She Smells the Dead (15 page)

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Authors: E.J. Stevens

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: She Smells the Dead
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“Do you doubt my shopping abilities?” Simon asked holding his hand over his heart. “You have wounded me deeply. Of course I bought sugar, Love. I wouldn’t make the poor boy drink that swill without it.”

Just then Emma walked through the door. “It’s not swill,” Emma said. “It’s medicine.”

Son of a dung beetle
. This cabin was too small for a full out Emma and Simon fight so I tried to distract her from Simon who was grumbling that her tea tasted like something he once scraped off his shoe. How he knew what something he scraped off his shoe tasted like, I don’t even want to know.

“Emma, come see your patient,” I said waving her over to Calvin’s bedside.

Emma came over with her arms crossed and looked down at Cal. “You owe me big time Calvin Miller,” Emma said.

Calvin suddenly smiled widely. “You’re my white knight in shining armor Emma. Thanks.”

“No big,” Emma said. She shrugged but a smile stretched across her face. “It’s good to see you awake and back to your non-furry self,” Emma added.

Oh crap

Emma now knew Calvin’s secret and she probably wasn’t going to let him forget it. She pulled a packet of herbs from her pocket and held them up in the air. “I expect to see you drink this before I leave,” Emma said smugly. “All of it. Otherwise I’ll go to the school paper about how our school is infested with werewolves.”

Emma was enjoying herself but Simon growled.

“Here,” she said tossing the packet to Simon, “brew this up into two cups. You need to drink one too. It will prevent infection in those cuts on your arms.”

Simon growled again as he snatched the herbs from the air. “Love, your tea smells worse than dog crap on a hot summer day,” Simon said glaring. “I am not going to drink this.”

Oh, this was so not good

Calvin surprised us all by speaking up. “Simon, if I have to drink this then you do too,” he said, “and Emma’s right, those are some nasty cuts.”

Simon was looking beaten when Emma added, “You
know what dog crap smells like wouldn’t you dog boy.” She sniffed and turned away from him.

Simon looked like he was going to kill her, but then grinned. “If you wanted my body Kitten,” Simon growled, “all you had to do was ask.”

Then the two of them were at it again. I heard something about “playing hard to get” and “over my dead body” as they became louder. Well, I guess the truce was over. Emma and Simon had managed to get along when Cal’s health was at risk, but now there was nothing to hold them back. I turned to Calvin and shrugged. Let them fight. I didn’t care anymore. Looking into Cal’s eyes all I could think of was how much I loved him and how glad I was that he was safe.

“Kiss me,” Calvin said throatily and I did.

Chapter 47



I received a message on my phone that night from Emma. Apparently she and Gordy had met up after her job shadowing at the animal shelter. Over tea at the local coffee shop they had come up with a plan. They had both gone home and changed into black clothes and then Emma picked Gordy up for their stealth mission. Without giving anything away about my ability to smell the dead or Calvin’s shape shifting, Emma had informed Gordy about Grace Green. I’m not sure exactly what she told him but she must have mentioned that we were all concerned about this older widow who now lived alone on the farm.

Gordy and Emma had proceeded to sneak to the farm and walk quietly up to the house on the hill. Emma snapped some pictures of Grace’s herb garden that she then sent to my phone. Where the Deadly Nightshade had grown now stood a beautiful bunch of white flowers. Emma had included a message with the photo.
Yuki, white flowers mean forgiveness

I almost expected to smell vinegar as I read Emma’s message but the spirit of Jackson Green was no longer trapped here haunting me. I had, with the help of my friends, led Jackson’s spirit to the light where his soul could now rest in peace.

I smiled at the picture. I was glad to see that Grace Green was now working towards her own peace. She may have committed a terrible crime but she had also been distraught over the tragic deaths of her three sons. I hoped that she had finally come to forgive her husband and could now begin to forgive herself.

Chapter 48



I visited Calvin frequently over the next few days. It was the weekend so I didn’t have to worry about missing school and my parents were used to me spending the weekends with Simon and Cal. Calvin’s parents were in the woods north of here, but they called each day to check on how he was healing. I felt sorry for them. The full moon was keeping them away from their home and from their son, but they promised to return home soon. Simon had incredible control over his wolf spirit, which is why he had been chosen as our teacher, so he only had to let his wolf run for a few hours each night. Cal didn’t change into a wolf again during the full moon and I wondered if it was because of his injury or because of his alpha status.

Simon didn’t want to take any chances though and made sure that Calvin and I were never left alone for long. I think he was still feeling chagrined over the incident at the school dance. We all were. After all that had happened to us, caution seemed the best approach. Having Simon nearby also had the benefit of my learning more about spirit. I questioned him relentlessly and whenever Calvin slept, Simon and I would work on my control over and awareness of spirit. I wasn’t being haunted again, yet, but we knew what was coming on Samhain, the night of Halloween, and the events of the last few days only reinforced our resolve to train every day. I had so much to learn and so little time.
Story of my life

Emma also visited each day and made sure that Calvin and Simon were healing properly. Emma and Simon always argued but I think she had been genuinely concerned about the lacerations on his arms. The cuts had been red and swollen that first day, but Emma’s tonics and teas seemed to be working. I have no idea how she finally got Simon to drink the medicine she brewed, but his health was quickly improving.

Calvin was also feeling better with each day. His arm gave him pain, and he had to be careful not to move it, but he didn’t have a fever and his appetite had returned.

During the full moon Cal and Simon ate bloody steaks and burgers by the ton. Watching them made me queasy and Emma never hesitated to show her disgust, but she did admit to me that she had given up on making Calvin a vegan.

“Calvin’s a wolf,” she said one day, “and wolves eat meat. It’s the natural order of things. I don’t have to like it, but I can accept it.” Emma had said it simply but I knew it was hard for her to admit. “Don’t tell Cal though,” she added with a wink, “I still want to argue with him at lunch time.”

Chapter 49



Emma drove me to school on Monday since Calvin wasn’t feeling ready to return yet.
, he had promised. I ached being away from him for an entire school day, but I was glad he wasn’t pushing himself. Cal’s parents hadn’t returned home yet but they had called the school excusing Calvin for the day and giving permission for me to collect his assignments from his teachers, who all voiced concern when I said that Cal had a broken arm. A few even asked if it had happened at the football game and seemed relieved to hear that he wasn’t injured on school grounds. No he broke it while trying to escape a car while in wolf form.
If they only knew

Getting one of Calvin’s assignments had made me a few minutes late to lunch and I was surprised to see Gordy sitting at our table. Gordy and Emma had their heads close together in discussion and for a moment I wasn’t sure if I should interrupt. Emma looked up though and waved me over and Gordy got to his feet to leave.

“Hey Gordy, leaving so soon?” I asked. I hoped he wasn’t leaving because of me.

“Sorry Yuki-sama,” Gordy apologized, “I have to get back to study hall. Tell Calvin I hope his arm heals soon.” Turning to Emma he bent down and gave her a long, slow kiss.

Now that is an interesting development

Emma positively glowed as she watched Gordy saunter out of the lunch room.

“Anything you wish to share?” I asked.

“He’s an amazing kisser,” Emma said.

Well, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. “Ugh, too much information,” I said and faked a shudder.

“Well he is,” Emma said slyly.

“So are you two dating then?” I asked.

I knew Emma had asked Gordy to the dance, but I hadn’t heard much since.

“No I just kiss every guy that sits next to me,” she said rolling her eyes, “of course we’re going out.”

I was glad to hear it. Cal and I had been a little worried with the intensity that Emma and Simon fought and we had been wondering if they secretly had a thing for each other. Gordy was a much safer option.
Safer and younger

“We should all go on a double date then when Calvin is feeling better,” I said. I tried to picture the four of us hanging out as couples. We were all so different.

“There’s an anime convention coming up soon in New Hampshire,” I said teasingly, “we should all go.”

I tried to picture Calvin or Emma in costume. Cosplay wasn’t mandatory at an anime con but it was the norm.

“I’m in,” Emma said surprising me.

“Really?” I asked incredulously. I had suggested the convention as a joke.

“Why not?” Emma asked. “It’s something you and Gordy are in to. Plus, there’s a rally against animal cruelty coming up at the State House that I expect you all to go to.”

I laughed. Leave it to Emma to turn our double date into a negotiation.

“Deal,” I said.

Maybe I’d get to see Calvin wearing eye liner after all.
A girl can dream right

Chapter 50



Emma dropped me off at the cabin after school, but she didn’t stay long. Today was the afternoon that the veterinarian visited the animal shelter where she volunteered and she was determined to shadow him throughout his rounds. I wished her luck and silently hoped that the man had patience. Emma was bound to overwhelm him with questions about every move he would make over the next few hours.
Better you than me doctor man

After Emma left I rushed into Calvin’s arms. I felt like I hadn’t seen him for weeks even though we had only been apart for one day. His injured arm was bound in a sling, but we managed to cuddle just fine.
More than fine
. When we finally came up for air I heard Simon chuckle behind me.
How long has he been standing there

“Well Kitten, where’s my kiss?” Simon asked playfully.

I was so not going there

Calvin stood behind me, still holding me with his good arm, as I turned to face Simon. “So what’s on the training schedule for today old man?” I asked.

In answer to my question Simon held up a bag of bread. “You want us eat stale bread?” I asked incredulously.

“No thanks Simon, I’m not hungry,” Calvin replied jokingly.

“Why, aren’t you two a pair of comedians today,” Simon said, “and here I had planned a nice trip to the park for you two.”

That got our attention. A nice trip to the park?
Not likely

“What gives Simon?” I asked, “You want us to leave a bread crumb trail so we can find our way home?”

Calvin laughed low in his throat and Simon just shook his head.

“No Love, I want you two to do a bit of bird watching,” Simon said.

Bird watching
? I was totally confused and judging by the curious look on Cal’s face he was just as stumped.

“Wolves and crows have a special relationship,” Simon added, “and often work in tandem. Wolves will often follow crows to find a food source and crows have been known to warn wolves of danger.”

Simon handed me the bag of bread and Calvin shrugged.
I guess we were going crow watching

The air was tinged with a crisp October chill, so I pulled my black hoodie from my backpack and added it to my many layers. I had on thick leggings and tall forest green boots laced up to the knee so I should be fine so long as we kept moving. Calvin had a bit more trouble and was only able to put one arm through his coat sleeve. I helped him pull the other side of his coat over his injured arm but he was probably going to freeze if we stayed out here for long. The park was fortunately only a mile away from the cabin and we walked quickly holding hands along the way.

Before reaching the park we heard a crow cry out
caw caw
and watched as it settled on a stone post marking a corner of the town cemetery. I shuddered and tried to pretend it was from the cold. Pulling my hood up against the chill breeze I snuck a sideways glance at the crow. I always avoided the cemetery.
. It gave me the creeps and now that I had come into my powers I definitely did not want to walk past those wrought iron gates.
No way crow, I am not stepping foot in that bone yard

Calvin looked down at me and asked, “Should we follow it?”

The question was innocent enough and I knew that this was part of Simon’s training assignment but it was hard to move against my fear.

“Only if it stays outside the cemetery,” I said. “I, um, can’t go in there.” I hoped I didn’t sound like too much of a wimp.

Cal squeezed my hand and nodded. “Right, let’s see where it leads,” he said. “Maybe it will help me find burgers.”

I laughed and immediately felt better. “Simon did say crows are known to lead wolves to food,” I said going along with the joke.

How could I be scared of a silly graveyard when I was with Cal? With a flutter of wings the crow flew up into the air and crossed the street to land in front of us.
Lead on Crow Dude

Chapter 51



We had followed the crow for over an hour when it circled us playfully and flew away.

“I guess that means we’re done for the day,” I said.

Calvin looked like he was freezing, but he grinned his toothy smile. “Was it just me or did you feel like it was toying with us the whole time?”

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