She Likes It Irish (2 page)

Read She Likes It Irish Online

Authors: Sophia Ryan

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: She Likes It Irish
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“You do your half of the project, I’ll do mine, and

she wagged her finger between the two of them, “never happened.”

“Kristin…” Sean and Randy both began as she flung open the door.

“Give me a sec to get dressed,” Sean said.

“Sorry,” Randy whined.

She ignored them both and rushed out of the room, leaving the door open. She was down the stairs, out the front door, and several yards away from that dorm of regret when she heard footsteps clomping behind her on the crusty, frozen ground. Had Randy decided to do the right thing and walk her home? A glance over her shoulder told her it wasn’t Randy, but Sean jogging toward her. He had pulled on a thick hooded sweatshirt and hiking boots, which he’d left untied, but only those thin boxers covered his lower half.

Frigid air assaulted her lungs and nose when she breathed in, and she was cold even wearing jeans, boots, and a jacket. Guilt rose in her like foggy breath, knowing that Sean’s bare legs were probably freezing in the 32-degree February night.

“I’m fine on my own, really,” she said. “Go back in before you freeze.”

“Which dorm are you in?” He pulled the hood over his head and tucked his hands in the pockets at the stomach, ignoring her insistence that she was fine.

Fine, let him freeze. “Zia.”

“On the other side of campus?”

His shivering legs and chattering teeth brought a little smile to her face. “That’s the one. Still think I need an escort?”

“I kicked you out, so it’s my job to protect you. If your cute little arse got assaulted walking across campus at one in the morning, I couldn’t live with myself.”

She stared into desire-filled eyes, remembering his sinfully hot body, and, God help her, what was inside those damn-ugly boxers. “Who’s going to protect me from you?”

He laughed.

She didn’t. “You do realize frostbite hits large exposed areas first?”

“Aye. I also realize those areas are less likely to freeze if I keep moving, so if you don’t mind…”

They trudged across the still campus, the only sounds their footsteps on the icy brown grass, their breathing, and the occasional chattering of Sean’s perfect white teeth.

“Most of the guys on the floor have come to my door for condoms. But tonight’s the first time a beautiful, half-naked woman has asked for a whole cup.”

“Hmm, well, don’t be impressed or anything. It was just plain old desperation that sent me to your door,” she said, thankful for the darkness that hid her smile. He had called her beautiful.

“Desperation? For condoms or because you regretted your choice of partners?”

“Wow,” she said with a scoffing chuckle. “Someone has a high opinion of himself.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“Look,” she said, and stopped, turning to face him. “It’s been a really long time since I…”

She couldn’t concentrate with his dark eyes shining, smiling, staring deeply into hers as if he were absorbing her every word and very interested in learning how long she had been celibate.

Swirling sensations of awareness for this perfect stranger were stirring up long-buried wants and needs. The heat of his body rushed out to meet hers, and, oh God, she could smell him, a delicious aroma of soap and sweat and man that made her want to lick him all over. She wanted to ask him to plant his flag in her and claim her for his own. Right here. Right now.

His very presence, his nearness, sucked the air from her lungs. And he grinned at her like he could read every single thought slip-sliding through her passion-filled brain. She strong-armed her inner slut back and tore her eyes from his, but that didn’t make the sensations burst like soap bubbles as she’d hoped.

“Never mind.” She started walking again, then stopped when she noticed he wasn’t beside her. She looked back. In the light of the half moon, she thought she saw his eyes glued to her butt. She spun around to face him.

“Are you looking at my ass?”

The grin he gave her said, “Aye, I was.” But his mouth said, “Why don’t you have a boyfriend taking care of your needs?”

“That’s none of your business.” She turned her back to him and continued walking, smiling when he jogged to catch up.

“Girls like you usually have loads of boyfriends to pick from.”

She stopped again, facing him with a spark of anger. “Girls like me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Ones with gorgeous green eyes that could stop a man’s heart and sweet lips that could bring him back to life with a single kiss.”

Though she knew a line of bull when she heard it, that damn sexy accent sent chills skating up and down her body and left her blushing and struggling for a response that didn’t include giggling or babbling.

“I’m not
of getting a boyfriend, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I’d have one if I wanted one.”

His eyes were staring so deeply into hers that she was sure he could read the real reason she didn’t have a boyfriend. She lost her mind completely when he reached out and brushed a thick strand of hair from her face with his fingertips. Her skin heated under his touch and her bones began to slowly melt.

“Do you?” Sean breathed the words more than spoke them.

Shit! She’d forgotten the question. “Do I what?”

“Want someone?”

“What I want is…”
Oh, my God, you!
“…to focus on finishing my degree.”

“Can’t you juggle the books and a lover at the same time?”

“I could. I choose not to.” She kept walking and took a deep breath to steady herself. He was right beside her.

After a short pause, he interrupted the quiet night again with another question. “Would you like to know whether I have a girlfriend?”

Oh, God, yes!
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me whether I want to know or not.”

“I’m unattached…like you.”

“What!” she said, increasing the volume of her sarcasm. “You mean a charming guy such as yourself hasn’t found someone special even with a whole campus full of women to choose from? Hot-blooded American women, by the way, who fantasize about dropping their drawers for a guy with an Irish brogue.”

“Tell me, Kristin, is this your fantasy as well?” She felt his hand brush hers, and then one finger hooked hers, sending tingles up her arm and straight to her heart. “If so, I’d be happy to make it come true.”

Her face burned hot in the cold night as her mind scanned her list of top ten fantasies and found being with an Irish hunk sitting at
numero uno
. It was crazy how he knew just what to say to stop her heart. It was as if he could see inside her, see all her bottled-up secrets that longed to come out and be shared with that special someone she’d been looking for her entire life.
Damn him!

She struggled for control over her emotions and moved her hand away from his. “Now I understand the problem. With that ego, I bet you’re looking for someone with the face of a movie star, the body of a model, the skills of a porn star, and the IQ of a gnat.”

He stopped and grabbed her hand so she would stop, too. His gaze locked on hers as he slid his hand around her waist and settled it at her lower back. Applying almost imperceptible pressure, he maneuvered her closer until mere inches separated her body from his.

“No,” he said, his voice somewhere between a whisper and a caress. “I’m looking for a woman who is so filled with passion that she’ll beat down a stranger’s door for a cup of condoms just to have me.”

Cold air wrapped around them in the stillness, uniting them. Breaths of steam exited their mouths in sync, mated in the air, and dissipated as one.

Shivering to dislodge the troupe of chill bumps that had settled down on her like snowflakes, she swallowed and steadied herself to speak.

“Don’t mistake my actions,” she answered, her voice low and soft, like she was confessing her sins to him. “I just needed someone tonight.”

“I don’t mistake your passion.” His voice matched hers in tone and volume, once again showing how in sync they were. “I saw it on your face when I opened my door.” He ran his thumb along her jaw line then touched the corner of her mouth. “And it wasn’t for Randy.”

He was right, of course. The second he’d opened his door, she had known without a single doubt that Randy had been a mistake. The desire she had felt for Sean at that moment was still alive and well. She could feel it, and he could see it. His eyes roamed hungrily over her face. She felt the warmth of his touch and his breath on her skin. Smelled his hard body, his desire. She felt the tug of him deep inside her. He wanted her, she wanted him. All the pieces were in place.

It would be a simple thing to shift closer, ease deeper into his embrace. Lift her mouth to his and let his kisses drive away all thoughts from her troubled mind. Let his hands remind her that she was a woman, with a woman’s need for a man. And not just any man…a man like him. No, not
. Let his sexy, hard body satisfy that need. And he could do it. Of that she was fully convinced. The man radiated strength and sexual prowess. He would know how to fuck a woman, how to please her, to distraction.

Even as she shivered at the idea of what he could do to her, she knew it would be a mistake. He was her type—a love-her-and-leave-her kind of guy who would thrash her heart as easily as he had won it—unfortunately. The type she was trying to stay away from. She forced herself to step back from his embrace.

“Why would you think that?” she said and turned away from him to keep walking.

“Because Randy’s not your type,” Sean said, right by her side.

Was he a mind reader, too? “After knowing me for all of, what, five minutes, you’re an authority on my type?”

“I know the guys on my floor. Randy’s definitely wrong for you.”

“I hope the university is paying you mega bucks for your amazing talents of deduction.”

“No mega bucks. But I do get to escort beautiful women to their dorm.”

She felt her heart swell as his meaning sank in. That was twice he’d called her beautiful. “Doesn’t sound like much of a reward, if you ask me,” she said.

“All of life’s miracles are rewarding, darlin’. Some are just more…pleasurable.” At the last word, he let his eyes roam over her body, then took a deep breath and released it slowly.

His emphasis on the word, and the knowledge that he appreciated her body, settled hot and heavy between her legs. Realizing she was holding her breath, she exhaled.

“Is that some old Irish saying?”

“New Irish saying. I made it up myself. Just now. Are you impressed?”

“I’m impressed you can still move after being out in this cold without pants.”

“If you’re worried about me, you could invite me in.” He nodded his head toward the building looming before them. “A little body-to-body contact could save my life.”

Sudden and deep regret filled her when she saw they were already at the entrance to her dorm. “Well, I would, but men aren’t allowed in the dorms after midnight. And it’s now,” she glanced at her wrist where her watch would be if she’d worn it, “later than that. But thanks for the escort.”

She turned away from him and grabbed the door. It wouldn’t budge. Locked.

“Shit.” She cupped her hands on the window and peered into the building to check for any movement. The front desk and reception area, which closed at one, were dark and deserted.

“Lost your key in that mess at Randy’s?” he asked.

“No. It’s in my room, sitting on my desk.” She tapped her head on the window, feeling like an idiot.

“Can you call someone to let you in?”

“My phone’s sitting next to my key, so I don’t have anyone’s number.”

“Now that’s a real shame. Well, good night.” He held up his hand and turned to leave.

Regret scurried across her skin. “You’re just going to leave me here? Alone? In the dark?”

He turned back to her, and the warm gleam in his eyes chased away the chill sheeting her skin.

“I’ll stay... If you warm me up.” He stepped closer as if to pull her against him, but she moved back and crashed into the glass door.

“It’s your fault we’re out here, Irish. If you’d just stayed out of my business, we’d both be warm right now.”

“You invited me into your business when you knocked on my door, asking for condoms. Who’s your RA?” he said, pulling his phone from his pocket.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Natalia something.”

“Nattie Jones?”

“Yeah, maybe.”

He punched in several numbers. “You’d have been warm but miserable because you slept with the wrong guy. Hey, Nattie. Sean O’Neill. Good. You? Oh, sorry to wake you, but I’m downstairs with one of your residents who needs in. Fantastic. Thanks, love.” He hung up. “She’ll be right down.”

“My, aren’t you the charmer. I could hear her giggling from here.”

“Now, darlin’, don’t be jealous and hating on poor Nattie.”

“Jealous?” she scoffed. “Why would I be jealous?”

“I saw you checking out my boxers.”

Heat bloomed in her cheeks as Kristin fought to keep her mind and her eyes off his boxers—well, what was in his boxers. She couldn’t help herself. Her gaze went right to where the red lips seemed to pout atop the Blarney Stone. The material rose. She shifted her eyes quickly to his face. To the sexy little grin on his face. To his laughing eyes.

The buzzer sounded and the door clicked, signaling that it was unlocked and she could turn away from those smug, knowing eyes.

“Good night, Blarney Stone,” she said and reached for the handle, but he was already behind her, opening the door for her.

“Sleep well, darlin’.” The whisper in his voice tickled her ear, and she turned to face him. He was so close she could smell the minty sweetness of his breath. So close she could see that his eyes were indigo not black. So close that if she lifted her face but a few inches she could taste his lips.

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