She Likes It Irish (15 page)

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Authors: Sophia Ryan

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: She Likes It Irish
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“Yes,” he managed to say, but had no idea whether the response fit the question. The word rushed out on his shallow breath and was barely out of his mouth before her mouth captured the head of his cock. His breath dashed out of his lungs in a low rumble, and his eyes closed. “Yes,” he repeated, as her lips rolled down over his growing hardness.

She took her time, keeping her lips taut to stroke his cock, moving down and taking him in as deep as she could. Her tongue took over, licking up his staff and wrapping around his width. It spiraled up to the tip top and fondled his slit. A bolt of pleasure shot through to his core.

Her teeth nibbled and softly bit all over him, as if she had to taste it all and had no self-control to wait patiently. The brush of her long, chocolate hair against his stomach and thighs only added fuel to his fire, and he buried his hands into the sex-tangled mass. His hips lifted off the bed slightly, pushing his cock deeper into her giving, tight mouth, unable and unwilling to hide his roaring hunger from her.

“God knows how I want you, Kristin.”

His body gasped for release, but he fought to keep from erupting until she had found her pleasure. As if in sync with his needs, Kristin grabbed the condom, slid it onto the hard head of his dick, like a beanie, and rolled it down until it rested at the base of his erection.

She rose up and, in one strong stroke, took his blade deep into her sheath. Inside her as far as was possible, he stamped his mark on her, again and again, as if to say, “
She’s mine. For now. For always.”

Her eyes were fiery and glazed as she rode him hard and fast, leaning forward as if she barebacked a wild stallion on the beach of Dingle, her hair tousled, skin glowing with a silky sheen, a reckless smile on her beautiful face. He gripped her hips to steady her and to match the pounding rhythm of their single heartbeat with the rhythm of their single body.

The pace shifted, and she rocked her hips back and forth rather than up and down, letting her clit scrape against his hardness. She was close. He could smell her readiness, a sweetness that flooded his senses and turned up his own heat. Her breathing came in desperate gasps, quick and shallow through her parted lips. Then it seemed as if she wasn’t breathing at all. He now knew that she held her breath when she was about to come. He felt her groin relax, open up, and she exploded on his shaft, her gripping pussy releasing the pause he had placed on his own pleasure. She pulled in gulps of air.

“Oh, Sean…Sean…Sean…”

Sex with this woman made sense. Made everything in his life make sense. Her touch made him hunger with the deepest need. He wanted her more than any other woman he’d ever had. Hearing his name on her lips, knowing he had pleased her, made his body thrust deeper into her willing, loving body. His body shook from the power of it.

“I’ll want you forever, Kristin.” The words were out of his mouth before he realized he’d actually spoken them.

Her eyes went soft. A contented smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Sounds good to me.”

Her words buzzed inside his body, his eyes tied to hers, he surrendered to the moment, and erupted inside her body, her name on his lips.

The sound of their breathing, their heart beat, the muted sounds of music from his laptop, the hum of the refrigerator, and other evidence of life outside their room slowly filtered back into their reality.

Kristin collapsed atop him, her head resting on his chest, her breath soft against his neck. His arms circled her and he hugged her, not ready to give up what had come to feel like part of his body. He rolled them over, so he was on top, still inside her, and pushed the head of his softening dick against the end of her pussy at just the right spot. Her legs went wider and soon she was crying out her pleasure again.

He looked into her eyes, her gaze soft and full of appreciation. He’d seen that look before in a woman’s eyes. It was love. And knowing it didn’t scare him. Just the opposite. The thought that this woman loved him, wanted him so deeply, enjoyed the pleasure he gave her, wanted to give it back in equal measure, made him feel warm and right. He kissed her mouth, softly, slowly, then put his hand between them, holding on to the condom.

“No, not yet,” she said, her voice lush and low, but she loosened her legs, let him pull out.

After adding the condom to the growing pile in the trash, he crawled back into bed, curled his satiated body around his woman, and fell into a blissful doze.


Bliss flooded Kristin’s body, too, but it had an opposite effect on her. She couldn’t sleep. Her mind replayed the moments they had shared tonight, the words of tenderness and desire he had whispered to her, the feelings swirling inside her, and wondered what it all meant.

As he lay softly snoring, she slipped out of bed and stepped into the puddle of moonlight streaming in through the window. It was a full moon—big, fat, round, bright, and perfect for telling her secrets to.

Ever since she was a little girl, she had sneaked out of her room on the nights the moon was full, like tonight, breathed in the special scent of the magic light like her mom had taught her, then told the wise woman in the glow all her secret wishes, dreams, and sorrows.

“A full moon means fulfillment, Krissy,” her mother had whispered into her tiny ear. “She is a time of celebration. Remember to give thanks for all she’s given you throughout the month.”

Arms around her body for warmth, Kristin faced her old confidant now and breathed her in. When all she could smell was Sean, she smiled and thanked her for him.

“I’m in love with him,” she said in a soft whisper, sending chills spiraling up her legs and back and down her front like a frosty caress. The moonlight shimmied as if it understood and was happy. Seconds later, Kristin felt a warm blanket and strong arms wrap around her back and a kiss touch the top of her head.

“You’re freezing, darlin’,” Sean whispered against her neck.

She turned into his embrace. “Not anymore.” She kissed him.

“Did my snoring wake you?”

She shook her head, too awestruck by him to speak. Silver light caressed his face, lit his hair, made his eyes shine with warmth. Her heart hitched as it always did, as if she couldn’t believe he was hers.

He chuckled. “Then why are you standing in front of the window, cold and naked, instead of in my bed, warm and naked?”

Thinking about how happy I am.
“I couldn’t sleep. My body’s still buzzing.”

“Is that a good thing?”


He grinned. “So, did I get it all?”

She matched his grin. “All of what?”

“You asked me to fuck your brains out.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “And if I said no?”

“Then I’d have to keep trying, of course.”

and shook her head with mock disappointment. “I’m afraid you missed a few brain cells waaaay in the back.”

“Hmm.” He stroked his chin with a serious look on his face. “Maybe a different position?”

“There are a couple we haven’t tried, yet,” she agreed in the same serious tone as he lowered her to the floor.


“But why do I have to tell him about the internet video of Kristin? You’re underestimating how much he hates me. I’m telling you…he’ll kill me.” Randy wiped his sweaty hands on his boxers, showing he wasn’t fully buying into Zoe’s plan.

“No, he won’t…if you say it exactly the way we practiced.”

“Can’t I just email it to him…anonymously?

“Sure. Do you have his email address?”

“Well, no, but I’m sure I could get it.”

“Dammit, Randy! The two of them are getting closer every day. Right this second, they’re in his bed, humping like today’s their last day together.” She paused, giggling at the thought that it actually was their last day together…they just didn’t know it yet. “Do you really want to wait until you get his address? If they fall in love, nothing will break them up.”

Randy hung his head and Zoe saw the truth slam him in the chest. “C’mon,” she prodded, gently, “let me hear you say it.”

He looked up at her, his face showing his fear and grief. “Uh, Sean, a friend of mine—”

“Stand up while you say it, so it’ll feel the same as when you’re doing it for real.”

He stood. “—sent me—”

Zoe shook her head in frustration. “Start over, from the beginning. And I’ll be Sean.”

“All right! Damn, woman, you’re bossy.”

“Shhhh! Do you want them to hear us? Look, I just want to make sure you do it right. If you mess up, we’re both screwed…and you’ll never get Kristin.”

He shifted on his feet, swallowed, released a breath, and started again. “Sean, a friend of mine sent me the link to a video of two chicks fucking.”

“Good for you, mate.”

He grinned at her.


“You used his accent.”

Zoe rolled her eyes. “Good for you, mate,” she repeated, slowly, enunciating each word to try to get him back on track.

“Yeah, well, I think you should look at it.”

“Thanks, man, but I’m not into girl-on-girl action.”

“You’ll be interested in this one…it’s someone you know.”

“Oh, yeah? Who?”

“Just take a look.”

“That’s where you hand him the note with the web link on it,” Zoe prompted.

“Oh, yeah.” He reached his hand out to her as if he were handing her the note. “Just take a look.”


“And sorry, man. Really.”

“Good, good. And then you walk away with your head down, like you’re really bummed about having to tell him that his precious lover is cheating on him. And then, if I were you, I’d leave your room for awhile. He’ll have questions after he sees it.”

His eyes went big. “What kind of questions?”

“Who sent it to you, whether you watched it all, who else has seen it…”

Randy plopped down on the bed and dropped his head in his hands. “Ah, shit. He’s going to kick my ass.”

Zoe sat next to him. “Not if you play it right. Keep in mind that you’re to act like you feel sorry for him because Kristin has cheated on him, because he’s losing her, because she’s hurt him.”

“But isn’t Kristin going to know right off that you’re the one who posted the video? I mean, who else could it be?”

“Don’t you worry about that. I’m going to tell her that someone stole my laptop—oh, I’ll need to stash it here for a few days. Shamefaced, I’ll admit that I recorded us. She’ll be upset, but she’ll forgive me. She always does. Now,” she said, putting her arm around him. “You can do this, right?” When he didn’t respond, she kissed his mouth, running her tongue around inside. “Right?”

“I can do just about anything if it’ll get Kristin away from Sean.”

“Good. At no time does my name come up. If I find out that it did, and you sold me out, I’ll kick your ass myself and then drag you to Sean to finish you off. Kristin will never speak to you again much less climb into your bed.”

Seeing the fear in his eyes, Zoe pushed him backward onto the bed and laid on him, grinding into him. “Don’t worry. You’ll do great.” She kissed him, but he turned his face away.

“You’re going to delete the video afterward, right?”

She rolled her eyes. “What difference does it make?”

“You have to delete it. I don’t want it out there for people to see.”

“Fine. I’ll delete it. As soon as he dumps her. Happy?”

“Not really. I don’t feel good about this.”

“Well, maybe you’ll feel good about this.” She slid down his body, pulled his dick from his boxers, and sucked him deep into her mouth, sealing their deal with the first of four blowjobs she’d agreed to as payment for his help.


In the quiet, after their breathing calmed and their flush subsided, Sean wrapped the blanket around their cooling bodies. A long gurgle came from Kristin’s stomach.

He laughed and ran his hands over her stomach. “You hungry?”

“Starving. What do you have in the fridge?” she asked and jumped up from the floor and went over to the small refrigerator set against the wall.

“Not much, darlin’. Sorry.”

She opened the door and peered inside. “Two beers—a clear violation of dorm policy Mr. RA—a dried-up slice of pizza, half a burrito, and something that looks like it might have once been a piece of fruit.”

He admired her form as she stood in the light of the fridge, letting his eyes caress her. “An apple.”

“Disgusting.” She opened the little freezer compartment and pulled out a pint of ice cream. “How old is this ice cream?”

“Couple days.”

She pried the lid off. “Yes! It’s chocolate! Do you have a fork?”

“A fork? Darlin’, you eat ice cream with a spoon.”

“Don’t diss on the way I eat my ice cream or I won’t give you any.”

“In the basket on top of the fridge.”

She rummaged around until she found a fork then returned to him. She dug it into the carton and ate her first bite, rolling her eyes at the creamy, rich taste. “Oh, God. I think I love you.”

He loved how delighted she seemed about everything. He sat up. “Show me.”

She dug up a bite and fed it to him, then dug up another bite for herself. “Am I in the presence of a fellow chocoholic?”

“It’s why I work out every day,” he said.

“Me, too.” She fed him another bite. “Do they have good chocolate in Ireland?”

“There’s this family-owned place in Mum’s hometown that’s been making chocolate for over seventy years. When we were kids, Da would take us there once a month and let us choose one thing.”

“What would you choose?”

“It changed every month.”

His eyes went to the five foot tall map on the wall. She followed his gaze.

“Wow…now that’s a map. Ireland?”

He took the bite of ice cream she offered. “Yep.”

“And it’s to scale, too,” she teased, laughing at the frown he tossed her.

“After that nasty remark, you’ll not be getting any more of
ice cream.” He grabbed the carton and forked a huge bite into his mouth.

She laughed, kissed his chocolate mouth, then crawled over to inspect the map. Moonlight streaming in caressed her smooth skin as she knelt in front of it to read the town names. “Where’s that chocolate shop you were talking about?” she said over her shoulder.

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