and Wirth 2012; Lederer 2013; Mikanowski 2012; Okroi and McCarthy 2010; Starr 1998.

“the most crowded and cosmopolitan spot . . .”
: Quoted in Owen 1919.

samples from 8,400 people
: Hirschfeld and Hirschfeld 1919.

“Our biochemical index . . .”
: Hirszfeld and Hirszfeldowa 1918.

Theodosius Dobzhansky
: See Adams 2014; Dobzhansky 1941; Ford 1977; Gannett 2013; Mather and Dobzhansky 1939; Sturtevant and Dobzhansky 1936.

“not only a line but a wide gulf . . .”
: Quoted in Yudell 2014, p. 82.

“had no basis in biology”
: Quoted in Yudell 2014.

“The idea of a pure race . . .”
: Dobzhansky 1941, p. 162.

“The laws of heredity are the most universally valid ones . . .”
: Ibid.

humans certainly varied
: Gannett 2013.

Dobzhansky's new allies pushed the attack further
: Yudell 2014.

Lewontin, working with John Lee Hubby
: Hubby and Lewontin 1966.

“to which human perceptions are most finely tuned . . .”
: Quoted in Lewontin 1972.

In 2015, for example, three scientists
: Hunley, Cabana, and Long 2016.

Senegal, Nigeria, Angola, even Madagascar
: Patin et al. 2017.

“to keep Negros quiet”
: Quoted in Warren 2016, p. 70.

embarrassing blunders
: Duster 2015.

“There is no race which is so subject . . .”
: Thomas 1904.

“The ‘Jewish nose' . . .”
: Dillingham 1911, p. 74.

Jews, doctors came to agree, had diabetes
: Tuchman 2011.

“some hereditary defect”
: Quoted in Tuchman 2011.

William Osler, the most important clinical doctor of the early 1900s
: Ibid.

Hispanics are 60 percent more likely
: US Department of Health and Human Services 2017.

more sensitive to the blood-thinning drug warfarin
: Lam and Cheung 2012.

Richard Cooper
: Cooper 2013.

some variants in African Americans and Nigerians
: Zhu et al. 2011.

“a sideshow and a distraction”
: Quoted from Rosenberg and Edge (in press).

What matters is ancestry
: Nielsen et al. 2017.

8. Mongrels

The Taita thrush
: Pritchard, Stephens, and Donnelly 2000.

They had named the program STRUCTURE
: November 2016.

chopstick effect
: See Lander and Schork 1994.

William Knowler, a researcher
: Knowler et al. 1988.

families with people outside the tribe
: Williams et al. 1992.

people are not Taita thrushes
: Pritchard et al. 2000.

genetic variations in 1,056 people from around the planet
: Rosenberg et al. 2002.

Aristotle also threw together species
: Rosenberg and Edge (in press).

software, known as RFMix
: Maples et al. 2013.

came together in Poland to seek refuge
: Behar 2013.

Shai Carmi of Hebrew University
: Xue et al. 2016.

as dubious as terms like
: Mathias et al. 2016.

2,400-year-old mummy
: Pääbo 1985.

assemble it into an entire genome
: Der Sarkissian et al. 2015.

one kind of bone was far better than the rest
: Pinhasi et al. 2015.

a kind of genetic transect
: Fu et al. 2016.

the first farmers
: Lazaridis et al. 2016, 2014.

southern edges of Europe
: Brandt et al. 2015.

skin colors
: Jablonski and Chaplin 2017.

Sarah Tishkoff
: Crawford et al. 2017.

a hunter-gatherer who lived in Spain
: Olalde et al. 2014.

This long lag is puzzling
: See Beleza et al. 2013; Martiniano et al. 2017; Mathieson et al. 2015a, 2015b, 2017; Olalde et al. 2017.

mergings of deeply different peoples
: See Hellenthal et al. 2014; Pickrell and Reich 2014; Slatkin and Racimo 2016.

ancient DNA from African skeletons
: Skoglund et al. 2017. See also Beltrame, Rubel, and Tishkoff 2016; Kwiatkowski et al. 2016; Nielsen et al. 2017.

a single village in Borneo
: Brucato et al. 2016.

Henry Fairfield Osborn
: Regal 2002.

“confined to native Americans”
: Quoted in Barkan 1992, p. 68.

“Heredity and racial predisposition are stronger . . .”
: Grant 1916, p. xi.

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