Shield's Submissive (14 page)

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Authors: Trina Lane

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-E-Bound eBooks; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-907280-04-7, #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Shield's Submissive
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He switched off the vibrator on the plug and pulled out his cock. Her muscles pulsated as aftershocks continued to ripple through her body. He undid the restraints on her wrists and calves. Mark steadied her as she stood from the bench and remained still, lost in space.

She was in a complete daze, her brain melted by the powerful orgasm. A moment later, she was lifted in his arms and carried over to a bed. She vaguely wondered where it had come from. She felt a warm, damp cloth smooth over her legs and vagina.

“Sleep, sweetheart. I’ll wake you when it’s time.”

Her mind obeyed his command despite its nearly unconscious state, and her eyes closed.

* * * *

Erica felt as if she was floating. Her body seemed separated from reality. In fact, she would have convinced herself she was floating, but Mark’s warm, bare skin was pressed against her back and his arms were wrapped tight around her body.

She didn’t know how long she had been out of it. Craning around her neck, she caught a glimpse of him in the muted light of the room. His features were relaxed in sleep. While SHIELD’S SUBMISSIVE

Trina Lane


some men took on an innocent expression when they slept, Mark’s still maintained the strength and almost determined look he had when he was awake.

As she rolled, she realised that the plug was still inside her, and if she wasn’t mistaken, it had grown as she’d slept. He must have been manipulating it even as her orgasm had exploded through her and she’d passed out from the sheer physical and emotional turmoil of their most recent mating. She didn’t even remember there being a bed in the room, let alone climbing into it and under the blankets.

She looked up to see Mark’s eyes trained on her, sharp and alert.


“How are you?”

“Good. Little sore. Still full,” she said with a smile.

“Um-hmm… That plug should be just about its maximum size by now.”

He leaned over and kissed her, lips meeting and tongues duelling. Hands explored each other’s bodies. His hands reached up and tangled in her hair, holding their lips locked together. His arms swept down to pull her tight into him. He started to kiss behind her ear then down her neck. Sucking where it met her shoulder, he created a bruise, which he soothed with his tongue. Leaning her back, he drew one of her nipples into his mouth and pulled at the sensitive tip. He licked and nibbled on the tender tip until it shone with saliva.

Moving over to the other side, he repeated the attention.

Erica moaned and writhed underneath him. Her hands burrowed in his hair and pulled on the strands. He moved his body between her legs and rocked against her. Her legs came up to wrap around his waist, and her arms latched underneath his to grasp onto his back.

Reaching down with one hand, he released the valve on the plug.

“I’m going to remove the plug now. I want you to take a deep breath and slowly push out as I remove it. It might sting a little.”

He heard her hiss slightly when he pulled the flared bottom past the ring of muscles at the opening of her passage. He reached over to the table beside the bed and grabbed to bottle of lube he’d placed there earlier. Looking into her eyes, he squeezed more lubricant directly into her ass. His fingers easily slid into her stretched opening as he spread the cool lube around and deep into her body. He looked intently at the hole, checking for any tears from SHIELD’S SUBMISSIVE

Trina Lane


being stretched all night long. After careful inspection, he sat back on his haunches and wrapped his lubricated hand around his cock then stroked up and down.

She stared at his every move. Her tongue swept across her lips.

“Whose ass is this, baby?”

“Your ass, Sir.”

“Put your legs over my shoulders.”

His deep voice reached through the sensual fog in her brain like a beacon of light guiding ships in the darkness. Doing as he commanded, she tilted her hips up. He nudged his head into her stretched and lubed hole. Steadily, inch by inch, he moved forward. Her body hummed in satisfaction, and she realised how good that cock felt entering her. It stretched her as he inched in. It felt like the long column of flesh was reaching for the very depths of her body. The minimal burn created a new sensation that only added to the pleasure careening though her body. She heard little noises and realised they came from her.

When he was fully seated inside her, she released a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. He stayed there a moment while her body fully adjusted. He braced on his hands, arms extended so he was levered over the top of her, then he began a slow rhythm in and out. Her body was so relaxed from all the evening’s activities she didn’t even think to tense up.

He’s doing it! He’s fucking my ass! It feels

He was being careful, moving at a slow and steady pace, and suddenly, all she wanted was for him to move. She tried to push into him, willing to beg, plead, whatever, but he put a hand on her hip to hold her still, controlling every movement deliberately and even methodically.

Mark slowly pulled back, watching himself glide out of her little, virgin hole. Nobody had seen her like this. No man had felt this fire around his cock. No man ever would. Her ass was his alone. The possessive thought caught him by surprise, but as he felt the weight of it settle in his soul, he knew it to be true. Erica was his. There was no going back. His woman, his sub, was beneath him, willingly surrendering to this most intimate act.


Trina Lane


The roaring in his ears dimmed, and he heard her cries, begging him to fuck her ass harder, deeper. He gradually gave her what she wanted, steadily increasing the power and speed of his thrusts. The burning cavity squeezed down on him, the sensation rocking through him, making him grimace in the effort to hold back. He knew his control was degenerating.

Erica began to claw at his arms, her back and neck arched. Her breathing was rapid and heavy.

He reached down and drove two fingers up her pussy and pushed his thumb onto her clit, and she shattered into orgasm. He continued to pound away at her clenching ass, but he still wanted more. He knew she would be sore tomorrow, but he just couldn’t stop. As she climaxed again, this time harder, he heard her scream reverberate in the room.

His body arched into her and exploded. He saw red and blue and green lights behind his eyes as his seed ripped from his very depths. Tiredly, he collapsed onto her. They both panted as their sweaty bodies vibrated with aftershocks. As a quiet peace he’d never before experienced settled over him, he thought this had to be nirvana.

Gingerly, he pulled out of her. He lowered her legs off his shoulders and pulled her limp body into his embrace. Smoothing the hair off her brow, he kissed her forehead tenderly. Those cornflower eyes opened to regard him, sleepy and sated. Tilting his head for a better fit, he settled his lips over hers. He could tell she’d been biting the lower lip since it was puffed up. He ran his tongue across it to soothe any sting, slowly opening her to reach inside and mingle their tastes together and communicate without words the emotions he wasn’t ready to voice just yet.

Reluctantly, he pulled away.

“Wait here. I’ll ready a bath for us.”

He walked down the hall into the master bathroom then lit the candles that surrounded his garden tub. Turning the dials to achieve the right temperature, he dribbled fragrant oils into the tub. He left the faucet running and returned to the other room. He gathered her into his arms and carried her down the hallway. Her head lay on his shoulder, and she sighed contently as she curled into him. In the bathroom, he stepped into the tub with her and sank down into the steaming water.


Trina Lane


The water continued to fall from the opening at the other end like a waterfall. He loved this tub. Call him girly, but there was nothing like soaking in a hot bath at the end of long day, having jets pulse against tense muscles and relax away the stress. Propping Erica in front of him, he gently pulled her hair up over his shoulder and out of the water. His cheek rested on the top of her head, and his arms were wrapped around her firmly. His legs stretched out beside her down the length of the tub. He turned off the water with his toes and activated the jets, letting the bubbles surround their bodies like hundreds of little massaging fingers. Other than that soft noise, silence filled the candlelit and oil infused room.

After about fifteen minutes, Mark tenderly washed her, placing little kisses on her neck and shoulders, smoothing his hands up and down her arms and legs. When she thought her legs could once again support her weight, he had her stand so he could clean her below. She was tender and sore between her legs and rear, but using the softest of cloths, he wiped using antibacterial soap then rinsed away the soap using a hand-held spigot.

When they were both clean, he stood and exited the ginormous tub. He helped her over the side then wrapped her in a soft, heated bath sheet. Once again picking her up in his arms, he carried her into the master bedroom and laid her in the centre of the bed. After setting the alarm clock, he crawled in beside her and gathered her into his arms.

As she collapsed into a deep sleep, she realised tonight’s actions had irrevocably changed her life. Now she had to determine just what that meant for the future. But that could wait. For the moment, she was warm, sated, and secure in the arms of her lover.


Trina Lane


Chapter Ten

Erica sat at her desk, her mind a million miles away from the proposal awaiting her final approval. In fact, her mind currently flashed images and sensations from the previous night. Of how Mark had made her body sing with pleasure, how his domination over her made her feel free, in complete juxtaposition with what one would anticipate from such an experience. She’d placed her trust in him that he would never put her in harm’s way. She’d placed her faith in him that he would know exactly what her body needed and when. She didn’t have to tell him just a little more here or there, harder or softer, deeper or shallower.

He’d been able to read her needs like no other. It had been the first time she’d had anal sex, and what one would normally perceive as something to be wary of, he made into an experience like no other, at once exciting, fulfilling, and mind-bending pleasurable.

Her cell phone vibrated against her desktop and she looked down to see a text message from him.

Look in your bottom, left desk drawer…

Opening the drawer, she saw a small gift bag next to her purse. Another buzz against her desk turned her attention.

Take out the bag and look inside, but do not remove the item…

Following the instructions, she saw a black velvet bag. The impressions in the fabric resembled that of two globes.

Slide into your desk, pull your panties away and slide the balls up inside you. Make sure they’re
seated securely. You will leave them in the rest of the day. Work your vaginal muscles to stimulate


Trina Lane


She knew that ordering her to insert the balls here at her desk, where anyone could walk in, was a test—a test to see if she would follow his directions without question. Looking deeper into the bag, she noticed a single-use packet of lubricant. The package said it would warm to the touch and provide a tingling sensation.

Taking a deep breath, she removed and lubricated the glass Ben Wa balls then slipped first one then the other deep inside her. Closing her eyes was risky but not to be helped as she felt the first pressure of the balls and stimulations from the specialised lubricant. When the second ball was inserted and the muscles of her vagina had clasped tightly around it, she resituated her panties and skirt.

Opening her eyes, she saw Mark engaged in conversation just a few feet from her office door with a project manager. He’d angled his body so he could see into her office suite but the co-worker could not, thereby protecting her as she did as instructed. He excused himself from the conversation and stood inside her office door. When their gazes met, she saw fire flash in his crystal-green depths.

She stood as Mark closed and locked the office door. Walking around the front of her desk, she was very aware of the balls inside her and the necessity of using her muscles to maintain their position. Her channel became increasingly wet from the combined stimulations. She felt a pull deep in her womb, and her nipples ached, begging for a touch.

Reaching the front of her desk, she leaned back and supported herself, taking deep breaths and closing her eyes to the sensations ripping through her body.

Heat emanated off Mark’s body as he stalked across the room to stand in front of her.

She felt him bracket his arms on either side of her hips on the desk. He leaned down just a hair’s breath from her lips but not touching. His breath mingled with her soft pants.

“You can feel them deep inside you, can’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You can feel the stretch of the glass and the ripple of your muscles as you clutch them.

You can feel the tingle and heat of the gel. You want to let go, and at the same time, will give anything for them to stay.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I can see your nipples are hard. The velvety tips beg for a touch, a pinch, the pull of my teeth or the rasp of my tongue.”


Trina Lane


“Yes, Sir.”

“You will keep the balls in place until I say. You will go about your day, and no one will be any wiser to the slow ache building in your body. You will not touch yourself. You will not touch me. No accidental brushes, no lingering fingers when we hand something off.

Only when we get home will we give in to our desires. I’m so hard right now thinking about how those balls must feel all snug inside your hot, wet pussy, the softest tissue clasping around them, small ripples of muscles massaging up and down their width.”

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